// Bodies returns the colliding bodies involved for this arbiter. // The order of the CollisionType the bodies are associated with values will match // the order set when the collision handler was registered. func (arb Arbiter) Bodies() (Body, Body) { var a, b *C.cpBody C.cpArbiterGetBodies(arb.c(), (**C.cpBody)(unsafe.Pointer(&a)), (**C.cpBody)(unsafe.Pointer(&b))) return cpBody(a), cpBody(b) }
func (a *Arbiter) GetBodies() (*Body, *Body) { var body_a, body_b *C.cpBody C.cpArbiterGetBodies(a.CPArbiter, &body_a, &body_b) return LookupBody(body_a), LookupBody(body_b) }