Пример #1
// ShouldersArcStartPoint returns the start point of the shoulder searching
// arc. The default value is 120.
func (skeleton *Skeleton) ShouldersArcStartPoint() uint {

	var value C.uint

	C.getObjParamUint((C.gpointer)(skeleton.skeleton), C.CString("shoulders-arc-start-point"), &value)

	return uint(value)
Пример #2
// ShouldersCircumferenceRadius returns the radius of the circumference from
// the head to the shoulders in millimeters. The default value is 290.
func (skeleton *Skeleton) ShouldersCircumferenceRadius() uint {

	var value C.uint

	C.getObjParamUint((C.gpointer)(skeleton.skeleton), C.CString("shoulders-circumference-radius"), &value)

	return uint(value)
Пример #3
// JointsPersistency returns the amount of times a previous value should be
// used for a joint when the joint isn't found. The default value is 3.
func (skeleton *Skeleton) JointsPersistency() uint {

	var value C.uint

	C.getObjParamUint((C.gpointer)(skeleton.skeleton), C.CString("joints-persistency"), &value)

	return uint(value)
Пример #4
// ShouldersArcLength returns the legnth of the arc where the shoulders will
// be searched in millimeters. The default value is 250.
func (skeleton *Skeleton) ShouldersArcLength() uint {

	var value C.uint

	C.getObjParamUint((C.gpointer)(skeleton.skeleton), C.CString("shoulders-arc-length"), &value)

	return uint(value)
Пример #5
// HandsMinimumDistance returns the current minimum distance that hands should
// be from the shoulder in millimeters. The default value is 525.
func (skeleton *Skeleton) HandsMinimumDistance() uint {

	var value C.uint

	C.getObjParamUint((C.gpointer)(skeleton.skeleton), C.CString("hands-minimum-distance"), &value)

	return uint(value)
Пример #6
// GraphMinimumNumberNodes returns the current minimum number of nodes each of
// the graph's components should have. The default value is 5.
func (skeleton *Skeleton) GraphMinimumNumberNodes() uint {

	var value C.uint

	C.getObjParamUint((C.gpointer)(skeleton.skeleton), C.CString("graph-minimum-number-nodes"), &value)

	return uint(value)
Пример #7
// GraphDistanceThreshold returns the current distance threshold between each
// node and it's neighbors. A node in the graph will only be connected to
// another if they aren't further apart then this value. The default value is
// 150.
func (skeleton *Skeleton) GraphDistanceThreshold() uint {

	var value C.uint

	C.getObjParamUint((C.gpointer)(skeleton.skeleton), C.CString("graph-distance-threshold"), &value)

	return uint(value)
Пример #8
// ExtremaSphereRadius returns the current radius of the sphere around the
// extremas. The default value is 280.
func (skeleton *Skeleton) ExtremaSphereRadius() uint {

	var value C.uint

	C.getObjParamUint((C.gpointer)(skeleton.skeleton), C.CString("extrema-sphere-radius"), &value)

	return uint(value)
Пример #9
// DimensionReduction returns the current dimension reduction value. Skeltrack
// uses this to return correct coordinates even when depth data is scaled down.
// The default value is 16.
func (skeleton *Skeleton) DimensionReduction() uint {

	var value C.uint

	C.getObjParamUint((C.gpointer)(skeleton.skeleton), C.CString("dimension-reduction"), &value)

	return uint(value)