Exemplo n.º 1
func Test_API_Task_List(t *testing.T) {
	assert := gaetest.NewAssert(t)
	assert.Nil(gaetest.ResetFixtureFromFile(ts.Context, "./fixtures/Test_API_Task_List.json", nil), "fixture")

	now, _ := wcg.ParseDateTime("2016-01-10T00:00:00Z")

	lib.TemporarySetNow(now, func() {
		req := ts.GET("/api/admin/tasks/")
		res := req.RouteTo(instance.Routes())
		assert.HTTPStatus(200, res)

		var got entities.Pagination
		assert.JSONResponse(&got, res)
		assert.EqInt(0, got.Length())

	now, _ = wcg.ParseDateTime("2016-01-09T00:00:00Z")

	lib.TemporarySetNow(now, func() {
		req := ts.GET("/api/admin/tasks/")
		res := req.RouteTo(instance.Routes())
		assert.HTTPStatus(200, res)

		var got entities.Pagination
		assert.JSONResponse(&got, res)
		assert.EqInt(1, got.Length())
Exemplo n.º 2
func Test_parseUserFeed(t *testing.T) {
	assert := wcg.NewAssert(t)
	f, err := os.Open("./fixtures/Test_parseUserFeed.xml")
	assert.Nil(err, "Open fixture file")
	defer f.Close()
	albums, err := parseUserFeed(f)
	assert.Nil(err, "parseAlbums should return no error.")
	assert.EqInt(2, len(albums), "len(albums)")
	assert.EqStr("1000000487409559", albums[0].ID, "albums[0].ID")
	assert.EqStr("自動バックアップ", albums[0].Title, "albums[0].Title")
	assert.EqStr("109784491874587409559", albums[0].AuthorID, "albums[0].AuthorID")
	assert.EqStr("Yohei Sasaki", albums[0].AuthorName, "albums[0].AuthorName")
	publishedAt, _ := wcg.ParseDateTime("2015-11-29T11:03:42.000Z")
	updatedAt, _ := wcg.ParseDateTime("2015-11-29T15:32:17.582Z")
	assert.EqTime(publishedAt, *albums[0].PublishedAt, "albums[0].PublishedAt")
	assert.EqTime(updatedAt, *albums[0].UpdatedAt, "albums[0].UpdatedAt")

	assert.EqStr("6173825975323480657", albums[1].ID, "albums[0].ID")
	assert.EqStr("2015/07/21", albums[1].Title, "albums[0].Title")
	assert.EqStr("109784491874587409559", albums[1].AuthorID, "albums[0].AuthorID")
	assert.EqStr("Yohei Sasaki", albums[1].AuthorName, "albums[0].AuthorName")
	publishedAt, _ = wcg.ParseDateTime("2015-07-21T05:17:55.000Z")
	updatedAt, _ = wcg.ParseDateTime("2015-07-21T05:38:48.016Z")
	assert.EqTime(publishedAt, *albums[1].PublishedAt, "albums[0].PublishedAt")
	assert.EqTime(updatedAt, *albums[1].UpdatedAt, "albums[0].UpdatedAt")
Exemplo n.º 3
func Test_Agent_Recorder_Cancel(t *testing.T) {
	var agent *Agent
	var r Recorder
	assert := wcg.NewAssert(t)
	now, _ := wcg.ParseDateTime("2016-05-15T16:05:00Z")

	httptest.StartMockServer(func(mock *httptest.MockServer) {
		mock.Routes().GET("/api/intern/pt/iepg/records/", middleware.ServeFile("./fixtures/mocks/agent_tests.json"))
		agent = NewAgent(mock.BaseURL(), "test-token", nil)
		agent.recorderFactory = func(iepg *pt.IEPG) Recorder {
			return NewMockRecorder(iepg)
		lib.TemporarySetNow(now, func() {
			time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
			r = agent.recorders["200171201605160105"]
			assert.EqInt(1, len(agent.recorders), "agent should have a recorder thread.")
			assert.EqInt(int(pt.IEPGProcessing), int(r.GetStats().Status), "the recorder status should be pt.IEPGProcessing.")

	httptest.StartMockServer(func(mock *httptest.MockServer) {
		// preparation for dummy entry
		mock.Routes().GET("/api/intern/pt/iepg/records/", middleware.ServeFile("./fixtures/mocks/agent_tests_no_data.json"))
		agent.subscriber = NewSubscriber(mock.BaseURL(), "test-token")
		lib.TemporarySetNow(now, func() {
			time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
			assert.EqInt(0, len(agent.recorders), "agent should have no recorder thread.")
			assert.EqInt(int(r.GetStats().Status), int(pt.IEPGCanceled), "the recorder status should be pt.IEPGPRocessing.")
Exemplo n.º 4
func Test_API_CronStatsCleanup(t *testing.T) {
	assert := gaetest.NewAssert(t)
	assert.Nil(gaetest.ResetFixtureFromFile(ts.Context, "./fixtures/Test_API_SystemStats_Query.json", nil, "intern.home"), "fixture")

	sk, _ := Server.Get().Key("dummy").MustOne(ts.GET("/").Request)
	c := SystemStats.Query().Ancestor(sk).MustCount(ts.GET("/").Request)
	assert.EqInt(2, c)

	tempnow, _ := wcg.ParseDateTime("2014-12-01T11:00:00Z")
	lib.TemporarySetNow(tempnow, func() {
		app := NewApp()
		req := ts.GET("/cron/intern/home/stats/cleanup/")
		res := req.RouteTo(app.Routes())
		assert.HTTPStatus(200, res)

		// confirm nothing deleted
		c = SystemStats.Query().Ancestor(sk).MustCount(ts.GET("/").Request)
		assert.EqInt(2, c)

	app := NewApp()
	req := ts.GET("/cron/intern/home/stats/cleanup/")
	res := req.RouteTo(app.Routes())
	assert.HTTPStatus(200, res)

	// everything deleted since it's old
	c = SystemStats.Query().Ancestor(sk).MustCount(ts.GET("/").Request)
	assert.EqInt(0, c)
Exemplo n.º 5
// GetValue returns a form value in FormValidationTarget
func (ovt *FormValidationTarget) GetValue(field string) interface{} {
	values := ovt.values[field]
	typed := ovt.fieldTypes[field]
	if values != nil {
		if len(values) > 0 {
			switch typed {
			case fieldTypeBool:
				return values[0] == "true" || values[0] == "1"
			case fieldTypeInt:
				v, _ := strconv.Atoi(values[0])
				return v
			case fieldTypeDate:
				v, e := wcg.ParseDate(values[0])
				if e != nil {
					return nil
				return v
			case fieldTypeDateTime:
				v, e := wcg.ParseDateTime(values[0])
				if e != nil {
					return nil
				return v
			default: // string
				return values[0]
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 6
func Test_API_SystemStats_Query(t *testing.T) {
	assert := gaetest.NewAssert(t)
	assert.Nil(gaetest.ResetFixtureFromFile(ts.Context, "./fixtures/Test_API_SystemStats_Query.json", nil, "intern.home"), "fixture")

	app := NewApp()
	req := ts.GET("/api/intern/home/stats/servers/dummy/system/")
	res := req.RouteTo(app.Routes())
	assert.HTTPStatus(200, res)
	var got []home.SystemStats
	assert.JSONResponse(&got, res)
	assert.EqInt(0, len(got), string(res.Body))

	req = ts.GET("/api/intern/home/stats/servers/dummy/system/?until=2014-12-01T11:00:00Z")
	res = req.RouteTo(app.Routes())
	assert.HTTPStatus(200, res)
	assert.JSONResponse(&got, res)
	assert.EqInt(2, len(got), string(res.Body))

	tempnow, _ := wcg.ParseDateTime("2014-12-01T11:00:00Z")
	lib.TemporarySetNow(tempnow, func() {
		req := ts.GET("/api/intern/home/stats/servers/dummy/system/")
		res := req.RouteTo(app.Routes())
		assert.HTTPStatus(200, res)
		var got []home.SystemStats
		assert.JSONResponse(&got, res)
		assert.EqInt(2, len(got), string(res.Body))

Exemplo n.º 7
func Test_Subscribe(t *testing.T) {
	assert := wcg.NewAssert(t)

	httptest.StartMockServer(func(mock *httptest.MockServer) {
		// preparation for dummy entry
		mock.Routes().GET("/api/intern/pt/iepg/records/", middleware.ServeFile("./fixtures/mocks/subscriber_tests.json"))
		s := NewSubscriber(mock.BaseURL(), "test-token")

		t, _ := wcg.ParseDateTime("2016-05-12T16:00:00Z")
		lib.TemporarySetNow(t, func() {
			list, err := s.Subscribe()
			assert.Nil(err, "error should be nil")
			assert.EqInt(1, len(list), "Subscribe should return the list of *pt.IEPG")

		t, _ = wcg.ParseDateTime("2016-05-13T18:00:00Z")
		lib.TemporarySetNow(t, func() {
			list, err := s.Subscribe()
			assert.Nil(err, "error should be nil")
			assert.EqInt(0, len(list), "Subscribe should not return any IEPG")
Exemplo n.º 8
func Test_API_IEPGExclusion_RunTask(t *testing.T) {
	assert := gaetest.NewAssert(t)
	assert.Nil(gaetest.ResetFixtureFromFile(ts.Context, "./fixtures/Test_API_IEPGExclusion_RunTask.json", nil, "intern.pt"))

	now, _ := wcg.ParseDateTime("2016-01-01T00:00:00Z")
	lib.TemporarySetNow(now, func() {
		runner := helper.NewAsyncTaskTestRunner(t, instance.Routes(), ts)
		runner.OnTrigger(func(req *httptest.TestRequest, trigger func()) {
			helper.TemporaryAllow(req, "family", trigger)
		runner.OnMonitor(func(req *httptest.TestRequest, monitor func()) {
			helper.TemporaryAllow(req, "family", monitor)
		runner.Run("/api/intern/pt/iepg/exclusions/task/", url.Values{})

		req := ts.GET("/dummy")
		_, flagged := IEPG.Get().Key("test1").MustOne(req.Request)
		assert.OK(len(flagged.(*pt.IEPG).ExcludedBy) > 0)

Exemplo n.º 9
func Test_Agent_Recorder_Completed(t *testing.T) {
	assert := wcg.NewAssert(t)

	httptest.StartMockServer(func(mock *httptest.MockServer) {
		// preparation for dummy entry
		mock.Routes().GET("/api/intern/pt/iepg/records/", middleware.ServeFile("./fixtures/mocks/agent_tests.json"))
		agent := NewAgent(mock.BaseURL(), "test-token", nil)
		agent.recorderFactory = func(iepg *pt.IEPG) Recorder {
			return NewMockRecorder(iepg)
		now, _ := wcg.ParseDateTime("2016-05-15T16:05:00Z")
		lib.TemporarySetNow(now, func() {
			agent.RunOnce() // started
			r := agent.recorders["200171201605160105"]

			agent.RunOnce() // notify update
			agent.RunOnce() // notify update
			agent.RunOnce() // notify update
			agent.RunOnce() // notify update and confirmed to be completed.
			assert.EqInt(0, len(agent.recorders), "agent should have no recorder thread.")
			assert.EqInt(int(r.GetStats().Status), int(pt.IEPGCompleted), "the recorder status should be pt.IEPGCompleted.")
Exemplo n.º 10
func convertJsonValueToProperties(k string, v interface{}) []datastore.Property {
	var propertyList []datastore.Property
	var value = reflect.ValueOf(v)

	switch value.Kind() {
	case reflect.String:
		p := datastore.Property{Name: k}
		s := v.(string)
		if strings.HasPrefix(s, "[]") {
			p.Value = []byte(strings.TrimPrefix(s, "[]"))
			p.NoIndex = true
			propertyList = append(propertyList, p)
		} else {
			if dt, err := wcg.ParseDateTime(fmt.Sprintf("%s", v)); err == nil {
				p.Value = dt
				propertyList = append(propertyList, p)
			} else if d, err := wcg.ParseDate(fmt.Sprintf("%s", v)); err == nil {
				p.Value = d
				propertyList = append(propertyList, p)
			} else {
				p.Value = s
				propertyList = append(propertyList, p)
	case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
		// reach here from FixtureFromMap since it can contain non floating number.
		var vv int64
		switch v.(type) {
		case int:
			vv = int64(v.(int))
		case int8:
			vv = int64(v.(int8))
		case int16:
			vv = int64(v.(int16))
		case int32:
			vv = int64(v.(int32))
		case int64:
			vv = v.(int64)
		propertyList = append(propertyList, datastore.Property{
			Name:  k,
			Value: vv,
	case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
		str := []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%f", v))
		if _floatRe.Match(str) {
			// should be int.
			propertyList = append(propertyList, datastore.Property{
				Name:  k,
				Value: int64(v.(float64)),
		} else {
			propertyList = append(propertyList, datastore.Property{
				Name:  k,
				Value: v,
	case reflect.Bool:
		propertyList = append(propertyList, datastore.Property{
			Name:  k,
			Value: v,
	case reflect.Map:
		for k1, v1 := range v.(map[string]interface{}) {
			if !strings.HasPrefix(k1, "_") {
				for _, val := range convertJsonValueToProperties(k1, v1) {
					propertyList = append(propertyList, datastore.Property{
						Name:     fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", k, val.Name),
						Value:    val.Value,
						Multiple: val.Multiple,
		propertyList = append(propertyList)
	case reflect.Slice:
		for i := 0; i < value.Len(); i++ {
			propertyList = append(propertyList, datastore.Property{
				Name:     k,
				Value:    value.Index(i).Interface(),
				Multiple: true,
	return propertyList
Exemplo n.º 11
	// time
	reflect.TypeOf(time.Duration(0)): func(s string) (reflect.Value, error) {
		v, err := time.ParseDuration(s)
		return reflect.ValueOf(v), err
	reflect.TypeOf(time.Now()): func(s string) (reflect.Value, error) {
		switch s {
		case _ValueMacroTimeNow:
			return reflect.ValueOf(lib.Now()), nil
		case _ValueMacroTimeToday:
			return reflect.ValueOf(lib.Today()), nil
		case "":
			return reflect.ValueOf(time.Time{}), nil
			if t, err := wcg.ParseDateTime(s); err == nil {
				return reflect.ValueOf(t), err
			} else if t, err := wcg.ParseDate(s); err == nil {
				return reflect.ValueOf(t), err
			} else {
				// as JSON representation
				var t time.Time
				err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\"", s)), &t)
				return reflect.ValueOf(t), err

	// String
	reflect.TypeOf(""): func(s string) (reflect.Value, error) {
		return reflect.ValueOf(s), nil