Пример #1
// MapContainer2Pod maps container Nodes to pod
// Nodes.
// If this function is given a node without a kubernetes_pod_id
// (including other pseudo nodes), it will produce an "Unmanaged"
// pseudo node.
// Otherwise, this function will produce a node with the correct ID
// format for a container, but without any Major or Minor labels.
// It does not have enough info to do that, and the resulting graph
// must be merged with a container graph to get that info.
func MapContainer2Pod(n report.Node, _ report.Networks) report.Nodes {
	// Uncontained becomes unmanaged in the pods view
	if strings.HasPrefix(n.ID, MakePseudoNodeID(UncontainedID)) {
		id := MakePseudoNodeID(UnmanagedID, report.ExtractHostID(n))
		node := NewDerivedPseudoNode(id, n)
		return report.Nodes{id: node}

	// Propagate all pseudo nodes
	if n.Topology == Pseudo {
		return report.Nodes{n.ID: n}

	// Ignore non-running containers
	if state, ok := n.Latest.Lookup(docker.ContainerState); ok && state != docker.StateRunning {
		return report.Nodes{}

	// Otherwise, if some some reason the container doesn't have a pod uid (maybe
	// slightly out of sync reports, or its not in a pod), make it part of unmanaged.
	uid, ok := n.Latest.Lookup(docker.LabelPrefix + "io.kubernetes.pod.uid")
	if !ok {
		id := MakePseudoNodeID(UnmanagedID, report.ExtractHostID(n))
		node := NewDerivedPseudoNode(id, n)
		return report.Nodes{id: node}

	id := report.MakePodNodeID(uid)
	node := NewDerivedNode(id, n).
	node.Counters = node.Counters.Add(n.Topology, 1)
	return report.Nodes{id: node}
Пример #2
// MapProcess2Container maps process Nodes to container
// Nodes.
// If this function is given a node without a docker_container_id
// (including other pseudo nodes), it will produce an "Uncontained"
// pseudo node.
// Otherwise, this function will produce a node with the correct ID
// format for a container, but without any Major or Minor labels.
// It does not have enough info to do that, and the resulting graph
// must be merged with a container graph to get that info.
func MapProcess2Container(n report.Node, _ report.Networks) report.Nodes {
	// Propagate pseudo nodes
	if n.Topology == Pseudo {
		return report.Nodes{n.ID: n}

	// Otherwise, if the process is not in a container, group it
	// into an per-host "Uncontained" node.  If for whatever reason
	// this node doesn't have a host id in their nodemetadata, it'll
	// all get grouped into a single uncontained node.
	var (
		id   string
		node report.Node
	if containerID, ok := n.Latest.Lookup(docker.ContainerID); ok {
		id = report.MakeContainerNodeID(containerID)
		node = NewDerivedNode(id, n).WithTopology(report.Container)
	} else {
		id = MakePseudoNodeID(UncontainedID, report.ExtractHostID(n))
		node = NewDerivedPseudoNode(id, n)
		node = propagateLatest(report.HostNodeID, n, node)
		node = propagateLatest(IsConnected, n, node)
	return report.Nodes{id: node}
Пример #3
func processNodeSummary(base NodeSummary, n report.Node) (NodeSummary, bool) {
	base.Label, _ = n.Latest.Lookup(process.Name)
	base.Rank, _ = n.Latest.Lookup(process.Name)

	pid, ok := n.Latest.Lookup(process.PID)
	if !ok {
		return NodeSummary{}, false
	if containerName, ok := n.Latest.Lookup(docker.ContainerName); ok {
		base.LabelMinor = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s:%s)", report.ExtractHostID(n), containerName, pid)
	} else {
		base.LabelMinor = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", report.ExtractHostID(n), pid)

	_, isConnected := n.Latest.Lookup(render.IsConnected)
	base.Linkable = isConnected
	return base, true
Пример #4
func containerNodeSummary(base NodeSummary, n report.Node) (NodeSummary, bool) {
	base.Label = getRenderableContainerName(n)
	base.LabelMinor = report.ExtractHostID(n)

	if imageName, ok := n.Latest.Lookup(docker.ImageName); ok {
		base.Rank = docker.ImageNameWithoutVersion(imageName)

	return base, true
Пример #5
func pseudoNodeSummary(base NodeSummary, n report.Node) (NodeSummary, bool) {
	base.Pseudo = true
	base.Rank = n.ID

	if template, ok := map[string]struct{ Label, LabelMinor string }{
		render.TheInternetID:      {render.InboundMajor, ""},
		render.IncomingInternetID: {render.InboundMajor, render.InboundMinor},
		render.OutgoingInternetID: {render.OutboundMajor, render.OutboundMinor},
	}[n.ID]; ok {
		base.Label = template.Label
		base.LabelMinor = template.LabelMinor
		base.Shape = report.Cloud
		return base, true

	// try rendering it as an uncontained node
	if strings.HasPrefix(n.ID, render.MakePseudoNodeID(render.UncontainedID)) {
		base.Label = render.UncontainedMajor
		base.LabelMinor = report.ExtractHostID(n)
		base.Shape = report.Square
		base.Stack = true
		return base, true

	// try rendering it as an unmanaged node
	if strings.HasPrefix(n.ID, render.MakePseudoNodeID(render.UnmanagedID)) {
		base.Label = render.UnmanagedMajor
		base.Shape = report.Square
		base.Stack = true
		base.LabelMinor = report.ExtractHostID(n)
		return base, true

	// try rendering it as an endpoint
	if addr, ok := n.Latest.Lookup(endpoint.Addr); ok {
		base.Label = addr
		base.Shape = report.Circle
		return base, true

	return NodeSummary{}, false
Пример #6
// MapEndpoint2Host takes nodes from the endpoint topology and produces
// host nodes or pseudo nodes.
func MapEndpoint2Host(n report.Node, local report.Networks) report.Nodes {
	// Nodes without a hostid are treated as pseudo nodes
	hostNodeID, timestamp, ok := n.Latest.LookupEntry(report.HostNodeID)
	if !ok {
		return MapEndpoint2Pseudo(n, local)

	id := report.MakeHostNodeID(report.ExtractHostID(n))
	result := NewDerivedNode(id, n).WithTopology(report.Host)
	result.Latest = result.Latest.Set(report.HostNodeID, timestamp, hostNodeID)
	result.Counters = result.Counters.Add(n.Topology, 1)
	return report.Nodes{id: result}
Пример #7
// MapX2Host maps any Nodes to host Nodes.
// If this function is given a node without a hostname
// (including other pseudo nodes), it will drop the node.
// Otherwise, this function will produce a node with the correct ID
// format for a container, but without any Major or Minor labels.
// It does not have enough info to do that, and the resulting graph
// must be merged with a container graph to get that info.
func MapX2Host(n report.Node, _ report.Networks) report.Nodes {
	// Don't propagate all pseudo nodes - we do this in MapEndpoint2Host
	if n.Topology == Pseudo {
		return report.Nodes{}
	hostNodeID, timestamp, ok := n.Latest.LookupEntry(report.HostNodeID)
	if !ok {
		return report.Nodes{}
	id := report.MakeHostNodeID(report.ExtractHostID(n))
	result := NewDerivedNode(id, n).WithTopology(report.Host)
	result.Latest = result.Latest.Set(report.HostNodeID, timestamp, hostNodeID)
	result.Counters = result.Counters.Add(n.Topology, 1)
	result.Children = report.MakeNodeSet(n)
	return report.Nodes{id: result}
Пример #8
// MapEndpoint2Process maps endpoint Nodes to process
// Nodes.
// If this function is given a pseudo node, then it will just return it;
// Pseudo nodes will never have pids in them, and therefore will never
// be able to be turned into a Process node.
// Otherwise, this function will produce a node with the correct ID
// format for a process, but without any Major or Minor labels.
// It does not have enough info to do that, and the resulting graph
// must be merged with a process graph to get that info.
func MapEndpoint2Process(n report.Node, local report.Networks) report.Nodes {
	// Nodes without a hostid are treated as pseudo nodes
	if _, ok := n.Latest.Lookup(report.HostNodeID); !ok {
		return MapEndpoint2Pseudo(n, local)

	pid, timestamp, ok := n.Latest.LookupEntry(process.PID)
	if !ok {
		return report.Nodes{}

	id := report.MakeProcessNodeID(report.ExtractHostID(n), pid)
	node := NewDerivedNode(id, n).WithTopology(report.Process)
	node.Latest = node.Latest.Set(process.PID, timestamp, pid)
	node.Counters = node.Counters.Add(n.Topology, 1)
	return report.Nodes{id: node}