Exemplo n.º 1
// makeMounts determines the mount points for the given container.
func makeMounts(pod *api.Pod, podDir string, container *api.Container, hostName, hostDomain, podIP string, podVolumes kubecontainer.VolumeMap) ([]kubecontainer.Mount, error) {
	// Kubernetes only mounts on /etc/hosts if :
	// - container does not use hostNetwork and
	// - container is not an infrastructure(pause) container
	// - container is not already mounting on /etc/hosts
	// When the pause container is being created, its IP is still unknown. Hence, PodIP will not have been set.
	mountEtcHostsFile := (pod.Spec.SecurityContext == nil || !pod.Spec.SecurityContext.HostNetwork) && len(podIP) > 0
	glog.V(3).Infof("container: %v/%v/%v podIP: %q creating hosts mount: %v", pod.Namespace, pod.Name, container.Name, podIP, mountEtcHostsFile)
	mounts := []kubecontainer.Mount{}
	for _, mount := range container.VolumeMounts {
		mountEtcHostsFile = mountEtcHostsFile && (mount.MountPath != etcHostsPath)
		vol, ok := podVolumes[mount.Name]
		if !ok {
			glog.Warningf("Mount cannot be satisfied for container %q, because the volume is missing: %q", container.Name, mount)

		relabelVolume := false
		// If the volume supports SELinux and it has not been
		// relabeled already and it is not a read-only volume,
		// relabel it and mark it as labeled
		if vol.Mounter.GetAttributes().Managed && vol.Mounter.GetAttributes().SupportsSELinux && !vol.SELinuxLabeled {
			vol.SELinuxLabeled = true
			relabelVolume = true
		hostPath, err := volume.GetPath(vol.Mounter)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if mount.SubPath != "" {
			hostPath = filepath.Join(hostPath, mount.SubPath)
		mounts = append(mounts, kubecontainer.Mount{
			Name:           mount.Name,
			ContainerPath:  mount.MountPath,
			HostPath:       hostPath,
			ReadOnly:       mount.ReadOnly,
			SELinuxRelabel: relabelVolume,
	if mountEtcHostsFile {
		hostsMount, err := makeHostsMount(podDir, podIP, hostName, hostDomain)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		mounts = append(mounts, *hostsMount)
	return mounts, nil
// relabelVolumes relabels SELinux volumes to match the pod's
// SELinuxOptions specification. This is only needed if the pod uses
// hostPID or hostIPC. Otherwise relabeling is delegated to docker.
func (kl *Kubelet) relabelVolumes(pod *api.Pod, volumes kubecontainer.VolumeMap) error {
	if pod.Spec.SecurityContext.SELinuxOptions == nil {
		return nil

	rootDirContext, err := kl.getRootDirContext()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	selinuxRunner := selinux.NewSelinuxContextRunner()
	// Apply the pod's Level to the rootDirContext
	rootDirSELinuxOptions, err := securitycontext.ParseSELinuxOptions(rootDirContext)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	rootDirSELinuxOptions.Level = pod.Spec.SecurityContext.SELinuxOptions.Level
	volumeContext := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:%s:%s", rootDirSELinuxOptions.User, rootDirSELinuxOptions.Role, rootDirSELinuxOptions.Type, rootDirSELinuxOptions.Level)

	for _, vol := range volumes {
		if vol.Mounter.GetAttributes().Managed && vol.Mounter.GetAttributes().SupportsSELinux {
			// Relabel the volume and its content to match the 'Level' of the pod
			path, err := volume.GetPath(vol.Mounter)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			err = filepath.Walk(path, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
				if err != nil {
					return err
				return selinuxRunner.SetContext(path, volumeContext)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			vol.SELinuxLabeled = true
	return nil