func (a *area) Repaint(r image.Rectangle) { r = image.Rect(0, 0, a.width, a.height).Intersect(r) if r.Empty() { return } C.gtk_widget_queue_draw_area(a.widget, C.gint(r.Min.X), C.gint(r.Min.Y), C.gint(r.Dx()), C.gint(r.Dy())) }
func DumpUnionInfo(info *C.GIUnionInfo) { nFields := C.g_union_info_get_n_fields(info) p("%d fields\n", nFields) for i := C.gint(0); i < nFields; i++ { field := C.g_union_info_get_field(info, i) DumpFieldInfo(field) } nMethods := C.g_union_info_get_n_methods(info) p("%d methods\n", nMethods) for i := C.gint(0); i < nMethods; i++ { method := C.g_union_info_get_method(info, i) DumpFunctionInfo(method) } isDiscriminated := C.g_union_info_is_discriminated(info) == C.gboolean(1) p("is discriminated %v\n", isDiscriminated) if isDiscriminated { offset := C.g_union_info_get_discriminator_offset(info) p("discriminated offset %d\n", offset) discriminatedType := C.g_union_info_get_discriminator_type(info) p("discriminated type %d\n", discriminatedType) DumpTypeInfo(discriminatedType) for i := C.gint(0); i < nFields; i++ { discriminator := C.g_union_info_get_discriminator(info, i) DumpConstantInfo(discriminator) } } size := C.g_union_info_get_size(info) p("size %d bytes\n", size) align := C.g_union_info_get_alignment(info) p("alignment %d bytes\n", align) }
func CreateWindow(title string, width int, height int) unsafe.Pointer { Logger.Println("CreateWindow") // Create window. window := C.gtk_window_new(C.GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) // Default size. C.gtk_window_set_default_size(C.ToGtkWindow(window), C.gint(width), C.gint(height)) // Center. C.gtk_window_set_position(C.ToGtkWindow(window), C.GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER) // Title. csTitle := C.CString(title) defer C.gtk_window_set_title(C.ToGtkWindow(window), (*C.gchar)(csTitle)) // TODO: focus // g_signal_connect(window, "focus", G_CALLBACK(&HandleFocus), NULL); // CEF requires a container. Embedding browser in a top // level window fails. vbox := C.gtk_vbox_new(0, 0) C.gtk_container_add(C.ToGtkContainer(window), vbox) // Show. C.gtk_widget_show_all(window) return unsafe.Pointer(vbox) }
// GDK_AVAILABLE_IN_3_2 // GtkWidget *gtk_grid_get_child_at (GtkGrid *grid, // gint left, // gint top); func (g *Grid) GetChildAt(left, top int32) *Widget { ret := C.gtk_grid_get_child_at(g.c, C.gint(left), C.gint(top)) if ret == nil { return nil } return &Widget{ret} }
// GetIterAtPosition is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_get_iter_at_position(). func (v *TextView) GetIterAtPosition(x, y int) (*TextIter, int) { var iter TextIter var trailing C.gint iiter := (C.GtkTextIter)(iter) C.gtk_text_view_get_iter_at_position(v.native(), &iiter, &trailing, C.gint(x), C.gint(y)) return &iter, int(trailing) }
func startGui(width, height int, title string, port int) { C.gtk_init(nil, nil) //gtk.Init(nil) window := C.window window = C.gtk_window_new(C.GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) C.gtk_window_set_title(C.to_GtkWindow(window), C.to_gcharptr(C.CString(title))) C.connect_destroy(window) vbox := C.gtk_hbox_new(0, 1) C.webview = C._new_webkit() C.gtk_container_add(C.to_GtkContainer(vbox), C.webview) C.loadUri(C.webview, C.to_gcharptr(C.CString(fmt.Sprintf("", port)))) C.gtk_container_add(C.to_GtkContainer(window), vbox) C.gtk_widget_set_size_request(window, C.gint(width), C.gint(height)) C.gtk_widget_show(vbox) C.gtk_widget_show(window) //Window.ShowAll() C.gtk_widget_show(C.webview) /* This only matters if proxy is stupid! proxy := os.Getenv("HTTP_PROXY") if len(proxy) > 0 { ptr := C.CString(uri) C.proxyshit(ptr) } */ C.gtk_main() //gtk.GtkMain() }
func newWindow(title string, width int, height int, control Control) *window { widget := C.gtk_window_new(C.GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) ctitle := togstr(title) defer freegstr(ctitle) w := &window{ widget: widget, wc: (*C.GtkContainer)(unsafe.Pointer(widget)), bin: (*C.GtkBin)(unsafe.Pointer(widget)), window: (*C.GtkWindow)(unsafe.Pointer(widget)), closing: newEvent(), } C.gtk_window_set_title(w.window, ctitle) g_signal_connect( C.gpointer(unsafe.Pointer(w.window)), "delete-event", C.GCallback(C.windowClosing), C.gpointer(unsafe.Pointer(w))) C.gtk_window_resize(w.window, C.gint(width), C.gint(height)) w.container = newContainer(control) w.container.setParent(&controlParent{w.wc}) // for dialogs; otherwise, they will be modal to all windows, not just this one = C.gtk_window_group_new() C.gtk_window_group_add_window(, w.window) return w }
func toGValue(v interface{}) *C.GValue { value := C.gvalue_new() switch reflect.TypeOf(v).Kind() { case reflect.String: C.g_value_init(value, C.G_TYPE_STRING) cStr := C.CString(v.(string)) defer C.g_value_set_string(value, (*C.gchar)(unsafe.Pointer(cStr))) case reflect.Int: C.g_value_init(value, C.G_TYPE_INT) C.g_value_set_int(value, C.gint(v.(int))) case reflect.Struct: switch rv := v.(type) { case Fraction: C.g_value_init(value, C.gst_fraction_get_type()) C.gst_value_set_fraction(value, C.gint(rv.N), C.gint(rv.D)) default: p("unknown struct type %v\n", v) panic("fixme") //TODO } case reflect.Ptr: switch reflect.TypeOf(v) { case gstCapsType: C.g_value_init(value, C.gst_caps_get_type()) C.gst_value_set_caps(value, v.(*C.GstCaps)) default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown type %v", v)) //TODO } default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown type %v", v)) //TODO } return value }
/* Creates a new, empty animation. */ func PixbufSimpleAnimNew(width int, height int, rate float32) (return__ *PixbufSimpleAnim) { var __cgo__return__ interface{} __cgo__return__ = C.gdk_pixbuf_simple_anim_new(C.gint(width), C.gint(height), C.gfloat(rate)) if __cgo__return__ != nil { return__ = NewPixbufSimpleAnimFromCPointer(unsafe.Pointer(reflect.ValueOf(__cgo__return__).Pointer())) } return }
func draw_selections(viewp, bufferp, crp unsafe.Pointer, mark_pairs []unsafe.Pointer) { view := (*C.GtkTextView)(viewp) buffer := (*C.GtkTextBuffer)(bufferp) cr := (*C.cairo_t)(crp) var alloc C.GtkAllocation C.gtk_widget_get_allocation((*C.GtkWidget)(viewp), &alloc) n := len(mark_pairs) var start_mark, stop_mark *C.GtkTextMark var location C.GdkRectangle var iter C.GtkTextIter var x, y C.gint var dx, dy C.double for i := 0; i < n; i += 2 { start_mark = (*C.GtkTextMark)(mark_pairs[i]) C.gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_mark(buffer, &iter, start_mark) C.gtk_text_view_get_iter_location(view, &iter, &location) C.gtk_text_view_buffer_to_window_coords(view, C.GTK_TEXT_WINDOW_WIDGET, C.gint(location.x), C.gint(location.y), &x, &y) if > alloc.width || > alloc.height || x < 0 || y < 0 { continue } dx = C.double(x) dy = C.double(y) C.cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 1, 0, 0) C.cairo_move_to(cr, dx, dy) C.cairo_set_line_width(cr, 2) C.cairo_line_to(cr, dx+6, dy) C.cairo_stroke(cr) C.cairo_move_to(cr, dx, dy) C.cairo_set_line_width(cr, 1) C.cairo_line_to(cr, dx, dy+C.double(location.height)) C.cairo_stroke(cr) stop_mark = (*C.GtkTextMark)(mark_pairs[i+1]) C.gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_mark(buffer, &iter, stop_mark) C.gtk_text_view_get_iter_location(view, &iter, &location) C.gtk_text_view_buffer_to_window_coords(view, C.GTK_TEXT_WINDOW_WIDGET, C.gint(location.x), C.gint(location.y), &x, &y) if > alloc.width || > alloc.height || x < 0 || y < 0 { continue } dx = C.double(x) dy = C.double(y) C.cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 0, 1, 0) C.cairo_move_to(cr, dx, dy) C.cairo_set_line_width(cr, 1) C.cairo_line_to(cr, dx, dy+C.double(location.height)) C.cairo_stroke(cr) C.cairo_move_to(cr, dx, dy+C.double(location.height)) C.cairo_set_line_width(cr, 2) C.cairo_line_to(cr, dx-6, dy+C.double(location.height)) C.cairo_stroke(cr) } }
// TranslateCoordinates is a wrapper around gtk_widget_translate_coordinates(). func (v *Widget) TranslateCoordinates(dest IWidget, srcX, srcY int) (destX, destY int, e error) { cdest := nullableWidget(dest) var cdestX, cdestY C.gint c := C.gtk_widget_translate_coordinates(v.native(), cdest, C.gint(srcX), C.gint(srcY), &cdestX, &cdestY) if !gobool(c) { return 0, 0, errors.New("translate coordinates failed") } return int(cdestX), int(cdestY), nil }
func finishNewTable(b *tablebase, ty reflect.Type) Table { widget := C.gtk_tree_view_new() t := &table{ scroller: newScroller(widget, true, true, false), // natively scrollable; has a border; no overlay tablebase: b, treeview: (*C.GtkTreeView)(unsafe.Pointer(widget)), crtocol: make(map[*C.GtkCellRendererToggle]int), selected: newEvent(), } model := C.newTableModel(unsafe.Pointer(t)) t.model = model t.modelgtk = (*C.GtkTreeModel)(unsafe.Pointer(model)) t.selection = C.gtk_tree_view_get_selection(t.treeview) g_signal_connect( C.gpointer(unsafe.Pointer(t.selection)), "changed", C.GCallback(C.tableSelectionChanged), C.gpointer(unsafe.Pointer(t))) C.gtk_tree_view_set_model(t.treeview, t.modelgtk) for i := 0; i < ty.NumField(); i++ { colname := ty.Field(i).Tag.Get("uicolumn") if colname == "" { colname = ty.Field(i).Name } cname := togstr(colname) switch { case ty.Field(i).Type == reflect.TypeOf((*image.RGBA)(nil)): // can't use GDK_TYPE_PIXBUF here because it's a macro that expands to a function and cgo hates that t.types = append(t.types, C.gdk_pixbuf_get_type()) C.tableAppendColumn(t.treeview, C.gint(i), cname, C.gtk_cell_renderer_pixbuf_new(), attribPixbuf) case ty.Field(i).Type.Kind() == reflect.Bool: t.types = append(t.types, C.G_TYPE_BOOLEAN) cr := C.gtk_cell_renderer_toggle_new() crt := (*C.GtkCellRendererToggle)(unsafe.Pointer(cr)) t.crtocol[crt] = i g_signal_connect(C.gpointer(unsafe.Pointer(cr)), "toggled", C.GCallback(C.goTableModel_toggled), C.gpointer(unsafe.Pointer(t))) C.tableAppendColumn(t.treeview, C.gint(i), cname, cr, attribActive) default: t.types = append(t.types, C.G_TYPE_STRING) C.tableAppendColumn(t.treeview, C.gint(i), cname, C.gtk_cell_renderer_text_new(), attribText) } freegstr(cname) // free now (not deferred) to conserve memory } // and for some GtkTreeModel boilerplate t.nColumns = C.gint(ty.NumField()) return t }
func (v *GdkWindow) Invalidate(rect *Rectangle, invalidate_children bool) { if rect != nil { var _rect C.GdkRectangle _rect.x = C.gint(rect.X) _rect.y = C.gint(rect.Y) _rect.width = C.gint(rect.Width) _rect.height = C.gint(rect.Height) C.gdk_window_invalidate_rect(v.Window, &_rect, bool2gboolean(invalidate_children)) } else { C.gdk_window_invalidate_rect(v.Window, nil, bool2gboolean(invalidate_children)) } }
// AddPalette() is a wrapper around gtk_color_chooser_add_palette(). func (v *ColorChooser) AddPalette(orientation Orientation, colors_per_line int, colors []*gdk.RGBA) { n_colors := len(colors) var c_colors []C.GdkRGBA for _, c := range colors { c_colors = append(c_colors, *(*C.GdkRGBA)(unsafe.Pointer(c.Native()))) } C.gtk_color_chooser_add_palette( v.native(), C.GtkOrientation(orientation), C.gint(colors_per_line), C.gint(n_colors), &c_colors[0], ) }
// Insert is a wrapper around gtk_combo_box_text_insert(). func (v *ComboBoxText) Insert(position int, id, text string) { cid := C.CString(id) ctext := C.CString(text) defer defer C.gtk_combo_box_text_insert(v.native(), C.gint(position), (*C.gchar)(cid), (*C.gchar)(ctext)) }
// MenuItemNewFromModel is a wrapper around g_menu_item_new_from_model(). func MenuItemNewFromModel(model *MenuModel, index int) *MenuItem { c := C.g_menu_item_new_from_model(model.native(), C.gint(index)) if c == nil { return nil } return wrapMenuItem(wrapObject(unsafe.Pointer(c))) }
// GetIcon takes the name of an icon and a size as arguments. It returns the closest // matching icon file from the theme. func (t GTKTheme) GetIcon(name string, size int) string { // TODO: User-specified flags. var flags C.GtkIconLookupFlags // Lookup the icon. cName := C.CString(name) defer iconInfo := C.gtk_icon_theme_lookup_icon(t.theme, (*C.gchar)(cName), C.gint(size), flags) // Check the lookup was successful. if iconInfo == nil { return "" } // gtk_icon_info_free is deprecated, but we seem to have issues using g_object_unref. defer C.gtk_icon_info_free(iconInfo) //defer C.g_object_unref(C.gpointer(iconInfo)) // Check the icon's filename. cFilename := C.gtk_icon_info_get_filename(iconInfo) if cFilename == nil { return "" } filename := C.GoString((*C.char)(cFilename)) return filename }
func DumpCallableInfo(info *C.GICallableInfo) { throwsError := C.g_callable_info_can_throw_gerror(info) == C.gboolean(1) p("can throws error %v\n", throwsError) nArgs := C.g_callable_info_get_n_args(info) for i := C.gint(0); i < nArgs; i++ { argInfo := C.g_callable_info_get_arg(info, i) DumpArgInfo(argInfo) } returnOwnership := C.g_callable_info_get_caller_owns(info) p("return value ownership %s\n", TransferGetName(returnOwnership)) returnType := C.g_callable_info_get_return_type(info) defer C.g_base_info_unref(asBaseInfo(returnType)) p("return type %v\n", returnType) DumpTypeInfo(returnType) isMethod := C.g_callable_info_is_method(info) == C.gboolean(1) p("is method %v\n", isMethod) var iter C.GIAttributeIter var key, value *C.char for C.g_callable_info_iterate_return_attributes(info, &iter, &key, &value) == C.gboolean(1) { p("Attr %s = %s\n", C.GoString(key), C.GoString(value)) } mayReturnNull := C.g_callable_info_may_return_null(info) == C.gboolean(1) p("may return null %v\n", mayReturnNull) skipReturn := C.g_callable_info_skip_return(info) == C.gboolean(1) p("skip return %v\n", skipReturn) }
/* Creates a new pixbuf by loading an image from an input stream. The file format is detected automatically. If %NULL is returned, then @error will be set. The @cancellable can be used to abort the operation from another thread. If the operation was cancelled, the error %G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED will be returned. Other possible errors are in the #GDK_PIXBUF_ERROR and %G_IO_ERROR domains. The image will be scaled to fit in the requested size, optionally preserving the image's aspect ratio. When preserving the aspect ratio, a @width of -1 will cause the image to be scaled to the exact given height, and a @height of -1 will cause the image to be scaled to the exact given width. If both @width and @height are given, this function will behave as if the smaller of the two values is passed as -1. When not preserving aspect ratio, a @width or @height of -1 means to not scale the image at all in that dimension. The stream is not closed. */ func PixbufNewFromStreamAtScale(stream *C.GInputStream, width int, height int, preserve_aspect_ratio bool, cancellable *C.GCancellable) (return__ *Pixbuf, __err__ error) { __cgo__preserve_aspect_ratio := C.gboolean(0) if preserve_aspect_ratio { __cgo__preserve_aspect_ratio = C.gboolean(1) } var __cgo_error__ *C.GError var __cgo__return__ interface{} __cgo__return__ = C.gdk_pixbuf_new_from_stream_at_scale(stream, C.gint(width), C.gint(height), __cgo__preserve_aspect_ratio, cancellable, &__cgo_error__) if __cgo__return__ != nil { return__ = NewPixbufFromCPointer(unsafe.Pointer(reflect.ValueOf(__cgo__return__).Pointer())) } if __cgo_error__ != nil { __err__ = errors.New(C.GoString((*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(__cgo_error__.message)))) } return }
// GetColumn() is a wrapper around gtk_tree_view_get_column(). func (v *TreeView) GetColumn(n int) *TreeViewColumn { c := C.gtk_tree_view_get_column(v.native(), C.gint(n)) if c == nil { return nil } return wrapTreeViewColumn(wrapObject(unsafe.Pointer(c))) }
// GetRowAtY is a wrapper around gtk_list_box_get_row_at_y(). func (v *ListBox) GetRowAtY(y int) *ListBoxRow { c := C.gtk_list_box_get_row_at_y(v.native(), C.gint(y)) if c == nil { return nil } return wrapListBoxRow(wrapObject(unsafe.Pointer(c))) }
//export goTableModel_getRowCount func goTableModel_getRowCount(data unsafe.Pointer) C.gint { t := (*table)(data) t.RLock() defer t.RUnlock() d := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf( return C.gint(d.Len()) }
// GetLineAtY is a wrapper around gtk_text_view_get_line_at_y(). func (v *TextView) GetLineAtY(y int) (*TextIter, int) { var iter TextIter var line_top C.gint iiter := (C.GtkTextIter)(iter) C.gtk_text_view_get_line_at_y(v.native(), &iiter, C.gint(y), &line_top) return &iter, int(line_top) }
// g_enum_info_get_value func (ei *EnumInfo) Value(n int) *ValueInfo { cptr := (*C.GIBaseInfo)(C.g_enum_info_get_value((*C.GIEnumInfo)(ei.c), C.gint(n))) if cptr == nil { return nil } ptr := &BaseInfo{cptr} return (*ValueInfo)(unsafe.Pointer(_SetBaseInfoFinalizer(ptr))) }
/* Creates a new cursor from a pixbuf. Not all GDK backends support RGBA cursors. If they are not supported, a monochrome approximation will be displayed. The functions gdk_display_supports_cursor_alpha() and gdk_display_supports_cursor_color() can be used to determine whether RGBA cursors are supported; gdk_display_get_default_cursor_size() and gdk_display_get_maximal_cursor_size() give information about cursor sizes. If @x or @y are `-1`, the pixbuf must have options named “x_hot” and “y_hot”, resp., containing integer values between `0` and the width resp. height of the pixbuf. (Since: 3.0) On the X backend, support for RGBA cursors requires a sufficently new version of the X Render extension. */ func CursorNewFromPixbuf(display IsDisplay, pixbuf *C.GdkPixbuf, x int, y int) (return__ *Cursor) { var __cgo__return__ interface{} __cgo__return__ = C.gdk_cursor_new_from_pixbuf(display.GetDisplayPointer(), pixbuf, C.gint(x), C.gint(y)) if __cgo__return__ != nil { return__ = NewCursorFromCPointer(unsafe.Pointer(reflect.ValueOf(__cgo__return__).Pointer())) } return }
func cListInt(value []int) *C.gint { var clist *C.gint clist = (*C.gint)(C.malloc(C.size_t(int(unsafe.Sizeof(*clist)) * len(value)))) for k, v := range value { (*(*[999999]C.gint)(unsafe.Pointer(clist)))[k] = C.gint(v) } return clist }
// Insert is a wrapper around g_menu_insert(). func (v *Menu) Insert(position int, label, detailed_action string) { cstr1 := (*C.gchar)(C.CString(label)) defer cstr2 := (*C.gchar)(C.CString(detailed_action)) defer C.g_menu_insert(v.native(), C.gint(position), cstr1, cstr2) }
func NewHBox(homogeneous bool, spacing int) *HBox { b := new(HBox) var h C.gboolean if homogeneous { h = 1 } b.SetPtr(glib.Pointer(C.gtk_hbox_new(h, C.gint(spacing)))) return b }
// GetItemLink is a wrapper around g_menu_model_get_item_link(). func (v *MenuModel) GetItemLink(index int, link string) *MenuModel { cstr := (*C.gchar)(C.CString(link)) defer c := C.g_menu_model_get_item_link(v.native(), C.gint(index), cstr) if c == nil { return nil } return wrapMenuModel(wrapObject(unsafe.Pointer(c))) }
func DumpEnumInfo(info *C.GIEnumInfo) { nValues := C.g_enum_info_get_n_values(info) p("%d values\n", nValues) for i := C.gint(0); i < nValues; i++ { valueInfo := C.g_enum_info_get_value(info, i) DumpValueInfo(valueInfo) } nMethods := C.g_enum_info_get_n_methods(info) p("%d methods\n", nMethods) for i := C.gint(0); i < nMethods; i++ { f := C.g_enum_info_get_method(info, i) DumpFunctionInfo(f) } storageType := C.g_enum_info_get_storage_type(info) p("%s\n", fromGStr(C.g_type_tag_to_string(storageType))) errorDomain := fromGStr(C.g_enum_info_get_error_domain(info)) p("error domain %s\n", errorDomain) }