Exemplo n.º 1
// Function serialize sub command of stats "conns"
func (s *ServerStat) Conns() []string {
	var arr []string
	for _, value := range s.Connections {
		arr = append(arr, "<NULL>:addr "+value.Addr, "<NULL>:state "+value.State,
			"<NULL>:secs_since_last_cmd "+tools.IntToString(time.Now().Unix()-value.Cmd_hit_ts))
	return arr
Exemplo n.º 2
// Implements get method
// Passed boolean param cas - defines of returning cas_unique
func (enum *Ascii_protocol_enum) get(storage *cache.LRUCache, cas bool) (string, error) {
	var result = ""
	for _, value := range enum.key {
		item := storage.Get(value)
		if item != nil {
			data := tools.ExtractStoredData(item.Cacheable)
			if data == nil {
			result += "VALUE " + value + " " + tools.IntToString(int64(item.Flags)) + " " + tools.IntToString(int64(len(data)))
			if cas {
				cas_id := tools.GenerateCasId()
				storage.SetCas(value, cas_id)
				result += " " + tools.IntToString(cas_id)
			result += "\r\n"
			result += string(data) + "\r\n"
	return result + "END\r\n", nil
Exemplo n.º 3
// Function serialize sub command of stats "settings"
func (s *ServerStat) Settings(storage *cache.LRUCache) map[string]string {
	dict := make(map[string]string)
	dict["maxbytes"] = tools.IntToString(storage.Capacity())
	dict["maxconns"] = tools.IntToString(int64(s.Connections_limit))
	dict["tcpport"] = s.tcp
	dict["udpport"] = s.udp
	dict["verbosity"] = tools.IntToString(int64(s.verbosity))
	dict["num_goroutines"] = tools.IntToString(int64(runtime.NumGoroutine()))
	dict["evictions"] = "on" //TODO: to think about apportunity of another value.
	if storage.Crawler.Enabled() {
		dict["lru_crawler"] = "true"
	} else {
		dict["lru_crawler"] = "false"
	dict["lru_crawler_sleep"] = tools.IntToString(int64(storage.Crawler.Sleep()))
	dict["lru_crawler_tocrawl"] = tools.IntToString(int64(storage.Crawler.ItemsPerRun))
	if s.cas_disabled {
		dict["cas_enabled"] = "false"
	} else {
		dict["cas_enabled"] = "true"
	if s.flush_disabled {
		dict["flush_all_enabled"] = "false"
	} else {
		dict["flush_all_enabled"] = "true"
	return dict
Exemplo n.º 4
// Utility method, for joining common parts of incr/decr methods.
// Receives additional param sign, which defines operation: -1 or 1
func (enum *Ascii_protocol_enum) fold(storage *cache.LRUCache, sign int) (string, error) {
	if item := storage.Get(enum.key[0]); item != nil && (sign == 1 || sign == -1) {
		existed_data := tools.ExtractStoredData(item.Cacheable)
		if existed_data != nil {
			evaluated_data_for_existed, err_for_existed := tools.StringToInt64(string(existed_data))
			evaluated_data_for_passed, err_for_passed := tools.StringToUInt64(string(enum.data_string))
			if err_for_existed == nil && err_for_passed == nil {
				var result string
				if sign > 0 {
					result = tools.IntToString(evaluated_data_for_existed + int64(evaluated_data_for_passed))
				} else {
					result = tools.IntToString(evaluated_data_for_existed - int64(evaluated_data_for_passed))
				if storage.Set(tools.NewStoredData([]byte(result), enum.key[0]), item.Flags, item.Exptime, 0) {
					return result + "\r\n", nil
				return strings.Replace(SERVER_ERROR_TEMP, "%s", "Not enough memory", 1), errors.New("SERVER_ERROR")
			return ERROR_TEMP, nil
	return NOT_FOUND, nil
Exemplo n.º 5
// Serialization of sub command items
func (s *ServerStat) Items(storage *cache.LRUCache) map[string]string {
	dict := make(map[string]string)
	dict["number"] = tools.IntToString(int64(storage.Stats.Current_items))
	dict["age"] = tools.IntToString(time.Now().Unix() - storage.Oldest())
	dict["expired_unfetched"] = tools.IntToString(int64(storage.Stats.Expired_unfetched))
	dict["evicted_unfetched"] = tools.IntToString(int64(storage.Stats.Evicted_unfetched))
	dict["crawler_reclaimed"] = tools.IntToString(storage.Stats.Crawler_reclaimed)
	dict["outofmemory"] = tools.IntToString(storage.Stats.Outofmem)
	return dict
Exemplo n.º 6
func TestHandlingSuiteGets1(t *testing.T) {
	var storage = cache.New(42)
	var testEnum = Ascii_protocol_enum{"set", []string{"key"}, 1, 0, 4, 0, false, []byte("TEST"), ""}
	res, err := testEnum.HandleRequest(storage, nil)
	testEnum = Ascii_protocol_enum{"gets", []string{"key"}, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, nil, ""}
	res, err = testEnum.HandleRequest(storage, nil)
	item := storage.Get("key")
	if item == nil {
		t.Fatalf("Item wasn't stored")
	cas := item.Cas_unique
	if cas == 0 {
		t.Fatalf("Cas unique wasn't set.")
	match_str := "VALUE key 1 4 " + tools.IntToString(cas) + "\r\nTEST\r\nEND\r\n"
	if err != nil || string(res) != match_str {
		t.Fatalf("Unexpected returned values of handling: ", err, res, testEnum)
Exemplo n.º 7
func main() {
	tcp_port := flag.String("p", "11211", "TCP Port to listen (non required - default port is 11211)")
	memory_amount_mb := flag.Int("m", 0, "Amount of memory to allocate (MiB)")
	daemonize := flag.Bool("d", false, "Run process as background")
	// unix_socket := flag.String("s", "", "Unix socket path to listen on (disables network support)")
	// unix_perms := flag.String("a", "", "Permissions (in octal format) for Unix socket created with -s option")
	listen_ip := flag.String("l", "", "Listen on specified ip addr only; default to any address.")
	max_connections := flag.Int("c", 1024, "Use max simultaneous connections;")
	udp_port := flag.String("U", "", "UDP Port to listen (default is empty string - which means it is turned off)")
	disable_cas := flag.Bool("C", false, "Disabling of cas command support.")
	disable_flush := flag.Bool("F", false, "Disabling of flush_all command support.")
	help := flag.Bool("h", false, "Show usage manual and list of options.")
	verbose := flag.Bool("v", false, "Turning verbosity on. This option includes errors and warnings only.")
	deep_verbose := flag.Bool("vv", false, "Turning deep verbosity on. This option includes requests, responses and same output as simple verbosity.")

	if *help {
		// TODO: It should be spread in future.
		fmt.Println("MemoranGo - memory caching service.\nusage:\nmemorango -m <memory_to_alloc> [-CvhFvvd]\n" +
			"\t[-l <listen_ip>] [-c <limit_connections>] [-p <tcp_port>] [-U <udp_port>]")

	if *memory_amount_mb <= 0 {
		fmt.Println("Impossible to run server with incorrect specified amount of available data.")

	var verbosity = 0
	if *deep_verbose {
		verbosity = 2
	} else if *verbose {
		verbosity = 1

	if *daemonize {
		var transacted_options = []string{}
		dir, _ := filepath.Abs(filepath.Dir(os.Args[0]))
		transacted_options = append(transacted_options, filepath.Join(dir, os.Args[0]), "-p", *tcp_port, "-m",
			"-c", tools.IntToString(int64(*max_connections)))
		if len(*listen_ip) > 0 {
			transacted_options = append(transacted_options, "-l", *listen_ip)
		if len(*udp_port) > 0 {
			transacted_options = append(transacted_options, "-U", *udp_port)
		if *disable_cas {
			transacted_options = append(transacted_options, "-C")
		if *disable_flush {
			transacted_options = append(transacted_options, "-F")
		if verbosity == 1 {
			transacted_options = append(transacted_options, "-v")
		} else if verbosity == 2 {
			transacted_options = append(transacted_options, "-vv")
		transacted_options = append(transacted_options, "&")
		fmt.Printf("Run %s daemon at with %d MiB allowed memory.\n", tools.VERSION, *tcp_port, *memory_amount_mb)
		cmd := exec.Command("/usr/bin/nohup", transacted_options...)
		start_err := cmd.Start()
		if start_err != nil {
			fmt.Println("Status: ", start_err)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("%d Run %s on with %d MiB allowed memory.\n",
			os.Getpid(), tools.VERSION, *tcp_port, *memory_amount_mb)
		_server := server.NewServer(*tcp_port, *udp_port, *listen_ip, *max_connections, *disable_cas, *disable_flush,
			verbosity, int64(*memory_amount_mb)*1024*1024 /* let's convert to bytes */)
		defer _server.StopServer()
Exemplo n.º 8
// Function serialize statistic of server and storage and returns it as map of strings
func (s *ServerStat) Serialize(storage *cache.LRUCache) map[string]string {
	dict := make(map[string]string)
	dict["pid"] = tools.IntToString(int64(s.pid))
	dict["uptime"] = tools.IntToString(int64(s.uptime()))
	dict["time"] = tools.IntToString(int64(s.time()))
	dict["version"] = tools.VERSION
	dict["pointer_size"] = tools.IntToString(int64(pointer_size))
	secu, mcsecu, secs, mcsecs := s.rusage()
	dict["rusage_user"] = tools.IntToString(secu) + "." + tools.IntToString(mcsecu)
	dict["rusage_system"] = tools.IntToString(secs) + "." + tools.IntToString(mcsecs)
	dict["curr_items"] = tools.IntToString(int64(storage.Stats.Current_items))
	dict["total_items"] = tools.IntToString(int64(storage.Stats.Total_items))
	dict["bytes"] = tools.IntToString(s.bytes(storage.Capacity()))
	dict["curr_connections"] = tools.IntToString(int64(s.Current_connections))
	dict["total_connections"] = tools.IntToString(int64(s.Total_connections))
	dict["evictions"] = tools.IntToString(int64(storage.Stats.Evictions))
	dict["expired_unfetched"] = tools.IntToString(int64(storage.Stats.Expired_unfetched))
	dict["evicted_unfetched"] = tools.IntToString(int64(storage.Stats.Evicted_unfetched))
	dict["bytes_read"] = tools.IntToString(int64(s.Read_bytes))
	dict["bytes_written"] = tools.IntToString(int64(s.Written_bytes))
	dict["goroutines"] = tools.IntToString(int64(runtime.NumGoroutine()))
	dict["crawler_reclaimed"] = tools.IntToString(storage.Stats.Crawler_reclaimed)
	for key, value := range s.Commands {
		dict[key] = tools.IntToString(int64(value))
	return dict