Пример #1
// Retrieve the log buffer generated when opening a file as a string. This log buffer can often contain a good reason for why libsndfile failed to open a particular file.
func (f *File) GetLogInfo() (s string, err error) {
	l := C.sf_command(f.s, C.SFC_GET_LOG_INFO, nil, 0)
	c := make([]byte, l)
	m := C.sf_command(f.s, C.SFC_GET_LOG_INFO, unsafe.Pointer(&c[0]), l)

	if m != l {
		c = c[0:m]
	s = string(c)
Пример #2
// GetLibVersion retrieves the version of the library as a string
func GetLibVersion() (s string, err error) {
	l := C.sf_command(nil, C.SFC_GET_LIB_VERSION, nil, 0)
	c := make([]byte, l)
	m := C.sf_command(nil, C.SFC_GET_LIB_VERSION, unsafe.Pointer(&c[0]), l)

	if m != l {
		err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("GetLibVersion: expected %d bytes in string, recv'd %d", l, m))
	s = string(c)
Пример #3
//Retrieve the peak value for the file as stored in the file header.
func (f *File) GetSignalMax() (ret float64, ok bool) {
	r := C.sf_command(f.s, C.SFC_GET_SIGNAL_MAX, unsafe.Pointer(&ret), 8)
	if r == C.SF_TRUE {
		ok = true
Пример #4
// Retrieve the measured normalised maximum signal value. This involves reading through the whole file which can be slow on large files.
func (f *File) CalcNormSignalMax() (ret float64, err error) {
	e := C.sf_command(f.s, C.SFC_CALC_NORM_SIGNAL_MAX, unsafe.Pointer(&ret), 8)
	if e != 0 {
		err = sErrorType(e)
Пример #5
// Return true if the file header contains instrument information for the file. false otherwise.
func (f *File) SetInstrument(i *Instrument) bool {
	c := new(C.SF_INSTRUMENT)
	c.gain = C.int(i.Gain)
	c.basenote = C.char(i.Basenote)
	c.detune = C.char(i.Detune)
	c.velocity_lo = C.char(i.Velocity[0])
	c.velocity_hi = C.char(i.Velocity[1])
	c.key_lo = C.char(i.Key[0])
	c.key_hi = C.char(i.Key[1])
	c.loop_count = C.int(i.LoopCount)
	var index int
	for ; index < i.LoopCount; index++ {
		c.loops[index].mode = C.int(i.Loops[index].Mode)
		c.loops[index].start = C.uint32_t(i.Loops[index].Start)
		c.loops[index].end = C.uint32_t(i.Loops[index].End)
		c.loops[index].count = C.uint32_t(i.Loops[index].Count)
	for ; index < 16; index++ {
		c.loops[index].mode = C.int(None)
		// why is this necessary? libsndfile doesn't check loopcount for AIFF

	r := C.sf_command(f.s, C.SFC_SET_INSTRUMENT, unsafe.Pointer(c), C.int(unsafe.Sizeof(*c)))
	return (r == C.SF_TRUE)
Пример #6
// This allows libsndfile experts to use the command interface for commands not currently supported. See http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/command.html
// The f argument may be nil in cases where the command does not require a SNDFILE argument.
// The method's cmd, data, and datasize arguments are used the same way as the correspondingly named arguments for sf_command
func GenericCmd(f *File, cmd C.int, data unsafe.Pointer, datasize int) int {
	var s *C.SNDFILE = nil
	if f != nil {
		s = f.s
	return int(C.sf_command(s, cmd, data, C.int(datasize)))
Пример #7
//Set the the Variable Bit Rate encoding quality. The encoding quality value should be between 0.0 (lowest quality) and 1.0 (highest quality). Untested.
func (f *File) SetVbrQuality(q float64) (err error) {
	r := C.sf_command(f.s, C.SFC_SET_VBR_ENCODING_QUALITY, unsafe.Pointer(&q), 8)
	if r != 0 {
		err = errors.New(C.GoString(C.sf_strerror(f.s)))
Пример #8
// Set the Broadcast Extension Chunk from WAV (and related) files.
func (f *File) SetBroadcastInfo(bi *BroadcastInfo) (err error) {
	c := cFromBroadcast(bi)
	r := C.sf_command(f.s, C.SFC_SET_BROADCAST_INFO, unsafe.Pointer(c), C.int(unsafe.Sizeof(*c)))
	if r == C.SF_FALSE {
		err = errors.New(C.GoString(C.sf_strerror(f.s)))
Пример #9
//Change the data start offset for files opened up as SF_FORMAT_RAW. libsndfile implements this but it appears to not do anything useful that you can't accomplish with seek, so consider this deprecated.
func (f *File) SetRawStartOffset(count int64) (err error) {
	r := C.sf_command(f.s, C.SFC_SET_RAW_START_OFFSET, unsafe.Pointer(&count), 8)

	if r != 0 {
		err = errors.New(C.GoString(C.sf_strerror(f.s)))
Пример #10
// Truncates a file to /count/ frames.  After this command, both the read and the write pointer will be at the new end of the file. This command will fail (returning non-zero) if the requested truncate position is beyond the end of the file.
func (f *File) Truncate(count int64) (err error) {
	r := C.sf_command(f.s, C.SFC_FILE_TRUNCATE, unsafe.Pointer(&count), 8)

	if r != 0 {
		err = errors.New(C.GoString(C.sf_strerror(f.s)))
Пример #11
//Enumerate the subtypes (this function does not translate a subtype into a string describing that subtype). A typical use case might be retrieving a string description of all subtypes so that a dialog box can be filled in.
func GetSubFormatInfo(format int) (oformat int, name string, ok bool) {
	o.format = C.int(format)
	ok = (0 == C.sf_command(nil, C.SFC_GET_FORMAT_SUBTYPE, unsafe.Pointer(&o), C.int(unsafe.Sizeof(o))))
	oformat = int(o.format)
	name = C.GoString(o.name)
Пример #12
func (f *File) genericBoolBoolCmd(cmd C.int, i bool) bool {
	ib := C.SF_FALSE
	if i {
		ib = C.SF_TRUE

	n := C.sf_command(f.s, cmd, nil, C.int(ib))
	return (n == C.SF_TRUE)
Пример #13
//Retrieve information about a major format type
//For a more comprehensive example, see the program list_formats.c in the examples/ directory of the libsndfile source code distribution.
func GetMajorFormatInfo(format int) (oformat int, name string, extension string, ok bool) {
	o.format = C.int(format)
	ok = (0 == C.sf_command(nil, C.SFC_GET_FORMAT_MAJOR, unsafe.Pointer(&o), C.int(unsafe.Sizeof(o))))
	oformat = int(o.format)
	name = C.GoString(o.name)
	extension = C.GoString(o.extension)
Пример #14
//Calculate the normalised peak for each channel. This involves reading through the whole file which can be slow on large files.
func (f *File) CalcNormMaxAllChannels() (ret []float64, err error) {
	c := f.Format.Channels
	ret = make([]float64, c)
	e := C.sf_command(f.s, C.SFC_CALC_NORM_MAX_ALL_CHANNELS, unsafe.Pointer(&ret[0]), C.int(c*8))
	if e != 0 {
		err = sErrorType(e)
Пример #15
//Retrieve the peak value for the file as stored in the file header.
func (f *File) GetMaxAllChannels() (ret []float64, ok bool) {
	c := f.Format.Channels
	ret = make([]float64, c)
	e := C.sf_command(f.s, C.SFC_GET_MAX_ALL_CHANNELS, unsafe.Pointer(&ret[0]), C.int(c*8))
	if e == C.SF_TRUE {
		ok = true
Пример #16
//Get the file offset and file length of a file enbedded within another larger file.
//The value of the offset return value will be the offsets in bytes from the start of the outer file to the start of the embedded audio file.
//The value of the length return value will be the length in bytes of the embedded file.
// Untested.
func (f *File) GetEmbeddedFileInfo() (offset, length int64, err error) {
	r := C.sf_command(f.s, C.SFC_GET_EMBED_FILE_INFO, unsafe.Pointer(&s), C.int(unsafe.Sizeof(s)))
	if r != 0 {
		err = errors.New(C.GoString(C.sf_strerror(f.s)))
	offset = int64(s.offset)
	length = int64(s.length)
Пример #17
// Retrieve the Broadcast Extension Chunk from WAV (and related) files.
func (f *File) GetBroadcastInfo() (bi *BroadcastInfo, ok bool) {
	bic := new(C.SF_BROADCAST_INFO)

	r := C.sf_command(f.s, C.SFC_GET_BROADCAST_INFO, unsafe.Pointer(bic), C.int(unsafe.Sizeof(*bic)))
	if r == C.SF_TRUE {
		bi = broadcastFromC(bic)
		ok = true
Пример #18
// Returns populated structure if file contains loop info, otherwise nil. Untested.
func (f *File) GetLoopInfo() (i *LoopInfo) {
	c := new(C.SF_LOOP_INFO)
	r := C.sf_command(f.s, C.SFC_GET_LOOP_INFO, unsafe.Pointer(c), C.int(unsafe.Sizeof(*c)))
	if r == C.SF_TRUE {
		i = new(LoopInfo)
		i.TimeSig.Numerator = int16(c.time_sig_num)
		i.TimeSig.Denominator = int16(c.time_sig_den)
		i.Mode = LoopMode(c.loop_mode)
		i.Beats = int(c.num_beats)
		i.Bpm = float32(c.bpm)
		i.RootKey = int(c.root_key)
		for index, value := range c.future {
			i.Future[index] = int(value)
Пример #19
// Return pointer to populated structure if the file header contains instrument information for the file. nil otherwise.
func (f *File) GetInstrument() (i *Instrument) {
	c := new(C.SF_INSTRUMENT)
	i = new(Instrument)
	r := C.sf_command(f.s, C.SFC_GET_INSTRUMENT, unsafe.Pointer(c), C.int(unsafe.Sizeof(*c)))
	if r == C.SF_TRUE {
		i.Gain = int(c.gain)
		i.Basenote = int8(c.basenote)
		i.Detune = int8(c.detune)
		i.Velocity[0] = int8(c.velocity_lo)
		i.Velocity[1] = int8(c.velocity_hi)
		i.Key[0] = int8(c.key_lo)
		i.Key[1] = int8(c.key_hi)
		i.LoopCount = int(c.loop_count)
		for index, loop := range c.loops {
			i.Loops[index].Mode = LoopMode(loop.mode)
			i.Loops[index].Start = uint(loop.start)
			i.Loops[index].End = uint(loop.end)
			i.Loops[index].Count = uint(loop.count)
Пример #20
//Retrieve the number of major formats supported by libsndfile.
func GetMajorFormatCount() int {
	var o C.int
	C.sf_command(nil, C.SFC_GET_FORMAT_MAJOR_COUNT, unsafe.Pointer(&o), C.int(unsafe.Sizeof(o)))
	return int(o)
Пример #21
//Retrieve the number of subformats supported by libsndfile.
func GetSubFormatCount() int {
	var o C.int
	C.sf_command(nil, C.SFC_GET_FORMAT_SUBTYPE_COUNT, unsafe.Pointer(&o), C.int(unsafe.Sizeof(o)))
	return int(o)
Пример #22
//There are however situations where large files are being generated and it would be nice to have valid data in the header before the file is complete. Using this command will update the file header to reflect the amount of data written to the file so far. Other programs opening the file for read (before any more data is written) will then read a valid sound file header.
func (f *File) UpdateHeaderNow() {
	C.sf_command(f.s, C.SFC_UPDATE_HEADER_NOW, nil, 0)
Пример #23
//Set the GUID of a new WAVEX file to indicate an Ambisonics format.
// returns format that was just set, or zero if the file format does not support Ambisonic formats
func (f *File) WavexSetAmbisonic(ambi int) int {
	return int(C.sf_command(f.s, C.SFC_WAVEX_SET_AMBISONIC, nil, C.int(ambi)))
Пример #24
//Test if the current file has the GUID of a WAVEX file for any of the Ambisonic formats.
// returns AmbisonicNone or AmbisonicBFormat, or zero if the file format does not support Ambisonic formats
func (f *File) WavexGetAmbisonic() int {
	return int(C.sf_command(f.s, C.SFC_WAVEX_GET_AMBISONIC, nil, 0))
Пример #25
//Retrieve the number of simple formats supported by libsndfile.
func GetSimpleFormatCount() int {
	var o C.int
	C.sf_command(nil, C.SFC_GET_SIMPLE_FORMAT_COUNT, unsafe.Pointer(&o), C.int(unsafe.Sizeof(o)))
	return int(o)