Пример #1
func realloc(ptr unsafe.Pointer, size int) (unsafe.Pointer, error) {
	p := C.realloc(ptr, C.size_t(size))
	if p == nil {
		return nil, AllocationFailed
	return p, nil
Пример #2
//export allocator
func allocator(ud unsafe.Pointer, ptr unsafe.Pointer, osize uintptr, nsize uintptr) (ret unsafe.Pointer) {
	ret = nil
	if nsize == 0 {
	} else {
		ret = C.realloc(ptr, C.size_t(nsize))
Пример #3
func (m Malloc) Realloc(p *unsafe.Pointer, size int) bool {
	if size == 0 {
		*p = nil
		return true

	*p = unsafe.Pointer(C.realloc(*p, C.size_t(size)))
	return *p != nil
Пример #4
func test6506() {
	// nothing to run, just make sure this compiles
	var x C.size_t

	C.calloc(x, x)
	C.realloc(nil, x)
	C.memcpy(nil, nil, x)
	C.memcmp(nil, nil, x)
	C.memmove(nil, nil, x)
	C.strncpy(nil, nil, x)
	C.strncmp(nil, nil, x)
	C.strncat(nil, nil, x)
	x = C.strxfrm(nil, nil, x)
	C.memchr(nil, 0, x)
	x = C.strcspn(nil, nil)
	x = C.strspn(nil, nil)
	C.memset(nil, 0, x)
	x = C.strlen(nil)
	_ = x
Пример #5
func doReadDocData(ddrC *C.lucy_DefaultDocReader, docID int32, doc interface{}) error {

	// Adapt for different types of "doc".
	var setField func(interface{}, string, interface{}) error
	var fields interface{}
	switch v := doc.(type) {
	case Doc:
		docC := (*C.lucy_Doc)(clownfish.Unwrap(v, "doc"))
		fieldsMap := fetchDocFields(docC)
		for field, _ := range fieldsMap {
			delete(fieldsMap, field)
		fields = fieldsMap
		setField = setMapField
	case map[string]interface{}:
		for field, _ := range v {
			delete(v, field)
		fields = v
		setField = setMapField
		// Get reflection value and type for the supplied struct.
		var hitValue reflect.Value
		if reflect.ValueOf(doc).Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
			temp := reflect.ValueOf(doc).Elem()
			if temp.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
				if temp.CanSet() {
					hitValue = temp
		if hitValue == (reflect.Value{}) {
			mess := fmt.Sprintf("Arg not writeable struct pointer: %v",
			return clownfish.NewErr(mess)
		fields = hitValue
		setField = setStructField

	ivars := C.lucy_DefDocReader_IVARS(ddrC)
	schema := ivars.schema
	datInstream := ivars.dat_in
	ixInstream := ivars.ix_in
	fieldNameCap := C.size_t(31)
	var fieldName *C.char = ((*C.char)(C.malloc(fieldNameCap + 1)))
	defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(fieldName))

	// Get data file pointer from index, read number of fields.
	C.LUCY_InStream_Seek(ixInstream, C.int64_t(docID*8))
	start := C.LUCY_InStream_Read_U64(ixInstream)
	C.LUCY_InStream_Seek(datInstream, C.int64_t(start))
	numFields := uint32(C.LUCY_InStream_Read_C32(datInstream))

	// Decode stored data and build up the doc field by field.
	for i := uint32(0); i < numFields; i++ {
		// Read field name.
		fieldNameLen := C.size_t(C.LUCY_InStream_Read_C32(datInstream))
		if fieldNameLen > fieldNameCap {
			fieldNameCap = fieldNameLen
			fieldName = ((*C.char)(C.realloc(unsafe.Pointer(fieldName), fieldNameCap+1)))
		C.LUCY_InStream_Read_Bytes(datInstream, fieldName, fieldNameLen)

		// Find the Field's FieldType.
		// TODO: Creating and destroying a new string each time is
		// inefficient.  The solution should be to add a privte
		// Schema_Fetch_Type_Utf8 method which takes char* and size_t.
		fieldNameStr := C.cfish_Str_new_from_utf8(fieldName, fieldNameLen)
		fieldNameGo := C.GoStringN(fieldName, C.int(fieldNameLen))
		fieldType := C.LUCY_Schema_Fetch_Type(schema, fieldNameStr)

		// Read the field value.
		switch C.LUCY_FType_Primitive_ID(fieldType) & C.lucy_FType_PRIMITIVE_ID_MASK {
		case C.lucy_FType_TEXT:
			valueLen := C.size_t(C.LUCY_InStream_Read_C32(datInstream))
			buf := ((*C.char)(C.malloc(valueLen + 1)))
			C.LUCY_InStream_Read_Bytes(datInstream, buf, valueLen)
			val := C.GoStringN(buf, C.int(valueLen))
			err := setField(fields, fieldNameGo, val)
			if err != nil {
				return err
		case C.lucy_FType_BLOB:
			valueLen := C.size_t(C.LUCY_InStream_Read_C32(datInstream))
			buf := ((*C.char)(C.malloc(valueLen)))
			C.LUCY_InStream_Read_Bytes(datInstream, buf, valueLen)
			val := C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(buf), C.int(valueLen))
			err := setField(fields, fieldNameGo, val)
			if err != nil {
				return err
		case C.lucy_FType_FLOAT32:
			err := setField(fields, fieldNameGo, float32(C.LUCY_InStream_Read_F32(datInstream)))
			if err != nil {
				return err
		case C.lucy_FType_FLOAT64:
			err := setField(fields, fieldNameGo, float64(C.LUCY_InStream_Read_F64(datInstream)))
			if err != nil {
				return err
		case C.lucy_FType_INT32:
			err := setField(fields, fieldNameGo, int32(C.LUCY_InStream_Read_C32(datInstream)))
			if err != nil {
				return err
		case C.lucy_FType_INT64:
			err := setField(fields, fieldNameGo, int64(C.LUCY_InStream_Read_C64(datInstream)))
			if err != nil {
				return err
			return clownfish.NewErr(
				"Internal Lucy error: bad type id for field " + fieldNameGo)
	return nil
Пример #6
func (mb *memBuffer) resize(newSize C.size_t) {
	mb.ptr = C.realloc(mb.ptr, newSize)
	mb.size = newSize
Пример #7
Файл: lucy.go Проект: kidaa/lucy
//export GOLUCY_DefDocReader_Fetch_Doc
func GOLUCY_DefDocReader_Fetch_Doc(ddr *C.lucy_DefaultDocReader,
	docID C.int32_t) *C.lucy_HitDoc {
	ivars := C.lucy_DefDocReader_IVARS(ddr)
	schema := ivars.schema
	datInstream := ivars.dat_in
	ixInstream := ivars.ix_in
	fields := C.cfish_Hash_new(1)
	fieldNameCap := C.size_t(31)
	var fieldName *C.char = ((*C.char)(C.malloc(fieldNameCap + 1)))

	// Get data file pointer from index, read number of fields.
	C.LUCY_InStream_Seek(ixInstream, C.int64_t(docID*8))
	start := C.LUCY_InStream_Read_U64(ixInstream)
	C.LUCY_InStream_Seek(datInstream, C.int64_t(start))
	numFields := uint32(C.LUCY_InStream_Read_C32(datInstream))

	// Decode stored data and build up the doc field by field.
	for i := uint32(0); i < numFields; i++ {
		// Read field name.
		fieldNameLen := C.size_t(C.LUCY_InStream_Read_C32(datInstream))
		if fieldNameLen > fieldNameCap {
			fieldNameCap = fieldNameLen
			fieldName = ((*C.char)(C.realloc(unsafe.Pointer(fieldName), fieldNameCap+1)))
		C.LUCY_InStream_Read_Bytes(datInstream, fieldName, fieldNameLen)

		// Find the Field's FieldType.
		// TODO: Creating and destroying a new string each time is
		// inefficient.  The solution should be to add a privte
		// Schema_Fetch_Type_Utf8 method which takes char* and size_t.
		fieldNameStr := C.cfish_Str_new_from_utf8(fieldName, fieldNameLen)
		fieldType := C.LUCY_Schema_Fetch_Type(schema, fieldNameStr)

		// Read the field value.
		var value *C.cfish_Obj
		switch C.LUCY_FType_Primitive_ID(fieldType) & C.lucy_FType_PRIMITIVE_ID_MASK {
		case C.lucy_FType_TEXT:
			valueLen := C.size_t(C.LUCY_InStream_Read_C32(datInstream))
			buf := ((*C.char)(C.malloc(valueLen + 1)))
			C.LUCY_InStream_Read_Bytes(datInstream, buf, valueLen)
			C.null_terminate_string(buf, valueLen)
			value = ((*C.cfish_Obj)(C.cfish_Str_new_steal_utf8(buf, valueLen)))
		case C.lucy_FType_BLOB:
			valueLen := C.size_t(C.LUCY_InStream_Read_C32(datInstream))
			buf := ((*C.char)(C.malloc(valueLen)))
			C.LUCY_InStream_Read_Bytes(datInstream, buf, valueLen)
			value = ((*C.cfish_Obj)(C.cfish_Blob_new_steal(buf, valueLen)))
		case C.lucy_FType_FLOAT32:
			value = ((*C.cfish_Obj)(C.cfish_Float_new(C.double(C.LUCY_InStream_Read_F32(datInstream)))))
		case C.lucy_FType_FLOAT64:
			value = ((*C.cfish_Obj)(C.cfish_Float_new(C.LUCY_InStream_Read_F64(datInstream))))
		case C.lucy_FType_INT32:
			value = ((*C.cfish_Obj)(C.cfish_Int_new(C.int64_t(C.LUCY_InStream_Read_C32(datInstream)))))
		case C.lucy_FType_INT64:
			value = ((*C.cfish_Obj)(C.cfish_Int_new(C.int64_t(C.LUCY_InStream_Read_C64(datInstream)))))
			value = nil
			panic(clownfish.NewErr("Internal Lucy error: bad type id for field " +
				C.GoStringN(fieldName, C.int(fieldNameLen))))

		// Store the value.
		C.CFISH_Hash_Store_Utf8(fields, fieldName, fieldNameLen, value)

	retval := C.lucy_HitDoc_new(unsafe.Pointer(fields), docID, 0.0)
	return retval
Пример #8
func (cursor *Cursor) execute2(sql string, args ...interface{}) (rowsAffected int, err error) {
	const dialect = 1
	var isc_status [20]C.ISC_STATUS

	// prepare query
	sql2 := C.CString(sql)
	defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(sql2))
	sql3 := (*C.ISC_SCHAR)(unsafe.Pointer(sql2))
	C.isc_dsql_prepare(&isc_status[0], &cursor.connection.transact, &cursor.stmt, 0, sql3, cursor.connection.dialect, cursor.o_sqlda)
	if err = fbErrorCheck(&isc_status); err != nil {
	// get statement type
	isc_info_stmt := [...]C.ISC_SCHAR{C.isc_info_sql_stmt_type}
	var isc_info_buff [16]C.ISC_SCHAR
	C.isc_dsql_sql_info(&isc_status[0], &cursor.stmt,
		C.short(unsafe.Sizeof(isc_info_stmt[0])), &isc_info_stmt[0],
		C.short(unsafe.Sizeof(isc_info_buff[0])*16), &isc_info_buff[0])
	if err = fbErrorCheck(&isc_status); err != nil {

	var statement C.long
	if isc_info_buff[0] == C.isc_info_sql_stmt_type {
		length := C.isc_vax_integer(&isc_info_buff[1], 2)
		statement = C.long(C.isc_vax_integer(&isc_info_buff[3], C.short(length)))
	} else {
		statement = 0
	// describe input parameters
	C.isc_dsql_describe_bind(&isc_status[0], &cursor.stmt, dialect, cursor.i_sqlda)
	if err = fbErrorCheck(&isc_status); err != nil {
	// describe output parameters
	C.isc_dsql_describe(&isc_status[0], &cursor.stmt, 1, cursor.o_sqlda)
	if err = fbErrorCheck(&isc_status); err != nil {
	// get number of parameters and reallocate SQLDA
	in_params := cursor.i_sqlda.sqld
	if cursor.i_sqlda.sqln < in_params {
		cursor.i_sqlda = C.sqlda_alloc(C.long(in_params))
		// describe again
		C.isc_dsql_describe_bind(&isc_status[0], &cursor.stmt, dialect, cursor.i_sqlda)
		if err = fbErrorCheck(&isc_status); err != nil {
	// get size of parameters buffer and reallocate it
	if in_params > 0 {
		length := C.calculate_buffsize(cursor.i_sqlda)
		if length > cursor.i_buffer_size {
			cursor.i_buffer = (*C.char)(C.realloc(unsafe.Pointer(cursor.i_buffer), C.size_t(length)))
			cursor.i_buffer_size = length
	if cursor.o_sqlda.sqld != 0 {
		// open cursor if statement is query
		// get number of columns and reallocate SQLDA
		cols := cursor.o_sqlda.sqld
		if cursor.o_sqlda.sqln < cols {
			cursor.o_sqlda = C.sqlda_alloc(C.long(cols))
			// describe again
			C.isc_dsql_describe(&isc_status[0], &cursor.stmt, 1, cursor.o_sqlda)
			if err = fbErrorCheck(&isc_status); err != nil {

		var i_sqlda *C.XSQLDA
		if in_params > 0 {
			i_sqlda = cursor.i_sqlda
		} else {
			i_sqlda = (*C.XSQLDA)(nil)

		// open cursor
		C.isc_dsql_execute2(&isc_status[0], &cursor.connection.transact, &cursor.stmt, C.SQLDA_VERSION1, i_sqlda, (*C.XSQLDA)(nil))
		if err = fbErrorCheck(&isc_status); err != nil {
		cursor.open = true

		// get size of results buffer and reallocate it
		length := C.calculate_buffsize(cursor.o_sqlda)
		if length > cursor.o_buffer_size {
			cursor.o_buffer = (*C.char)(C.realloc(unsafe.Pointer(cursor.o_buffer), C.size_t(length)))
			cursor.o_buffer_size = length

		// Set the description attributes
		cursor.Fields = fieldsFromSqlda(cursor.o_sqlda, cursor.connection.database.LowercaseNames)
		cursor.FieldsMap = fieldsMapFromSlice(cursor.Fields)
	} else {
		// execute statement if not query
		if statement == C.isc_info_sql_stmt_start_trans {
			panic("use fb.Connection.Transaction()")
		} else if statement == C.isc_info_sql_stmt_commit {
			panic("use fb.Connection.Commit()")
		} else if statement == C.isc_info_sql_stmt_rollback {
			panic("use fb.Connection.Rollback()")
		} else if in_params > 0 {
		} else {
			C.isc_dsql_execute2(&isc_status[0], &cursor.connection.transact, &cursor.stmt, C.SQLDA_VERSION1, (*C.XSQLDA)(nil), (*C.XSQLDA)(nil))
			if err = fbErrorCheck(&isc_status); err != nil {
		rowsAffected = cursor.rowsAffected(statement)