Пример #1
// Set value to i
func (v *Value) Set(i interface{}) {
	if vg, ok := i.(ValueGetter); ok {
	// Other types
	r := reflect.ValueOf(i)
	switch r.Kind() {
	case reflect.Invalid:

	case reflect.Bool:
		C.g_value_set_boolean(v.g(), gBoolean(r.Bool()))

	case reflect.Int:
		C.g_value_set_long(v.g(), C.glong(i.(int)))

	case reflect.Int8:
		C.g_value_set_schar(v.g(), C.gint8(i.(int8)))

	case reflect.Int32:
		C.g_value_set_int(v.g(), C.gint(i.(int32)))

	case reflect.Int64:
		C.g_value_set_int64(v.g(), C.gint64(i.(int64)))

	case reflect.Uint:
		C.g_value_set_ulong(v.g(), C.gulong(i.(uint)))

	case reflect.Uint8:
		C.g_value_set_uchar(v.g(), C.guchar(i.(uint8)))

	case reflect.Uint32:
		C.g_value_set_uint(v.g(), C.guint(i.(uint32)))

	case reflect.Uint64:
		C.g_value_set_uint64(v.g(), C.guint64(i.(uint64)))

	case reflect.Float32:
		C.g_value_set_float(v.g(), C.gfloat(i.(float32)))

	case reflect.Float64:
		C.g_value_set_double(v.g(), C.gdouble(i.(float64)))

	case reflect.Ptr:
		C.g_value_set_pointer(v.g(), C.gpointer(r.Pointer()))

	case reflect.String:
		C.g_value_set_static_string(v.g(), (*C.gchar)(C.CString(r.String())))

		panic("Can't represent Go value in Glib type system.")
Пример #2
Takes an existing pixbuf and adds an alpha channel to it.
If the existing pixbuf already had an alpha channel, the channel
values are copied from the original; otherwise, the alpha channel
is initialized to 255 (full opacity).

If @substitute_color is %TRUE, then the color specified by (@r, @g, @b) will be
assigned zero opacity. That is, if you pass (255, 255, 255) for the
substitute color, all white pixels will become fully transparent.
func (self *TraitPixbuf) AddAlpha(substitute_color bool, r uint8, g uint8, b uint8) (return__ *Pixbuf) {
	__cgo__substitute_color := C.gboolean(0)
	if substitute_color {
		__cgo__substitute_color = C.gboolean(1)
	var __cgo__return__ *C.GdkPixbuf
	__cgo__return__ = C.gdk_pixbuf_add_alpha(self.CPointer, __cgo__substitute_color, C.guchar(r), C.guchar(g), C.guchar(b))
	if __cgo__return__ != nil {
		return__ = NewPixbufFromCPointer(unsafe.Pointer(reflect.ValueOf(__cgo__return__).Pointer()))
Пример #3
// GValue
func GValueFromNative(value interface{}) *C.GValue {
	var gv *C.GValue

	if _, ok := value.(WrappedObject); ok {
		value = value.(WrappedObject).GetInternalValue()
	if _, ok := value.(GObject); ok {
		value = value.(GObject).Object
	if _, ok := value.(GValue); ok {
		value = value.(GValue).Value

	switch value.(type) {
	case bool:
		gv = C.init_gvalue_bool(gbool(value.(bool)))
	case byte:
		gv = C.init_gvalue_byte(C.guchar(value.(byte)))
	case int:
		gv = C.init_gvalue_int(C.gint(value.(int)))
	case uint:
		gv = C.init_gvalue_uint(C.guint(value.(uint)))
	case int64:
		gv = C.init_gvalue_int64(C.gint64(value.(int64)))
	case float32:
		gv = C.init_gvalue_double(C.gdouble(value.(float32)))
	case float64:
		gv = C.init_gvalue_double(C.gdouble(value.(float64)))
	case string:
			pval := C.CString(value.(string))
			defer C.free_string(pval)
			gv = C.init_gvalue_string(C.to_gcharptr(pval))
		//gv = C.init_gvalue_pointer(C.gpointer(unsafe.Pointer(&value)));
	return gv
Пример #4
// pointerVal attempts to return an unsafe.Pointer for value.
// Not all types are understood, in which case a nil Pointer
// is returned.
func pointerVal(value interface{}) unsafe.Pointer {
	var p unsafe.Pointer
	switch v := value.(type) {
	case bool:
		c := gbool(v)
		p = unsafe.Pointer(&c)

	case int8:
		c := C.gint8(v)
		p = unsafe.Pointer(&c)

	case int16:
		c := C.gint16(v)
		p = unsafe.Pointer(&c)

	case int32:
		c := C.gint32(v)
		p = unsafe.Pointer(&c)

	case int64:
		c := C.gint64(v)
		p = unsafe.Pointer(&c)

	case int:
		c := C.gint(v)
		p = unsafe.Pointer(&c)

	case uint8:
		c := C.guchar(v)
		p = unsafe.Pointer(&c)

	case uint16:
		c := C.guint16(v)
		p = unsafe.Pointer(&c)

	case uint32:
		c := C.guint32(v)
		p = unsafe.Pointer(&c)

	case uint64:
		c := C.guint64(v)
		p = unsafe.Pointer(&c)

	case uint:
		c := C.guint(v)
		p = unsafe.Pointer(&c)

	case uintptr:
		p = unsafe.Pointer(C.gpointer(v))

	case float32:
		c := C.gfloat(v)
		p = unsafe.Pointer(&c)

	case float64:
		c := C.gdouble(v)
		p = unsafe.Pointer(&c)

	case string:
		cstr := C.CString(v)
		defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cstr))
		p = unsafe.Pointer(cstr)

		if pv, ok := value.(unsafe.Pointer); ok {
			p = pv
		} else {
			val := reflect.ValueOf(value)
			switch val.Kind() {
			case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16,
				reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
				c := C.int(val.Int())
				p = unsafe.Pointer(&c)

			case reflect.Uintptr, reflect.Ptr, reflect.UnsafePointer:
				p = unsafe.Pointer(C.gpointer(val.Pointer()))

	return p
Пример #5
// SetUChar is a wrapper around g_value_set_uchar().
func (v *Value) SetUChar(val uint8) {
	C.g_value_set_uchar(v.native(), C.guchar(val))
Пример #6
func NotificationSetHintByte(notif *NotifyNotification, key string, value byte) {
	pkey := C.CString(key)
	defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(pkey))

	C.notify_notification_set_hint_byte(notif._notification, pkey, C.guchar(value))
Пример #7
// Set() is a wrapper around g_object_set().  However, unlike
// g_object_set(), this function only sets one name value pair.  Make
// multiple calls to this function to set multiple properties.
func (v *Object) Set(name string, value interface{}) error {
	cstr := C.CString(name)
	defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cstr))

	if _, ok := value.(Object); ok {
		value = value.(Object).GObject

	var p unsafe.Pointer = nil
	switch value.(type) {
	case bool:
		c := gbool(value.(bool))
		p = unsafe.Pointer(&c)
	case int8:
		c := C.gint8(value.(int8))
		p = unsafe.Pointer(&c)
	case int16:
		c := C.gint16(value.(int16))
		p = unsafe.Pointer(&c)
	case int32:
		c := C.gint32(value.(int32))
		p = unsafe.Pointer(&c)
	case int64:
		c := C.gint64(value.(int64))
		p = unsafe.Pointer(&c)
	case int:
		c := C.gint(value.(int))
		p = unsafe.Pointer(&c)
	case uint8:
		c := C.guchar(value.(uint8))
		p = unsafe.Pointer(&c)
	case uint16:
		c := C.guint16(value.(uint16))
		p = unsafe.Pointer(&c)
	case uint32:
		c := C.guint32(value.(uint32))
		p = unsafe.Pointer(&c)
	case uint64:
		c := C.guint64(value.(uint64))
		p = unsafe.Pointer(&c)
	case uint:
		c := C.guint(value.(uint))
		p = unsafe.Pointer(&c)
	case uintptr:
		p = unsafe.Pointer(C.gpointer(value.(uintptr)))
	case float32:
		c := C.gfloat(value.(float32))
		p = unsafe.Pointer(&c)
	case float64:
		c := C.gdouble(value.(float64))
		p = unsafe.Pointer(&c)
	case string:
		cstr := C.CString(value.(string))
		defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cstr))
		p = unsafe.Pointer(cstr)
		if pv, ok := value.(unsafe.Pointer); ok {
			p = pv
		} else {
			// Constants with separate types are not type asserted
			// above, so do a runtime check here instead.
			val := reflect.ValueOf(value)
			switch val.Kind() {
			case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16,
				reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
				c := C.int(val.Int())
				p = unsafe.Pointer(&c)
			case reflect.Uintptr:
				p = unsafe.Pointer(C.gpointer(val.Pointer()))
	// Can't call g_object_set() as it uses a variable arg list, use a
	// wrapper instead
	if p != nil {
		C._g_object_set_one(C.gpointer(v.GObject), (*C.gchar)(cstr), p)
		return nil
	} else {
		return errors.New("Unable to perform type conversion")
Пример #8
func GlibUChar(i uint) C.guchar {
	return C.guchar(i)
Пример #9
func GUChar(val interface{}) *GValue {
	uc := val.(byte)
	uv := C.guchar(uc)
	return CreateCGValue(G_TYPE_UCHAR, unsafe.Pointer(&uv))