Exemplo n.º 1
// encodeGrid encodes a location using the grid refinement method into
// an OLC string.
// Appends to the given code byte slice!
// The grid refinement method divides the area into a grid of 4x5, and uses a
// single character to refine the area. This allows default accuracy OLC codes
// to be refined with just a single character.
func encodeGrid(code []byte, lat, lng float64, codeLen int) ([]byte, error) {
	latPlaceValue, lngPlaceValue := gridSizeDegrees, gridSizeDegrees
	lat = math.Remainder((lat + latMax), latPlaceValue)
	if lat < 0 {
		lat += latPlaceValue
	lng = math.Remainder((lng + lngMax), lngPlaceValue)
	if lng < 0 {
		lng += lngPlaceValue
	for i := 0; i < codeLen; i++ {
		row := int(math.Floor(lat / (latPlaceValue / gridRows)))
		col := int(math.Floor(lng / (lngPlaceValue / gridCols)))
		pos := row*gridCols + col
		if !(0 <= pos && pos < len(Alphabet)) {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("pos=%d is out of alphabet", pos)
		code = append(code, Alphabet[pos])
		if i == codeLen-1 {

		latPlaceValue /= gridRows
		lngPlaceValue /= gridCols
		lat -= float64(row) * latPlaceValue
		lng -= float64(col) * lngPlaceValue
	return code, nil
Exemplo n.º 2
// encodeGrid encodes a location using the grid refinement method into
// an OLC string.
// Appends to the given code byte slice!
// The grid refinement method divides the area into a grid of 4x5, and uses a
// single character to refine the area. This allows default accuracy OLC codes
// to be refined with just a single character.
func encodeGrid(code []byte, lat, lng float64, codeLen int) []byte {
	latPlaceValue, lngPlaceValue := gridSizeDegrees, gridSizeDegrees
	lat = math.Remainder((lat + latMax), latPlaceValue)
	if lat < 0 {
		lat += latPlaceValue
	lng = math.Remainder((lng + lngMax), lngPlaceValue)
	if lng < 0 {
		lng += lngPlaceValue
	for i := 0; i < codeLen; i++ {
		row := int(math.Floor(lat / (latPlaceValue / gridRows)))
		col := int(math.Floor(lng / (lngPlaceValue / gridCols)))
		pos := row*gridCols + col
		if !(0 <= pos && pos < len(Alphabet)) {
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("encodeGrid loc=(%f,%f) row=%d col=%d latVal=%f lngVal=%f", lat, lng, row, col, latPlaceValue, lngPlaceValue))
		code = append(code, Alphabet[pos])
		if i == codeLen-1 {

		latPlaceValue /= gridRows
		lngPlaceValue /= gridCols
		lat -= float64(row) * latPlaceValue
		lng -= float64(col) * lngPlaceValue
	return code
Exemplo n.º 3
// Expanded returns an interval that has been expanded on each side by margin.
// If margin is negative, then the function shrinks the interval on
// each side by margin instead. The resulting interval may be empty or
// full. Any expansion (positive or negative) of a full interval remains
// full, and any expansion of an empty interval remains empty.
func (i Interval) Expanded(margin float64) Interval {
	if margin >= 0 {
		if i.IsEmpty() {
			return i
		// Check whether this interval will be full after expansion, allowing
		// for a 1-bit rounding error when computing each endpoint.
		if i.Length()+2*margin+2*epsilon >= 2*math.Pi {
			return FullInterval()
	} else {
		if i.IsFull() {
			return i
		// Check whether this interval will be empty after expansion, allowing
		// for a 1-bit rounding error when computing each endpoint.
		if i.Length()+2*margin-2*epsilon <= 0 {
			return EmptyInterval()
	result := IntervalFromEndpoints(
		math.Remainder(i.Lo-margin, 2*math.Pi),
		math.Remainder(i.Hi+margin, 2*math.Pi),
	if result.Lo <= -math.Pi {
		result.Lo = math.Pi
	return result
Exemplo n.º 4
func testViewProcedure(t *testing.T, A viewProcedureVector) {
	b := A.ViewProcedure(func(element float64) bool {
		return math.Remainder(element, 2) == 0
	for i := 0; i < b.Size(); i++ {
		el := b.GetQuick(i)
		if math.Remainder(el, 2) != 0 {
Exemplo n.º 5
func (c *Counter) Incr() {
	now := glfw.GetTime()
	if int32(c.Last) != int32(now) {
		c.Total += math.Remainder(now-c.Last, 1)
		c.Count += 1
		avg := c.Total / float64(c.Count)
		c.Avg = float32(avg * 1000)
		c.Total = math.Remainder(now, 1)
		c.Count = 1
	} else {
		c.Total += (now - c.Last)
		c.Count += 1
	c.Last = now
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: 2.go Projeto: cod3ninj4/Euler
func is_even(x float64) bool {
	var result bool = false
	if math.Remainder(x, 2) == 0 {
		result = true
	return result
Exemplo n.º 7
func intOp(op token.Token, x, y *BasicLit, combine bool) (*BasicLit, error) {
	out := &BasicLit{
		Kind: x.Kind,
	l, err := strconv.Atoi(x.Value)
	if err != nil {
		return out, err
	r, err := strconv.Atoi(y.Value)
	if err != nil {
		return out, err
	var t int
	switch op {
	case token.ADD:
		t = l + r
	case token.SUB:
		t = l - r
	case token.QUO:
		// Sass division can create floats, so much treat
		// ints as floats then test for fitting inside INT
		fl, fr := float64(l), float64(r)
		if math.Remainder(fl, fr) != 0 {
			return floatOp(op, x, y, combine)
		t = l / r
	case token.MUL:
		t = l * r
		panic("unsupported intOp" + op.String())
	out.Value = strconv.Itoa(t)
	return out, nil
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: 1.go Projeto: cod3ninj4/Euler
func div_by_3(x float64) bool {
	var result bool = false
	if math.Remainder(x, 3) == 0 {
		result = true
	return result
Exemplo n.º 9
// CapBound returns a cap that countains Rect.
func (r Rect) CapBound() Cap {
	// We consider two possible bounding caps, one whose axis passes
	// through the center of the lat-long rectangle and one whose axis
	// is the north or south pole.  We return the smaller of the two caps.

	if r.IsEmpty() {
		return EmptyCap()

	var poleZ, poleAngle float64
	if r.Lat.Hi+r.Lat.Lo < 0 {
		// South pole axis yields smaller cap.
		poleZ = -1
		poleAngle = math.Pi/2 + r.Lat.Hi
	} else {
		poleZ = 1
		poleAngle = math.Pi/2 - r.Lat.Lo
	poleCap := CapFromCenterAngle(PointFromCoords(0, 0, poleZ), s1.Angle(poleAngle)*s1.Radian)

	// For bounding rectangles that span 180 degrees or less in longitude, the
	// maximum cap size is achieved at one of the rectangle vertices.  For
	// rectangles that are larger than 180 degrees, we punt and always return a
	// bounding cap centered at one of the two poles.
	if math.Remainder(r.Lng.Hi-r.Lng.Lo, 2*math.Pi) >= 0 && r.Lng.Hi-r.Lng.Lo < 2*math.Pi {
		midCap := CapFromPoint(PointFromLatLng(r.Center())).AddPoint(PointFromLatLng(r.Lo())).AddPoint(PointFromLatLng(r.Hi()))
		if midCap.Height() < poleCap.Height() {
			return midCap
	return poleCap
Exemplo n.º 10
func (rx *PhysReceiver) GainBeam(tx EmitterInt, ch int) float64 {

	if ch > 0 && rx.Orientation[ch] >= 0 {

		p := tx.GetPos().Minus(rx.Pos)
		theta := math.Atan2(p.Y, p.X) * 180 / math.Pi
		if theta < 0 {
			theta += 360
		theta -= rx.Orientation[ch]
		theta = math.Remainder(theta, 360)
		//		t1:=o-theta
		//		t2:=theta-o
		//		if t1>t2 {theta=t1} else {theta=t2}
		if theta > 180 {
			theta += 360

		if theta < -180 || theta > 180 {

		g := 12 * (theta / 65) * (theta / 65)
		if g > 20 {
			g = 20

		g = math.Pow(10, (-g+10)/10)

		return g

	return 1.0

Exemplo n.º 11
// Andoyer computes approximate geodesic distance between two
// points p1 and p2 on the spheroid s.
// Computations use Andoyer-Lambert first order (in flattening) approximation.
// Reference: P.D. Thomas, Mathematical Models for Navigation Systems, TR-182,
// US Naval Oceanographic Office (1965).
func Andoyer(s *Spheroid, p1, p2 LL) float64 {
	a, f := s.A(), s.F()
	lat1, lon1 := p1.LatLon()
	lat2, lon2 := p2.LatLon()

	F, G := (lat1+lat2)/2.0, (lat1-lat2)/2.0
	L := math.Remainder(lon1-lon2, 360.0) / 2.0
	sinF, cosF := math.Sincos((math.Pi / 180.0) * F)
	sinG, cosG := math.Sincos((math.Pi / 180.0) * G)
	sinL, cosL := math.Sincos((math.Pi / 180.0) * L)

	S2 := sq(sinG*cosL) + sq(cosF*sinL)
	C2 := sq(cosG*cosL) + sq(sinF*sinL)
	S, C := math.Sqrt(S2), math.Sqrt(C2)

	omega := math.Atan2(S, C)
	R := (S * C) / omega
	D := 2.0 * omega * a
	H1 := (3.0*R - 1.0) / (2.0 * C2)
	H2 := (3.0*R + 1.0) / (2.0 * S2)
	dist := D * (1.0 + f*(H1*sq(sinF*cosG)-H2*sq(cosF*sinG)))

	if finite(dist) {
		return dist

	// Antipodal points.
	if finite(R) {
		return 2.0 * s.Quad()

	// Identical points.
	return 0.0
Exemplo n.º 12
func (c *Camera) handleCommands() {
	Pi2 := math.Pi / 2
	for cmd := range c.cmds {
		switch cmd := cmd.(type) {
		case cameraCommandTurn:
			if cmd.X != 0 {
				c.alpha += cmd.X / (float64(c.screenw) / Pi2)
				c.alpha = math.Remainder(c.alpha, 2*math.Pi)
			if cmd.Y != 0 {
				c.theta -= cmd.Y / (float64(c.screenh) / Pi2)
				c.theta = math.Max(-Pi2, math.Min(Pi2, c.theta))
		case cameraCommandMove:
			if cmd.Y != 0 {
				c.Pos.X += float64(cmd.Y) * math.Cos(c.alpha)
				c.Pos.Y += float64(cmd.Y) * math.Sin(c.alpha)
				c.Pos.Z += float64(cmd.Y) * math.Sin(c.theta)

			if cmd.X != 0 {
				c.Pos.X += float64(cmd.X) * math.Cos(c.alpha+Pi2)
				c.Pos.Y += float64(cmd.X) * math.Sin(c.alpha+Pi2)
		case cameraCommandReset:
			c.Pos = vector.V3{}
			c.alpha = 0
			c.theta = 0
Exemplo n.º 13
func fmtEvents(events []loggly.Event) string {
	result := make([]string, 0)
	for _, e := range events {
		var text string
		if v, ok := e.Event["json"]; ok {
			v := v.(map[string]interface{})
			logTime, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, v["time"].(string))
			text = fmt.Sprintf("*%v* %v %v %v u:%v", logTime.Format("01-02 15:04:05.000"), v["method"], v["path"], v["status"], v["user_id"])
		} else {
			text = e.Logmsg
			if strings.Contains(e.Logmsg, "#012") {
				text = loggly.FmtHit(e.Logmsg)
			loc, err := time.LoadLocation("Asia/Shanghai")
			if err != nil {
				loc = time.Local
			t := time.Unix(
				int64(math.Remainder(float64(e.Timestamp), 1000))*time.Millisecond.Nanoseconds(),
			).In(loc).Format("01-02 15:04:05.000")
			text = fmt.Sprintf("*%v* %s", t, text)
		result = append(result, text)
	return strings.Join(result, "\n")
Exemplo n.º 14
// LoadTileSpec loads a TileSpec from JSON data.
// JSON data should look like:
// {
//    "0": { "Resolution": [3.1, 3.1, 40.0], "TileSize": [512, 512, 40] },
//    "1": { "Resolution": [6.2, 6.2, 40.0], "TileSize": [512, 512, 80] },
//    ...
// }
// Each line is a scale with a n-D resolution/voxel and a n-D tile size in voxels.
func LoadTileSpec(data []byte) (TileSpec, error) {
	var config specJSON
	err := json.Unmarshal(data, &config)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Allocate the tile specs
	numLevels := len(config)
	specs := make(TileSpec, numLevels)
	dvid.Infof("Found %d scaling levels for imagetile specification.\n", numLevels)

	// Store resolution and tile sizes per level.
	var hires, lores float64
	for scaleStr, levelSpec := range config {
		fmt.Printf("scale %s, levelSpec %v\n", scaleStr, levelSpec)
		scaleLevel, err := strconv.Atoi(scaleStr)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Scaling '%s' needs to be a number for the scale level.", scaleStr)
		if scaleLevel >= numLevels {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Tile levels must be consecutive integers from [0,Max]: Got scale level %d > # levels (%d)\n",
				scaleLevel, numLevels)
		specs[Scaling(scaleLevel)] = TileScaleSpec{LevelSpec: levelSpec}

	// Compute the magnification between each level.
	for scaling := Scaling(0); scaling < Scaling(numLevels-1); scaling++ {
		levelSpec, found := specs[scaling]
		if !found {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not find tile spec for level %d", scaling)
		nextSpec, found := specs[scaling+1]
		if !found {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not find tile spec for level %d", scaling+1)
		var levelMag dvid.Point3d
		for i, curRes := range levelSpec.Resolution {
			hires = float64(curRes)
			lores = float64(nextSpec.Resolution[i])
			rem := math.Remainder(lores, hires)
			if rem > 0.001 {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Resolutions between scale %d and %d aren't integral magnifications!",
					scaling, scaling+1)
			mag := lores / hires
			if mag < 0.99 {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("A resolution between scale %d and %d actually increases!",
					scaling, scaling+1)
			mag += 0.5
			levelMag[i] = int32(mag)
		levelSpec.levelMag = levelMag
		specs[scaling] = levelSpec
	return specs, nil
Exemplo n.º 15
Arquivo: cap.go Projeto: hailocab/geo
// RectBound returns a bounding latitude-longitude rectangle.
// The bounds are not guaranteed to be tight.
func (c Cap) RectBound() Rect {
	if c.IsEmpty() {
		return EmptyRect()

	capAngle := c.Radius().Radians()
	allLongitudes := false
	lat := r1.Interval{
		Lo: latitude(c.center).Radians() - capAngle,
		Hi: latitude(c.center).Radians() + capAngle,
	lng := s1.FullInterval()

	// Check whether cap includes the south pole.
	if lat.Lo <= -math.Pi/2 {
		lat.Lo = -math.Pi / 2
		allLongitudes = true

	// Check whether cap includes the north pole.
	if lat.Hi >= math.Pi/2 {
		lat.Hi = math.Pi / 2
		allLongitudes = true

	if !allLongitudes {
		// Compute the range of longitudes covered by the cap. We use the law
		// of sines for spherical triangles. Consider the triangle ABC where
		// A is the north pole, B is the center of the cap, and C is the point
		// of tangency between the cap boundary and a line of longitude. Then
		// C is a right angle, and letting a,b,c denote the sides opposite A,B,C,
		// we have sin(a)/sin(A) = sin(c)/sin(C), or sin(A) = sin(a)/sin(c).
		// Here "a" is the cap angle, and "c" is the colatitude (90 degrees
		// minus the latitude). This formula also works for negative latitudes.
		// The formula for sin(a) follows from the relationship h = 1 - cos(a).
		sinA := math.Sqrt(c.height * (2 - c.height))
		sinC := math.Cos(latitude(c.center).Radians())
		if sinA <= sinC {
			angleA := math.Asin(sinA / sinC)
			lng.Lo = math.Remainder(longitude(c.center).Radians()-angleA, math.Pi*2)
			lng.Hi = math.Remainder(longitude(c.center).Radians()+angleA, math.Pi*2)
	return Rect{lat, lng}
Exemplo n.º 16
// Normalized returns the normalized version of the LatLng,
// with Lat clamped to [-π/2,π/2] and Lng wrapped in [-π,π].
func (ll LatLng) Normalized() LatLng {
	lat := ll.Lat
	if lat > northPoleLat {
		lat = northPoleLat
	} else if lat < southPoleLat {
		lat = southPoleLat
	lng := s1.Angle(math.Remainder(ll.Lng.Radians(), 2*math.Pi)) * s1.Radian
	return LatLng{lat, lng}
Exemplo n.º 17
func TestRectVertexCCWOrder(t *testing.T) {
	for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
		lat := math.Pi / 4 * float64(i-2)
		lng := math.Pi/2*float64(i-2) + 0.2
		r := Rect{
			r1.Interval{lat, lat + math.Pi/4},
				math.Remainder(lng, 2*math.Pi),
				math.Remainder(lng+math.Pi/2, 2*math.Pi),

		for k := 0; k < 4; k++ {
			if !Sign(PointFromLatLng(r.Vertex((k-1)&3)), PointFromLatLng(r.Vertex(k)), PointFromLatLng(r.Vertex((k+1)&3))) {
				t.Errorf("%v.Vertex(%v), vertices were not in CCW order", r, k)
Exemplo n.º 18
func getBearingDetails(degrees float64) (direction string) {
	windDeg := (degrees + 11.25) / 22.5
	directionInt := int(math.Abs(math.Remainder(windDeg, 16)))

	if len(Directions) > directionInt && directionInt >= 0 {
		direction = Directions[directionInt]

	return direction
Exemplo n.º 19
func (ctx *DrawContext) drawParticle(p *orrery.Particle) {
	defer p.L.Unlock()

	c := colorful.Hcl(math.Remainder((math.Pi/p.M)*360, 360), 0.9, 0.9)

	ctx.drawSphere(p.Pos, p.R, c)
	for i, pos := range p.Trail {
		ctx.drawSphere(pos, 1/float64(len(p.Trail)-i+1), c)
Exemplo n.º 20
func testcrc32(path string) (ok bool) {
	ok = true
	d := filepath.Dir(path)
	var err = filepath.Walk(d, func(fpath string, f os.FileInfo, _ error) error {
		if filepath.Ext(fpath) == ".sfv" {
			printDebug("Found sfv\n%s\n", fpath)

			dat, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fpath)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			temp := strings.Split(string(dat), "\n")
			for i, x := range temp {
				if math.Remainder(float64(i), 25) == 0 {
				if len(x) < 1 {
				if string(x[0]) == ";" {

				result := strings.Fields(x)
				if len(result) > 0 {
					rcrc32 := result[len(result)-1]
					h, err := getHash(d + "\\" + result[0])
					if err != nil {
					s := strconv.FormatInt(int64(h), 16)
					s = strings.TrimLeft(s, "0")
					rcrc32 = strings.TrimLeft(rcrc32, "0")
					s = strings.ToUpper(s)
					rcrc32 = strings.ToUpper(rcrc32)
					if s != rcrc32 {
						ok = false
						printDebug("CRC does not match:\n%s\n%s - %s\n", result[0], rcrc32, s)
					} else {
						printDebug("%s", ".")
			printDebug("%s\n", "")

		return nil
	if err != nil {
		ok = false
Exemplo n.º 21
func (hb *Rectangle) Footprint(center *terrain.Position, angle float64) []*terrain.Position {
	contour := hb.Contour(center)

	angle = math.Remainder(angle, math.Pi)
	if angle == 0 {
		return []*terrain.Position{contour[1], contour[2]}
	} else if angle < math.Pi/2 { // Between 0 and pi/2
		return []*terrain.Position{contour[0], contour[2]}
	} else if angle == math.Pi/2 {
		return []*terrain.Position{contour[0], contour[1]}
	} else { // Between pi/2 and pi
		return []*terrain.Position{contour[1], contour[3]}
Exemplo n.º 22
func (db *DB) Getbit(key string, offset int) int {
	db.validateKeyType(key, "string")
	val := db.StringsMap[key]
	if val == nil {
		return 0
	pos := math.Ceil(float64(offset) / 8.0)
	if len(val) < int(pos) {
		return 0

	offsetRem := math.Remainder(float64(val[int(pos-1)]), 8.0)
	return int(val[int(pos-1)]) & int(offsetRem)
Exemplo n.º 23
// Divide computes the number of times the denominator fits in the numerator
// SEE: http://tour.golang.org/basics/3 (exportable function)
// SEE: http://tour.golang.org/basics/5 (shorthand declaration)
// SEE: http://tour.golang.org/basics/6 (multiple return values)
func Divide(numerator, denominator float64) (quotient, remainder int) {

	// Guard against dividing by zero
	if isZero(denominator) {

	// SEE: http://tour.golang.org/basics/13 (type conversion)
	quotient = int(numerator / denominator)
	remainder = int(math.Remainder(numerator, denominator))

	// SEE: http://tour.golang.org/basics/7 (named or "naked" return)
Exemplo n.º 24
func (f fizzBuzz) Resolve(size int) []string {
	var result = make([]string, size)

	for i := 1; i <= size; i++ {

		var isMultipleOfTree = (math.Remainder(float64(i), 3) == 0)
		var isMultipleOfFive = (math.Remainder(float64(i), 5) == 0)

		if isMultipleOfTree && isMultipleOfFive {
			result[i-1] = "fizzbuzz"
		} else {
			if isMultipleOfTree {
				result[i-1] = "fizz"
			} else if isMultipleOfFive {
				result[i-1] = "buzz"
			} else {
				result[i-1] = strconv.Itoa(i)

	return result
Exemplo n.º 25
func mod(v1, v2 value) value {
	_, ok1 := v1.(uint64)
	n2, ok2 := v2.(uint64)
	if ok1 && ok2 {
		if n2 == 0 {
			panic("divide by 0")
		return Ival(v1) % Ival(v2)
	f2 := Nval(v2)
	if f2 == 0 {
		panic("divide by 0")
	return math.Remainder(Nval(v1), f2)
Exemplo n.º 26
func TestContinuity(t *testing.T) {
	const maxWalkLevel = 8
	const cellSize = 1.0 / (1 << maxWalkLevel)

	// Make sure that sequentially increasing cell ids form a continuous
	// path over the surface of the sphere, i.e. there are no
	// discontinuous jumps from one region to another.

	maxDist := MaxWidthMetric.Value(maxWalkLevel)
	end := CellIDFromFace(5).ChildEndAtLevel(maxWalkLevel)
	id := CellIDFromFace(0).ChildBeginAtLevel(maxWalkLevel)

	for ; id != end; id = id.Next() {

		if got := id.rawPoint().Angle(id.NextWrap().rawPoint()); float64(got) > maxDist {
			t.Errorf("%v.rawPoint().Angle(%v.NextWrap().rawPoint()) = %v > %v", id, id, got, maxDist)
		if id.NextWrap() != id.AdvanceWrap(1) {
			t.Errorf("%v.NextWrap() != %v.AdvanceWrap(1) %v != %v)", id, id, id.NextWrap(), id.AdvanceWrap(1))
		if id != id.NextWrap().AdvanceWrap(-1) {
			t.Errorf("%v.NextWrap().AdvanceWrap(-1) = %v want %v)", id, id.NextWrap().AdvanceWrap(-1), id)

		// Check that the rawPoint() returns the center of each cell
		// in (s,t) coordinates.
		_, u, v := xyzToFaceUV(id.rawPoint())
		if !float64Eq(math.Remainder(uvToST(u), 0.5*cellSize), 0.0) {
			t.Errorf("uvToST(%v) = %v, want %v", u, uvToST(u), 0.5*cellSize)
		if !float64Eq(math.Remainder(uvToST(v), 0.5*cellSize), 0.0) {
			t.Errorf("uvToST(%v) = %v, want %v", v, uvToST(v), 0.5*cellSize)

Exemplo n.º 27
func main() {

	var a float64
	var b float64
	var z float64

	fmt.Printf("%s", "Please enter a number")

	fmt.Printf("%s", "Please enter a larger number")

	fmt.Printf("%s\n", "When the second number is divided by the first number, the remainder is: ")

	z = math.Remainder(a, b)
	fmt.Printf("%f\n", z)

Exemplo n.º 28
func mod(v1, v2 value) value {
	n2, _ := v2.(int64)
	if uints(v1, v2) {
		if n2 == 0 {
			panic("divide by 0")
		return Uval(v1) % Uval(v2)
	if ints(v1, v2) {
		if n2 == 0 {
			panic("divide by 0")
		return Ival(v1) % Ival(v2)
	f2 := Nval(v2)
	if f2 == 0 {
		panic("divide by 0")
	return math.Remainder(Nval(v1), f2)
Exemplo n.º 29
// Calculates the quantile
func QuantileSorted(list []float64, p float64) (float64, error) {
	index := float64(len(list)) * p
	if len(list) == 0 {
		return 0.0, errors.New("List empty")

	if p < 0 || p > 1 {
		return 0.0, errors.New("Quantile must be between 0 and 1")
	} else if p == 1 {
		return list[len(list)-1], nil
	} else if p == 0 {
		return list[0], nil
	} else if math.Remainder(p, 1) != 0 {
		return list[int(math.Ceil(index))-1], nil
	} else if len(list)%2 == 0 {
		return (list[int(index)-1] + list[int(index)]) / 2, nil
	} else {
		return list[int(index)], nil
Exemplo n.º 30
Arquivo: 5.go Projeto: GooseYArd/euler
func main() {

	// 2520 is the smallest number that can be divided by each of the numbers from 1 to 10 without any remainder.
	// What is the smallest positive number that is evenly divisible by all of the numbers from 1 to 20?

	var res int64 = 20

	// save some division later by skipping composite values or squares
	for i := 19; i > 2; i-- {
		prime := true
		for j := i - 1; j > 1; j-- {
			if i%j == 0 {
				prime = false
		if prime || math.Remainder(math.Sqrt(float64(i)), 1.0) == 0 {
			res *= int64(i)

	fmt.Println("Testing solution...")
	if !valid(res) {
		panic("The algorithm is incorrect")

	fmt.Println("value is valid, continuing")

	res = reduce(res)
	fmt.Printf("Final answer: %v\n", res)
	if valid(res) {
		fmt.Printf("and its ok\n")
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("NOT OK\n")
