Exemplo n.º 1
func New(kubeClient clientset.Interface, resyncPeriod controller.ResyncPeriodFunc, threshold int) *GCController {
	gcc := &GCController{
		kubeClient: kubeClient,
		threshold:  threshold,
		deletePod: func(namespace, name string) error {
			return kubeClient.Legacy().Pods(namespace).Delete(name, api.NewDeleteOptions(0))

	terminatedSelector := fields.ParseSelectorOrDie("status.phase!=" + string(api.PodPending) + ",status.phase!=" + string(api.PodRunning) + ",status.phase!=" + string(api.PodUnknown))

	gcc.podStore.Store, gcc.podStoreSyncer = framework.NewInformer(
			ListFunc: func(options api.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error) {
				options.FieldSelector = terminatedSelector
				return gcc.kubeClient.Legacy().Pods(api.NamespaceAll).List(options)
			WatchFunc: func(options api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
				options.FieldSelector = terminatedSelector
				return gcc.kubeClient.Legacy().Pods(api.NamespaceAll).Watch(options)
	return gcc
Exemplo n.º 2
func New(kubeClient clientset.Interface, resyncPeriod controller.ResyncPeriodFunc, threshold int) *GCController {
	if kubeClient != nil && kubeClient.Core().GetRESTClient().GetRateLimiter() != nil {
		metrics.RegisterMetricAndTrackRateLimiterUsage("gc_controller", kubeClient.Core().GetRESTClient().GetRateLimiter())
	gcc := &GCController{
		kubeClient: kubeClient,
		threshold:  threshold,
		deletePod: func(namespace, name string) error {
			return kubeClient.Core().Pods(namespace).Delete(name, api.NewDeleteOptions(0))

	terminatedSelector := fields.ParseSelectorOrDie("status.phase!=" + string(api.PodPending) + ",status.phase!=" + string(api.PodRunning) + ",status.phase!=" + string(api.PodUnknown))

	gcc.podStore.Indexer, gcc.podStoreSyncer = framework.NewIndexerInformer(
			ListFunc: func(options api.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error) {
				options.FieldSelector = terminatedSelector
				return gcc.kubeClient.Core().Pods(api.NamespaceAll).List(options)
			WatchFunc: func(options api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
				options.FieldSelector = terminatedSelector
				return gcc.kubeClient.Core().Pods(api.NamespaceAll).Watch(options)
		// We don't need to build a index for podStore here actually, but build one for consistency.
		// It will ensure that if people start making use of the podStore in more specific ways,
		// they'll get the benefits they expect. It will also reserve the name for future refactorings.
		cache.Indexers{cache.NamespaceIndex: cache.MetaNamespaceIndexFunc},
	return gcc
Exemplo n.º 3
func TestMatchPod(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		in            *api.Pod
		fieldSelector fields.Selector
		expectMatch   bool
			in: &api.Pod{
				Spec: api.PodSpec{NodeName: "nodeA"},
			fieldSelector: fields.ParseSelectorOrDie("spec.nodeName=nodeA"),
			expectMatch:   true,
			in: &api.Pod{
				Spec: api.PodSpec{NodeName: "nodeB"},
			fieldSelector: fields.ParseSelectorOrDie("spec.nodeName=nodeA"),
			expectMatch:   false,
			in: &api.Pod{
				Spec: api.PodSpec{RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways},
			fieldSelector: fields.ParseSelectorOrDie("spec.restartPolicy=Always"),
			expectMatch:   true,
			in: &api.Pod{
				Spec: api.PodSpec{RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways},
			fieldSelector: fields.ParseSelectorOrDie("spec.restartPolicy=Never"),
			expectMatch:   false,
			in: &api.Pod{
				Status: api.PodStatus{Phase: api.PodRunning},
			fieldSelector: fields.ParseSelectorOrDie("status.phase=Running"),
			expectMatch:   true,
			in: &api.Pod{
				Status: api.PodStatus{Phase: api.PodRunning},
			fieldSelector: fields.ParseSelectorOrDie("status.phase=Pending"),
			expectMatch:   false,
	for _, testCase := range testCases {
		m := MatchPod(labels.Everything(), testCase.fieldSelector)
		result, err := m.Matches(testCase.in)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("Unexpected error %v", err)
		if result != testCase.expectMatch {
			t.Errorf("Result %v, Expected %v, Selector: %v, Pod: %v", result, testCase.expectMatch, testCase.fieldSelector.String(), testCase.in)
Exemplo n.º 4
// NewUnscheduledPodLister returns a lister providing pods that failed to be scheduled.
func NewUnscheduledPodLister(kubeClient *kube_client.Client) *UnscheduledPodLister {
	// watch unscheduled pods
	selector := fields.ParseSelectorOrDie("spec.nodeName==" + "" + ",status.phase!=" +
		string(kube_api.PodSucceeded) + ",status.phase!=" + string(kube_api.PodFailed))
	podListWatch := cache.NewListWatchFromClient(kubeClient, "pods", kube_api.NamespaceAll, selector)
	podLister := &cache.StoreToPodLister{Store: cache.NewStore(cache.MetaNamespaceKeyFunc)}
	podReflector := cache.NewReflector(podListWatch, &kube_api.Pod{}, podLister.Store, time.Hour)

	return &UnscheduledPodLister{
		podLister: podLister,
Exemplo n.º 5
// NewUnschedulablePodLister returns a lister providing pods that failed to be scheduled.
func NewUnschedulablePodLister(kubeClient *kube_client.Client, namespace string) *UnschedulablePodLister {
	// watch unscheduled pods
	selector := fields.ParseSelectorOrDie("spec.nodeName==" + "" + ",status.phase!=" +
		string(kube_api.PodSucceeded) + ",status.phase!=" + string(kube_api.PodFailed))
	podListWatch := cache.NewListWatchFromClient(kubeClient, "pods", namespace, selector)
	store := cache.NewIndexer(cache.MetaNamespaceKeyFunc, cache.Indexers{cache.NamespaceIndex: cache.MetaNamespaceIndexFunc})
	podLister := &cache.StoreToPodLister{store}
	podReflector := cache.NewReflector(podListWatch, &kube_api.Pod{}, store, time.Hour)

	return &UnschedulablePodLister{
		podLister: podLister,
Exemplo n.º 6
// NewScheduledPodLister builds ScheduledPodLister
func NewScheduledPodLister(kubeClient client.Interface) *ScheduledPodLister {
	// watch unscheduled pods
	selector := fields.ParseSelectorOrDie("spec.nodeName!=" + "" + ",status.phase!=" +
		string(apiv1.PodSucceeded) + ",status.phase!=" + string(apiv1.PodFailed))
	podListWatch := cache.NewListWatchFromClient(kubeClient.Core().RESTClient(), "pods", apiv1.NamespaceAll, selector)
	store := cache.NewIndexer(cache.MetaNamespaceKeyFunc, cache.Indexers{cache.NamespaceIndex: cache.MetaNamespaceIndexFunc})
	podLister := &cache.StoreToPodLister{store}
	podReflector := cache.NewReflector(podListWatch, &apiv1.Pod{}, store, time.Hour)

	return &ScheduledPodLister{
		podLister: podLister,
Exemplo n.º 7
func TestGetToList(t *testing.T) {
	ctx, store, cluster := testSetup(t)
	defer cluster.Terminate(t)
	key, storedObj := testPropogateStore(t, store, ctx, &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo"}})

	tests := []struct {
		key         string
		pred        storage.SelectionPredicate
		expectedOut []*api.Pod
	}{{ // test GetToList on existing key
		key:         key,
		pred:        storage.Everything,
		expectedOut: []*api.Pod{storedObj},
	}, { // test GetToList on non-existing key
		key:         "/non-existing",
		pred:        storage.Everything,
		expectedOut: nil,
	}, { // test GetToList with matching pod name
		key: "/non-existing",
		pred: storage.SelectionPredicate{
			Label: labels.Everything(),
			Field: fields.ParseSelectorOrDie("metadata.name!=" + storedObj.Name),
			GetAttrs: func(obj runtime.Object) (labels.Set, fields.Set, error) {
				pod := obj.(*api.Pod)
				return nil, fields.Set{"metadata.name": pod.Name}, nil
		expectedOut: nil,

	for i, tt := range tests {
		out := &api.PodList{}
		err := store.GetToList(ctx, tt.key, tt.pred, out)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("GetToList failed: %v", err)
		if len(out.Items) != len(tt.expectedOut) {
			t.Errorf("#%d: length of list want=%d, get=%d", i, len(tt.expectedOut), len(out.Items))
		for j, wantPod := range tt.expectedOut {
			getPod := &out.Items[j]
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(wantPod, getPod) {
				t.Errorf("#%d: pod want=%#v, get=%#v", i, wantPod, getPod)
Exemplo n.º 8
// Returns a cache.ListWatch that gets all changes to services.
func (factory *ConfigFactory) createServiceLW() *cache.ListWatch {
	return cache.NewListWatchFromClient(factory.Client, "services", api.NamespaceAll, fields.ParseSelectorOrDie(""))
Exemplo n.º 9
// createPersistentVolumeClaimLW returns a cache.ListWatch that gets all changes to persistentVolumeClaims.
func (factory *ConfigFactory) createPersistentVolumeClaimLW() *cache.ListWatch {
	return cache.NewListWatchFromClient(factory.Client, "persistentVolumeClaims", api.NamespaceAll, fields.ParseSelectorOrDie(""))
Exemplo n.º 10
// Returns a cache.ListWatch that finds all pods that are
// already scheduled.
// TODO: return a ListerWatcher interface instead?
func (factory *ConfigFactory) createAssignedNonTerminatedPodLW() *cache.ListWatch {
	selector := fields.ParseSelectorOrDie("spec.nodeName!=" + "" + ",status.phase!=" + string(api.PodSucceeded) + ",status.phase!=" + string(api.PodFailed))
	return cache.NewListWatchFromClient(factory.Client, "pods", api.NamespaceAll, selector)
Exemplo n.º 11
// It tests that
// - first occurrence of objects should notify Add event
// - update should trigger Modified event
// - update that gets filtered should trigger Deleted event
func testWatch(t *testing.T, recursive bool) {
	ctx, store, cluster := testSetup(t)
	defer cluster.Terminate(t)
	podFoo := &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo"}}
	podBar := &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "bar"}}

	tests := []struct {
		key        string
		pred       storage.SelectionPredicate
		watchTests []*testWatchStruct
	}{{ // create a key
		key:        "/somekey-1",
		watchTests: []*testWatchStruct{{podFoo, true, watch.Added}},
		pred:       storage.Everything,
	}, { // create a key but obj gets filtered. Then update it with unfiltered obj
		key:        "/somekey-3",
		watchTests: []*testWatchStruct{{podFoo, false, ""}, {podBar, true, watch.Added}},
		pred: storage.SelectionPredicate{
			Label: labels.Everything(),
			Field: fields.ParseSelectorOrDie("metadata.name=bar"),
			GetAttrs: func(obj runtime.Object) (labels.Set, fields.Set, error) {
				pod := obj.(*api.Pod)
				return nil, fields.Set{"metadata.name": pod.Name}, nil
	}, { // update
		key:        "/somekey-4",
		watchTests: []*testWatchStruct{{podFoo, true, watch.Added}, {podBar, true, watch.Modified}},
		pred:       storage.Everything,
	}, { // delete because of being filtered
		key:        "/somekey-5",
		watchTests: []*testWatchStruct{{podFoo, true, watch.Added}, {podBar, true, watch.Deleted}},
		pred: storage.SelectionPredicate{
			Label: labels.Everything(),
			Field: fields.ParseSelectorOrDie("metadata.name!=bar"),
			GetAttrs: func(obj runtime.Object) (labels.Set, fields.Set, error) {
				pod := obj.(*api.Pod)
				return nil, fields.Set{"metadata.name": pod.Name}, nil
	for i, tt := range tests {
		w, err := store.watch(ctx, tt.key, "0", tt.pred, recursive)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Watch failed: %v", err)
		var prevObj *api.Pod
		for _, watchTest := range tt.watchTests {
			out := &api.Pod{}
			key := tt.key
			if recursive {
				key = key + "/item"
			err := store.GuaranteedUpdate(ctx, key, out, true, nil, storage.SimpleUpdate(
				func(runtime.Object) (runtime.Object, error) {
					return watchTest.obj, nil
			if err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("GuaranteedUpdate failed: %v", err)
			if watchTest.expectEvent {
				expectObj := out
				if watchTest.watchType == watch.Deleted {
					expectObj = prevObj
					expectObj.ResourceVersion = out.ResourceVersion
				testCheckResult(t, i, watchTest.watchType, w, expectObj)
			prevObj = out
		testCheckStop(t, i, w)
Exemplo n.º 12
// Returns a cache.ListWatch that finds all pods that are
// already scheduled.
// TODO: return a ListerWatcher interface instead?
func (factory *ConfigFactory) createAssignedPodLW() *cache.ListWatch {
	return cache.NewListWatchFromClient(factory.Client, "pods", api.NamespaceAll,
Exemplo n.º 13
// createPersistentVolumeLW returns a cache.ListWatch that gets all changes to persistentVolumes.
func (factory *ConfigFactory) createPersistentVolumeLW() *cache.ListWatch {
	return cache.NewListWatchFromClient(factory.Client.Core().RESTClient(), "persistentVolumes", v1.NamespaceAll, fields.ParseSelectorOrDie(""))
Exemplo n.º 14
// createNodeLW returns a cache.ListWatch that gets all changes to nodes.
func (factory *ConfigFactory) createNodeLW() *cache.ListWatch {
	// all nodes are considered to ensure that the scheduler cache has access to all nodes for lookups
	// the NodeCondition is used to filter out the nodes that are not ready or unschedulable
	// the filtered list is used as the super set of nodes to consider for scheduling
	return cache.NewListWatchFromClient(factory.Client.Core().RESTClient(), "nodes", v1.NamespaceAll, fields.ParseSelectorOrDie(""))
Exemplo n.º 15
// Returns a cache.ListWatch that gets all changes to controllers.
func (factory *ConfigFactory) createControllerLW() *cache.ListWatch {
	return cache.NewListWatchFromClient(factory.Client, "replicationControllers", api.NamespaceAll, fields.ParseSelectorOrDie(""))
Exemplo n.º 16
// Returns a cache.ListWatch that gets all changes to replicasets.
func (factory *ConfigFactory) createReplicaSetLW() *cache.ListWatch {
	return cache.NewListWatchFromClient(factory.Client.ExtensionsClient, "replicasets", api.NamespaceAll, fields.ParseSelectorOrDie(""))
Exemplo n.º 17
func TestList(t *testing.T) {
	cluster := integration.NewClusterV3(t, &integration.ClusterConfig{Size: 1})
	defer cluster.Terminate(t)
	store := newStore(cluster.RandClient(), testapi.Default.Codec(), "")
	ctx := context.Background()

	// Setup storage with the following structure:
	//  /
	//   - one-level/
	//  |            - test
	//  |
	//   - two-level/
	//               - 1/
	//              |   - test
	//              |
	//               - 2/
	//                  - test
	preset := []struct {
		key       string
		obj       *api.Pod
		storedObj *api.Pod
		key: "/one-level/test",
		obj: &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo"}},
	}, {
		key: "/two-level/1/test",
		obj: &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo"}},
	}, {
		key: "/two-level/2/test",
		obj: &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "bar"}},

	for i, ps := range preset {
		preset[i].storedObj = &api.Pod{}
		err := store.Create(ctx, ps.key, ps.obj, preset[i].storedObj, 0)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Set failed: %v", err)

	tests := []struct {
		prefix      string
		pred        storage.SelectionPredicate
		expectedOut []*api.Pod
	}{{ // test List on existing key
		prefix:      "/one-level/",
		pred:        storage.Everything,
		expectedOut: []*api.Pod{preset[0].storedObj},
	}, { // test List on non-existing key
		prefix:      "/non-existing/",
		pred:        storage.Everything,
		expectedOut: nil,
	}, { // test List with pod name matching
		prefix: "/one-level/",
		pred: storage.SelectionPredicate{
			Label: labels.Everything(),
			Field: fields.ParseSelectorOrDie("metadata.name!=" + preset[0].storedObj.Name),
			GetAttrs: func(obj runtime.Object) (labels.Set, fields.Set, error) {
				pod := obj.(*api.Pod)
				return nil, fields.Set{"metadata.name": pod.Name}, nil
		expectedOut: nil,
	}, { // test List with multiple levels of directories and expect flattened result
		prefix:      "/two-level/",
		pred:        storage.Everything,
		expectedOut: []*api.Pod{preset[1].storedObj, preset[2].storedObj},

	for i, tt := range tests {
		out := &api.PodList{}
		err := store.List(ctx, tt.prefix, "0", tt.pred, out)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("List failed: %v", err)
		if len(tt.expectedOut) != len(out.Items) {
			t.Errorf("#%d: length of list want=%d, get=%d", i, len(tt.expectedOut), len(out.Items))
		for j, wantPod := range tt.expectedOut {
			getPod := &out.Items[j]
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(wantPod, getPod) {
				t.Errorf("#%d: pod want=%#v, get=%#v", i, wantPod, getPod)