Exemplo n.º 1
Like MLPCreate1, but for ensembles.

  -- ALGLIB --
	 Copyright 18.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
func MlpeCreate1(nin, nhid, nout, ensemblesize int, ensemble *mlpensemble) error {
	net := mlpbase.NewMlp()

	if err := mlpbase.MlpCreate1(nin, nhid, nout, net); err != nil {
		return err
	return MlpeCreateFromNetwork(net, ensemblesize, ensemble)
Exemplo n.º 2
Same  as  MLPCreate0,  but  with  one  hidden  layer  (NHid  neurons) with
non-linear activation function. Output layer is linear.

  -- ALGLIB --
	 Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey
func MlpCreate1(nin, nhid, nout int) *MultiLayerPerceptron {
	network := NewMlp()
	mlpbase.MlpCreate1(nin, nhid, nout, network.innerobj)
	return network