func (t *TorrentSession) fetchTrackerInfo(event string) { m, si := t.m, log.Println("Stats: Uploaded", si.Uploaded, "Downloaded", si.Downloaded, "Left", si.Left) // A single concatenation would brake compilation for ARM. url := m.Announce + "?" + "info_hash=" + http.URLEscape(m.InfoHash) + "&peer_id=" + si.PeerId + "&port=" + strconv.Itoa(si.Port) url += "&uploaded=" + strconv.Itoa64(si.Uploaded) + "&downloaded=" + strconv.Itoa64(si.Downloaded) + "&left=" + strconv.Itoa64(si.Left) + "&compact=1" if event != "" { url += "&event=" + event } ch := t.trackerInfoChan go func() { ti, err := getTrackerInfo(url) if ti == nil || err != nil { log.Println("Could not fetch tracker info:", err) } else { ch <- ti } }() }
func SendFile(file *os.File, fileLen int64) bool { var laddr = &net.TCPAddr{} var raddr = &net.TCPAddr{IP: Server.Nets[0].IP, Port: Server.Port} conn, err := net.DialTCP("tcp4", laddr, raddr) if err != nil { return false } conn.SetTimeout(2 * SECOND) defer conn.Close() pkt := make([]byte, MAX_TCP_PKT) if !responseServerAuth(conn, pkt) { return false } contentLen := int64(0) if fileLen%int64(Cipher.BlockSize()) == 0 { contentLen = fileLen } else { contentLen = (fileLen/int64(Cipher.BlockSize()) + 1) * int64(Cipher.BlockSize()) } pktlen := 0 pktlen += pktAddHeader(pkt[pktlen:], PACKET_TYPE_TAG, PACKET_TYPE_SEND_FILE) pktlen += pktAddHeader(pkt[pktlen:], USERNAME_TAG, Self.Name) pktlen += pktAddHeader(pkt[pktlen:], HOSTNAME_TAG, Self.Hostname) pktlen += pktAddHeader(pkt[pktlen:], FILE_NAME_TAG, filepath.Base(file.Name())) pktlen += pktAddHeader(pkt[pktlen:], CONTENT_LEN_TAG, strconv.Itoa64(contentLen)) pktlen += pktAddHeader(pkt[pktlen:], PADDING_LEN_TAG, strconv.Itoa64(contentLen-fileLen)) pktlen += pktAddHeaderEndMark(pkt[pktlen:]) if writeBuf(conn, pkt[:pktlen]) != pktlen { return false } encrypter := NewCBCEncrypter() for { if fileLen < int64(cap(pkt)) { pkt = pkt[:fileLen] } else { pkt = pkt[:cap(pkt)] } if n, _ := fullRead(file, pkt); n != len(pkt) { return false } fileLen -= int64(len(pkt)) if len(pkt)%Cipher.BlockSize() != 0 { //at file end n := (len(pkt)/Cipher.BlockSize() + 1) * Cipher.BlockSize() pkt = pkt[:n] } encrypter.CryptBlocks(pkt, pkt) if writeBuf(conn, pkt) != len(pkt) { return false } if fileLen <= 0 { break } } return true }
// Encode writes the Image m to w in PNG format. Any Image may be encoded, but // images that are not image.NRGBA might be encoded lossily. func Encode(w io.Writer, m image.Image) os.Error { // Obviously, negative widths and heights are invalid. Furthermore, the PNG // spec section 11.2.2 says that zero is invalid. Excessively large images are // also rejected. mw, mh := int64(m.Width()), int64(m.Height()) if mw <= 0 || mh <= 0 || mw >= 1<<32 || mh >= 1<<32 { return FormatError("invalid image size: " + strconv.Itoa64(mw) + "x" + strconv.Itoa64(mw)) } var e encoder e.w = w e.m = m e.colorType = uint8(ctTrueColorAlpha) pal, _ := m.(*image.Paletted) if pal != nil { e.colorType = ctPaletted } else if opaque(m) { e.colorType = ctTrueColor } _, e.err = io.WriteString(w, pngHeader) e.writeIHDR() if pal != nil { e.writePLTE(pal.Palette) } e.writeIDATs() e.writeIEND() return e.err }
func main() { /* list, _ := ioutil.ReadDir("/Users/sunfmin/Developments/perapera/templates/videos") for _, f := range list { fmt.Println(f.Name) } */ ts := templateset.MustBuildFromDirectory("./templates/videos", nil) fmt.Println(ts) ch := make(chan int, 10) ch <- 1 ch <- 2 fmt.Println(len(ch)) fmt.Println(cap(ch)) fmt.Println(([]int)("Hi Felix")) fmt.Println(string([]int{70, 101, 108, 105, 120})) fmt.Println(string(1212)) fmt.Println(strconv.Itoa64(121212312312)) fmt.Println(strconv.Itoa64(121)) fmt.Println(MyString("hello cool")) fmt.Println(12 << 1) fmt.Println(os.Stdout) f, _ := os.Open("perapera.go") var buf [48]byte fmt.Println(buf) f.Read(buf[0:32]) /* fmt.Println(string([]byte{'1', '2'}))*/ fmt.Println(string([]byte{112, 97})) fmt.Println(string(buf[0:])) fmt.Println(cap(buf[0:12])) fmt.Println(len(buf[0:12])) fmt.Println(os.Stdout) fmt.Println(buf) a := [...]float64{7.0, 8.5, 9.1, 10, 12} fmt.Println(a) fmt.Println(&T{"hi"}) fmt.Println(&[]int{1, 2}) x := Sum(&[]float64{7.0, 8.5, 9.1, 10, 202}) fmt.Println(x) }
func createSessionId(username string) string { hm := hmac.NewSHA1([]byte(ServerSecret)) hm.Write([]byte(username)) hm.Write([]byte(strconv.Itoa64(sessionIdCounter))) hm.Write([]byte(strconv.Itoa64(time.Seconds()))) sessionIdCounter++ hex := fmt.Sprintf("%02x", hm.Sum()) return hex }
func (c *Consumer) baseParams(consumerKey string, additionalParams map[string]string) *OrderedParams { params := NewOrderedParams() params.Add(VERSION_PARAM, OAUTH_VERSION) params.Add(SIGNATURE_METHOD_PARAM, SIGNATURE_METHOD) params.Add(TIMESTAMP_PARAM, strconv.Itoa64(c.clock.Seconds())) params.Add(NONCE_PARAM, strconv.Itoa64(c.nonceGenerator.Int63())) params.Add(CONSUMER_KEY_PARAM, consumerKey) for key, value := range additionalParams { params.Add(key, value) } return params }
func (p *YahooContactService) UpdateContactOnExternalService(client oauth2_client.OAuth2Client, originalContact, contact interface{}) (interface{}, string, os.Error) { if contact == nil { return nil, "", nil } if originalContact == nil { return p.CreateContactOnExternalService(client, contact) } originalYContact := originalContact.(*yahoo.Contact) yContact := contact.(*yahoo.Contact) err := yahoo.UpdateContact(client, "", strconv.Itoa64(originalYContact.Id), yContact) return yContact, strconv.Itoa64(yContact.Id), err }
func module(f string) (string, os.Error) { i, err := os.Stat(f) if err != nil { return "", err } m := "$" + f + "-" + strconv.Uitoa64(i.Dev) + "-" + strconv.Uitoa64(i.Ino) + "-" + strconv.Itoa64(i.Blocks) + "-" + strconv.Itoa64(i.Mtime_ns) return m, nil }
// Redis LRANGE command. func (c *syncClient) Lrange(arg0 string, arg1 int64, arg2 int64) (result [][]byte, err Error) { arg0bytes := []byte(arg0) arg1bytes := []byte(strconv.Itoa64(arg1)) arg2bytes := []byte(strconv.Itoa64(arg2)) var resp Response resp, err = c.conn.ServiceRequest(&LRANGE, [][]byte{arg0bytes, arg1bytes, arg2bytes}) if err == nil { result = resp.GetMultiBulkData() } return result, err }
// Redis LRANGE command. func (c *asyncClient) Lrange(arg0 string, arg1 int64, arg2 int64) (result FutureBytesArray, err Error) { arg0bytes := []byte(arg0) arg1bytes := []byte(strconv.Itoa64(arg1)) arg2bytes := []byte(strconv.Itoa64(arg2)) var resp *PendingResponse resp, err = c.conn.QueueRequest(&LRANGE, [][]byte{arg0bytes, arg1bytes, arg2bytes}) if err == nil { result = resp.future.(FutureBytesArray) } return result, err }
// Encode writes the Image m to w in PNG format. Any Image may be encoded, but // images that are not image.NRGBA might be encoded lossily. func Encode(w io.Writer, m image.Image) os.Error { // Obviously, negative widths and heights are invalid. Furthermore, the PNG // spec section 11.2.2 says that zero is invalid. Excessively large images are // also rejected. mw, mh := int64(m.Bounds().Dx()), int64(m.Bounds().Dy()) if mw <= 0 || mh <= 0 || mw >= 1<<32 || mh >= 1<<32 { return FormatError("invalid image size: " + strconv.Itoa64(mw) + "x" + strconv.Itoa64(mw)) } var e encoder e.w = w e.m = m var pal color.Palette // cbP8 encoding needs PalettedImage's ColorIndexAt method. if _, ok := m.(image.PalettedImage); ok { pal, _ = m.ColorModel().(color.Palette) } if pal != nil { e.cb = cbP8 } else { switch m.ColorModel() { case color.GrayModel: e.cb = cbG8 case color.Gray16Model: e.cb = cbG16 case color.RGBAModel, color.NRGBAModel, color.AlphaModel: if opaque(m) { e.cb = cbTC8 } else { e.cb = cbTCA8 } default: if opaque(m) { e.cb = cbTC16 } else { e.cb = cbTCA16 } } } _, e.err = io.WriteString(w, pngHeader) e.writeIHDR() if pal != nil { e.writePLTE(pal) e.maybeWritetRNS(pal) } e.writeIDATs() e.writeIEND() return e.err }
func formatReflectValue(x reflect.Value) (string, os.Error) { /* if !x.CanSet() { return "", ErrorCantSet } */ var ( errc os.Error kind = x.Kind() //vintstr string ) switch kind { // Format pointers to standard types. case reflect.String: return x.Interface().(string), nil case reflect.Int: return strconv.Itoa(x.Interface().(int)), nil case reflect.Int8: return strconv.Itoa64(int64(x.Interface().(int8))), nil case reflect.Int16: return strconv.Itoa64(int64(x.Interface().(int16))), nil case reflect.Int32: return strconv.Itoa64(int64(x.Interface().(int32))), nil case reflect.Int64: return strconv.Itoa64(x.Interface().(int64)), nil case reflect.Uint: return strconv.Uitoa(x.Interface().(uint)), nil case reflect.Uint8: return strconv.Uitoa64(uint64(x.Interface().(uint8))), nil case reflect.Uint16: return strconv.Uitoa64(uint64(x.Interface().(uint16))), nil case reflect.Uint32: return strconv.Uitoa64(uint64(x.Interface().(uint32))), nil case reflect.Uint64: return strconv.Uitoa64(x.Interface().(uint64)), nil case reflect.Float32: return strconv.Ftoa32(x.Interface().(float32), FloatFmt, FloatPrec), nil case reflect.Float64: return strconv.Ftoa64(x.Interface().(float64), FloatFmt, FloatPrec), nil case reflect.Complex64: fallthrough case reflect.Complex128: errc = ErrorUnimplemented case reflect.Bool: return strconv.Btoa(x.Interface().(bool)), nil default: errc = ErrorFieldType } return "", errc }
func (c *AuthClient) MakeRequest(url string, additional_params map[string]string, token_secret string, protected bool) (r *http.Response, finalURL string, err os.Error) { log.Stderrf("make_request:url:%s:", url); for k,v := range additional_params { log.Stderrf("make_request:%s:%s:", k, v); } params := make(map[string]string); params["oauth_consumer_key"] = c.consumer_key; params["oauth_signature_method"] = "HMAC-SHA1"; params["oauth_timestamp"] = strconv.Itoa64(time.Seconds()); params["oauth_nonce"] = strconv.Itoa64(rand.Int63()); params["oauth_version"] = "1.0"; //if token != "" { // params["oauth_token"] = token; //} //else { // params["oauth_callback"] = c.callback_url; //} // typically: oauth_token, oauth_callback, and/or oauth_verifier for k,v := range additional_params { params[k] = v; } for k,v := range params { log.Stderrf("param:%s:%s:", k, v); } m := BuildMessage(url, params); key := c.consumer_secret + "&" + token_secret; log.Stderrf("key:%s", key); digest_str := Digest(key, m); params["oauth_signature"] = digest_str; log.Stderrf("digest_str:%s", digest_str); sparams := urllib.Urlencode(params); log.Stderrf("sparams:%s", sparams); rurl := strings.Join([]string{url,sparams}, "?"); log.Stderrf("make_request:rurl:%s", rurl); // TODO: no easy way to add header for Authorization:OAuth when protected...? return http.Get(rurl); }
func LoadPost(ctx *web.Context, val string) { username := ctx.Params["username"] password := ctx.Params["password"] salt := strconv.Itoa64(time.Nanoseconds()) + username var h hash.Hash = sha256.New() h.Write([]byte(password + salt)) s, _err := conn.Prepare("INSERT INTO users VALUES(NULL, ?, ?, ?)") utils.ReportErr(_err) s.Exec(username, string(h.Sum()), salt) s.Finalize() conn.Close() sidebar := utils.Loadmustache("admin.mustache", &map[string]string{}) //TESTING, REMOVE LATER script := "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"../inc/adminref.js\"></script>" content := "Welcome to the admin panel, use the control box on your right to control the site content" //ENDTESTING mapping := map[string]string{"css": "../inc/site.css", "title": "Proggin: Admin panel", "sidebar": sidebar, "content": content, "script": script} output := utils.Loadmustache("frame.mustache", &mapping) ctx.WriteString(output) }
func SetSecureCookie(rw http.ResponseWriter, name, val, path string, timeout int64) { var buf bytes.Buffer e := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding, &buf) e.Write([]byte(val)) e.Close() ts := strconv.Itoa64(time.Seconds()) data := strings.Join([]string{buf.String(), ts, getCookieSig(buf.Bytes(), ts)}, "|") var cookie string // Timeout of -1 is a special case that omits the entire 'expires' bit. // This is used for cookies which expire as soon as a user's session ends. if timeout != -1 { t := time.UTC() t = time.SecondsToUTC(t.Seconds() + timeout) ts = t.Format(time.RFC1123) ts = ts[0:len(ts)-3] + "GMT" cookie = fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s; expires=%s; path=%s", name, data, ts, path) } else { cookie = fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s; path=%s", name, data, path) } if context.Config().Secure { cookie += "; secure" } rw.SetHeader("Set-Cookie", cookie) }
func main() { f, err := os.OpenFile("./file.exe", os.O_RDWR, 0666) //其实这里的 O_RDWR应该是 O_RDWR|O_CREATE,也就是文件不存在的情况下就建一个空文件,但是因为windows下还有BUG,如果使用这个O_CREATE,就会直接清空文件,所以这里就不用了这个标志,你自己事先建立好文件。 if err != nil { panic(err) } stat, err := f.Stat() //获取文件状态 if err != nil { panic(err) } f.Seek(stat.Size(), 0) //把文件指针指到文件末,当然你说为何不直接用 O_APPEND 模式打开,没错是可以。我这里只是试验。 url := "" var req http.Request req.Method = "GET" //req.UserAgent = UA req.Close = true req.URL, err = http.ParseURL(url) if err != nil { panic(err) } header := http.Header{} header.Set("Range", "bytes="+strconv.Itoa64(stat.Size)+"-") req.Header = header resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(&req) if err != nil { panic(err) } written, err := io.Copy(f, resp.Body) if err != nil { panic(err) } println("written: ", written) }
func AsString(v interface{}) (string, os.Error) { switch value := v.(type) { default: return "", os.NewError(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected type: %T", value)) case int: return strconv.Itoa(value), nil case int8: return strconv.Itoa(int(value)), nil case int16: return strconv.Itoa(int(value)), nil case int32: return strconv.Itoa(int(value)), nil case int64: return strconv.Itoa64(value), nil case uint: return strconv.Uitoa(value), nil case uint8: return strconv.Uitoa(uint(value)), nil case uint16: return strconv.Uitoa(uint(value)), nil case uint32: return strconv.Uitoa(uint(value)), nil case uint64: return strconv.Uitoa64(value), nil case float32: return strconv.Ftoa32(value, 'g', -1), nil case float64: return strconv.Ftoa64(value, 'g', -1), nil case string: return value, nil } panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported type: %s", reflect.ValueOf(v).Type().Name())) }
// any to string func atos(i interface{}) (s string) { switch t := i.(type) { case int64: s = strconv.Itoa64(t) case uint64: s = strconv.Uitoa64(t) case float32: s = strconv.Ftoa32(t, 'f', -1) case float64: s = strconv.Ftoa64(t, 'f', -1) case []byte: s = string(t) case Date: return t.String() case Time: return t.String() case DateTime: return t.String() case string: return t default: panic("Not a string or compatible type") } return }
func enc(val reflect.Value, typ reflect.Type, buffer *bytes.Buffer, req bool) (encoded bool, err os.Error) { switch typ.(type) { case *reflect.PtrType: // log.Println("pointer") pt := typ.(*reflect.PtrType).Elem() pv := reflect.Indirect(val) // log.Println("Type is: ", pt.Name()) if pv == nil { if !req { return false, nil } else { return false, os.NewError("Required field is nil") } } return enc(pv, pt, buffer, req) case *reflect.BoolType: if val.(*reflect.BoolValue).Get() { buffer.WriteString("true") } else { buffer.WriteString("false") } case *reflect.IntType: buffer.WriteString(strconv.Itoa64(val.(*reflect.IntValue).Get())) case *reflect.UintType: buffer.WriteString(strconv.Uitoa64(val.(*reflect.UintValue).Get())) case *reflect.StringType: buffer.WriteString("\"") // TODO: encode buffer.WriteString(val.(*reflect.StringValue).Get()) buffer.WriteString("\"") case *reflect.FloatType: buffer.WriteString(strconv.Ftoa64(val.(*reflect.FloatValue).Get(), 'e', -1)) case *reflect.StructType: enc_struct(val.(*reflect.StructValue), typ.(*reflect.StructType), buffer) case *reflect.SliceType: st := typ.(*reflect.SliceType).Elem() sv := val.(*reflect.SliceValue) if sv.IsNil() { if req { return false, os.NewError("Required field is nil") } else { return false, nil } } buffer.WriteString("[") for i := 0; i < sv.Len(); i++ { if i > 0 { buffer.WriteString(",") } _, err := enc(sv.Elem(i), st, buffer, true) if err != nil { return false, err } } buffer.WriteString("]") default: return false, os.NewError("Unsupported type") } return true, nil }
func Crawl(pool *mgo.Session, du *DigestwUser, tl *TwTimeLine, resolveURL bool, done chan<- int) { defer func() { done <- 0 }() sess := pool.New() defer sess.Close() sa := NewStatsAll(du.TwUser.Screen_Name, sess) var sid, first, last int64 for k, v := range *tl { tmpTime, _ := time.Parse(time.RubyDate, v.Created_at) tmpSec := tmpTime.Seconds() if du.UTC_Offset != nil { tmpSec += *du.UTC_Offset v.Created_at = time.SecondsToUTC(tmpSec).Format(time.RubyDate) } if k == 0 { sid = v.Id last = tmpSec } addStats(sa, &v, resolveURL) if k == (len(*tl) - 1) { first = tmpSec } //log.Printf("id:%d", v.Id) } sa.Foreach(update) // decide to the next execution time du.SinceId = strconv.Itoa64(sid) du.NextSeconds = time.Seconds() + (last - first) if _, err := du.Upsert(sess); err != nil { log.Print(err) } }
func (stream *CommandStream) WriteQuery(body string, timeoutSeconds int64, toAddress string) os.Error { command := make([]string, 4) command[0] = queryCommandStr command[1] = strconv.Itoa(len(body)) command[2] = strconv.Itoa64(timeoutSeconds) command[3] = toAddress err := stream.WriteCommand(command) if err != nil { return err } if len(body) > 0 { _, err = io.WriteString(stream.writer, body) if err != nil { return err } _, err = io.WriteString(stream.writer, "\r\n") if err != nil { return err } } return nil }
func TestSession(t *testing.T) { st := store.New() defer close(st.Ops) fp := &test.FakeProposer{Store: st} go Clean(st, fp) ch := make(chan store.Event, 100) go func(c <-chan store.Event) { for e := range c { ch <- e } close(ch) }(st.Watch("/session/*")) // check-in with less than a nanosecond to live body := strconv.Itoa64(time.Nanoseconds() + 1) fp.Propose(store.MustEncodeSet("/session/a", body, store.Clobber)) // Throw away the set assert.T(t, (<-ch).IsSet()) ev := <-ch assert.T(t, ev.IsDel()) assert.Equal(t, "/session/a", ev.Path) }
// Used exclusively by S3 to the best of my knowledge... func (self *Signer) SignRequestV1(req *http.Request, canon func(*http.Request) (string, os.Error), exp int64) (err os.Error) { qstring, err := http.ParseQuery(req.URL.RawQuery) if err != nil { return } if exp > 0 { qstring["Expires"] = []string{strconv.Itoa64(time.Seconds() + exp)} } else { qstring["Timestamp"] = []string{time.UTC().Format(ISO8601TimestampFormat)} } qstring["Signature"] = nil, false qstring["AWSAccessKeyId"] = []string{self.AccessKey} req.URL.RawQuery = http.Values(qstring).Encode() can, err := canon(req) if err != nil { return } var sig []byte sig, err = self.SignEncoded(crypto.SHA1, can, base64.StdEncoding) if err == nil { req.URL.RawQuery += "&" + http.Values{"Signature": []string{string(sig)}}.Encode() } return }
func (memc *Memcache) store(cmd string, key string, value []byte, flags int, exptime int64) os.Error { if memc == nil || memc.conn == nil { return ConnectionError } l := len(value) s := cmd + " " + key + " " + strconv.Itoa(flags) + " " + strconv.Itoa64(exptime) + " " + strconv.Itoa(l) + "\r\n" writer := bufio.NewWriter(memc.conn) _, err := writer.WriteString(s) if err != nil { return err } _, err = writer.Write(value) if err != nil { return err } _, err = writer.WriteString("\r\n") if err != nil { return err } err = writer.Flush() if err != nil { return err } reader := bufio.NewReader(memc.conn) line, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if err != nil { return err } if line != "STORED\r\n" { WriteError := os.NewError("memcache: " + strings.TrimSpace(line)) return WriteError } return nil }
func (n *Network) Pass() os.Error { t := strconv.Itoa64(time.Nanoseconds()) myreplies := []string{"ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS", "ERR_ALREADYREGISTRED"} var err os.Error repch := make(chan *IrcMessage) for _, rep := range myreplies { if err := n.Listen.RegListener(replies[rep], t, repch); err != nil { err = os.NewError(fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't authenticate with password, exiting: %s", err.String())) } } ticker := time.NewTicker(timeout(n.lag)) defer func(myreplies []string, t string, tick *time.Ticker) { for _, rep := range myreplies { n.Listen.DelListener(replies[rep], t) } tick.Stop() return }(myreplies, t, ticker) n.queueOut <- &IrcMessage{"", "PASS", []string{n.password}} select { case msg := <-repch: if msg.Cmd == replies["ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS"] { err = os.NewError(fmt.Sprintf("Need more parameters for password: %s", msg.String())) } break case <-ticker.C: break } return err }
func (b bulk) repr() string { if b.isNil { return "$-1\r\n" } return "$" + strconv.Itoa64(int64(len(b.bulk))) + "\r\n" + b.bulk + "\r\n" }
func gdate() string { now := time.LocalTime() now.Hour = 24 now.Minute = 60 now.Second = 60 var ny time.Time ny.Year = now.Year ny.Month = 1 ny.Day = 1 ny.Hour = 0 ny.Minute = 0 ny.Second = 0 ny.Zone = "CST" day := (now.Seconds() - ny.Seconds()) / 86400 return strconv.Itoa64(day) + ", " + strconv.Itoa64(now.Year) }
// CleanDir removes binary files under rundir in case they were not // accessed for more than CleanFileDelay nanoseconds. A last-cleaned // marker file is created so that the next verification is only done // after CleanFileDelay nanoseconds. func CleanDir(rundir string, now int64) os.Error { cleanedfile := filepath.Join(rundir, "last-cleaned") if info, err := os.Stat(cleanedfile); err == nil && info.Mtime_ns > now-CleanFileDelay { // It's been cleaned recently. return nil } f, err := os.Create(cleanedfile) if err != nil { return err } _, err = f.Write([]byte(strconv.Itoa64(now))) f.Close() if err != nil { return err } // Look for expired files. d, err := os.Open(rundir) if err != nil { return err } infos, err := d.Readdir(-1) expired := now - CleanFileDelay for _, info := range infos { if info.Atime_ns < expired { os.Remove(filepath.Join(rundir, info.Name)) } } return nil }
func serveFile(ctx *Context, name string) { f, err := os.Open(name, os.O_RDONLY, 0) if err != nil { ctx.Abort(404, "Invalid file") return } defer f.Close() info, _ := f.Stat() size := strconv.Itoa64(info.Size) mtime := strconv.Itoa64(info.Mtime_ns) //set content-length ctx.SetHeader("Content-Length", size, true) //set the last-modified header lm := time.SecondsToLocalTime(info.Mtime_ns / 1e9) ctx.SetHeader("Last-Modified", webTime(lm), true) //generate a simple etag with heuristic MD5(filename, size, lastmod) etagparts := []string{name, size, mtime} etag := fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, getmd5(strings.Join(etagparts, "|"))) ctx.SetHeader("ETag", etag, true) ext := path.Ext(name) if ctype := mime.TypeByExtension(ext); ctype != "" { ctx.SetHeader("Content-Type", ctype, true) } else { // read first chunk to decide between utf-8 text and binary buf := make([]byte, 1024) n, _ := io.ReadFull(f, buf) b := buf[0:n] if isText(b) { ctx.SetHeader("Content-Type", "text-plain; charset=utf-8", true) } else { ctx.SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream", true) // generic binary } if ctx.Request.Method != "HEAD" { ctx.Write(b) } } if ctx.Request.Method != "HEAD" { io.Copy(ctx, f) } }
func valueToString(v reflect.Value) (string, os.Error) { if v == nil { return "null", nil } switch v := v.(type) { case *reflect.PtrValue: return valueToString(reflect.Indirect(v)) case *reflect.InterfaceValue: return valueToString(v.Elem()) case *reflect.BoolValue: x := v.Get() if x { return "true", nil } else { return "false", nil } case *reflect.IntValue: return strconv.Itoa(v.Get()), nil case *reflect.Int8Value: return strconv.Itoa(int(v.Get())), nil case *reflect.Int16Value: return strconv.Itoa(int(v.Get())), nil case *reflect.Int32Value: return strconv.Itoa(int(v.Get())), nil case *reflect.Int64Value: return strconv.Itoa64(v.Get()), nil case *reflect.UintValue: return strconv.Uitoa(v.Get()), nil case *reflect.Uint8Value: return strconv.Uitoa(uint(v.Get())), nil case *reflect.Uint16Value: return strconv.Uitoa(uint(v.Get())), nil case *reflect.Uint32Value: return strconv.Uitoa(uint(v.Get())), nil case *reflect.Uint64Value: return strconv.Uitoa64(v.Get()), nil case *reflect.UintptrValue: return strconv.Uitoa64(uint64(v.Get())), nil case *reflect.FloatValue: return strconv.Ftoa(v.Get(), 'g', -1), nil case *reflect.Float32Value: return strconv.Ftoa32(v.Get(), 'g', -1), nil case *reflect.Float64Value: return strconv.Ftoa64(v.Get(), 'g', -1), nil case *reflect.StringValue: return v.Get(), nil case *reflect.SliceValue: typ := v.Type().(*reflect.SliceType) if _, ok := typ.Elem().(*reflect.Uint8Type); ok { return string(v.Interface().([]byte)), nil } } return "", os.NewError("Unsupported type") }