Exemplo n.º 1
// outbound setup, check capabilities and set mode
// returns (supports stream, supports reader) + error
func (self nntpConnection) outboundHandshake(conn *textproto.Conn) (stream, reader bool, err error) {
	log.Println(self.name, "outbound handshake")
	var code int
	var line string
	for err == nil {
		code, line, err = conn.ReadCodeLine(-1)
		log.Println(self.name, line)
		if err == nil {
			if code == 200 {
				// send capabilities
				log.Println(self.name, "ask for capabilities")
				err = conn.PrintfLine("CAPABILITIES")
				if err == nil {
					// read response
					dr := conn.DotReader()
					r := bufio.NewReader(dr)
					for {
						line, err = r.ReadString('\n')
						if err == io.EOF {
							// we are at the end of the dotreader
							// set err back to nil and break out
							err = nil
						} else if err == nil {
							// we got a line
							if line == "MODE-READER\n" || line == "READER\n" {
								log.Println(self.name, "supports READER")
								reader = true
							} else if line == "STREAMING\n" {
								stream = true
								log.Println(self.name, "supports STREAMING")
							} else if line == "POSTIHAVESTREAMING\n" {
								stream = true
								reader = false
								log.Println(self.name, "is SRNd")
						} else {
							// we got an error
							log.Println("error reading capabilities", err)
					// return after reading
			} else if code == 201 {
				log.Println("feed", self.name, "does not allow posting")
				// we don't do auth yet
			} else {
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: nntp.go Projeto: 4cdn/srndv2
// ask for an article from the remote server
// feed it to the daemon if we get it
func (self *nntpConnection) requestArticle(daemon NNTPDaemon, conn *textproto.Conn, msgid string) (err error) {
	log.Println(self.name, "asking for", msgid)
	// send command
	err = conn.PrintfLine("ARTICLE %s", msgid)
	// read response
	code, line, err := conn.ReadCodeLine(-1)
	if code == 220 {
		// awwww yeh we got it
		var hdr textproto.MIMEHeader
		// read header
		hdr, err = conn.ReadMIMEHeader()
		if err == nil {
			// prepare to read body
			dr := conn.DotReader()
			// check header and decide if we want this
			reason, err := self.checkMIMEHeader(daemon, hdr)
			if err == nil {
				if len(reason) > 0 {
					log.Println(self.name, "discarding", msgid, reason)
					// we don't want it, discard
					io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, dr)
					daemon.database.BanArticle(msgid, reason)
				} else {
					// yeh we want it open up a file to store it in
					f := daemon.store.CreateTempFile(msgid)
					if f == nil {
						// already being loaded elsewhere
					} else {
						// write header to file
						writeMIMEHeader(f, hdr)
						// write article body to file
						_, _ = io.Copy(f, dr)
						// close file
						log.Println(msgid, "obtained via reader from", self.name)
						// tell daemon to load article via infeed
						daemon.infeed_load <- msgid
			} else {
				// error happened while processing
				log.Println(self.name, "error happend while processing MIME header", err)
		} else {
			// error happened while reading header
			log.Println(self.name, "error happened while reading MIME header", err)
	} else if code == 430 {
		// they don't know it D:
		log.Println(msgid, "not known by", self.name)
	} else {
		// invalid response
		log.Println(self.name, "invald response to ARTICLE:", code, line)
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: nntp.go Projeto: hobeone/nntp
func newClient(conn *textproto.Conn) (*Conn, error) {
	_, msg, err := conn.ReadCodeLine(200)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &Conn{
		conn:   conn,
		Banner: msg,
	}, nil
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: nntp.go Projeto: ZiRo-/srndv2
// ask for an article from the remote server
// feed it to the daemon if we get it
func (self *nntpConnection) requestArticle(daemon *NNTPDaemon, conn *textproto.Conn, msgid string) (err error) {
	// send command
	err = conn.PrintfLine("ARTICLE %s", msgid)
	// read response
	code, line, err := conn.ReadCodeLine(-1)
	if code == 220 {
		// awwww yeh we got it
		var hdr textproto.MIMEHeader
		// read header
		hdr, err = readMIMEHeader(conn.R)
		if err == nil {
			// prepare to read body
			dr := conn.DotReader()
			// check header and decide if we want this
			reason, ban, err := self.checkMIMEHeaderNoAuth(daemon, hdr)
			if err == nil {
				if len(reason) > 0 {
					log.Println(self.name, "discarding", msgid, reason)
					// we don't want it, discard
					io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, dr)
					if ban {
						daemon.database.BanArticle(msgid, reason)
				} else {
					// yeh we want it open up a file to store it in
					err = self.storeMessage(daemon, hdr, dr)
					if err != nil {
						log.Println(self.name, "failed to obtain article", err)
						// probably an invalid signature or format
						daemon.database.BanArticle(msgid, err.Error())
			} else {
				// error happened while processing
				log.Println(self.name, "error happend while processing MIME header", err)
		} else {
			// error happened while reading header
			log.Println(self.name, "error happened while reading MIME header", err)
	} else if code == 430 {
		// they don't know it D:
	} else {
		// invalid response
		log.Println(self.name, "invald response to ARTICLE:", code, line)
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: nntp.go Projeto: ZiRo-/srndv2
// switch modes
func (self *nntpConnection) modeSwitch(mode string, conn *textproto.Conn) (success bool, err error) {
	mode = strings.ToUpper(mode)
	conn.PrintfLine("MODE %s", mode)
	var code int
	code, _, err = conn.ReadCodeLine(-1)
	if code >= 200 && code < 300 {
		// accepted mode change
		if len(self.mode) > 0 {
			log.Printf(self.name, "mode switch %s -> %s", self.mode, mode)
		} else {
			log.Println(self.name, "switched to mode", mode)
		self.mode = mode
		success = len(self.mode) > 0
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: nntp.go Projeto: 4cdn/srndv2
func (self *nntpConnection) Quit(conn *textproto.Conn) (err error) {
	_, _, err = conn.ReadCodeLine(0)
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: nntp.go Projeto: 4cdn/srndv2
// grab every post from the remote server, assumes outbound connection
func (self *nntpConnection) scrapeServer(daemon NNTPDaemon, conn *textproto.Conn) (err error) {
	log.Println(self.name, "scrape remote server")
	success := true
	if success {
		// send newsgroups command
		err = conn.PrintfLine("NEWSGROUPS %d 000000 GMT", timeNow())
		if err == nil {
			// read response line
			code, _, err := conn.ReadCodeLine(231)
			if code == 231 {
				var groups []string
				// valid response, we expect a multiline
				dr := conn.DotReader()
				// read lines
				sc := bufio.NewScanner(dr)
				for sc.Scan() {
					line := sc.Text()
					idx := strings.Index(line, " ")
					if idx > 0 {
						groups = append(groups, line[:idx])
					} else {
						// invalid line? wtf.
						log.Println(self.name, "invalid line in newsgroups multiline response:", line)
				err = sc.Err()
				if err == nil {
					log.Println(self.name, "got list of newsgroups")
					// for each group
					for _, group := range groups {
						var banned bool
						// check if the newsgroup is banned
						banned, err = daemon.database.NewsgroupBanned(group)
						if banned {
							// we don't want it
						} else if err == nil {
							// scrape the group
							err = self.scrapeGroup(daemon, conn, group)
							if err != nil {
								log.Println(self.name, "did not scrape", group, err)
						} else {
							// error while checking for ban
							log.Println(self.name, "checking for newsgroup ban failed", err)
				} else {
					// we got a bad multiline block?
					log.Println(self.name, "bad multiline response from newsgroups command", err)
			} else if err == nil {
				// invalid response no error
				log.Println(self.name, "gave us invalid response to newsgroups command", code)
			} else {
				// invalid response with error
				log.Println(self.name, "error while reading response from newsgroups command", err)
		} else {
			log.Println(self.name, "failed to send newsgroups command", err)
	} else if err == nil {
		// failed to switch mode to reader
		log.Println(self.name, "does not do reader mode, bailing scrape")
	} else {
		// failt to switch mode because of error
		log.Println(self.name, "failed to switch to reader mode when scraping", err)
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: nntp.go Projeto: 4cdn/srndv2
// scrape all posts in a newsgroup
// download ones we do not have
func (self *nntpConnection) scrapeGroup(daemon NNTPDaemon, conn *textproto.Conn, group string) (err error) {
	log.Println(self.name, "scrape newsgroup", group)
	// send GROUP command
	err = conn.PrintfLine("GROUP %s", group)
	if err == nil {
		// read reply to GROUP command
		code := 0
		code, _, err = conn.ReadCodeLine(211)
		// check code
		if code == 211 {
			// success
			// send XOVER command, dummy parameter for now
			err = conn.PrintfLine("XOVER 0")
			if err == nil {
				// no error sending command, read first line
				code, _, err = conn.ReadCodeLine(224)
				if code == 224 {
					// maps message-id -> references
					articles := make(map[string]string)
					// successful response, read multiline
					dr := conn.DotReader()
					sc := bufio.NewScanner(dr)
					for sc.Scan() {
						line := sc.Text()
						parts := strings.Split(line, "\t")
						if len(parts) > 5 {
							// probably valid line
							msgid := parts[4]
							// msgid -> reference
							articles[msgid] = parts[5]
						} else {
							// probably not valid line
							// ignore
					err = sc.Err()
					if err == nil {
						// everything went okay when reading multiline
						// for each article
						for msgid, refid := range articles {
							// check the reference
							if len(refid) > 0 && ValidMessageID(refid) {
								// do we have it?
								if daemon.database.HasArticle(refid) {
									// we have it don't do anything
								} else if daemon.database.ArticleBanned(refid) {
									// thread banned
								} else {
									// we don't got root post and it's not banned, try getting it
									err = self.requestArticle(daemon, conn, refid)
									if err != nil {
										// something bad happened
										log.Println(self.name, "failed to obtain root post", refid, err)
							// check the actual message-id
							if len(msgid) > 0 && ValidMessageID(msgid) {
								// do we have it?
								if daemon.database.HasArticle(msgid) {
									// we have it, don't do shit
								} else if daemon.database.ArticleBanned(msgid) {
									// this article is banned, don't do shit yo
								} else {
									// we don't have it but we want it
									err = self.requestArticle(daemon, conn, msgid)
									if err != nil {
										// something bad happened
										log.Println(self.name, "failed to obtain article", msgid, err)
					} else {
						// something bad went down when reading multiline
						log.Println(self.name, "failed to read multiline for", group, "XOVER command")
		} else if err == nil {
			// invalid response code no error
			log.Println(self.name, "says they don't have", group, "but they should")
		} else {
			// error recving response
			log.Println(self.name, "error recving response from GROUP command", err)
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: nntp.go Projeto: ZiRo-/srndv2
// outbound setup, check capabilities and set mode
// returns (supports stream, supports reader, supports tls) + error
func (self *nntpConnection) outboundHandshake(conn *textproto.Conn, conf *FeedConfig) (stream, reader, tls bool, err error) {
	log.Println(self.name, "outbound handshake")
	var line string
	var code int
	for err == nil {
		code, line, err = conn.ReadCodeLine(-1)
		log.Println(self.name, line)
		if err == nil {
			if code == 200 {
				// send capabilities
				log.Println(self.name, "ask for capabilities")
				err = conn.PrintfLine("CAPABILITIES")
				if err == nil {
					// read response
					dr := conn.DotReader()
					r := bufio.NewReader(dr)
					for {
						line, err = r.ReadString('\n')
						if err == io.EOF {
							// we are at the end of the dotreader
							// set err back to nil and break out
							err = nil
						} else if err == nil {
							if line == "STARTTLS\n" {
								log.Println(self.name, "supports STARTTLS")
								tls = true
							} else if line == "MODE-READER\n" || line == "READER\n" {
								log.Println(self.name, "supports READER")
								reader = true
							} else if line == "STREAMING\n" {
								stream = true
								log.Println(self.name, "supports STREAMING")
							} else if line == "POSTIHAVESTREAMING\n" {
								stream = true
								reader = false
								log.Println(self.name, "is SRNd")
						} else {
							// we got an error
							log.Println("error reading capabilities", err)
					// return after reading
			} else if code == 201 {
				log.Println("feed", self.name, "does not allow posting")
				// we don't do auth yet
			} else {
	if conf != nil && len(conf.username) > 0 && len(conf.passwd) > 0 {
		log.Println(self.name, "authenticating...")
		err = conn.PrintfLine("AUTHINFO USER %s", conf.username)
		if err == nil {
			var code int
			code, line, err = conn.ReadCodeLine(381)
			if code == 381 {
				err = conn.PrintfLine("AUTHINFO PASS %s", conf.passwd)
				if err == nil {
					code, line, err = conn.ReadCodeLine(281)
					if code == 281 {
						log.Println(self.name, "Auth Successful")
					} else {
						log.Println(self.name, "Auth incorrect", line)
						return false, false, false, io.EOF
