func init() {
	Describe("migrating service instances from v1 to v2", func() {
		var (
			ui                  *testterm.FakeUI
			serviceRepo         *testapi.FakeServiceRepo
			cmd                 *MigrateServiceInstances
			requirementsFactory *testreq.FakeReqFactory
			context             *cli.Context
			args                []string

		BeforeEach(func() {
			ui = &testterm.FakeUI{}
			config := testconfig.NewRepository()
			serviceRepo = &testapi.FakeServiceRepo{}
			cmd = NewMigrateServiceInstances(ui, config, serviceRepo)
			requirementsFactory = &testreq.FakeReqFactory{LoginSuccess: false}
			args = []string{}

		Describe("requirements", func() {
			It("requires you to be logged in", func() {
				context = testcmd.NewContext("migrate-service-instances", args)
				testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, context, requirementsFactory)


			It("requires five arguments to run", func() {
				requirementsFactory.LoginSuccess = true
				args = []string{"one", "two", "three"}
				context = testcmd.NewContext("migrate-service-instances", args)
				testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, context, requirementsFactory)


			It("passes requirements if user is logged in and provided five args to run", func() {
				requirementsFactory.LoginSuccess = true
				args = []string{"one", "two", "three", "four", "five"}
				ui.Inputs = append(ui.Inputs, "no")

				context = testcmd.NewContext("migrate-service-instances", args)
				testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, context, requirementsFactory)


		Describe("migrating service instances", func() {
			BeforeEach(func() {
				requirementsFactory.LoginSuccess = true
				args = []string{"v1-service-name", "v1-provider-name", "v1-plan-name", "v2-service-name", "v2-plan-name"}
				context = testcmd.NewContext("migrate-service-instances", args)
				serviceRepo.ServiceInstanceCountForServicePlan = 1

			It("displays the warning and the prompt including info about the instances and plan to migrate", func() {
				ui.Inputs = []string{""}
				testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, context, requirementsFactory)

				testassert.SliceContains(ui.Outputs, testassert.Lines{
					{"WARNING:", "this operation is to replace a service broker"},
				testassert.SliceContains(ui.Prompts, testassert.Lines{
					{"Really migrate", "1 service instance",
						"from plan", "v1-service-name", "v1-provider-name", "v1-plan-name",
						"to", "v2-service-name", "v2-plan-name"},

			Context("when the user confirms", func() {
				BeforeEach(func() {
					ui.Inputs = []string{"yes"}

				Context("when the v1 and v2 service instances exists", func() {
					BeforeEach(func() {
						serviceRepo.FindServicePlanByDescriptionResultGuids = []string{"v1-guid", "v2-guid"}
						serviceRepo.MigrateServicePlanFromV1ToV2ReturnedCount = 1

					It("makes a request to migrate the v1 service instance", func() {
						testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, context, requirementsFactory)


					It("finds the v1 service plan by its name, provider and service label", func() {
						testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, context, requirementsFactory)

						expectedV1 := api.ServicePlanDescription{
							ServicePlanName: "v1-plan-name",
							ServiceProvider: "v1-provider-name",
							ServiceName:     "v1-service-name",

					It("finds the v2 service plan by its name and service label", func() {
						testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, context, requirementsFactory)

						expectedV2 := api.ServicePlanDescription{
							ServicePlanName: "v2-plan-name",
							ServiceName:     "v2-service-name",

					It("notifies the user that the migration was successful", func() {
						serviceRepo.ServiceInstanceCountForServicePlan = 2
						testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, context, requirementsFactory)

						testassert.SliceContains(ui.Outputs, testassert.Lines{
							{"Attempting to migrate", "2", "service instances"},
							{"1", "service instance", "migrated"},

				Context("when finding the v1 plan fails", func() {
					Context("because the plan does not exist", func() {
						BeforeEach(func() {
							serviceRepo.FindServicePlanByDescriptionResponses = []net.ApiResponse{net.NewNotFoundApiResponse("not used")}

						It("notifies the user of the failure", func() {
							testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, context, requirementsFactory)

							testassert.SliceContains(ui.Outputs, testassert.Lines{
								{"Plan", "v1-service-name", "v1-provider-name", "v1-plan-name", "cannot be found"},

						It("does not display the warning", func() {
							testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, context, requirementsFactory)

							testassert.SliceDoesNotContain(ui.Outputs, testassert.Lines{
								{"WARNING:", "this operation is to replace a service broker"},

					Context("because there was an http error", func() {
						BeforeEach(func() {
							serviceRepo.FindServicePlanByDescriptionResponses = []net.ApiResponse{net.NewApiResponseWithMessage("uh oh")}

						It("notifies the user of the failure", func() {
							testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, context, requirementsFactory)

							testassert.SliceContains(ui.Outputs, testassert.Lines{
								{"uh oh"},

						It("does not display the warning", func() {
							testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, context, requirementsFactory)

							testassert.SliceDoesNotContain(ui.Outputs, testassert.Lines{
								{"WARNING:", "this operation is to replace a service broker"},

				Context("when finding the v2 plan fails", func() {
					Context("because the plan does not exist", func() {
						BeforeEach(func() {
							serviceRepo.FindServicePlanByDescriptionResponses = []net.ApiResponse{net.NewSuccessfulApiResponse(), net.NewNotFoundApiResponse("not used")}

						It("notifies the user of the failure", func() {
							testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, context, requirementsFactory)

							testassert.SliceContains(ui.Outputs, testassert.Lines{
								{"Plan", "v2-service-name", "v2-plan-name", "cannot be found"},

						It("does not display the warning", func() {
							testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, context, requirementsFactory)

							testassert.SliceDoesNotContain(ui.Outputs, testassert.Lines{
								{"WARNING:", "this operation is to replace a service broker"},

					Context("because there was an http error", func() {
						BeforeEach(func() {
							serviceRepo.FindServicePlanByDescriptionResponses = []net.ApiResponse{net.NewSuccessfulApiResponse(), net.NewApiResponseWithMessage("uh oh")}

						It("notifies the user of the failure", func() {
							testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, context, requirementsFactory)

							testassert.SliceContains(ui.Outputs, testassert.Lines{
								{"uh oh"},

						It("does not display the warning", func() {
							testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, context, requirementsFactory)

							testassert.SliceDoesNotContain(ui.Outputs, testassert.Lines{
								{"WARNING:", "this operation is to replace a service broker"},

				Context("when migrating the plans fails", func() {
					BeforeEach(func() {
						serviceRepo.MigrateServicePlanFromV1ToV2Response = net.NewApiResponseWithMessage("ruh roh")

					It("notifies the user of the failure", func() {
						testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, context, requirementsFactory)

						testassert.SliceContains(ui.Outputs, testassert.Lines{
							{"ruh roh"},

				Context("when there are no instances to migrate", func() {
					BeforeEach(func() {
						serviceRepo.FindServicePlanByDescriptionResultGuids = []string{"v1-guid", "v2-guid"}
						serviceRepo.ServiceInstanceCountForServicePlan = 0

					It("returns a meaningful error", func() {
						testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, context, requirementsFactory)

						testassert.SliceContains(ui.Outputs, testassert.Lines{
							{"no service instances to migrate"},

					It("does not show the user the warning", func() {
						testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, context, requirementsFactory)

						testassert.SliceDoesNotContain(ui.Outputs, testassert.Lines{
							{"WARNING:", "this operation is to replace a service broker"},

				Context("when it cannot fetch the number of instances", func() {
					BeforeEach(func() {
						serviceRepo.ServiceInstanceCountApiResponse = net.NewApiResponseWithMessage("service instance fetch is very bad")

					It("notifies the user of the failure", func() {
						testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, context, requirementsFactory)

						testassert.SliceContains(ui.Outputs, testassert.Lines{
							{"service instance fetch is very bad"},

			Context("when the user does not confirm", func() {
				BeforeEach(func() {
					ui.Inputs = append(ui.Inputs, "no")

				It("does not continue the migration", func() {
					testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, context, requirementsFactory)

					testassert.SliceDoesNotContain(ui.Outputs, testassert.Lines{{"Migrating"}})
Exemplo n.º 2
	It("fails with usage when provided too many or two few args", func() {

		runCommand("org", "quota", "extra-stuff")

	It("fails requirements when not logged in", func() {
		runCommand("my-org", "my-quota")

	Context("when logged in", func() {
		BeforeEach(func() {
			requirementsFactory.LoginSuccess = true

		It("passes requirements when provided two args", func() {
			runCommand("my-org", "my-quota")

		It("assigns a quota to an org", func() {
			org := models.Organization{}
			org.Name = "my-org"
			org.Guid = "my-org-guid"

			quota := models.QuotaFields{Name: "my-quota", Guid: "my-quota-guid"}
Exemplo n.º 3
		repo                *testapi.FakeBuildpackRepository
		bitsRepo            *testapi.FakeBuildpackBitsRepository
		ui                  *testterm.FakeUI
		cmd                 CreateBuildpack

	BeforeEach(func() {
		requirementsFactory = &testreq.FakeReqFactory{LoginSuccess: true}
		repo = &testapi.FakeBuildpackRepository{}
		bitsRepo = &testapi.FakeBuildpackBitsRepository{}
		ui = &testterm.FakeUI{}
		cmd = NewCreateBuildpack(ui, repo, bitsRepo)

	It("fails requirements when the user is not logged in", func() {
		requirementsFactory.LoginSuccess = false
		context := testcmd.NewContext("create-buildpack", []string{"my-buildpack", "my-dir", "0"})
		testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, context, requirementsFactory)


	It("fails with usage when given fewer than three arguments", func() {
		context := testcmd.NewContext("create-buildpack", []string{})
		testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, context, requirementsFactory)


	It("creates and uploads buildpacks", func() {
		context := testcmd.NewContext("create-buildpack", []string{"my-buildpack", "my.war", "5"})
Exemplo n.º 4
	BeforeEach(func() {
		ui = new(testterm.FakeUI)
		configRepo = testconfig.NewRepositoryWithDefaults()
		reqFactory = &testreq.FakeReqFactory{LoginSuccess: true, TargetedOrgSuccess: true}
		spaceRepo = &testapi.FakeSpaceRepository{}

	var callRenameSpace = func(args []string) {
		cmd := NewRenameSpace(ui, configRepo, spaceRepo)
		testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, testcmd.NewContext("create-space", args), reqFactory)

	Describe("when the user is not logged in", func() {
		It("does not pass requirements", func() {
			reqFactory.LoginSuccess = false
			callRenameSpace([]string{"my-space", "my-new-space"})

	Describe("when the user has not targeted an org", func() {
		It("does not pass requirements", func() {
			reqFactory.TargetedOrgSuccess = false
			callRenameSpace([]string{"my-space", "my-new-space"})

	Describe("when the user provides fewer than two args", func() {
		It("fails with usage", func() {
Exemplo n.º 5

	It("fails requirements when not logged in", func() {
		callRenameOrg([]string{"my-org", "my-new-org"}, reqFactory, orgRepo)

	Context("when logged in and given an org to rename", func() {
		var ui *testterm.FakeUI

		BeforeEach(func() {
			org := models.Organization{}
			org.Name = "my-org"
			org.Guid = "my-org-guid"
			reqFactory.Organization = org
			reqFactory.LoginSuccess = true
			ui = callRenameOrg([]string{"my-org", "my-new-org"}, reqFactory, orgRepo)

		It("pass requirements", func() {

		It("renames an organization", func() {
			testassert.SliceContains(ui.Outputs, testassert.Lines{
				{"Renaming org", "my-org", "my-new-org", "my-user"},

Exemplo n.º 6

	BeforeEach(func() {
		reqFactory = &testreq.FakeReqFactory{LoginSuccess: true, TargetedSpaceSuccess: true}
		restarter = &testcmd.FakeAppRestarter{}
		appRepo = &testapi.FakeApplicationRepository{}
		ui = new(testterm.FakeUI)
		configRepo = testconfig.NewRepositoryWithDefaults()
		cmd = NewScale(ui, configRepo, restarter, appRepo)

	Describe("requirements", func() {
		It("requires the user to be logged in with a targed space", func() {
			args := []string{"-m", "1G", "my-app"}

			reqFactory.LoginSuccess = false
			reqFactory.TargetedSpaceSuccess = true

			testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, testcmd.NewContext("scale", args), reqFactory)

			reqFactory.LoginSuccess = true
			reqFactory.TargetedSpaceSuccess = false

			testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, testcmd.NewContext("scale", args), reqFactory)

		It("requires an app to be specified", func() {
			testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, testcmd.NewContext("scale", []string{"-m", "1G"}), reqFactory)