Exemplo n.º 1
func idempotentRecordChapter(bid interface{}, chapter Chapter, col *mgo.Collection) interface{} {
	them := col.Find(bson.M{
		"position": chapter.Position,
		"book":     bid,
	cpt, e := them.Count()
	if e != nil {
	if cpt > 0 {
		ans := make(map[string]interface{})
		e = them.One(ans)
		if e != nil {
		return ans["_id"]
	e = col.Insert(bson.M{
		"position": chapter.Position,
		"book":     bid,
	if e != nil {
	return idempotentRecordChapter(bid, chapter, col)
Exemplo n.º 2
func AddUser(collection *mgo.Collection, name, username, password string) {
	// Index
	index := mgo.Index{
		Key:        []string{"username", "email"},
		Unique:     true,
		DropDups:   true,
		Background: true,
		Sparse:     true,

	err := collection.EnsureIndex(index)
	if err != nil {

	bcryptPassword, _ := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword(
		[]byte(password), bcrypt.DefaultCost)

	// Insert Dataz
	err = collection.Insert(&models.User{Name: name, Username: username, Password: bcryptPassword})

	if err != nil {
Exemplo n.º 3
func idempotentRecordBook(vid interface{}, book Book, col *mgo.Collection) interface{} {
	them := col.Find(bson.M{
		"name":    book.Name,
		"version": vid,
	cpt, e := them.Count()
	if e != nil {
	if cpt > 0 {
		ans := make(map[string]interface{})
		e = them.One(ans)
		if e != nil {
		return ans["_id"]
	e = col.Insert(bson.M{
		"name":     book.Name,
		"position": book.Position,
		"version":  vid,
	if e != nil {
	return idempotentRecordBook(vid, book, col)
Exemplo n.º 4
func addPost(database *mgo.Database, collection *mgo.Collection, title, subtitle, slug, category, body, image string) (post models.Post) {
	// Index
	index := mgo.Index{
		Key:        []string{"shortid", "timestamp", "title", "tags"},
		Unique:     true,
		DropDups:   true,
		Background: true,
		Sparse:     true,

	err := collection.EnsureIndex(index)
	if err != nil {

	// Insert Dataz
	err = collection.Insert(&models.Post{
		ShortID:   models.GetNextSequence(database),
		Title:     title,
		Category:  category,
		Slug:      slug,
		Subtitle:  subtitle,
		Body:      body,
		Timestamp: time.Now(),
		Published: false})

	if err != nil {

	result := models.Post{}
	collection.Find(bson.M{"title": title}).One(&result)
	return result
Exemplo n.º 5
func assertSequenceExists(collection *mgo.Collection) {
	c, _ := collection.Find(nil).Count()
	if c == 0 {
			Seq: 0})
Exemplo n.º 6
func insertFakeAssets(c *mgo.Collection) {
	assets := []Asset{
			SlotID:       1,
			AssetType:    2,
			DivisionCode: "Truzzardi",
			Environment:  "preview",
			SlotID:       1,
			AssetType:    2,
			DivisionCode: "Prada",
			Environment:  "preview",
			SlotID:       1,
			AssetType:    2,
			DivisionCode: "Truzzardi",
			Environment:  "production",
			SlotID:       1,
			AssetType:    2,
			DivisionCode: "VinDiesel",
			Environment:  "preview",
	for _, asset := range assets {
		err := c.Insert(asset)
		if err != nil {

Exemplo n.º 7
func (fs *BFS) copyDirectoryDocument(d *Directory, newprefix, oldprefix, newname string, c *mgo.Collection) error {
	// update parent path prefix with new prefix
	_parent_path := d.Header.Parent
	_parent_path = strings.Replace(_parent_path, oldprefix, newprefix, 1)

	// update header info
	uuid, err := makeUUID()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	nw := time.Now()
	dt := formatDatetime(&nw)
	id := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", uuid, dt)
	d.Header.Parent = _parent_path
	if newname != "" {
		err = fs.validateDirName(newname)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		d.Header.Name = newname
	d.Header.Created = dt
	d.Id = id
	// save to mongodb
	err = c.Insert(&d)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
Exemplo n.º 8
func AddAutoIncrementingField(c *mgo.Collection) {
	i, e := c.Find(bson.M{"_id": "users"}).Count()
	if e != nil {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("Could not Add Auto Incrementing Field! collection:%s err:%v\n", c.FullName, e))
	if i > 0 {
	c.Insert(bson.M{"_id": "users", "seq": uint32(0)})
Exemplo n.º 9
func bulkInsert(col *mgo.Collection) {
	msg := uuid.NewRandom().String()
	_len := 100
	bulk := make([]bson.M, _len)
	for i := 0; i < _len; i++ {
		bulk[i] = bson.M{"msg": msg, "counter": i}
	err := col.Insert(bulk)
	fmt.Print("Bulk Insert")
Exemplo n.º 10
func CreateUser(w http.ResponseWriter, rew *http.Request) {
	w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8")
	if rew.Method == "POST" {
		var Users *mgo.Collection = MongoDB.C("users")
		md5 := crypto.MD5.New()
		passwordhash := fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum(nil))
		err := Users.Insert(bson.M{"username": rew.FormValue("username"), "password": passwordhash})
		if err == nil {
			io.WriteString(w, "Success.")
		} else {
			io.WriteString(w, err.Error())
	} else if rew.Method == "GET" {
		Template(TemplateCreateUser).Execute(w, nil)
Exemplo n.º 11
func (fs *BFS) copyFileDocument(f *File, newprefix, oldprefix, newname string, c *mgo.Collection) error {
	// update parent path prefix with new prefix
	_parent_path := f.Header.Parent
	_parent_path = strings.Replace(_parent_path, oldprefix, newprefix, 1)

	// update header info
	uuid, err := makeUUID()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	nw := time.Now()
	dt := formatDatetime(&nw)
	id := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", uuid, dt)
	f.Header.Parent = _parent_path
	f.Header.Created = dt
	if newname != "" {
		err = fs.validateFileName(newname)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		f.Header.Name = newname
	f.Id = id

	// check if file has an attachment and copy if true
	_attch_path := f.AHeader.Filepointer
	if _attch_path != "" {
		_attch_dir := path.Dir(_attch_path)
		_new_attch_path := path.Join(_attch_dir, id)
		_, err = exec.Command("cp", _attch_path, _new_attch_path).Output()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		// set new attachment filepointer
		f.AHeader.Filepointer = _new_attch_path

	// save to mongodb
	err = c.Insert(&f)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
Exemplo n.º 12
// 开始导入文本小说内容
func TxtImport(story *mgo.Collection, book *mgo.Collection, sysFile *sysFile) {

	f, _ := os.OpenFile(sysFile.fName, os.O_RDONLY, 0666)
	defer f.Close()
	m := bufio.NewReader(f)
	// char := 0
	words := 0
	lines := 0
	for {
		s, ok := m.ReadString('\n')
		words = len(strings.Fields(s))
		if words > 0 {
			story.Insert(&Story{sysFile.fShortName, lines, s, words})

		if ok != nil {
	book.Insert(&Book{f.Name(), sysFile.fSize, sysFile.fMtime, lines})
Exemplo n.º 13
Arquivo: db.go Projeto: serash/YunYun
func SaveNewKotoba(user_id bson.ObjectId, word string, ll string, diff int, hatsuon string, h_ string,
	imi string, i_ string, c *mgo.Collection) (*MongoKotoba, error) {
	timenow := time.Now().Local()
	hours, _ := time.ParseDuration(DEFAULT_REVIEW_TIM)
	r := timenow.Add(hours)
	imis := SplitImi(imi)
	hatsuons := SplitHatsuon(hatsuon)
	labels := SplitLabels(ll)
	// add meanings
	newK := MongoKotoba{Id: bson.NewObjectId(),
		User_id:    user_id,
		Goi:        word,
		Hatsuons:   *hatsuons,
		Hatsuon_:   h_,
		Imis:       *imis,
		Imi_:       i_,
		Labels:     *labels,
		Level:      2,
		Review:     r,
		Difficulty: diff,
		Unlocked:   time.Now().Local()}
	return &newK, c.Insert(&newK)
Exemplo n.º 14
func idempotentRecordVersion(bible *Bible, col *mgo.Collection) interface{} {
	versions := col.Find(bson.M{
		"name": bible.Version,
	cpt, e := versions.Count()
	if e != nil {
	if cpt > 0 {
		ans := make(map[string]interface{})
		e = versions.One(ans)
		if e != nil {
		return ans["_id"]
	e = col.Insert(bson.M{
		"name": bible.Version,
	if e != nil {
	return idempotentRecordVersion(bible, col)
Exemplo n.º 15
func Insert(collection *mgo.Collection, i interface{}) bool {
	err := collection.Insert(i)
	return Err(err)
Exemplo n.º 16
// insertonedoc inserts one doc
func insertonedoc(c *mgo.Collection) error {
	//defer nmendtimer(starttimer())
	err := c.Insert(&Mongodoc{123456789, "CalvinandHobbes", 123456789, 123456789})
	return err
Exemplo n.º 17
// insertdoc inserts docs into mongo, called from insertworker
func insertdoc(c *mgo.Collection, i int) error {
	defer endtimer(starttimer(), i)
	err := c.Insert(&Mongodoc{i, "Facebook", random(), random()}, &Mongodoc{i, "Twitter", random(), random()}, &Mongodoc{i, "Instagram", random(), random()})
	return err
Exemplo n.º 18
func Create(col *mgo.Collection, s Sample) error {
	return col.Insert(s)
Exemplo n.º 19
Arquivo: account.go Projeto: rcijov/go
// Insert Account into Mongo
func insert(u Account, s *mgo.Collection) {
	err := s.Insert(&u)
	if err != nil {
Exemplo n.º 20
/* UDP Handlers */
func saveMessage(dbc *mgo.Collection, msg string) {
	err := dbc.Insert(prepareMessage(msg))
	if err != nil {
Exemplo n.º 21
// Run is the block's main loop. Here we listen on the different channels we set up.
func (b *ToMongoDB) Run() {
	var collectionname string
	var dbname string
	var collection *mgo.Collection
	var session *mgo.Session
	var host = ""
	var err error
	var batch = 0
	var count = 0
	var maxindex = 0
	var list []interface{}
	for {
		select {
		case msgI := <-b.inrule:
			// set host string for MongoDB server
			host, err = util.ParseRequiredString(msgI, "Host")
			if err != nil {
			// set database name
			dbname, err = util.ParseRequiredString(msgI, "Database")
			if err != nil {
			// set collection name
			collectionname, err = util.ParseRequiredString(msgI, "Collection")
			if err != nil {
			// set number of records to insert at a time
			batch, err = util.ParseInt(msgI, "BatchSize")
			if err != nil || batch < 0 {
				b.Error(errors.New("Error parsing batch size....setting to 0"))
				batch = 0
			} else {
				if batch > 1 {
					list = make([]interface{}, batch, batch)
					// set maxindex to 1 minus batch size
					// use maxindex for looping everywhere for consistency
					maxindex = batch - 1
			// create MongoDB connection
			session, err = mgo.Dial(host)
			if err != nil {
				// swallowing a panic from mgo here - streamtools must not die
				b.Error(errors.New("Could not initiate connection with MongoDB service"))
			// use the specified DB and collection
			collection = session.DB(dbname).C(collectionname)
		case <-b.quit:
			// close connection to MongoDB and quit
			if session != nil {
		case msg := <-b.in:
			// deal with inbound data
			if session != nil {
				// mgo is so cool - it will check if the message can be serialized to valid bson.
				// So, no need to do a json.Marshal on the inbound. just append to the list and
				// batch insert
				if maxindex >= 1 {
					if count <= maxindex {
						list[count] = msg
						count = count + 1
					if count == maxindex {
						// insert batch if count reaches batch size
						err = collection.Insert(list...)
						if err != nil {
						// reset list and count
						list = make([]interface{}, batch, batch)
						count = 0
				} else {
					// mgo coolness again. No need to do a json.Marshal on the inbound.
					err = collection.Insert(msg)
					if err != nil {
			} else {
				b.Error(errors.New("MongoDB connection not initated or lost. Please check your MongoDB server or block settings."))
		case respChan := <-b.queryrule:
			// deal with a query request
			respChan <- map[string]interface{}{
				"Collection": collectionname,
				"Database":   dbname,
				"Host":       host,
				"BatchSize":  batch,
Exemplo n.º 22
func (executor *OpsExecutor) ExecInsert(
	content Document, coll *mgo.Collection) error {
	return coll.Insert(content["o"])
Exemplo n.º 23
func main() {
	verbose := flag.Bool("v", false, "should every proxy request be logged to stdout")
	mongourl := flag.String("mongourl", "", "record request/response in mongodb")
	mock := flag.Bool("m", false, "send fake responses")
	addr := flag.String("l", ":8080", "on which address should the proxy listen")


	tmpdir := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "proxy-service")

	if _, err := os.Stat(tmpdir); err != nil {
		if os.IsNotExist(err) {
			// Create temp directory to store body response
			err = os.MkdirAll(tmpdir, 0777)

		// err should be nil if we just created the directory
		if err != nil {

	db := new(mgo.Database)
	c := new(mgo.Collection)
	h := new(mgo.Collection)
	rules := new(mgo.Collection)

	if len(*mongourl) != 0 {
		// Mongo DB connection
		session, err := mgo.Dial(*mongourl)
		if err != nil {
		defer session.Close()

		// Optional. Switch the session to a monotonic behavior.
		session.SetMode(mgo.Monotonic, true)

		db = session.DB("proxyservice")
		c = db.C("log_logentry")
		h = db.C("log_hostrewrite")
		rules = db.C("log_rules")
	} else {
		db = nil
		c = nil
		h = nil
		rules = nil

	uuid.SwitchFormat(uuid.CleanHyphen, false)
	proxy := goproxy.NewProxyHttpServer()
	proxy.Verbose = *verbose


	proxy.OnRequest().DoFunc(func(req *http.Request, ctx *goproxy.ProxyCtx) (*http.Request, *http.Response) {
		origin := ipAddrFromRemoteAddr(ctx.Req.RemoteAddr)
		ctx.Logf("Origin: %s", origin)
		/*ctx.RoundTripper = goproxy.RoundTripperFunc(func (req *http.Request, ctx *goproxy.ProxyCtx) (resp *http.Response, err error) {
			//data := transport.RoundTripDetails{}
			data, resp, err := tr.DetailedRoundTrip(req)
			//log.Printf("%+v", data)

		rewrite := Rewrite{}
		if h != nil && h.Database != nil {
			err := h.Find(bson.M{"host": req.Host, "active": true}).One(&rewrite)
			if err == nil {
				req.URL.Scheme = rewrite.DProtocol
				req.URL.Host = rewrite.DHost
				req.Host = rewrite.DHost
				ctx.Logf("Rewrite: %+v, URL: %+v", rewrite, req.URL)

		//log.Printf("%+v", getHost(req.RemoteAddr))
		/*if ctx.UserData != nil {
			from = ctx.UserData.(*transport.RoundTripDetails).TCPAddr.String()

		//log.Printf("Request: %s %s %s", req.Method, req.Host, req.RequestURI)

		//host := req.Host
		// Request to domain--name-co-uk.mocky.dev
		// will be forwarded to domain-name.co.uk
		/*if strings.Contains(host, ".mocky.dev") {
			host = strings.Replace(host, ".mocky.dev", "", 1)
			host = strings.Replace(host, "-", ".", -1)
			host = strings.Replace(host, "..", "-", -1)
		} else if strings.Contains(host, ".proxy.dev") {
			host = strings.Replace(host, ".proxy.dev", "", 1)
			host = strings.Replace(host, "-", ".", -1)
			host = strings.Replace(host, "..", "-", -1)

		/*r, _ := regexp.Compile(".([0-9]+)$")
		// Check if host is hostname.80 (host with port number)
		res := r.FindStringSubmatch(host)
		if res != nil && len(res[1]) != 0 {
			host = strings.Replace(host, strings.Join([]string{".", res[1]}, ""), "", 1)
			host = strings.Join([]string{host, res[1]}, ":")
			log.Printf("Changing host to %v", host);

		//log.Printf("Target Host: %s - Headers: %+v", host, req.Header)
		//req.Host = host

		//log.Printf("%+v", req)

		var reqbody []byte

		var bodyreader io.Reader
		if rules != nil && rules.Database != nil && *mock && req.Method != "CONNECT" {
			//reqbody := string(body[:])
			//log.Printf("request body: %s", reqbody)
			rule := Rule{}
			//ctx.Logf("Looking for existing request")
			/*fmt.Println("RequestURI:", req.RequestURI)
			  fmt.Println("Path:", req.URL.Path)
			  fmt.Println("Host:", req.Host)
			  fmt.Println("Method:", req.Method)*/
			b := bson.M{"$and": []bson.M{
				bson.M{"active": true},
				//bson.M{"dynamic": false},
				bson.M{"origin": bson.M{"$in": []interface{}{origin, false}}},
				bson.M{"host": bson.M{"$in": []interface{}{req.Host, false}}},
				bson.M{"method": bson.M{"$in": []interface{}{req.Method, false}}},
				bson.M{"path": bson.M{"$in": []interface{}{req.URL.Path, false}}},
				bson.M{"query": bson.M{"$in": []interface{}{req.URL.Query().Encode(), false}}},

			//b := bson.M{"active": true, "dynamic": false, "host": req.Host, "method": req.Method, "path": req.URL.Path, "query": req.URL.Query().Encode()}
			ctx.Logf("Looking for a rule: %+v", b)
			err := rules.Find(b).Sort("dynamic").One(&rule)
			//log.Printf("Query: %+v, Res: %+v", b, rule)
			if err == nil {
				ctx.Logf("Found rule: %+v", rule)
				status, err := strconv.Atoi(rule.Status)
				if rule.Dynamic && c != nil && c.Database != nil {
					result := Content{}
					reqQuery := bson.M{"$and": []bson.M{
						/*bson.M{"origin": bson.M{"$in": []interface{}{origin, false}},
						bson.M{"request.host": bson.M{"$in": []interface{}{req.Host}}},
						bson.M{"request.method": bson.M{"$in": []interface{}{req.Method}}},
						bson.M{"request.path": bson.M{"$in": []interface{}{req.URL.Path}}},
						bson.M{"response.status": bson.M{"$in": []interface{}{status}}},
						/*bson.M{"query": bson.M{"$in": []interface{}{req.URL.Query().Encode()}},
					ctx.Logf("Query %+v", reqQuery)
					//reqQuery := bson.M{"request.host": rule.Host, "request.method": rule.Method, "response.status": status, "request.path": rule.Path}
					err = c.Find(reqQuery).Sort("-date").One(&result)
					if err == nil && db != nil {
						ctx.Logf("Found a dynamic rule matching, returning it: %+v", result)
						respId := result.Response.FileId
						//reqfile, _ := getMongoFileContent(ctx, *db, result.Request.FileId)
						respfile, err := getMongoFileContent(ctx, *db, respId)
						if respfile != nil && err == nil {
							//reqbody := ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBufferString(rule.ReqBody))
							//respbody := ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBufferString(rule.Body))
							ctx.Logf("Header: %+v", result.Response.Headers)

							resp := NewResponse(req, result.Response.Headers, status, respfile)
							ctx.UserData = ContextUserData{Store: true, Time: 0, Body: req.Body, Header: req.Header, Origin: origin}
							return req, resp
						} else {
							ctx.Logf("Couldn't retrieve the response body: %+v", err)
					} else {
						ctx.Logf("Couldn't find a dynamic response matching: %+v", err)
				} else {
					reqbody := ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBufferString(rule.ReqBody))
					respbody := ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBufferString(rule.Body))
					ctx.Logf("Found a static rule matching, returning it: %+v", rule)
					resp := NewResponse(req, rule.RespHeader, status, respbody)
					ctx.Delay = rule.Delay
					ctx.UserData = ContextUserData{Store: true, Time: 0, Body: reqbody, Header: req.Header, Origin: origin}
					return req, resp
				/*result := Content{}
				  err = c.Find(bson.M{"_id": bson.ObjectIdHex(rule.Response)}).One(&result)*/
				//err := c.Find(bson.M{"request.host": req.Host, "request.method": req.Method, "response.status": 200, "request.path": req.URL.Path}).Sort("-date").One(&result)
				if err == nil {
					//log.Printf("Found %+v", result)
					//respbody := result.Response.Body
					/*file, err := getMongoFileContent(*db, result.Response.FileId)
					    if err == nil {
						resp := NewResponse(req, result.Response.Headers.Get("Content-Type"), result.Response.Status, file)
						ctx.UserData = ContextUserData{Store: false, Time: 0, Header: result.Request.Headers, Origin: origin}
						return req, resp
					//ctx.Logf("Found one")
					/*fmt.Println("Path:", result.Request.Path)
					  //fmt.Println("Body:", result.Request.Body)
					  fmt.Println("Method:", result.Request.Method)
					  fmt.Println("Host:", result.Request.Host)
					  fmt.Println("Time:", result.Request.Time)
					  fmt.Println("Date:", result.Request.Date)
					  fmt.Println("Headers:", result.Request.Headers)

					  //fmt.Println("Body:", result.Response.Body)
					  fmt.Println("Status:", result.Response.Status)
					  fmt.Println("Headers:", result.Response.Headers)*/

					//resp := goproxy.NewResponse(req, result.Response.Headers.Get("Content-Type"), result.Response.Status, result.Response.Body)
					//ctx.UserData = ContextUserData{Store: false, Time: 0}
					//return req, resp

			// read the whole body
			reqbody, err = ioutil.ReadAll(req.Body)
			if err != nil {
				ctx.Warnf("Cannot read request body %s", err)

			defer req.Body.Close()
			req.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(reqbody))

			bodyreader = bytes.NewReader(reqbody)

		} else {
			bodyreader = req.Body

		ctx.UserData = ContextUserData{Store: true, Time: time.Now().UnixNano(), Body: bodyreader, Header: req.Header, Origin: origin}
		return req, nil

	proxy.OnResponse().DoFunc(func(resp *http.Response, ctx *goproxy.ProxyCtx) *http.Response {
		//ctx.Logf("Method: %s - host: %s", ctx.Resp.Request.Method, ctx.Resp.Request.Host)
		if c != nil && c.Database != nil && ctx.UserData != nil && ctx.UserData.(ContextUserData).Store && ctx.Resp.Request.Method != "CONNECT" && db != nil {
			// get response content type
			respctype := getContentType(ctx.Resp.Header.Get("Content-Type"))

			//log.Printf("Resp Contenttype %s", respctype)

			respid := bson.NewObjectId()
			//log.Printf("Resp id: %s, host: %s", respid.Hex(), ctx.Resp.Request.Host)

			filename := filepath.Join(tmpdir, respid.Hex())

			//log.Printf("Duplicating Body file id: %s", respid.String())
			fs := NewFileStream(filename, *db, respctype, respid, ctx)

			reqctype := getContentType(ctx.Resp.Request.Header.Get("Content-Type"))

			//log.Printf("Req Contenttype %s", reqctype)

			if reqctype == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" {
				//log.Printf("setting req content type to text/plain for saving to mongo")
				reqctype = "text/plain"

			reqid := bson.NewObjectId()
			//log.Printf("Req id: %s, host: %s", reqid.Hex(), ctx.Resp.Request.Host)

			saveFileToMongo(*db, reqid, reqctype, ctx.UserData.(ContextUserData).Body, reqid.Hex(), ctx)

			// prepare document
			content := Content{
				//Id: docid,
				Request: Request{
					Origin:  ctx.UserData.(ContextUserData).Origin,
					Path:    ctx.Resp.Request.URL.Path,
					Query:   ctx.Resp.Request.URL.Query().Encode(),
					FileId:  reqid,
					Url:     ctx.Resp.Request.URL.String(),
					Scheme:  ctx.Resp.Request.URL.Scheme,
					Host:    ctx.Resp.Request.Host,
					Method:  ctx.Resp.Request.Method,
					Time:    float32(time.Now().UnixNano()-ctx.UserData.(ContextUserData).Time) / 1.0e9,
					Headers: ctx.UserData.(ContextUserData).Header},
				Response: Response{
					Status:  ctx.Resp.StatusCode,
					Headers: ctx.Resp.Header,
					FileId:  respid},
				SocketUUID: ctx.Uuid.Bytes(),
				Date:       time.Now(),

			err := c.Insert(content)
			if err != nil {
				ctx.Logf("Can't insert document: %v", err)
			} else {
				ctx.Logf("MongoDB document saved: %+v", content)

			resp.Body = NewTeeReadCloser(resp.Body, fs)
		return resp

	log.Println("Starting Proxy")

	log.Fatalln(http.ListenAndServe(*addr, proxy))