Пример #1
func (c Admin) SaveNew(title, subtitle, category, body string) revel.Result {
	slugString := slug.Make(title)
	validatePost(c, title, body, slugString, category)
	collection := c.Database.C("posts")
	result := addPost(c.Database, collection, title, subtitle, slugString, category, body)
	return c.Redirect(routes.Blog.Show(result.Category, result.ShortID, result.Slug))
Пример #2
func (c Admin) Save(id int, title, subtitle, slugString, category, body, publish string) revel.Result {
	validatePost(c, title, body, slugString, category)
	collection := c.Database.C("posts")
	if slugString == "" {
		slugString = slug.Make(title)
	result := savePost(collection, id, title, subtitle, slugString, category, body)
	return c.Redirect(routes.Blog.Show(result.Category, result.ShortID, result.Slug))
Пример #3
func (c Admin) SaveNew(title, subtitle, category, body, image string) revel.Result {
	slugString := slug.Make(title)
	validatePost(c, title, body, slugString, category)
	if c.Validation.HasErrors() {
		// Store the validation errors in the flash context and redirect.
		return c.Redirect(routes.Admin.New())
	collection := c.Database.C("posts")
	result := addPost(c.Database, collection, title, subtitle, slugString, category, body, image)
	return c.Redirect(routes.Blog.Show(result.Category, result.ShortID, result.Slug))
Пример #4
func (c Admin) Save(id int, title, subtitle, slugString, category, body, publish, image string) revel.Result {
	validatePost(c, title, body, slugString, category)
	if c.Validation.HasErrors() {
		// Store the validation errors in the flash context and redirect.
		return c.Redirect(routes.Admin.Edit(id, slugString))
	collection := c.Database.C("posts")
	if slugString == "" {
		slugString = slug.Make(title)
	result := savePost(collection, id, title, subtitle, slugString, category, body, image)
	return c.Redirect(routes.Blog.Show(result.Category, result.ShortID, result.Slug))