Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: cabi.go Projeto: hinike/llgo
func directEncode(ctx llvm.Context, allocaBuilder llvm.Builder, builder llvm.Builder, argTypes []llvm.Type, args []llvm.Value, val llvm.Value) {
	valType := val.Type()

	switch len(argTypes) {
	case 0:
		// do nothing

	case 1:
		if argTypes[0].C == valType.C {
			args[0] = val
		alloca := allocaBuilder.CreateAlloca(valType, "")
		bitcast := builder.CreateBitCast(alloca, llvm.PointerType(argTypes[0], 0), "")
		builder.CreateStore(val, alloca)
		args[0] = builder.CreateLoad(bitcast, "")

	case 2:
		encodeType := llvm.StructType(argTypes, false)
		alloca := allocaBuilder.CreateAlloca(valType, "")
		bitcast := builder.CreateBitCast(alloca, llvm.PointerType(encodeType, 0), "")
		builder.CreateStore(val, alloca)
		args[0] = builder.CreateLoad(builder.CreateStructGEP(bitcast, 0, ""), "")
		args[1] = builder.CreateLoad(builder.CreateStructGEP(bitcast, 1, ""), "")

		panic("unexpected argTypes size")
Exemplo n.º 2
func (v *Codegen) structTypeToLLVMType(typ *parser.StructType) llvm.Type {
	if t, ok := v.structLookup_UseHelperFunction[typ]; ok {
		return t

	return llvm.StructType(v.structTypeToLLVMTypeFields(typ), typ.Attrs().Contains("packed"))
Exemplo n.º 3
func (v *Codegen) addStructType(typ *parser.StructType) {
	if _, ok := v.structLookup_UseHelperFunction[typ]; ok {

	for _, field := range typ.Variables {
		if struc, ok := field.Variable.Type.(*parser.StructType); ok {
			v.addStructType(struc) // TODO check recursive loop

	numOfFields := len(typ.Variables)
	fields := make([]llvm.Type, numOfFields)
	packed := false

	for i, member := range typ.Variables {
		memberType := v.typeToLLVMType(member.Variable.Type)
		fields[i] = memberType

	structure := llvm.StructType(fields, packed)
	llvm.AddGlobal(v.curFile.Module, structure, typ.MangledName(parser.MANGLE_ARK_UNSTABLE))
	v.structLookup_UseHelperFunction[typ] = structure

Exemplo n.º 4
func (v *Codegen) tupleTypeToLLVMType(typ *parser.TupleType) llvm.Type {
	fields := make([]llvm.Type, len(typ.Members))
	for idx, mem := range typ.Members {
		fields[idx] = v.typeToLLVMType(mem)

	return llvm.StructType(fields, false)
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: type.go Projeto: vnev/ark
func (v *Codegen) enumTypeToLLVMType(typ parser.EnumType) llvm.Type {
	if typ.Simple {
		// TODO: Handle other integer size, maybe dynamic depending on max value? (1 / 2)
		return llvm.IntType(32)

	return llvm.StructType(v.enumTypeToLLVMTypeFields(typ), false)
Exemplo n.º 6
func (v *Codegen) tupleTypeToLLVMType(typ *parser.TupleType) llvm.Type {
	// TODO: Maybe move to lookup table like struct
	var fields []llvm.Type
	for _, mem := range typ.Members {
		fields = append(fields, v.typeToLLVMType(mem))

	return llvm.StructType(fields, false)
Exemplo n.º 7
func (v *Codegen) enumTypeToLLVMType(typ *parser.EnumType) llvm.Type {
	if typ.Simple {
		// TODO: Handle other integer size, maybe dynamic depending on max value? (1 / 2)
		return llvm.IntType(32)

	if t, ok := v.enumLookup_UseHelperFunction[typ]; ok {
		return t

	return llvm.StructType(v.enumTypeToLLVMTypeFields(typ), false)
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: cabi.go Projeto: hinike/llgo
func (tm *llvmTypeMap) getFunctionTypeInfo(args []types.Type, results []types.Type) (fi functionTypeInfo) {
	var returnType llvm.Type
	var argTypes []llvm.Type
	if len(results) == 0 {
		returnType = llvm.VoidType()
		fi.retInf = &directRetInfo{}
	} else {
		aik := tm.classify(results...)

		var resultsType llvm.Type
		if len(results) == 1 {
			resultsType = tm.ToLLVM(results[0])
		} else {
			elements := make([]llvm.Type, len(results))
			for i := range elements {
				elements[i] = tm.ToLLVM(results[i])
			resultsType = tm.ctx.StructType(elements, false)

		switch aik {
		case AIK_Direct:
			var retFields []backendType
			for _, t := range results {
				retFields = append(retFields, tm.getBackendType(t))
			bt := &structBType{retFields}

			retTypes, retAttrs, _, _ := tm.expandType(nil, nil, bt)
			switch len(retTypes) {
			case 0: // e.g., empty struct
				returnType = llvm.VoidType()
			case 1:
				returnType = retTypes[0]
				fi.retAttr = retAttrs[0]
			case 2:
				returnType = llvm.StructType(retTypes, false)
				panic("unexpected expandType result")
			fi.retInf = &directRetInfo{numResults: len(results), retTypes: retTypes, resultsType: resultsType}

		case AIK_Indirect:
			returnType = llvm.VoidType()
			argTypes = []llvm.Type{llvm.PointerType(resultsType, 0)}
			fi.argAttrs = []llvm.Attribute{llvm.StructRetAttribute}
			fi.retInf = &indirectRetInfo{numResults: len(results), resultsType: resultsType}

	// Keep track of the number of INTEGER/SSE class registers remaining.
	remainingInt := 6
	remainingSSE := 8

	for _, arg := range args {
		aik := tm.classify(arg)

		isDirect := aik == AIK_Direct
		if isDirect {
			bt := tm.getBackendType(arg)
			directArgTypes, directArgAttrs, numInt, numSSE := tm.expandType(argTypes, fi.argAttrs, bt)

			// Check if the argument can fit into the remaining registers, or if
			// it would just occupy one register (which pushes the whole argument
			// onto the stack anyway).
			if numInt <= remainingInt && numSSE <= remainingSSE || numInt+numSSE == 1 {
				remainingInt -= numInt
				remainingSSE -= numSSE
				argInfo := &directArgInfo{argOffset: len(argTypes), valType: bt.ToLLVM(tm.ctx)}
				fi.argInfos = append(fi.argInfos, argInfo)
				argTypes = directArgTypes
				fi.argAttrs = directArgAttrs
				argInfo.argTypes = argTypes[argInfo.argOffset:len(argTypes)]
			} else {
				// No remaining registers; pass on the stack.
				isDirect = false

		if !isDirect {
			fi.argInfos = append(fi.argInfos, &indirectArgInfo{len(argTypes)})
			argTypes = append(argTypes, llvm.PointerType(tm.ToLLVM(arg), 0))
			fi.argAttrs = append(fi.argAttrs, llvm.ByValAttribute)

	fi.functionType = llvm.FunctionType(returnType, argTypes, false)
Exemplo n.º 9
func newRuntimeInterface(module llvm.Module, tm *llvmTypeMap) (*runtimeInterface, error) {
	var ri runtimeInterface

	Bool := types.Typ[types.Bool]
	Complex128 := types.Typ[types.Complex128]
	Float64 := types.Typ[types.Float64]
	Int32 := types.Typ[types.Int32]
	Int64 := types.Typ[types.Int64]
	Int := types.Typ[types.Int]
	Rune := types.Typ[types.Rune]
	String := types.Typ[types.String]
	Uintptr := types.Typ[types.Uintptr]
	UnsafePointer := types.Typ[types.UnsafePointer]

	EmptyInterface := types.NewInterface(nil, nil)
	IntSlice := types.NewSlice(types.Typ[types.Int])

	for _, rt := range [...]struct {
		name      string
		rfi       *runtimeFnInfo
		args, res []types.Type
		attrs     []llvm.Attribute
			name: "__go_append",
			rfi:  &ri.append,
			args: []types.Type{IntSlice, UnsafePointer, Uintptr, Uintptr},
			res:  []types.Type{IntSlice},
			name: "__go_assert_interface",
			rfi:  &ri.assertInterface,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer},
			res:  []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			name: "__go_can_recover",
			rfi:  &ri.canRecover,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			res:  []types.Type{Bool},
			name: "__go_chan_cap",
			rfi:  &ri.chanCap,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			res:  []types.Type{Int},
			name: "__go_chan_len",
			rfi:  &ri.chanLen,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			res:  []types.Type{Int},
			name: "runtime.chanrecv2",
			rfi:  &ri.chanrecv2,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer},
			res:  []types.Type{Bool},
			name: "__go_check_defer",
			rfi:  &ri.checkDefer,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			name: "__go_check_interface_type",
			rfi:  &ri.checkInterfaceType,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer},
			name: "__go_builtin_close",
			rfi:  &ri.builtinClose,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			name: "__go_convert_interface",
			rfi:  &ri.convertInterface,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer},
			res:  []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			name: "__go_copy",
			rfi:  &ri.copy,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer, Uintptr},
			name: "__go_defer",
			rfi:  &ri.Defer,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer},
			name: "__go_deferred_recover",
			rfi:  &ri.deferredRecover,
			res:  []types.Type{EmptyInterface},
			name: "__go_empty_interface_compare",
			rfi:  &ri.emptyInterfaceCompare,
			args: []types.Type{EmptyInterface, EmptyInterface},
			res:  []types.Type{Int},
			name: "__go_go",
			rfi:  &ri.Go,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer},
			name: "runtime.ifaceE2I2",
			rfi:  &ri.ifaceE2I2,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, EmptyInterface},
			res:  []types.Type{EmptyInterface, Bool},
			name: "runtime.ifaceI2I2",
			rfi:  &ri.ifaceI2I2,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, EmptyInterface},
			res:  []types.Type{EmptyInterface, Bool},
			name: "__go_int_array_to_string",
			rfi:  &ri.intArrayToString,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, Int},
			res:  []types.Type{String},
			name: "__go_int_to_string",
			rfi:  &ri.intToString,
			args: []types.Type{Int},
			res:  []types.Type{String},
			name: "__go_interface_compare",
			rfi:  &ri.interfaceCompare,
			args: []types.Type{EmptyInterface, EmptyInterface},
			res:  []types.Type{Int},
			name: "__go_make_slice2",
			rfi:  &ri.makeSlice,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, Uintptr, Uintptr},
			res:  []types.Type{IntSlice},
			name: "runtime.mapdelete",
			rfi:  &ri.mapdelete,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer},
			name: "runtime.mapiter2",
			rfi:  &ri.mapiter2,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer},
			name: "runtime.mapiterinit",
			rfi:  &ri.mapiterinit,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer},
			name: "runtime.mapiternext",
			rfi:  &ri.mapiternext,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			name: "__go_map_index",
			rfi:  &ri.mapIndex,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer, Bool},
			res:  []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			name: "__go_map_len",
			rfi:  &ri.mapLen,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			res:  []types.Type{Int},
			name: "__go_new",
			rfi:  &ri.New,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, Uintptr},
			res:  []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			name: "__go_new_channel",
			rfi:  &ri.newChannel,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, Uintptr},
			res:  []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			name: "__go_new_map",
			rfi:  &ri.newMap,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, Uintptr},
			res:  []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			name: "__go_new_nopointers",
			rfi:  &ri.NewNopointers,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, Uintptr},
			res:  []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			name: "runtime.newselect",
			rfi:  &ri.newSelect,
			args: []types.Type{Int32},
			res:  []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			name:  "__go_panic",
			rfi:   &ri.panic,
			args:  []types.Type{EmptyInterface},
			attrs: []llvm.Attribute{llvm.NoReturnAttribute},
			name: "__go_print_bool",
			rfi:  &ri.printBool,
			args: []types.Type{Bool},
			name: "__go_print_complex",
			rfi:  &ri.printComplex,
			args: []types.Type{Complex128},
			name: "__go_print_double",
			rfi:  &ri.printDouble,
			args: []types.Type{Float64},
			name: "__go_print_empty_interface",
			rfi:  &ri.printEmptyInterface,
			args: []types.Type{EmptyInterface},
			name: "__go_print_interface",
			rfi:  &ri.printInterface,
			args: []types.Type{EmptyInterface},
			name: "__go_print_int64",
			rfi:  &ri.printInt64,
			args: []types.Type{Int64},
			name: "__go_print_nl",
			rfi:  &ri.printNl,
			name: "__go_print_pointer",
			rfi:  &ri.printPointer,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			name: "__go_print_slice",
			rfi:  &ri.printSlice,
			args: []types.Type{IntSlice},
			name: "__go_print_space",
			rfi:  &ri.printSpace,
			name: "__go_print_string",
			rfi:  &ri.printString,
			args: []types.Type{String},
			name: "__go_print_uint64",
			rfi:  &ri.printUint64,
			args: []types.Type{Int64},
			name: "__go_receive",
			rfi:  &ri.receive,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer},
			name: "__go_recover",
			rfi:  &ri.recover,
			res:  []types.Type{EmptyInterface},
			name: "__go_register_gc_roots",
			rfi:  &ri.registerGcRoots,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			name:  "__go_runtime_error",
			rfi:   &ri.runtimeError,
			args:  []types.Type{Int32},
			attrs: []llvm.Attribute{llvm.NoReturnAttribute},
			name: "runtime.selectdefault",
			rfi:  &ri.selectdefault,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, Int32},
			name: "runtime.selectgo",
			rfi:  &ri.selectgo,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			res:  []types.Type{Int},
			name: "runtime.selectrecv2",
			rfi:  &ri.selectrecv2,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer, Int32},
			name: "runtime.selectsend",
			rfi:  &ri.selectsend,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer, Int32},
			name: "__go_send_big",
			rfi:  &ri.sendBig,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer},
			name: "__go_set_defer_retaddr",
			rfi:  &ri.setDeferRetaddr,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
			res:  []types.Type{Bool},
			name: "__go_strcmp",
			rfi:  &ri.strcmp,
			args: []types.Type{String, String},
			res:  []types.Type{Int},
			name: "__go_string_plus",
			rfi:  &ri.stringPlus,
			args: []types.Type{String, String},
			res:  []types.Type{String},
			name: "__go_string_slice",
			rfi:  &ri.stringSlice,
			args: []types.Type{String, Int, Int},
			res:  []types.Type{String},
			name: "__go_string_to_int_array",
			rfi:  &ri.stringToIntArray,
			args: []types.Type{String},
			res:  []types.Type{IntSlice},
			name: "runtime.stringiter2",
			rfi:  &ri.stringiter2,
			args: []types.Type{String, Int},
			res:  []types.Type{Int, Rune},
			name: "__go_type_descriptors_equal",
			rfi:  &ri.typeDescriptorsEqual,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer, UnsafePointer},
			res:  []types.Type{Bool},
			name: "__go_undefer",
			rfi:  &ri.undefer,
			args: []types.Type{UnsafePointer},
	} {
		rt.rfi.init(tm, module, rt.name, rt.args, rt.res)
		for _, attr := range rt.attrs {

	memsetName := "llvm.memset.p0i8.i" + strconv.Itoa(tm.target.IntPtrType().IntTypeWidth())
	memsetType := llvm.FunctionType(
			llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0),
	ri.memset = llvm.AddFunction(module, memsetName, memsetType)

	memcpyName := "llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i" + strconv.Itoa(tm.target.IntPtrType().IntTypeWidth())
	memcpyType := llvm.FunctionType(
			llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0),
			llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0),
	ri.memcpy = llvm.AddFunction(module, memcpyName, memcpyType)

	returnaddressType := llvm.FunctionType(
		llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0),
	ri.returnaddress = llvm.AddFunction(module, "llvm.returnaddress", returnaddressType)

	gccgoPersonalityType := llvm.FunctionType(
			llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0),
			llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0),
	ri.gccgoPersonality = llvm.AddFunction(module, "__gccgo_personality_v0", gccgoPersonalityType)

	ri.gccgoExceptionType = llvm.StructType(
			llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0),

	return &ri, nil
Exemplo n.º 10
func (v *Codegen) arrayTypeToLLVMType(typ parser.ArrayType) llvm.Type {
	fields := []llvm.Type{llvm.IntType(32), llvm.PointerType(llvm.ArrayType(v.typeToLLVMType(typ.MemberType), 0), 0)}

	return llvm.StructType(fields, false)
Exemplo n.º 11
Arquivo: ssa.go Projeto: hinike/llgo
func (u *unit) defineFunction(f *ssa.Function) {
	// Only define functions from this package, or synthetic
	// wrappers (which do not have a package).
	if f.Pkg != nil && f.Pkg != u.pkg {

	llfn := u.resolveFunctionGlobal(f)
	linkage := u.getFunctionLinkage(f)

	isMethod := f.Signature.Recv() != nil

	// Methods cannot be referred to via a descriptor.
	if !isMethod {
		llfd := u.resolveFunctionDescriptorGlobal(f)
		llfd.SetInitializer(llvm.ConstBitCast(llfn, llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)))

	// We only need to emit a descriptor for functions without bodies.
	if len(f.Blocks) == 0 {


	if u.DumpSSA {

	fr := newFrame(u, llfn)
	defer fr.dispose()

	fr.logf("Define function: %s", f.String())
	fti := u.llvmtypes.getSignatureInfo(f.Signature)
	delete(u.undefinedFuncs, f)
	fr.retInf = fti.retInf

	// Push the compile unit and function onto the debug context.
	if u.GenerateDebug {
		u.debug.PushFunction(fr.function, f.Signature, f.Pos())
		defer u.debug.PopFunction()
		u.debug.SetLocation(fr.builder, f.Pos())

	// If a function calls recover, we create a separate function to
	// hold the real function, and this function calls __go_can_recover
	// and bridges to it.
	if callsRecover(f) {
		fr = fr.bridgeRecoverFunc(fr.function, fti)

	fr.blocks = make([]llvm.BasicBlock, len(f.Blocks))
	fr.lastBlocks = make([]llvm.BasicBlock, len(f.Blocks))
	for i, block := range f.Blocks {
		fr.blocks[i] = llvm.AddBasicBlock(fr.function, fmt.Sprintf(".%d.%s", i, block.Comment))

	prologueBlock := llvm.InsertBasicBlock(fr.blocks[0], "prologue")

	// Map parameter positions to indices. We use this
	// when processing locals to map back to parameters
	// when generating debug metadata.
	paramPos := make(map[token.Pos]int)
	for i, param := range f.Params {
		paramPos[param.Pos()] = i
		llparam := fti.argInfos[i].decode(llvm.GlobalContext(), fr.builder, fr.builder)
		if isMethod && i == 0 {
			if _, ok := param.Type().Underlying().(*types.Pointer); !ok {
				llparam = fr.builder.CreateBitCast(llparam, llvm.PointerType(fr.types.ToLLVM(param.Type()), 0), "")
				llparam = fr.builder.CreateLoad(llparam, "")
		fr.env[param] = newValue(llparam, param.Type())

	// Load closure, extract free vars.
	if len(f.FreeVars) > 0 {
		for _, fv := range f.FreeVars {
			fr.env[fv] = newValue(llvm.ConstNull(u.llvmtypes.ToLLVM(fv.Type())), fv.Type())
		elemTypes := make([]llvm.Type, len(f.FreeVars)+1)
		elemTypes[0] = llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0) // function pointer
		for i, fv := range f.FreeVars {
			elemTypes[i+1] = u.llvmtypes.ToLLVM(fv.Type())
		structType := llvm.StructType(elemTypes, false)
		closure := fr.runtime.getClosure.call(fr)[0]
		closure = fr.builder.CreateBitCast(closure, llvm.PointerType(structType, 0), "")
		for i, fv := range f.FreeVars {
			ptr := fr.builder.CreateStructGEP(closure, i+1, "")
			ptr = fr.builder.CreateLoad(ptr, "")
			fr.env[fv] = newValue(ptr, fv.Type())

	// Allocate stack space for locals in the prologue block.
	for _, local := range f.Locals {
		typ := fr.llvmtypes.ToLLVM(deref(local.Type()))
		alloca := fr.builder.CreateAlloca(typ, local.Comment)
		fr.memsetZero(alloca, llvm.SizeOf(typ))
		bcalloca := fr.builder.CreateBitCast(alloca, llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0), "")
		value := newValue(bcalloca, local.Type())
		fr.env[local] = value
		if fr.GenerateDebug {
			paramIndex, ok := paramPos[local.Pos()]
			if !ok {
				paramIndex = -1
			fr.debug.Declare(fr.builder, local, alloca, paramIndex)

	// If this is the "init" function, enable init-specific optimizations.
	if !isMethod && f.Name() == "init" {
		fr.isInit = true

	// If the function contains any defers, we must first create
	// an unwind block. We can short-circuit the check for defers with
	// f.Recover != nil.
	if f.Recover != nil || hasDefer(f) {
		fr.unwindBlock = llvm.AddBasicBlock(fr.function, "")
		fr.frameptr = fr.builder.CreateAlloca(llvm.Int8Type(), "")

	term := fr.builder.CreateBr(fr.blocks[0])

	for _, block := range f.DomPreorder() {
		fr.translateBlock(block, fr.blocks[block.Index])


	if !fr.unwindBlock.IsNil() {
		fr.setupUnwindBlock(f.Recover, f.Signature.Results())

	// The init function needs to register the GC roots first. We do this
	// after generating code for it because allocations may have caused
	// additional GC roots to be created.
	if fr.isInit {
Exemplo n.º 12
Arquivo: type.go Projeto: vnev/ark
func (v *Codegen) structTypeToLLVMType(typ parser.StructType) llvm.Type {
	return llvm.StructType(v.structTypeToLLVMTypeFields(typ), typ.Attrs().Contains("packed"))
Exemplo n.º 13
Arquivo: type.go Projeto: vnev/ark
func (v *Codegen) arrayTypeToLLVMType(typ parser.ArrayType) llvm.Type {
	fields := []llvm.Type{v.typeToLLVMType(parser.PRIMITIVE_uint),
		llvm.PointerType(v.typeToLLVMType(typ.MemberType), 0)}

	return llvm.StructType(fields, false)