Exemplo n.º 1
// NewTemp create new Temp structure
func NewTemp(args ...string) (*Temp, error) {
	tempDir := path.Clean(Dir)

	if len(args) != 0 {
		tempDir = path.Clean(args[0])

	if !fsutil.IsExist(tempDir) {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Directory %s is not exist", tempDir)

	if !fsutil.IsDir(tempDir) {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s is not a directory", tempDir)

	if !fsutil.IsWritable(tempDir) {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Directory %s is not writable", tempDir)

	return &Temp{
		Dir:       tempDir,
		DirPerms:  DefaultDirPerms,
		FilePerms: DefaultFilePerms,
	}, nil
Exemplo n.º 2
func arrangeFilename(filename string) string {
	if len(filename) == 0 {
		return filename

	gopath := path.Join(os.Getenv("GOPATH"), "/src/")
	pwd, _ := os.Getwd()
	mayBeRelPath := path.Clean(path.Join(pwd, filename))
	if strings.HasPrefix(mayBeRelPath, gopath) {
		s := mayBeRelPath[len(gopath):]
		if s[0:1] == "/" {
			filename = s[1:]
	mayBeAbsPath := path.Clean(filename)
	if strings.HasPrefix(mayBeAbsPath, gopath) {
		s := mayBeAbsPath[len(gopath):]
		if s[0:1] == "/" {
			filename = s[1:]

	filename = strings.TrimPrefix(filename, sourceDir)
	return filename
Exemplo n.º 3
  Returns absolute path of executing file.
  WARNING: this must be called before
  changing the current directory
func discoverExecName() string {
	if DEBUG {
		log.Print("Debug: discoverExecName\n")

	f := os.Args[0]
	if path.IsAbs(f) {
		return f

	wd, err := os.Getwd()
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("Getwd failed: %s", err))

	_, err = os.Stat(f)
	if err == nil { // relative file exists
		return path.Clean(path.Join(wd, f))
	} // not exists? lookup in path

	f2, err := exec.LookPath(f)
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("lookpath failed: %s", err))

	if path.IsAbs(f2) {
		return f2

	return path.Clean(path.Join(wd, f2))
Exemplo n.º 4
func (b *BlobStore) listBlobFiles(baseURL *url.URL) ([]blob.Blob, error) {
	listResp, err := b.doListRequest(baseURL)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var blobFiles []blob.Blob
	for _, resp := range listResp.Responses {
		u, err := url.Parse(resp.HREF)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		if path.Clean(u.Path) == path.Clean(baseURL.Path) {

		blobFiles = append(blobFiles, blob.Blob{
			Path:    strings.Replace(path.Clean(u.Path), "/blobs/", "", 1),
			Created: time.Time(resp.LastModified),
			Size:    resp.ContentLength,

	return blobFiles, nil
Exemplo n.º 5
func (v *VolumeOptions) setVolumeMount(spec *kapi.PodSpec, info *resource.Info) error {
	opts := v.AddOpts
	containers, _ := selectContainers(spec.Containers, v.Containers)
	if len(containers) == 0 && v.Containers != "*" {
		fmt.Fprintf(v.Err, "warning: %s/%s does not have any containers matching %q\n", info.Mapping.Resource, info.Name, v.Containers)
		return nil

	for _, c := range containers {
		for _, m := range c.VolumeMounts {
			if path.Clean(m.MountPath) == path.Clean(opts.MountPath) && m.Name != v.Name {
				return fmt.Errorf("volume mount '%s' already exists for container '%s'", opts.MountPath, c.Name)
		for i, m := range c.VolumeMounts {
			if m.Name == v.Name {
				c.VolumeMounts = append(c.VolumeMounts[:i], c.VolumeMounts[i+1:]...)
		volumeMount := &kapi.VolumeMount{
			Name:      v.Name,
			MountPath: path.Clean(opts.MountPath),
		c.VolumeMounts = append(c.VolumeMounts, *volumeMount)
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 6
// posixRel returns a relative path that is lexically equivalent to targpath when
// joined to basepath with an intervening separator.
// That is, Join(basepath, Rel(basepath, targpath)) is equivalent to targpath itself.
// On success, the returned path will always be relative to basepath,
// even if basepath and targpath share no elements.
// An error is returned if targpath can't be made relative to basepath or if
// knowing the current working directory would be necessary to compute it.
// Copy-pasted & slightly edited from Go's lib path/filepath/path.go .
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
func posixRel(basepath, targpath string) (string, error) {
	base := path.Clean(basepath)
	targ := path.Clean(targpath)
	if targ == base {
		return ".", nil
	if base == "." {
		base = ""
	if path.IsAbs(base) != path.IsAbs(targ) {
		return "", errors.New("Rel: can't make " + targ + " relative to " + base)
	// Position base[b0:bi] and targ[t0:ti] at the first differing elements.
	bl := len(base)
	tl := len(targ)
	var b0, bi, t0, ti int
	for {
		for bi < bl && base[bi] != '/' {
		for ti < tl && targ[ti] != '/' {
		if targ[t0:ti] != base[b0:bi] {
		if bi < bl {
		if ti < tl {
		b0 = bi
		t0 = ti
	if base[b0:bi] == ".." {
		return "", errors.New("Rel: can't make " + targ + " relative to " + base)
	if b0 != bl {
		// Base elements left. Must go up before going down.
		seps := strings.Count(base[b0:bl], string('/'))
		size := 2 + seps*3
		if tl != t0 {
			size += 1 + tl - t0
		buf := make([]byte, size)
		n := copy(buf, "..")
		for i := 0; i < seps; i++ {
			buf[n] = '/'
			copy(buf[n+1:], "..")
			n += 3
		if t0 != tl {
			buf[n] = '/'
			copy(buf[n+1:], targ[t0:])
		return string(buf), nil
	return targ[t0:], nil
Exemplo n.º 7
// Uglify does the opposite of PrettifyURLPath().
//     /section/name/index.html becomes /section/name.html
//     /section/name/           becomes /section/name.html
//     /section/name.html       becomes /section/name.html
func Uglify(in string) string {
	if path.Ext(in) == "" {
		if len(in) < 2 {
			return "/"
		// /section/name/  -> /section/name.html
		return path.Clean(in) + ".html"

	name, ext := fileAndExt(in, pb)
	if name == "index" {
		// /section/name/index.html -> /section/name.html
		d := path.Dir(in)
		if len(d) > 1 {
			return d + ext
		return in
	// /.xml -> /index.xml
	if name == "" {
		return path.Dir(in) + "index" + ext
	// /section/name.html -> /section/name.html
	return path.Clean(in)
Exemplo n.º 8
// Return the suffix of p relative to base
// Both paths must be absolute or both relative.
// Pref can be empty.
// If there's no such suffix, the empty string is returned.
// The suffix starts with '/' and is "/" if b == p
func Suffix(p, pref string) string {
	if len(p) == 0 {
		return ""
	p = path.Clean(p)
	if pref == "" {
		return p
	pref = path.Clean(pref)
	if (pref[0] == '/') != (p[0] == '/') {
		return ""
	if pref == "." || pref == "/" {
		return p
	np := len(p)
	npref := len(pref)
	if np < npref {
		return ""
	switch {
	case !strings.HasPrefix(p, pref):
		return ""
	case np == npref:
		return "/"
	case p[npref] != '/':
		return ""
		return p[npref:]
func CommonPrefix(sep string, paths ...string) string {
	// Handle special cases.
	switch len(paths) {
	case 0:
		return ""
	case 1:
		return path.Clean(paths[0])

	c := []byte(path.Clean(paths[0]))

	// Ignore the first path since it's already in c.
	for _, v := range paths[1:] {
		// Clean up each path before testing it.
		v = path.Clean(v)

		// Get the length of the shorter slice.
		shorter := len(v)
		if len(v) > len(c) {
			shorter = len(c)

		// Find the first non-common character and copy up to it into c.
		for i := 0; i < shorter; i++ {
			if v[i] != c[i] {
				c = c[0:i]

	// Correct for problem caused by prepending the actual common path to the
	// list of paths searched through.
	for _, v := range paths {
		if len(v) > len(c) {
			if strings.HasPrefix(v, string(c)) {
				if len(v) > len(c)+len(sep) {
					if v[len(c):len(c)+len(sep)] == sep {
						c = append(c, []byte(sep)...)

	// Remove trailing non-seperator characters.
	for i := len(c) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		if i+len(sep) > len(c) {

		if string(c[i:i+len(sep)]) == sep {
			c = c[0:i]

	return string(c)
Exemplo n.º 10
// TODO(phase1+) Move these paramaters to the API group
// we need some params for testing etc, let's keep these hidden for now
func SetEnvParams() *EnvParams {

	envParams := map[string]string{
		"kubernetes_dir":  "/etc/kubernetes",
		"host_pki_path":   "/etc/kubernetes/pki",
		"host_etcd_path":  "/var/lib/etcd",
		"hyperkube_image": "",
		"repo_prefix":     "gcr.io/google_containers",
		"discovery_image": fmt.Sprintf("gcr.io/google_containers/kube-discovery-%s:%s", runtime.GOARCH, "1.0"),
		"etcd_image":      "",

	for k := range envParams {
		if v := strings.TrimSpace(os.Getenv(fmt.Sprintf("KUBE_%s", strings.ToUpper(k)))); v != "" {
			envParams[k] = v

	return &EnvParams{
		KubernetesDir:    path.Clean(envParams["kubernetes_dir"]),
		HostPKIPath:      path.Clean(envParams["host_pki_path"]),
		HostEtcdPath:     path.Clean(envParams["host_etcd_path"]),
		HyperkubeImage:   envParams["hyperkube_image"],
		RepositoryPrefix: envParams["repo_prefix"],
		DiscoveryImage:   envParams["discovery_image"],
		EtcdImage:        envParams["etcd_image"],
Exemplo n.º 11
func (ks *KeySuite) SubtestKey(s string, c *C) {
	fixed := path.Clean("/" + s)
	namespaces := strings.Split(fixed, "/")[1:]
	lastNamespace := namespaces[len(namespaces)-1]
	lnparts := strings.Split(lastNamespace, ":")
	ktype := ""
	if len(lnparts) > 1 {
		ktype = strings.Join(lnparts[:len(lnparts)-1], ":")
	kname := lnparts[len(lnparts)-1]

	kchild := path.Clean(fixed + "/cchildd")
	kparent := "/" + strings.Join(append(namespaces[:len(namespaces)-1]), "/")
	kpath := path.Clean(kparent + "/" + ktype)
	kinstance := fixed + ":" + "inst"

	c.Log("Testing: ", NewKey(s))

	c.Check(NewKey(s).String(), Equals, fixed)
	c.Check(NewKey(s), Equals, NewKey(s))
	c.Check(NewKey(s).String(), Equals, NewKey(s).String())
	c.Check(NewKey(s).Name(), Equals, kname)
	c.Check(NewKey(s).Type(), Equals, ktype)
	c.Check(NewKey(s).Path().String(), Equals, kpath)
	c.Check(NewKey(s).Instance("inst").String(), Equals, kinstance)

	c.Check(NewKey(s).Child("cchildd").String(), Equals, kchild)
	c.Check(NewKey(s).Child("cchildd").Parent().String(), Equals, fixed)
	c.Check(NewKey(s).Parent().String(), Equals, kparent)
	c.Check(len(NewKey(s).List()), Equals, len(namespaces))
	c.Check(len(NewKey(s).Namespaces()), Equals, len(namespaces))
	for i, e := range NewKey(s).List() {
		c.Check(namespaces[i], Equals, e)
Exemplo n.º 12
// url returns a parsed url to the given path. c must not be nil
func (b *Bucket) url(bPath string, c *Config) (*url.URL, error) {

	// parse versionID parameter from path, if included
	// See https://github.com/rlmcpherson/s3gof3r/issues/84 for rationale
	purl, err := url.Parse(bPath)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	var vals url.Values
	if v := purl.Query().Get(versionParam); v != "" {
		vals = make(url.Values)
		vals.Add(versionParam, v)
		bPath = strings.Split(bPath, "?")[0] // remove versionID from path

	// handling for bucket names containing periods / explicit PathStyle addressing
	// http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/BucketRestrictions.html for details
	if strings.Contains(b.Name, ".") || c.PathStyle {
		return &url.URL{
			Host:     b.S3.Domain,
			Scheme:   c.Scheme,
			Path:     path.Clean(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s", b.Name, bPath)),
			RawQuery: vals.Encode(),
		}, nil
	} else {
		return &url.URL{
			Scheme:   c.Scheme,
			Path:     path.Clean(fmt.Sprintf("/%s", bPath)),
			Host:     path.Clean(fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", b.Name, b.S3.Domain)),
			RawQuery: vals.Encode(),
		}, nil
Exemplo n.º 13
func NewCfIgnore(text string) CfIgnore {
	patterns := []ignorePattern{}
	inclusions := []glob.Glob{}
	exclusions := []glob.Glob{}

	lines := strings.Split(text, "\n")
	lines = append(DefaultIgnoreFiles, lines...)

	for _, pattern := range lines {
		pattern = strings.TrimSpace(pattern)
		if pattern == "" {

		if strings.HasPrefix(pattern, "!") {
			pattern := pattern[1:]
			pattern = path.Clean(pattern)
			inclusions = append(inclusions, globsForPattern(pattern)...)
		} else {
			pattern = path.Clean(pattern)
			exclusions = append(exclusions, globsForPattern(pattern)...)

	for _, glob := range exclusions {
		patterns = append(patterns, ignorePattern{true, glob})
	for _, glob := range inclusions {
		patterns = append(patterns, ignorePattern{false, glob})

	return cfIgnore(patterns)
Exemplo n.º 14
func main() {
	hostPtr := flag.String("host", "localhost", "hostname of the server")
	portPtr := flag.Int("port", 30000, "port that the server runs on")
	keyPtr := flag.String("key", "client.private", "private key for authentication")
	servKeyPtr := flag.String("servkey", "server.public", "public key of the server")

	sock, err := zmq.NewSocket(zmq.REQ)
	condlog.Fatal(err, "Unable to create socket")
	defer sock.Close()
	initSecurity(path.Clean(*keyPtr), path.Clean(*servKeyPtr), sock)

	err = sock.Connect(fmt.Sprintf("tcp://%s:%d", *hostPtr, *portPtr))
	condlog.Fatal(err, "Unable to connect")

	in := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
	fmt.Print("> ")
	for in.Scan() {
		hand := in.Text()

		results := solve(hand, sock)
		for _, r := range results {
		fmt.Print("> ")

	condlog.Fatal(in.Err(), "Unable to read from stdin")
Exemplo n.º 15
func expandOutputs(output string, dirDst, usePipe bool, tasks *[]task) bool {
	if output != "" {
		output = path.Clean(filepath.ToSlash(output))
		if output[len(output)-1] != '/' {
			info, err := os.Stat(output)
			if err == nil && info.Mode().IsDir() {
				output += "/"
		if dirDst {
			if output[len(output)-1] != '/' {
				output += "/"
			if err := os.MkdirAll(output, 0777); err != nil {
				fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "ERROR: "+err.Error())
		} else if output[len(output)-1] == '/' {
			output += "out"

	if verbose {
		if output == "" {
			if usePipe {
				fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "INFO:  minify to stdout")
			} else {
				fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "INFO:  minify to overwrite itself")
		} else if output[len(output)-1] != '/' {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "INFO:  minify to output file %v\n", output)
		} else if output == "./" {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "INFO:  minify to current working directory\n")
		} else {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "INFO:  minify to output directory %v\n", output)

	ok := true
	for i, t := range *tasks {
		if !usePipe && output == "" {
			(*tasks)[i].dst = (*tasks)[i].src
		} else {
			(*tasks)[i].dst = output
		if len(output) > 0 && output[len(output)-1] == '/' {
			rel, err := filepath.Rel(t.srcDir, t.src)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "ERROR: "+err.Error())
				ok = false
			(*tasks)[i].dst = path.Clean(filepath.ToSlash(path.Join(output, rel)))

	if usePipe && len(*tasks) == 0 {
		*tasks = append(*tasks, task{"", "", output})
	return ok
Exemplo n.º 16
func newFS(r *zip.Reader) http.FileSystem {
	files := map[string]*zip.File{}
	dirs := map[string]map[string]bool{}
	for _, f := range r.File {
		name := path.Clean(f.Name)
		if !f.Mode().IsDir() {
			files[name] = f
		var filename string
		for name != "." {
			name, filename = path.Split(name)
			name = path.Clean(name)
			if filename == "" {
			if _, ok := dirs[name]; !ok {
				dirs[name] = map[string]bool{}
			if dirs[name][filename] {
			dirs[name][filename] = true

	return fileSystem{files, dirMapsToSlices(dirs)}
Exemplo n.º 17
func (s *Sync) Sync(targetPath string, convert bool) error {
	logger.Log.Println("getting data...")
	tracks, err := s.db.ListAll()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	logger.Log.Println(len(tracks), "tracks found.")
	logger.Log.Println("indexing target...")

	cleanPath := path.Clean(targetPath)
	if cleanPath != "" {
		cleanPath += "/"
	var targetFiles []file
	filepath.Walk(targetPath, func(filepath string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if info.IsDir() {
			return nil
		filepath = path.Clean(filepath)
		if !strings.HasPrefix(filepath, cleanPath) {
			return errrs.New("file " + filepath + " is not within " + cleanPath)
		filepath = strings.TrimPrefix(filepath, cleanPath)
		targetFiles = append(targetFiles, file{filepath, info})
		return nil
	logger.Log.Println(len(targetFiles), "files in target")

	return core.ErrorNotImplemented
Exemplo n.º 18
Arquivo: memfs.go Projeto: blang/vfs
// Rename renames (moves) a file.
// Handles to the oldpath persist but might return oldpath if Name() is called.
func (fs *MemFS) Rename(oldpath, newpath string) error {
	defer fs.lock.Unlock()

	// OldPath
	oldpath = filepath.Clean(oldpath)
	fiOldParent, fiOld, err := fs.fileInfo(oldpath)
	if err != nil {
		return &os.PathError{"rename", oldpath, err}
	if fiOld == nil {
		return &os.PathError{"rename", oldpath, os.ErrNotExist}

	newpath = filepath.Clean(newpath)
	fiNewParent, fiNew, err := fs.fileInfo(newpath)
	if err != nil {
		return &os.PathError{"rename", newpath, err}

	if fiNew != nil {
		return &os.PathError{"rename", newpath, os.ErrExist}

	newBase := filepath.Base(newpath)

	// Relink
	delete(fiOldParent.childs, fiOld.name)
	fiOld.parent = fiNewParent
	fiOld.name = newBase
	fiOld.modTime = time.Now()
	fiNewParent.childs[fiOld.name] = fiOld
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 19
func handleReq(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

	//Is_Ajax := strings.Contains(r.Header.Get("Accept"), "application/json")
	if r.Method == "PUT" {
		AjaxUpload(w, r)
	if r.Method == "POST" {
		WebCommandHandler(w, r)

	log.Print("Request: ", r.RequestURI)
	// See bug #9. For some reason, don't arrive index.html, when asked it..
	if strings.HasSuffix(r.URL.Path, "/") && r.FormValue("get_file") != "true" {
		log.Printf("Index dir %s", r.URL.Path)
		handleDir(w, r)
	} else {
		log.Printf("downloading file %s", path.Clean(dir+r.URL.Path))
		http.ServeFile(w, r, path.Clean(dir+r.URL.Path))
		//http.ServeContent(w, r, r.URL.Path)
		//w.Write([]byte("this is a test inside file handler"))


Exemplo n.º 20
func S(key string, f cacheSetFunc, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, timeout int) {
	if base == "" {
		Lcw(key, f, w, r, timeout)
	fb, fe := f()
	if fe != nil {
		http.NotFound(w, r)
	p := path.Clean(base + "/" + key + ".html")
	pb := path.Clean(base + "/" + key + ".tmp")
	e := ioutil.WriteFile(pb, fb, 0644)
	if e != nil {
		os.MkdirAll(path.Dir(pb), os.ModeDir|0755)
		e = ioutil.WriteFile(pb, fb, 0644)
		if e != nil {

	if e == nil {
		os.Rename(pb, p)
		go func() {
			<-time.After(time.Duration(int64(time.Second) * int64(timeout)))
Exemplo n.º 21
// Check if endpoint is in expected syntax by valid scheme/path across all platforms.
func checkEndpointURL(endpointURL *url.URL) (err error) {
	// applicable to all OS.
	if endpointURL.Scheme == "" || endpointURL.Scheme == "http" || endpointURL.Scheme == "https" {
		urlPath := path.Clean(endpointURL.Path)
		if urlPath == "" || urlPath == "." || urlPath == "/" || urlPath == `\` {
			err = fmt.Errorf("Empty or root path is not allowed")

		return err

	// Applicable to Windows only.
	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
		// On Windows, endpoint can be a path with drive eg. C:\Export and its URL.Scheme is 'C'.
		// Check if URL.Scheme is a single letter alphabet to represent a drive.
		// Note: URL.Parse() converts scheme into lower case always.
		if len(endpointURL.Scheme) == 1 && endpointURL.Scheme[0] >= 'a' && endpointURL.Scheme[0] <= 'z' {
			// If endpoint is C:\ or C:\export, URL.Path does not have path information like \ or \export
			// hence we directly work with endpoint.
			urlPath := strings.SplitN(path.Clean(endpointURL.String()), ":", 2)[1]
			if urlPath == "" || urlPath == "." || urlPath == "/" || urlPath == `\` {
				err = fmt.Errorf("Empty or root path is not allowed")

			return err

	return fmt.Errorf("Invalid scheme")
Exemplo n.º 22
Arquivo: sites.go Projeto: get3w/get3w
func parseSite(line string) *get3w.Site {
	arrOuter := regexOuter.FindStringSubmatch(line)
	if len(arrOuter) != 3 || arrOuter[0] == "" || arrOuter[1] == "" || arrOuter[2] == "" {
		return nil

	arrInner := regexInner.FindStringSubmatch(arrOuter[2])
	if len(arrInner) != 4 || arrInner[0] == "" {
		return nil

	name, p, url := arrOuter[1], "", ""
	if arrInner[3] == "" {
		p, url = path.Clean(strings.TrimSpace(arrInner[1])), strings.TrimSpace(arrInner[2])
	} else {
		p = path.Clean(strings.TrimSpace(arrInner[3]))
	if p == "." {
		p = ""
	if url == "" {
		url = getSiteURL(p)

	if name == "" {
		return nil

	return &get3w.Site{
		Name: name,
		Path: p,
		URL:  url,
Exemplo n.º 23
  Returns absolute path of executing file.
  WARNING: this must be called before
  changing the current directory
func (be *BdsExec) discoverExecName() string {
	if DEBUG {
		log.Printf("Debug: discoverExecName (%s)\n", be.args[0])

	f := be.args[0]

	if path.IsAbs(f) {
		return f

	wd, err := os.Getwd()
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("discoverExecName: Getwd failed '%s'", err))

	_, err = os.Stat(f)
	if err == nil {
		// Relative file exists
		return path.Clean(path.Join(wd, f))

	f2, err := exec.LookPath(f)
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("discoverExecName: Lookpath failed '%s'", err))

	if path.IsAbs(f2) {
		return f2

	return path.Clean(path.Join(wd, f2))
Exemplo n.º 24
func splitConfigRootFSFromTar(in io.ReadCloser, config *[]byte) io.ReadCloser {
	pr, pw := io.Pipe()
	go func() {
		tarReader := tar.NewReader(in)
		tarWriter := tar.NewWriter(pw)
		defer in.Close()

		hasRootFS := false

		for {
			hdr, err := tarReader.Next()
			if err == io.EOF {
				if !hasRootFS {
					pw.CloseWithError(errors.Wrap(err, "no rootfs found"))
				// Signals end of archive.
			if err != nil {
				pw.CloseWithError(errors.Wrap(err, "failed to read from tar"))

			content := io.Reader(tarReader)
			name := path.Clean(hdr.Name)
			if path.IsAbs(name) {
				name = name[1:]
			if name == configFileName {
				dt, err := ioutil.ReadAll(content)
				if err != nil {
					pw.CloseWithError(errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to read %s", configFileName))
				*config = dt
			if parts := strings.Split(name, "/"); len(parts) != 0 && parts[0] == rootFSFileName {
				hdr.Name = path.Clean(path.Join(parts[1:]...))
				if hdr.Typeflag == tar.TypeLink && strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(hdr.Linkname), rootFSFileName+"/") {
					hdr.Linkname = hdr.Linkname[len(rootFSFileName)+1:]
				if err := tarWriter.WriteHeader(hdr); err != nil {
					pw.CloseWithError(errors.Wrap(err, "error writing tar header"))
				if _, err := pools.Copy(tarWriter, content); err != nil {
					pw.CloseWithError(errors.Wrap(err, "error copying tar data"))
				hasRootFS = true
			} else {
				io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, content)
	return pr
Exemplo n.º 25
// Setup configures a *build.Context to use the given VFS
// as its filesystem.
func Setup(ctx *build.Context, fs vfs.VFS) {
	ctx.JoinPath = path.Join
	ctx.SplitPathList = filepath.SplitList
	ctx.IsAbsPath = func(p string) bool {
		return p != "" && p[0] == '/'
	ctx.IsDir = func(p string) bool {
		stat, err := fs.Stat(p)
		return err == nil && stat.IsDir()
	ctx.HasSubdir = func(root, dir string) (string, bool) {
		root = path.Clean(root)
		if !strings.HasSuffix(root, separator) {
			root += separator
		dir = path.Clean(dir)
		if !strings.HasPrefix(dir, root) {
			return "", false
		return dir[len(root):], true
	ctx.ReadDir = fs.ReadDir
	ctx.OpenFile = func(p string) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
		return fs.Open(p)
Exemplo n.º 26
func expandRoot(root string) string {
	if rroot := []rune(root); rroot[0] == '.' {
		// Get the current directory
		cd, err := os.Getwd()

		// Check for an error
		if err != nil {
		} //if

		// Check if the path is simple
		switch root {
		case ".":
			return cd
		case "..":
			return path.Dir(cd)
		} //switch

		// Check if the second is also a '.'
		if rroot[1] == '.' {
			return path.Clean(path.Join(path.Dir(cd), root[2:]))
		} //if

		// Return the current directory and everything after the first '.'
		return path.Clean(path.Join(cd, root[1:]))
	} //if

	return path.Clean(root)
} //expandRoot
Exemplo n.º 27
// collectData collects requested downwardAPI in data map.
// Map's key is the requested name of file to dump
// Map's value is the (sorted) content of the field to be dumped in the file.
func (d *downwardAPIVolume) collectData() (map[string][]byte, error) {
	errlist := []error{}
	data := make(map[string][]byte)
	for _, fileInfo := range d.items {
		if fileInfo.FieldRef != nil {
			if values, err := fieldpath.ExtractFieldPathAsString(d.pod, fileInfo.FieldRef.FieldPath); err != nil {
				glog.Errorf("Unable to extract field %s: %s", fileInfo.FieldRef.FieldPath, err.Error())
				errlist = append(errlist, err)
			} else {
				data[path.Clean(fileInfo.Path)] = []byte(sortLines(values))
		} else if fileInfo.ResourceFieldRef != nil {
			containerName := fileInfo.ResourceFieldRef.ContainerName
			nodeAllocatable, err := d.plugin.host.GetNodeAllocatable()
			if err != nil {
				errlist = append(errlist, err)
			} else if values, err := fieldpath.ExtractResourceValueByContainerNameAndNodeAllocatable(fileInfo.ResourceFieldRef, d.pod, containerName, nodeAllocatable); err != nil {
				glog.Errorf("Unable to extract field %s: %s", fileInfo.ResourceFieldRef.Resource, err.Error())
				errlist = append(errlist, err)
			} else {
				data[path.Clean(fileInfo.Path)] = []byte(sortLines(values))
	return data, utilerrors.NewAggregate(errlist)
Exemplo n.º 28
// Prepare configures the output directory or returns an error if it already exists.
func (c *OutputConfig) Prepare(ctx *interpolate.Context, pc *common.PackerConfig) []error {
	if c.OutputDir == "" {
		c.OutputDir = fmt.Sprintf("output-%s", pc.PackerBuildName)

	var errs []error

	if path.IsAbs(c.OutputDir) {
		c.OutputDir = path.Clean(c.OutputDir)
	} else {
		wd, err := os.Getwd()
		if err != nil {
			errs = append(errs, err)
		c.OutputDir = path.Clean(path.Join(wd, c.OutputDir))

	if !pc.PackerForce {
		if _, err := os.Stat(c.OutputDir); err == nil {
			errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf(
				"Output directory '%s' already exists. It must not exist.", c.OutputDir))

	return errs
Exemplo n.º 29
// importPathsNoDotExpansion returns the import paths to use for the given
// command line, but it does no ... expansion.
// $GOROOT/src/cmd/main.go:332
func importPathsNoDotExpansion(args []string) []string {
	if len(args) == 0 {
		return []string{"."}
	var out []string
	for _, a := range args {
		// Arguments are supposed to be import paths, but
		// as a courtesy to Windows developers, rewrite \ to /
		// in command-line arguments.  Handles .\... and so on.
		if filepath.Separator == '\\' {
			a = strings.Replace(a, `\`, `/`, -1)

		// Put argument in canonical form, but preserve leading ./.
		if strings.HasPrefix(a, "./") {
			a = "./" + pathpkg.Clean(a)
			if a == "./." {
				a = "."
		} else {
			a = pathpkg.Clean(a)
		if a == "all" || a == "std" || a == "cmd" {
			out = append(out, allPackages(a)...)
		out = append(out, a)
	return out
Exemplo n.º 30
// Pattern is a string like "/story/:storyId/:partId"
func (r request) matchPath(pattern string) *map[string]string {
	pattern = path.Clean(pattern)
	url := path.Clean(r.req.URL.String())
	patternSplit := strings.Split(pattern, "/")
	if patternSplit[0] != "" {
		panic(errors.New("Bad pattern"))
	urlSplit := strings.Split(url, "/")
	// Process differences between dev_appserver and live code:
	// 1. prod servers include the http://foo.appspot.com prefix
	if strings.HasPrefix(urlSplit[0], "http") {
		urlSplit = urlSplit[1:]
	// 2. prod servers don't include the trailing slash
	if len(urlSplit) == 1 {
		urlSplit = append(urlSplit, "")
	if len(urlSplit) < len(patternSplit) || (len(urlSplit) > len(patternSplit) && !strings.HasSuffix(url, "/*")) {
		return nil
	result := make(map[string]string)
	for i := 1; i < len(patternSplit); i++ { // ignore i=0 (i.e. host/domain)
		if patternSplit[i] == "*" {
			if i != len(patternSplit)-1 {
				panic(errors.New("Bad pattern"))
			result["*"] = strings.Join(urlSplit[i:], "/")
		} else if strings.HasPrefix(patternSplit[i], ":") {
			result[patternSplit[i][1:]] = urlSplit[i]
		} else if patternSplit[i] != urlSplit[i] {
			return nil
	return &result