Exemplo n.º 1
/*function:create task from the user command.
	we will create the task and store it in Tasks
	r: r.Body include the string of the user command
	w:	w.Body include the result of the create.response will be marshal to w.
func CreateTaskHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	var response util.HttpResponse
	var thisTask Task
	response.Status = util.INVALID_INPUT

	var contents []byte
	contents = make([]byte, 1000)
	length, err := r.Body.Read(contents)
	if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "CreateHandler: can not read from http resposeWriter\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s", err)
		response.Warnings = []string{"CreateHandler: can not read from http resposeWriter\n" + err.Error()}
		io.WriteString(w, response.String())
	var res util.SendCmd
	if *FlagDebug {
		fmt.Println("contents:", string(contents))
	//make sure the char in contents should not include '\0'
	contentsRight := contents[:length]
	errunmarshal := json.Unmarshal(contentsRight, &res)
	if errunmarshal != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "CreateHandler: Unmarshal failed for contents: ")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s", errunmarshal)
		response.Warnings = []string{"CreateHandler: Unmarshal failed for contents: " + errunmarshal.Error()}
		io.WriteString(w, response.String())
	} else {
		//now we will create our task here: filter, allocator, (image server) ,scheduler
		var userRequest CreateRequest
		for thisflag, flagvalue := range res.Data {
			switch {
			case strings.EqualFold(thisflag, "i"):
				userRequest.ImageName = flagvalue
			case strings.EqualFold(thisflag, "t"):
				userRequest.TypeName = flagvalue
				if !strings.EqualFold(flagvalue, "mpi") && !strings.EqualFold(flagvalue, "single") {
					fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, `the type of the task is not supported yet. Only "single" and "mpi" is supported.`)
					response.Warnings = []string{`the type of the task is not supported yet. Only "single" and "mpi" is supported.`}
					io.WriteString(w, response.String())
			case strings.EqualFold(thisflag, "n"):
				userRequest.TaskName = flagvalue
			case strings.EqualFold(thisflag, "s"):
				userRequest.Stratergy = flagvalue
				if !strings.EqualFold(thisflag, "MEM") && !strings.EqualFold(thisflag, "COM") {
					response.Warnings = []string{`Only MEM and COM are valid for -s flag`}
					io.WriteString(w, response.String())
			case strings.EqualFold(thisflag, "c"):
				userRequest.TotalCpuNum, _ = strconv.Atoi(flagvalue)
			case strings.EqualFold(thisflag, "C"):
				userRequest.ContainerNumMax, _ = strconv.Atoi(flagvalue)
			case strings.EqualFold(thisflag, "l"):
				value, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(flagvalue, 32)
				userRequest.OverLoadMax = float32(value)
			case strings.EqualFold(thisflag, "f"):
				filename := flagvalue
				readerme, openerr := os.Open(filename)
				if openerr != nil {
					fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "CreateHandler:%s", openerr)
					response.Warnings = []string{"CreateHandler" + openerr.Error()}
					io.WriteString(w, response.String())
				unmarshalerr := util.UnmarshalReader(readerme, &(userRequest.ResNode))
				if unmarshalerr != nil {
					response.Warnings = []string{unmarshalerr.Error()}
					io.WriteString(w, response.String())
				fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "CreateHandler: %s flag invalid", thisflag)
				response.Warnings = []string{"CreateHandler: " + thisflag + "flag invalid"}
				io.WriteString(w, response.String())

		var err error
		endpoint := []string{"http://" + MasterConfig.EtcdNode.Ip + ":" + MasterConfig.EtcdNode.Port}
		err = UpdateEtcdForUse(endpoint, MasterConfig.EtcdNode.Key, true, true)
		if err != nil {
			if *FlagDebug {
				util.PrintErr("Failded to Etcd data!")
			response.Warnings = []string{err.Error()}
			io.WriteString(w, response.String())
		if *FlagDebug {
			util.PrintErr("Etcd data has been updated!")

		err = UpdateGres()
		if err != nil {
			response.Warnings = []string{err.Error()}
			io.WriteString(w, response.String())
		if *FlagDebug {
			util.PrintErr("Gres has been updated!With ", len(Gres), " terms left.")
			if len(Gres) == 0 {
				util.PrintErr("Error: ", "0 node can be used in Gres")

		err = Filter(userRequest)
		if *FlagDebug {
			util.PrintErr("Rres has been Filtered!, with ", len(Rres), " terms left")

		err = Allocate(userRequest)
		if err != nil {
			io.WriteString(w, err.Error())
			io.WriteString(w, response.String())
		if *FlagDebug {
			util.PrintErr("Allocate complished for the create task! ", len(Ares), " containers will be created!")

		thisTask.Init(userRequest, len(Ares))

		err = ImageTransport(&thisTask)
		if err != nil {
			io.WriteString(w, err.Error())
			io.WriteString(w, response.String())

		//create container,start it,  bind ip
		err = CreateContainer2Ares(&thisTask)
		if err != nil {
			if *FlagDebug {
				util.PrintErr("CreateContainer2Ares failed:", err.Error())
			response.Set(util.SERVER_ERROR, err.Error())
			io.WriteString(w, response.String())
		thisTask.CreatedTime = time.Now()
		thisTask.Status = RUNNING
		Tasks[userRequest.TaskName] = thisTask
		LatestTask = userRequest.TaskName
		response.Set(util.OK, thisTask.Cmd.TaskName)
		io.WriteString(w, response.String())
