Exemplo n.º 1
func NewMonth(n time.Month, y, p int) (m *month) {
	m = &month{year: y, number: n, payday: p}
	t := time.Date(y, n, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.Local)

	for {
		m.days = append(m.days, t)
		t = time.Date(y, n, t.Day()+1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.Local)

		if t.Month().String() != n.String() {

Exemplo n.º 2
func printCal(month time.Month, year int) {
	dayw := "Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa"

	s := month.String() + " " + strconv.FormatInt(int64(year), 10)

	off := (20 - len(s)) / 2

	for i := 0; i < off; i++ {
		s = " " + s

	s += "\n" + dayw + "\n"

	mth := months(year)

	day := januaryFirst(year)

	for i := 1; i < int(month); i++ {
		day += mth[i-1]

	for i := 0; i < day%7; i++ {
		s = s + "   "

	for i := 1; i <= mth[month-1]; i++ {
		s = s + " "
		if i < 10 {
			s = s + " "
		s = s + strconv.Itoa(i)
		day += 1
		if day%7 == 0 {
			s = s + "\n"

	s = s + "\n\n"

Exemplo n.º 3
// List all the days of a given month
func datebonanza(cal calendar.Calendar, year int, month time.Month) {
	fmt.Println(month.String(), year)

	current := time.Date(year, month, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)

	// As long as we are in the same month
	for current.Month() == month {

		if red, desc, flag := cal.RedDay(current); red {
			fmt.Printf("%s is red: %s (flag: %v)\n", current.String()[:10], desc, flag)

		if notable, desc, flag := cal.NotableDay(current); notable {
			fmt.Printf("%s is notable: %s (flag: %v)\n", current.String()[:10], desc, flag)

		// Advance to the next day
		current = current.AddDate(0, 0, 1)
Exemplo n.º 4
func buildMonth(month time.Month, year int) *Month {
	log.Println("building month", month)
	n := time.Now().Local()
	m := Month{}
	m.Name = month.String()
	days := time.Date(year, month+1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, location).Day()
	start := time.Date(year, month, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, location)
	m.StartPos = int(start.Weekday())
	for i := 1; i <= days; i++ {
		d := time.Date(year, month, i, 0, 0, 0, 0, location)
		day := Day{
			n.YearDay() > d.YearDay(),
		m.Days = append(m.Days, &day)
	return &m
Exemplo n.º 5
//Tss vs Duration
func tvd(user types.UserSettings, filter Filter) ([]Tvd, string) {
	user_id := user.Id
	tvd_data_points := make([]Tvd_data_point, 0)
	tvd_data := make([]Tvd, 0)
	var user_data types.Metrics
	var end_summary_json []byte
	var activity_start time.Time
	var tvdLegend string

	cluster := gocql.NewCluster(config.DbHost)
	cluster.Keyspace = "joulepersecond"
	cluster.Consistency = gocql.Quorum
	session, _ := cluster.CreateSession()
	defer session.Close()

	//get all of the user's data (at least all for now) TODO limit these queries by date if poss. Done!
	timeNow := time.Now()
	timeThen := timeNow.AddDate(0, 0, -filter.Historylen)
	iter := session.Query(`SELECT activity_start, end_summary_json FROM joulepersecond.user_activity WHERE user_id = ? AND activity_start > ? ORDER BY activity_start ASC`, user_id, timeThen).Iter()
	for iter.Scan(&activity_start, &end_summary_json) {
		var tvd_data_point Tvd_data_point
		json.Unmarshal(end_summary_json, &user_data)

		tvd_data_point.Date = user_data.StartTime
		tvd_data_point.Dur = user_data.Dur
		if user_data.Utss > 0 {
			tvd_data_point.Tss = user_data.Utss
		} else if user_data.Tss > 0 {
			tvd_data_point.Tss = user_data.Tss
		} else if user_data.Etss > 0 {
			tvd_data_point.Tss = user_data.Etss
		} else {
			tvd_data_point.Tss = 0
		tvd_data_points = append(tvd_data_points, tvd_data_point)

	//we now have all the data... Now sort it
	sumTss := 0
	var sumDur time.Duration
	var lastActivity time.Time
	//loope through each retrieved activity
	for i := 1; i < len(tvd_data_points); i++ {
		//set last activity on first iteration only
		if i == 1 {
			lastActivity = tvd_data_points[i].Date
		//if we want to show data in monthly format
		if filter.Historylen > 366 { //show over 365 days as monthly
			thisDate := tvd_data_points[i].Date
			prevDate := lastActivity

			//if we're still in the current month sum these values
			if thisDate.Month() != prevDate.Month() || i == len(tvd_data_points)-1 {
				var summedMonthlyTvd Tvd
				summedMonthlyTvd.TotalTss = sumTss
				summedMonthlyTvd.TotalDur = utility.Round(sumDur.Hours(), .5, 2)

				var month time.Month
				var year string
				if thisDate.Month() != prevDate.Month() {
					month = prevDate.Month()
					year = strconv.Itoa(prevDate.Year())
				} else {
					month = thisDate.Month()
					year = strconv.Itoa(thisDate.Year())

				monthStr := month.String()
				summedMonthlyTvd.TimeLabel = monthStr[0:3] + " '" + year[2:4]

				sumTss = 0
				sumDur = 0
				tvd_data = append(tvd_data, summedMonthlyTvd)

				//reset the last activity date for the next loop
				lastActivity = thisDate

			sumTss += tvd_data_points[i].Tss
			sumDur += tvd_data_points[i].Dur

			tvdLegend = "By Month"
		} else {
			thisDate := tvd_data_points[i].Date //we use this to compare the activity being scanned with the last to see if it is in the same week
			prevDate := lastActivity            //this is the last activity that we scanned that was the first of the new week, last week. Confusing init? we have to get the value now, and change if the weeks are not equal (new week)
			prevIterDate := tvd_data_points[i-1].Date

			//get week number for this and last activity
			_, thisDateWeek := thisDate.ISOWeek()
			prevDateYear, prevDateWeek := prevDate.ISOWeek()

			if thisDateWeek != prevDateWeek || i == len(tvd_data_points)-1 {
				var summedWeeklyTvd Tvd
				summedWeeklyTvd.TotalTss = sumTss
				summedWeeklyTvd.TotalDur = utility.Round(sumDur.Hours(), .5, 2)

				monthS := prevDate.Month()

				var monthF time.Month
				var dayF string

				if thisDateWeek != prevDateWeek {
					monthF = prevIterDate.Month()
					dayF = strconv.Itoa(prevIterDate.Day())

				} else {
					monthF = thisDate.Month()
					dayF = strconv.Itoa(thisDate.Day())

				dayS := strconv.Itoa(prevDate.Day())

				monthStrS := monthS.String()
				monthAbrS := monthStrS[0:3]
				monthStrF := monthF.String()
				monthAbrF := monthStrF[0:3]

				//format labels according to number to displau
				if filter.Historylen < 120 {
					summedWeeklyTvd.TimeLabel = dayS + " " + monthAbrS + " - " + dayF + " " + monthAbrF
				} else {
					summedWeeklyTvd.TimeLabel = dayS + " " + monthAbrS

				sumTss = 0
				sumDur = 0
				tvd_data = append(tvd_data, summedWeeklyTvd)

				//reset the last activity date for the next loop
				lastActivity = thisDate


			//sum the values
			sumTss += tvd_data_points[i].Tss
			sumDur += tvd_data_points[i].Dur

			tvdLegend = "By week number: Series ending wk" + strconv.Itoa(prevDateWeek) + ", " + strconv.Itoa(prevDateYear)

	return tvd_data, tvdLegend
Exemplo n.º 6
//heart/Power by zone
func hpbz(user types.UserSettings, filter Filter) ([]Hbz, []Pbz) {
	user_id := user.Id

	var user_data types.Metrics
	var end_summary_json []byte
	var heart_json []byte
	var power_json []byte
	var cur_ftp int
	var cur_thr int
	var power_series []int
	var heart_series []int
	var has_power, has_heart bool
	var activity_id string
	var activity_start time.Time

	hbz_data := make([]Hbz, 0)
	pbz_data := make([]Pbz, 0)

	var temp_row Hpbz
	temp_rows := make([]Hpbz, 0)

	cluster := gocql.NewCluster(config.DbHost)
	cluster.Keyspace = "joulepersecond"
	cluster.Consistency = gocql.Quorum
	session, _ := cluster.CreateSession()
	defer session.Close()
	var sH1, sH2, sH3, sH4, sH5a, sH5b, sH5c, sP1, sP2, sP3, sP4, sP5, sP6 int

	timeNow := time.Now()
	timeThen := timeNow.AddDate(0, 0, -filter.Historylen)

	//get all of the user's data (at least all for now) TODO limit these queries by date if poss.
	iter := session.Query(`SELECT activity_start, activity_id FROM joulepersecond.user_activity WHERE user_id = ? AND activity_start > ? ORDER BY activity_start ASC`, user_id, timeThen).Iter()

	for iter.Scan(&activity_start, &activity_id) {

		iter := session.Query(`SELECT power_json, heart_json, end_summary_json, has_power, has_heart, cur_ftp, cur_thr FROM joulepersecond.proc_activity WHERE activity_id = ? `, activity_id).Iter()
		for iter.Scan(&power_json, &heart_json, &end_summary_json, &has_power, &has_heart, &cur_ftp, &cur_thr) {
			json.Unmarshal(end_summary_json, &user_data)
			json.Unmarshal(power_json, &power_series)
			json.Unmarshal(heart_json, &heart_series)

			temp_row.StartTime = activity_start
			//TODO next: Split all time series data in to zones and add it to temp_row/(s) for further date processing

			if has_power {
				temp_row.Samples = len(power_series)
				temp_row.Has_power = true
			if has_heart {
				temp_row.Samples = len(heart_series)
				temp_row.Has_heart = true
			if !has_heart && !has_power {

			//clear the values
			temp_row.CountPZ1 = 0
			temp_row.CountPZ2 = 0
			temp_row.CountPZ3 = 0
			temp_row.CountPZ4 = 0
			temp_row.CountPZ5 = 0
			temp_row.CountPZ6 = 0

			temp_row.CountHZ1 = 0
			temp_row.CountHZ2 = 0
			temp_row.CountHZ3 = 0
			temp_row.CountHZ4 = 0
			temp_row.CountHZ5a = 0
			temp_row.CountHZ5b = 0
			temp_row.CountHZ5c = 0

			if has_power {

				var sum int
				var average float64
				for i := user.SampleSize; i < temp_row.Samples; i++ {
					//reset total
					sum = 0
					//get thirty second rolling slice
					rollingPowerSlice := power_series[i-user.SampleSize : i]
					for _, val := range rollingPowerSlice {
						//sum the sliding slice values
						sum += val
					average = float64(sum / user.SampleSize)

					if average < 0.55*float64(cur_ftp) {
					} else if average > 0.55*float64(cur_ftp) && average <= 0.74*float64(cur_ftp) {
					} else if average > 0.74*float64(cur_ftp) && average <= 0.89*float64(cur_ftp) {
					} else if average > 0.89*float64(cur_ftp) && average <= 1.04*float64(cur_ftp) {
					} else if average > 1.04*float64(cur_ftp) && average <= 1.2*float64(cur_ftp) {
					} else if average > 1.2*float64(cur_ftp) {

			//loop through each sample and post the value into the correct pidgeon hole
			for i := 0; i < temp_row.Samples; i++ {

				if has_heart {
					if float64(heart_series[i]) < 0.81*float64(cur_thr) {
					} else if float64(heart_series[i]) > 0.81*float64(cur_thr) && float64(heart_series[i]) <= 0.89*float64(cur_thr) {
					} else if float64(heart_series[i]) > 0.89*float64(cur_thr) && float64(heart_series[i]) <= 0.93*float64(cur_thr) {
					} else if float64(heart_series[i]) > 0.93*float64(cur_thr) && float64(heart_series[i]) <= 0.99*float64(cur_thr) {
					} else if float64(heart_series[i]) > 0.99*float64(cur_thr) && float64(heart_series[i]) <= 1.02*float64(cur_thr) {
					} else if float64(heart_series[i]) > 1.02*float64(cur_thr) && float64(heart_series[i]) <= 1.06*float64(cur_thr) {
					} else if float64(heart_series[i]) > 1.06*float64(cur_thr) {

			temp_rows = append(temp_rows, temp_row)


	clearVals := func() {
		sH1 = 0
		sH2 = 0
		sH3 = 0
		sH4 = 0
		sH5a = 0
		sH5b = 0
		sH5c = 0
		sP1 = 0
		sP2 = 0
		sP3 = 0
		sP4 = 0
		sP5 = 0
		sP6 = 0
	//so now for each activity we have the sum of each of the zones (value for each second * number seconds) and the number of seconds to divide by later once summed by date
	//loope through each retrieved activity
	var lastActivity time.Time
	var numResult int

	for i := 1; i < len(temp_rows); i++ {
		if i == 1 {
			lastActivity = temp_rows[i].StartTime

		//if we want to show data in monthly format
		if filter.Historylen > 366 { //show over 365 days as monthly
			//set last activity on first iteration only
			thisDate := temp_rows[i].StartTime
			prevDate := lastActivity

			//if we're still in the current month sum these values
			if thisDate.Month() != prevDate.Month() || i == len(temp_rows)-1 {
				var summedMonthlyHbz Hbz
				var summedMonthlyPbz Pbz

				summedMonthlyHbz.AvZ1 = utility.Round((float64(sH1) / 3600.0), .5, 2)
				summedMonthlyHbz.AvZ2 = utility.Round((float64(sH2) / 3600.0), .5, 2)
				summedMonthlyHbz.AvZ3 = utility.Round((float64(sH3) / 3600.0), .5, 2)
				summedMonthlyHbz.AvZ4 = utility.Round((float64(sH4) / 3600.0), .5, 2)
				summedMonthlyHbz.AvZ5a = utility.Round((float64(sH5a) / 3600.0), .5, 2)
				summedMonthlyHbz.AvZ5b = utility.Round((float64(sH5b) / 3600.0), .5, 2)
				summedMonthlyHbz.AvZ5c = utility.Round((float64(sH5c) / 3600.0), .5, 2)

				summedMonthlyPbz.AvZ1 = utility.Round((float64(sP1) / 3600.0), .5, 2)
				summedMonthlyPbz.AvZ2 = utility.Round((float64(sP2) / 3600.0), .5, 2)
				summedMonthlyPbz.AvZ3 = utility.Round((float64(sP3) / 3600.0), .5, 2)
				summedMonthlyPbz.AvZ4 = utility.Round((float64(sP4) / 3600.0), .5, 2)
				summedMonthlyPbz.AvZ5 = utility.Round((float64(sP5) / 3600.0), .5, 2)
				summedMonthlyPbz.AvZ6 = utility.Round((float64(sP6) / 3600.0), .5, 2)

				var month time.Month
				var year string

				if thisDate.Month() != prevDate.Month() {
					month = prevDate.Month()
					year = strconv.Itoa(prevDate.Year())
				} else {
					month = thisDate.Month()
					year = strconv.Itoa(thisDate.Year())

				monthStr := month.String()
				summedMonthlyHbz.TimeLabel = monthStr[0:3] + " '" + year[2:4]
				summedMonthlyPbz.TimeLabel = monthStr[0:3] + " '" + year[2:4]

				hbz_data = append(hbz_data, summedMonthlyHbz)
				pbz_data = append(pbz_data, summedMonthlyPbz)

				//reset the last activity date for the next loop
				lastActivity = thisDate

		} else {
			thisDate := temp_rows[i].StartTime
			prevDate := lastActivity
			prevIterDate := temp_rows[i-1].StartTime

			_, thisDateWeek := thisDate.ISOWeek() //adding day keeps i in the correct week
			_, prevDateWeek := prevDate.ISOWeek() // "

			if thisDateWeek != prevDateWeek || i == len(temp_rows)-1 { //if new week or last activity
				var summedWeeklyHbz Hbz
				var summedWeeklyPbz Pbz

				summedWeeklyHbz.AvZ1 = utility.Round((float64(sH1) / 3600.0), .5, 2)
				summedWeeklyHbz.AvZ2 = utility.Round((float64(sH2) / 3600.0), .5, 2)
				summedWeeklyHbz.AvZ3 = utility.Round((float64(sH3) / 3600.0), .5, 2)
				summedWeeklyHbz.AvZ4 = utility.Round((float64(sH4) / 3600.0), .5, 2)
				summedWeeklyHbz.AvZ5a = utility.Round((float64(sH5a) / 3600.0), .5, 2)
				summedWeeklyHbz.AvZ5b = utility.Round((float64(sH5b) / 3600.0), .5, 2)
				summedWeeklyHbz.AvZ5c = utility.Round((float64(sH5c) / 3600.0), .5, 2)

				summedWeeklyPbz.AvZ1 = utility.Round((float64(sP1) / 3600.0), .5, 2)
				summedWeeklyPbz.AvZ2 = utility.Round((float64(sP2) / 3600.0), .5, 2)
				summedWeeklyPbz.AvZ3 = utility.Round((float64(sP3) / 3600.0), .5, 2)
				summedWeeklyPbz.AvZ4 = utility.Round((float64(sP4) / 3600.0), .5, 2)
				summedWeeklyPbz.AvZ5 = utility.Round((float64(sP5) / 3600.0), .5, 2)
				summedWeeklyPbz.AvZ6 = utility.Round((float64(sP6) / 3600.0), .5, 2)

				monthS := prevDate.Month()
				dayS := strconv.Itoa(prevDate.Day())
				var dayF string

				var monthF time.Month
				if thisDateWeek != prevDateWeek {
					monthF = prevIterDate.Month()
					dayF = strconv.Itoa(prevIterDate.Day())
				} else {
					monthF = thisDate.Month()
					dayF = strconv.Itoa(thisDate.Day())

				monthStrS := monthS.String()
				monthAbrS := monthStrS[0:3]
				monthStrF := monthF.String()
				monthAbrF := monthStrF[0:3]

				//format labels according to number to displau
				if filter.Historylen < 120 {
					summedWeeklyHbz.TimeLabel = dayS + " " + monthAbrS + " - " + dayF + " " + monthAbrF
					summedWeeklyPbz.TimeLabel = dayS + " " + monthAbrS + " - " + dayF + " " + monthAbrF
				} else {
					summedWeeklyHbz.TimeLabel = dayS + " " + monthAbrS
					summedWeeklyPbz.TimeLabel = dayS + " " + monthAbrS


				hbz_data = append(hbz_data, summedWeeklyHbz)
				pbz_data = append(pbz_data, summedWeeklyPbz)

				//reset the last activity date for the next loop
				lastActivity = thisDate


		sP1 += temp_rows[i].CountPZ1
		sP2 += temp_rows[i].CountPZ2
		sP3 += temp_rows[i].CountPZ3
		sP4 += temp_rows[i].CountPZ4
		sP5 += temp_rows[i].CountPZ5
		sP6 += temp_rows[i].CountPZ6

		sH1 += temp_rows[i].CountHZ1
		sH2 += temp_rows[i].CountHZ2
		sH3 += temp_rows[i].CountHZ3
		sH4 += temp_rows[i].CountHZ4
		sH5a += temp_rows[i].CountHZ5a
		sH5b += temp_rows[i].CountHZ5b
		sH5c += temp_rows[i].CountHZ5c

	return hbz_data, pbz_data
Exemplo n.º 7
// Get demands by adspace id
func (c *PmpDemandPlatformDeskController) GetDemandByAdspace() {
	adspaceId := c.GetString("adspaceid")
	date := c.GetString("startdate")
	usetpl, err := c.GetBool("usetpl")
	beego.Info(" **** param adspaceid: " + adspaceId + " *** param startdate: " + date + " **** param usetpl: " + strconv.FormatBool(usetpl))
	if err != nil {
		usetpl = false
	c.Data["maingridrowid"] = adspaceId
	c.Data["startdate"] = date
	if usetpl {
		//c.Data["json"] = &map[string]interface{}{"total": 2, "rows": []DemandVo{}}
		if c.GetTemplatetype() != "easyui" {
			c.Layout = c.GetTemplatetype() + "/public/layout.tpl"
		c.TplNames = c.GetTemplatetype() + "/adspace/demand-easyui.tpl"
	const layout = "2006-1-2"
	startdate, _ := time.Parse(layout, date)
	startdate = startdate.Local()
	enddate := startdate.AddDate(0, 0, 6)
	dateend := enddate.Format(layout)
	beego.Info(" **** startdate:"+startdate.Format(layout), " **** enddate:", dateend)
	var dailyAllocations []models.PmpDailyAllocationVo
	adspaceIdInt, _ := strconv.Atoi(adspaceId)
	dailyAllocations = models.GetPmpDailyAllocationByAdspaceIdAndAdDate(adspaceIdInt, date, dateend)
	var demandVos []DemandVo
	var days [7]string
	var y, d int
	var m time.Month
	y, m, d = startdate.Date()
	days[0] = strconv.Itoa(y) + "-" + m.String() + "-" + strconv.Itoa(d)
	for i := 1; i < 7; i++ {
		startdate = startdate.AddDate(0, 0, 1)
		y, m, d = startdate.Date()
		days[i] = strconv.Itoa(y) + "-" + m.String() + "-" + strconv.Itoa(d)
	var lastdemandadspaceid int = -1
	for _, v := range dailyAllocations {
		if lastdemandadspaceid != v.DemandAdspaceId {
			demandVos = append(demandVos, DemandVo{Name: v.Name, DemandAdspaceId: v.DemandAdspaceId, Proportion: v.Priority, DemandAdspaceName: v.DemandAdspaceName})
			lastdemandadspaceid = v.DemandAdspaceId
		y, m, d := v.AdDate.Date()
		addate := strconv.Itoa(y) + "-" + m.String() + "-" + strconv.Itoa(d)
		for index, val := range days {
			var allocation int
			currIndex := len(demandVos) - 1

			if val == addate {
				allocation = v.Imp
				switch index {
				case 0:
					demandVos[currIndex].Day1 = allocation
				case 1:
					demandVos[currIndex].Day2 = allocation
				case 2:
					demandVos[currIndex].Day3 = allocation
				case 3:
					demandVos[currIndex].Day4 = allocation
				case 4:
					demandVos[currIndex].Day5 = allocation
				case 5:
					demandVos[currIndex].Day6 = allocation
				case 6:
					demandVos[currIndex].Day7 = allocation


	beego.Info("**** demandVos:", demandVos)
	c.Data["json"] = &map[string]interface{}{"total": len(demandVos), "rows": &demandVos}

Exemplo n.º 8
// Finds the US name for a given month
func (nc USCalendar) MonthName(month time.Month) string {
	return month.String()
Exemplo n.º 9
//template functions
func PrettyMonth(m time.Month) string {
	return m.String()[0:3] + "."