Пример #1
func blobDetails(contents io.ReadSeeker) (bref blob.Ref, size uint32, err error) {
	s1 := sha1.New()
	if _, err = contents.Seek(0, 0); err != nil {
	defer func() {
		if _, seekErr := contents.Seek(0, 0); seekErr != nil {
			if err == nil {
				err = seekErr
			} else {
				err = fmt.Errorf("%s, cannot seek back: %v", err, seekErr)
	sz, err := io.CopyN(s1, contents, constants.MaxBlobSize+1)
	if err == nil || err == io.EOF {
		bref, err = blob.RefFromHash(s1), nil
	} else {
		err = fmt.Errorf("error reading contents: %v", err)
	if sz > constants.MaxBlobSize {
		err = fmt.Errorf("blob size cannot be bigger than %d", constants.MaxBlobSize)
	size = uint32(sz)
Пример #2
func (pt *packTest) testOpenWholeRef(t *testing.T, wholeRef blob.Ref, wantSize int64) {
	rc, gotSize, err := pt.sto.OpenWholeRef(wholeRef, 0)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("OpenWholeRef = %v", err)
	defer rc.Close()
	if gotSize != wantSize {
		t.Errorf("OpenWholeRef size = %v; want %v", gotSize, wantSize)
	h := blob.NewHash()
	n, err := io.Copy(h, rc)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("OpenWholeRef read error: %v", err)
	if n != wantSize {
		t.Errorf("OpenWholeRef read %v bytes; want %v", n, wantSize)
	gotRef := blob.RefFromHash(h)
	if gotRef != wholeRef {
		t.Errorf("OpenWholeRef read contents = %v; want %v", gotRef, wholeRef)
Пример #3
// This is the simple 1MB chunk version. The rolling checksum version is below.
func writeFileMapOld(bs blobserver.StatReceiver, file *Builder, r io.Reader) (blob.Ref, error) {
	parts, size := []BytesPart{}, int64(0)

	var buf bytes.Buffer
	for {
		n, err := io.Copy(&buf, io.LimitReader(r, maxBlobSize))
		if err != nil {
			return blob.Ref{}, err
		if n == 0 {

		hash := blob.NewHash()
		io.Copy(hash, bytes.NewReader(buf.Bytes()))
		br := blob.RefFromHash(hash)
		hasBlob, err := serverHasBlob(bs, br)
		if err != nil {
			return blob.Ref{}, err
		if !hasBlob {
			sb, err := bs.ReceiveBlob(br, &buf)
			if err != nil {
				return blob.Ref{}, err
			if want := (blob.SizedRef{br, uint32(n)}); sb != want {
				return blob.Ref{}, fmt.Errorf("schema/filewriter: wrote %s, expect", sb, want)

		size += n
		parts = append(parts, BytesPart{
			BlobRef: br,
			Size:    uint64(n),
			Offset:  0, // into BlobRef to read from (not of dest)

	err := file.PopulateParts(size, parts)
	if err != nil {
		return blob.Ref{}, err

	json := file.Blob().JSON()
	if err != nil {
		return blob.Ref{}, err
	br := blob.SHA1FromString(json)
	sb, err := bs.ReceiveBlob(br, strings.NewReader(json))
	if err != nil {
		return blob.Ref{}, err
	if expect := (blob.SizedRef{br, uint32(len(json))}); expect != sb {
		return blob.Ref{}, fmt.Errorf("schema/filewriter: wrote %s bytes, got %s ack'd", expect, sb)

	return br, nil
Пример #4
func (pk *packer) pack() error {
	if err := pk.scanChunks(); err != nil {
		return err

	// TODO: decide as a fuction of schemaRefs and dataRefs
	// already in s.large whether it makes sense to still compact
	// this from a savings standpoint. For now we just always do.
	// Maybe we'd have knobs in the future. Ideally not.

	// Don't pack a file if we already have its wholeref stored
	// otherwise (perhaps under a different filename). But that
	// means we have to compute its wholeref first. We assume the
	// blob source will cache these lookups so it's not too
	// expensive to do two passes over the input.
	h := blob.NewHash()
	var err error
	pk.wholeSize, err = io.Copy(h, pk.fr)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	pk.wholeRef = blob.RefFromHash(h)
	wholeKey := wholeMetaPrefix + pk.wholeRef.String()
	_, err = pk.s.meta.Get(wholeKey)
	if err == nil {
		// Nil error means there was some knowledge of this wholeref.
		return fmt.Errorf("already have wholeref %v packed; not packing again", pk.wholeRef)
	} else if err != sorted.ErrNotFound {
		return err

	pk.chunksRemain = pk.dataRefs
	var trunc blob.Ref
	for len(pk.chunksRemain) > 0 {
		if err := pk.writeAZip(trunc); err != nil {
			if needTrunc, ok := err.(needsTruncatedAfterError); ok {
				trunc = needTrunc.Ref
				if fn := testHookSawTruncate; fn != nil {
				continue MakingZips
			return err
		trunc = blob.Ref{}

	// Record the final wholeMetaPrefix record:
	err = pk.s.meta.Set(wholeKey, fmt.Sprintf("%d %d", pk.wholeSize, len(pk.zips)))
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Error setting %s: %v", wholeKey, err)

	return nil
Пример #5
func blobDetails(contents io.ReadSeeker) (bref blob.Ref, size int64, err error) {
	s1 := sha1.New()
	contents.Seek(0, 0)
	size, err = io.Copy(s1, contents)
	if err == nil {
		bref = blob.RefFromHash(s1)
	contents.Seek(0, 0)
Пример #6
func (d *defaultStatHasher) Hash(fileName string) (blob.Ref, error) {
	s1 := sha1.New()
	file, err := os.Open(fileName)
	if err != nil {
		return blob.Ref{}, err
	defer file.Close()
	_, err = io.Copy(s1, file)
	if err != nil {
		return blob.Ref{}, err
	return blob.RefFromHash(s1), nil
Пример #7
func testSizedBlob(t *testing.T, r io.Reader, b1 blob.Ref, size int64) {
	h := b1.Hash()
	n, err := io.Copy(h, r)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error reading from %s: %v", r, err)
	if n != size {
		t.Fatalf("read %d bytes from %s, metadata said %d!", n, r, size)
	b2 := blob.RefFromHash(h)
	if b2 != b1 {
		t.Fatalf("content mismatch (awaited %s, got %s)", b1, b2)
Пример #8
func (h *DeployHandler) storeInstanceConf(conf *InstanceConf) (blob.Ref, error) {
	contents, err := json.Marshal(conf)
	if err != nil {
		return blob.Ref{}, fmt.Errorf("could not json encode instance config: %v", err)
	hash := blob.NewHash()
	_, err = io.Copy(hash, bytes.NewReader(contents))
	if err != nil {
		return blob.Ref{}, fmt.Errorf("could not hash blob contents: %v", err)
	br := blob.RefFromHash(hash)
	if _, err := blobserver.Receive(h.instConf, br, bytes.NewReader(contents)); err != nil {
		return blob.Ref{}, fmt.Errorf("could not store instance config blob: %v", err)
	return br, nil
Пример #9
// Blob builds the Blob. The builder continues to be usable after a call to Build.
func (bb *Builder) Blob() *Blob {
	json, err := mapJSON(bb.m)
	if err != nil {
	ss, err := parseSuperset(strings.NewReader(json))
	if err != nil {
	h := blob.NewHash()
	return &Blob{
		str: json,
		ss:  ss,
		br:  blob.RefFromHash(h),
Пример #10
func TestPackLarge(t *testing.T) {
	if testing.Short() {
		t.Skip("skipping in short mode")
	const fileSize = 17 << 20 // more than 16 MB, so more than one zip
	const fileName = "foo.dat"
	fileContents := randBytes(fileSize)

	hash := blob.NewHash()
	wholeRef := blob.RefFromHash(hash)

	pt := testPack(t,
		func(sto blobserver.Storage) error {
			_, err := schema.WriteFileFromReader(sto, fileName, bytes.NewReader(fileContents))
			return err

	// Verify we wrote the correct "w:*" meta rows.
	got := map[string]string{}
	want := map[string]string{
		"w:" + wholeRef.String():        "17825792 2",
		"w:" + wholeRef.String() + ":0": "sha1-9b4a3d114c059988075c87293c86ee7cbc6f4af5 37 0 16709479",
		"w:" + wholeRef.String() + ":1": "sha1-fe6326ac6b389ffe302623e4a501bfc8c6272e8e 37 16709479 1116313",
	if err := sorted.Foreach(pt.sto.meta, func(key, value string) error {
		if strings.HasPrefix(key, "b:") {
			return nil
		got[key] = value
		return nil
	}); err != nil {
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
		t.Errorf("'w:*' meta rows = %v; want %v", got, want)

	// And verify we can read it back out.
	pt.testOpenWholeRef(t, wholeRef, fileSize)
Пример #11
func stdinBlobHandle() (uh *client.UploadHandle, err error) {
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	size, err := io.Copy(&buf, cmdmain.Stdin)
	if err != nil {
	// TODO(bradfitz,mpl): limit this buffer size?
	file := buf.Bytes()
	h := blob.NewHash()
	size, err = io.Copy(h, bytes.NewReader(file))
	if err != nil {
	return &client.UploadHandle{
		BlobRef:  blob.RefFromHash(h),
		Size:     size,
		Contents: io.LimitReader(bytes.NewReader(file), size),
	}, nil
Пример #12
func TestPackNormal(t *testing.T) {
	const fileSize = 5 << 20
	const fileName = "foo.dat"
	fileContents := randBytes(fileSize)

	hash := blob.NewHash()
	wholeRef := blob.RefFromHash(hash)

	pt := testPack(t,
		func(sto blobserver.Storage) error {
			_, err := schema.WriteFileFromReader(sto, fileName, bytes.NewReader(fileContents))
			return err
	// And verify we can read it back out.
	pt.testOpenWholeRef(t, wholeRef, fileSize)
Пример #13
func stdinBlobHandle() (uh *client.UploadHandle, err error) {
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	size, err := io.CopyN(&buf, cmdmain.Stdin, constants.MaxBlobSize+1)
	if err != nil {
	if size > constants.MaxBlobSize {
		err = fmt.Errorf("blob size cannot be bigger than %d", constants.MaxBlobSize)
	file := buf.Bytes()
	h := blob.NewHash()
	size, err = io.Copy(h, bytes.NewReader(file))
	if err != nil {
	return &client.UploadHandle{
		BlobRef:  blob.RefFromHash(h),
		Size:     uint32(size),
		Contents: io.LimitReader(bytes.NewReader(file), size),
	}, nil
Пример #14
func TestReindex(t *testing.T) {
	if testing.Short() {
		t.Skip("skipping in short mode")

	type file struct {
		size     int64
		name     string
		contents []byte
	files := []file{
		{17 << 20, "foo.dat", randBytesSrc(17<<20, 42)},
		{10 << 20, "bar.dat", randBytesSrc(10<<20, 43)},
		{5 << 20, "baz.dat", randBytesSrc(5<<20, 44)},

	pt := testPack(t,
		func(sto blobserver.Storage) error {
			for _, f := range files {
				if _, err := schema.WriteFileFromReader(sto, f.name, bytes.NewReader(f.contents)); err != nil {
					return err
			return nil

	// backup the meta that is supposed to be lost/erased.
	// pt.sto.reindex allocates a new pt.sto.meta, so meta != pt.sto.meta after it is called.
	meta := pt.sto.meta

	// and build new meta index
	if err := pt.sto.reindex(context.TODO(), func() (sorted.KeyValue, error) {
		return sorted.NewMemoryKeyValue(), nil
	}); err != nil {

	// check that new meta is identical to "lost" one
	newRows := 0
	if err := sorted.Foreach(pt.sto.meta, func(key, newValue string) error {
		oldValue, err := meta.Get(key)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Could not get value for %v in old meta: %v", key, err)
		if oldValue != newValue {
			t.Fatalf("Reindexing error: for key %v, got %v, want %v", key, newValue, oldValue)
		return nil
	}); err != nil {

	// make sure they have the same number of entries too, to be sure that the reindexing
	// did not miss entries that the old meta had.
	oldRows := countSortedRows(t, meta)
	if oldRows != newRows {
		t.Fatalf("index number of entries mismatch: got %d entries in new index, wanted %d (as in index before reindexing)", newRows, oldRows)

	// And verify we can read one of the files back out.
	hash := blob.NewHash()
	pt.testOpenWholeRef(t, blob.RefFromHash(hash), files[0].size)
Пример #15
// b: the parsed file schema blob
// mm: keys to populate
func (ix *Index) populateFile(fetcher blob.Fetcher, b *schema.Blob, mm *mutationMap) (err error) {
	var times []time.Time // all creation or mod times seen; may be zero
	times = append(times, b.ModTime())

	blobRef := b.BlobRef()
	fr, err := b.NewFileReader(fetcher)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer fr.Close()
	mime, reader := magic.MIMETypeFromReader(fr)

	sha1 := sha1.New()
	var copyDest io.Writer = sha1
	var imageBuf *keepFirstN // or nil
	if strings.HasPrefix(mime, "image/") {
		// Emperically derived 1MiB assuming CR2 images require more than any
		// other filetype we support:
		//   https://gist.github.com/wathiede/7982372
		imageBuf = &keepFirstN{N: 1 << 20}
		copyDest = io.MultiWriter(copyDest, imageBuf)
	size, err := io.Copy(copyDest, reader)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	wholeRef := blob.RefFromHash(sha1)

	if imageBuf != nil {
		if conf, err := images.DecodeConfig(bytes.NewReader(imageBuf.Bytes)); err == nil {
			mm.Set(keyImageSize.Key(blobRef), keyImageSize.Val(fmt.Sprint(conf.Width), fmt.Sprint(conf.Height)))
		if ft, err := schema.FileTime(bytes.NewReader(imageBuf.Bytes)); err == nil {
			log.Printf("filename %q exif = %v, %v", b.FileName(), ft, err)
			times = append(times, ft)
		} else {
			log.Printf("filename %q exif = %v, %v", b.FileName(), ft, err)

		indexEXIF(wholeRef, imageBuf.Bytes, mm)

	var sortTimes []time.Time
	for _, t := range times {
		if !t.IsZero() {
			sortTimes = append(sortTimes, t)
	var time3339s string
	switch {
	case len(sortTimes) == 1:
		time3339s = types.Time3339(sortTimes[0]).String()
	case len(sortTimes) >= 2:
		oldest, newest := sortTimes[0], sortTimes[len(sortTimes)-1]
		time3339s = types.Time3339(oldest).String() + "," + types.Time3339(newest).String()

	mm.Set(keyWholeToFileRef.Key(wholeRef, blobRef), "1")
	mm.Set(keyFileInfo.Key(blobRef), keyFileInfo.Val(size, b.FileName(), mime))
	mm.Set(keyFileTimes.Key(blobRef), keyFileTimes.Val(time3339s))

	if strings.HasPrefix(mime, "audio/") {
		indexMusic(io.NewSectionReader(fr, 0, fr.Size()), wholeRef, mm)

	return nil
Пример #16
// b: the parsed file schema blob
// mm: keys to populate
func (ix *Index) populateFile(fetcher blob.Fetcher, b *schema.Blob, mm *mutationMap) (err error) {
	var times []time.Time // all creation or mod times seen; may be zero
	times = append(times, b.ModTime())

	blobRef := b.BlobRef()
	fr, err := b.NewFileReader(fetcher)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer fr.Close()
	mime, mr := magic.MIMETypeFromReader(fr)

	sha1 := sha1.New()
	var copyDest io.Writer = sha1
	var imageBuf *keepFirstN // or nil
	if strings.HasPrefix(mime, "image/") {
		imageBuf = &keepFirstN{N: 512 << 10}
		copyDest = io.MultiWriter(copyDest, imageBuf)
	size, err := io.Copy(copyDest, mr)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	wholeRef := blob.RefFromHash(sha1)

	if imageBuf != nil {
		var conf images.Config
		decodeConfig := func(r filePrefixReader) error {
			conf, err = images.DecodeConfig(r)
			return err
		if err := readPrefixOrFile(imageBuf.Bytes, fetcher, b, decodeConfig); err == nil {
			mm.Set(keyImageSize.Key(blobRef), keyImageSize.Val(fmt.Sprint(conf.Width), fmt.Sprint(conf.Height)))

		var ft time.Time
		fileTime := func(r filePrefixReader) error {
			ft, err = schema.FileTime(r)
			return err
		if err = readPrefixOrFile(imageBuf.Bytes, fetcher, b, fileTime); err == nil {
			times = append(times, ft)
		if exifDebug {
			log.Printf("filename %q exif = %v, %v", b.FileName(), ft, err)

		// TODO(mpl): find (generate?) more broken EXIF images to experiment with.
		indexEXIFData := func(r filePrefixReader) error {
			return indexEXIF(wholeRef, r, mm)
		if err = readPrefixOrFile(imageBuf.Bytes, fetcher, b, indexEXIFData); err != nil {
			if exifDebug {
				log.Printf("error parsing EXIF: %v", err)

	var sortTimes []time.Time
	for _, t := range times {
		if !t.IsZero() {
			sortTimes = append(sortTimes, t)
	var time3339s string
	switch {
	case len(sortTimes) == 1:
		time3339s = types.Time3339(sortTimes[0]).String()
	case len(sortTimes) >= 2:
		oldest, newest := sortTimes[0], sortTimes[len(sortTimes)-1]
		time3339s = types.Time3339(oldest).String() + "," + types.Time3339(newest).String()

	mm.Set(keyWholeToFileRef.Key(wholeRef, blobRef), "1")
	mm.Set(keyFileInfo.Key(blobRef), keyFileInfo.Val(size, b.FileName(), mime, wholeRef))
	mm.Set(keyFileTimes.Key(blobRef), keyFileTimes.Val(time3339s))

	if strings.HasPrefix(mime, "audio/") {
		indexMusic(io.NewSectionReader(fr, 0, fr.Size()), wholeRef, mm)

	return nil
Пример #17
// b: the parsed file schema blob
// mm: keys to populate
func (ix *Index) populateFile(b *schema.Blob, mm *mutationMap) (err error) {
	var times []time.Time // all creation or mod times seen; may be zero
	times = append(times, b.ModTime())

	blobRef := b.BlobRef()
	fetcher := &seekFetcherMissTracker{
		// TODO(bradfitz): cache this SeekFetcher on ix so it
		// it's have to be re-made each time? Probably small.
		src: blob.SeekerFromStreamingFetcher(ix.BlobSource),
	defer func() {
		if err == nil {
		defer fetcher.mu.Unlock()
		if len(fetcher.missing) == 0 {
		// TODO(bradfitz): there was an error indexing this file, and
		// we failed to load the blobs in f.missing.  Add those as dependencies
		// somewhere so when we get one of those missing blobs, we kick off
		// a re-index of this file for whenever the indexer is idle.
	fr, err := b.NewFileReader(fetcher)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO(bradfitz): propagate up a transient failure
		// error type, so we can retry indexing files in the
		// future if blobs are only temporarily unavailable.
		// Basically the same as the TODO just below.
		// We'll also want to bump the schemaVersion after this,
		// to fix anybody's index which is only partial due to
		// this old bug where it would return nil instead of doing
		// the necessary work.
		log.Printf("index: error indexing file, creating NewFileReader %s: %v", blobRef, err)
		return nil
	defer fr.Close()
	mime, reader := magic.MIMETypeFromReader(fr)

	sha1 := sha1.New()
	var copyDest io.Writer = sha1
	var imageBuf *keepFirstN // or nil
	if strings.HasPrefix(mime, "image/") {
		// Emperically derived 1MiB assuming CR2 images require more than any
		// other filetype we support:
		//   https://gist.github.com/wathiede/7982372
		imageBuf = &keepFirstN{N: 1 << 20}
		copyDest = io.MultiWriter(copyDest, imageBuf)
	size, err := io.Copy(copyDest, reader)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: job scheduling system to retry this spaced
		// out max n times.  Right now our options are
		// ignoring this error (forever) or returning the
		// error and making the indexing try again (likely
		// forever failing).  Both options suck.  For now just
		// log and act like all's okay.
		// See TODOs above, and the fetcher.missing stuff.
		log.Printf("index: error indexing file %s: %v", blobRef, err)
		return nil
	wholeRef := blob.RefFromHash(sha1)

	if imageBuf != nil {
		if conf, err := images.DecodeConfig(bytes.NewReader(imageBuf.Bytes)); err == nil {
			mm.Set(keyImageSize.Key(blobRef), keyImageSize.Val(fmt.Sprint(conf.Width), fmt.Sprint(conf.Height)))
		if ft, err := schema.FileTime(bytes.NewReader(imageBuf.Bytes)); err == nil {
			log.Printf("filename %q exif = %v, %v", b.FileName(), ft, err)
			times = append(times, ft)
		} else {
			log.Printf("filename %q exif = %v, %v", b.FileName(), ft, err)

		indexEXIF(wholeRef, imageBuf.Bytes, mm)

	var sortTimes []time.Time
	for _, t := range times {
		if !t.IsZero() {
			sortTimes = append(sortTimes, t)
	var time3339s string
	switch {
	case len(sortTimes) == 1:
		time3339s = types.Time3339(sortTimes[0]).String()
	case len(sortTimes) >= 2:
		oldest, newest := sortTimes[0], sortTimes[len(sortTimes)-1]
		time3339s = types.Time3339(oldest).String() + "," + types.Time3339(newest).String()

	mm.Set(keyWholeToFileRef.Key(wholeRef, blobRef), "1")
	mm.Set(keyFileInfo.Key(blobRef), keyFileInfo.Val(size, b.FileName(), mime))
	mm.Set(keyFileTimes.Key(blobRef), keyFileTimes.Val(time3339s))

	if strings.HasPrefix(mime, "audio/") {
		indexMusic(io.NewSectionReader(fr, 0, fr.Size()), wholeRef, mm)

	return nil
Пример #18
func (r *run) updatePhotoInAlbum(ctx context.Context, albumNode *importer.Object, photo picago.Photo) (ret error) {
	if photo.ID == "" {
		return errors.New("photo has no ID")

	getMediaBytes := func() (io.ReadCloser, error) {
		log.Printf("Importing media from %v", photo.URL)
		resp, err := ctxutil.Client(ctx).Get(photo.URL)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("importing photo %s: %v", photo.ID, err)
		if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("importing photo %s: status code = %d", photo.ID, resp.StatusCode)
		return resp.Body, nil

	var fileRefStr string
	idFilename := photo.ID + "-" + photo.Filename
	photoNode, err := albumNode.ChildPathObjectOrFunc(idFilename, func() (*importer.Object, error) {
		h := blob.NewHash()
		rc, err := getMediaBytes()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		fileRef, err := schema.WriteFileFromReader(r.Host.Target(), photo.Filename, io.TeeReader(rc, h))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		fileRefStr = fileRef.String()
		wholeRef := blob.RefFromHash(h)
		if pn, err := findExistingPermanode(r.Host.Searcher(), wholeRef); err == nil {
			return r.Host.ObjectFromRef(pn)
		return r.Host.NewObject()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	const attrMediaURL = "picasaMediaURL"
	if fileRefStr == "" {
		fileRefStr = photoNode.Attr(nodeattr.CamliContent)
		// Only re-download the source photo if its URL has changed.
		// Empirically this seems to work: cropping a photo in the
		// photos.google.com UI causes its URL to change. And it makes
		// sense, looking at the ugliness of the URLs with all their
		// encoded/signed state.
		if !mediaURLsEqual(photoNode.Attr(attrMediaURL), photo.URL) {
			rc, err := getMediaBytes()
			if err != nil {
				return err
			fileRef, err := schema.WriteFileFromReader(r.Host.Target(), photo.Filename, rc)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			fileRefStr = fileRef.String()

	title := strings.TrimSpace(photo.Description)
	if strings.Contains(title, "\n") {
		title = title[:strings.Index(title, "\n")]
	if title == "" && schema.IsInterestingTitle(photo.Filename) {
		title = photo.Filename

	// TODO(tgulacsi): add more attrs (comments ?)
	// for names, see http://schema.org/ImageObject and http://schema.org/CreativeWork
	attrs := []string{
		nodeattr.CamliContent, fileRefStr,
		attrPicasaId, photo.ID,
		nodeattr.Title, title,
		nodeattr.Description, photo.Description,
		nodeattr.LocationText, photo.Location,
		nodeattr.DateModified, schema.RFC3339FromTime(photo.Updated),
		nodeattr.DatePublished, schema.RFC3339FromTime(photo.Published),
		nodeattr.URL, photo.PageURL,
	if photo.Latitude != 0 || photo.Longitude != 0 {
		attrs = append(attrs,
			nodeattr.Latitude, fmt.Sprintf("%f", photo.Latitude),
			nodeattr.Longitude, fmt.Sprintf("%f", photo.Longitude),
	if err := photoNode.SetAttrs(attrs...); err != nil {
		return err
	if err := photoNode.SetAttrValues("tag", photo.Keywords); err != nil {
		return err
	if photo.Position > 0 {
		if err := albumNode.SetAttr(
			photoNode.PermanodeRef().String()); err != nil {
			return err

	// Do this last, after we're sure the "camliContent" attribute
	// has been saved successfully, because this is the one that
	// causes us to do it again in the future or not.
	if err := photoNode.SetAttrs(attrMediaURL, photo.URL); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
Пример #19
func TestPackLarge(t *testing.T) {
	if testing.Short() {
		t.Skip("skipping in short mode")
	const fileSize = 17 << 20 // more than 16 MB, so more than one zip
	const fileName = "foo.dat"
	fileContents := randBytes(fileSize)

	hash := blob.NewHash()
	wholeRef := blob.RefFromHash(hash)

	pt := testPack(t,
		func(sto blobserver.Storage) error {
			_, err := schema.WriteFileFromReader(sto, fileName, bytes.NewReader(fileContents))
			return err

	// Gather the "w:*" meta rows we wrote.
	got := map[string]string{}
	if err := sorted.Foreach(pt.sto.meta, func(key, value string) error {
		if strings.HasPrefix(key, "b:") {
			return nil
		got[key] = value
		return nil
	}); err != nil {

	// Verify the two zips are correctly described.

	// There should be one row to say that we have two zip, and
	// that the overall file is 17MB:
	keyBase := "w:" + wholeRef.String()
	if g, w := got[keyBase], "17825792 2"; g != w {
		t.Fatalf("meta row for key %q = %q; want %q", keyBase, g, w)

	// ... (and a little helper) ...
	parseMeta := func(n int) (zipOff, dataOff, dataLen int64) {
		key := keyBase + ":" + strconv.Itoa(n)
		v := got[key]
		f := strings.Fields(v)
		if len(f) != 4 {
			t.Fatalf("meta for key %q = %q; expected 4 space-separated fields", key, v)
		i64 := func(n int) int64 {
			i, err := strconv.ParseInt(f[n], 10, 64)
			if err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("error parsing int64 %q in field index %d of meta key %q (value %q): %v", f[n], n, key, v, err)
			return i
		zipOff, dataOff, dataLen = i64(1), i64(2), i64(3)

	// And then verify if we have the two "w:<wholeref>:0" and
	// "w:<wholeref>:1" rows and that they're consistent.
	z0, d0, l0 := parseMeta(0)
	z1, d1, l1 := parseMeta(1)
	if z0 != z1 {
		t.Errorf("expected zip offset in zip0 and zip1 to match. got %d and %d", z0, z0)
	if d0 != 0 {
		t.Errorf("zip0's data offset = %d; want 0", d0)
	if d1 != l0 {
		t.Errorf("zip1 data offset %d != zip0 data length %d", d1, l0)
	if d1+l1 != fileSize {
		t.Errorf("zip1's offset %d + length %d = %d; want %d (fileSize)", d1, l1, d1+l1, fileSize)

	// And verify we can read it back out.
	pt.testOpenWholeRef(t, wholeRef, fileSize)
Пример #20
func TestReindex(t *testing.T) {
	if testing.Short() {
		t.Skip("skipping in short mode")

	type file struct {
		size     int64
		name     string
		contents []byte
	files := []file{
		{17 << 20, "foo.dat", randBytesSrc(17<<20, 42)},
		{10 << 20, "bar.dat", randBytesSrc(10<<20, 43)},
		{5 << 20, "baz.dat", randBytesSrc(5<<20, 44)},

	pt := testPack(t,
		func(sto blobserver.Storage) error {
			for _, f := range files {
				if _, err := schema.WriteFileFromReader(sto, f.name, bytes.NewReader(f.contents)); err != nil {
					return err
			return nil

	// backup the meta that is supposed to be lost/erased.
	// pt.sto.reindex allocates a new pt.sto.meta, so meta != pt.sto.meta after it is called.
	meta := pt.sto.meta

	// and build new meta index
	if err := pt.sto.reindex(context.TODO(), func() (sorted.KeyValue, error) {
		return sorted.NewMemoryKeyValue(), nil
	}); err != nil {

	validBlobKey := func(key, value string) error {
		if !strings.HasPrefix(key, "b:") {
			return errors.New("not a blob meta key")
		wantRef, ok := blob.Parse(key[2:])
		if !ok {
			return errors.New("bogus blobref in key")
		m, err := parseMetaRow([]byte(value))
		if err != nil {
			return err
		rc, err := pt.large.SubFetch(m.largeRef, int64(m.largeOff), int64(m.size))
		if err != nil {
			return err
		defer rc.Close()
		h := wantRef.Hash()
		n, err := io.Copy(h, rc)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		if !wantRef.HashMatches(h) {
			return errors.New("content doesn't match")
		if n != int64(m.size) {
			return errors.New("size doesn't match")
		return nil

	// check that new meta is identical to "lost" one
	newRows := 0
	if err := sorted.Foreach(pt.sto.meta, func(key, newValue string) error {
		oldValue, err := meta.Get(key)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Could not get value for %v in old meta: %v", key, err)
		// Exact match is fine.
		if oldValue == newValue {
			return nil
		// If it differs, it should at least be correct. (blob metadata
		// can now point to different packed zips, depending on sorting)
		err = validBlobKey(key, newValue)
		if err == nil {
			return nil
		t.Errorf("Reindexing error: for key %v: %v\n got: %q\nwant: %q", key, err, newValue, oldValue)
		return nil // keep enumerating, regardless of errors
	}); err != nil {

	// make sure they have the same number of entries too, to be sure that the reindexing
	// did not miss entries that the old meta had.
	oldRows := countSortedRows(t, meta)
	if oldRows != newRows {
		t.Fatalf("index number of entries mismatch: got %d entries in new index, wanted %d (as in index before reindexing)", newRows, oldRows)

	// And verify we can read one of the files back out.
	hash := blob.NewHash()
	pt.testOpenWholeRef(t, blob.RefFromHash(hash), files[0].size)
Пример #21
// blobref: of the file or schema blob
//      blob: the parsed file schema blob
//      bm: keys to populate
func (ix *Index) populateFile(b *schema.Blob, bm BatchMutation) error {
	var times []time.Time // all creation or mod times seen; may be zero
	times = append(times, b.ModTime())

	blobRef := b.BlobRef()
	seekFetcher := blob.SeekerFromStreamingFetcher(ix.BlobSource)
	fr, err := b.NewFileReader(seekFetcher)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO(bradfitz): propagate up a transient failure
		// error type, so we can retry indexing files in the
		// future if blobs are only temporarily unavailable.
		// Basically the same as the TODO just below.
		log.Printf("index: error indexing file, creating NewFileReader %s: %v", blobRef, err)
		return nil
	defer fr.Close()
	mime, reader := magic.MIMETypeFromReader(fr)

	sha1 := sha1.New()
	var copyDest io.Writer = sha1
	var imageBuf *keepFirstN // or nil
	if strings.HasPrefix(mime, "image/") {
		imageBuf = &keepFirstN{N: 256 << 10}
		copyDest = io.MultiWriter(copyDest, imageBuf)
	size, err := io.Copy(copyDest, reader)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO: job scheduling system to retry this spaced
		// out max n times.  Right now our options are
		// ignoring this error (forever) or returning the
		// error and making the indexing try again (likely
		// forever failing).  Both options suck.  For now just
		// log and act like all's okay.
		log.Printf("index: error indexing file %s: %v", blobRef, err)
		return nil

	if imageBuf != nil {
		if conf, err := images.DecodeConfig(bytes.NewReader(imageBuf.Bytes)); err == nil {
			bm.Set(keyImageSize.Key(blobRef), keyImageSize.Val(fmt.Sprint(conf.Width), fmt.Sprint(conf.Height)))
		if ft, err := schema.FileTime(bytes.NewReader(imageBuf.Bytes)); err == nil {
			log.Printf("filename %q exif = %v, %v", b.FileName(), ft, err)
			times = append(times, ft)
		} else {
			log.Printf("filename %q exif = %v, %v", b.FileName(), ft, err)

	var sortTimes []time.Time
	for _, t := range times {
		if !t.IsZero() {
			sortTimes = append(sortTimes, t)
	var time3339s string
	switch {
	case len(sortTimes) == 1:
		time3339s = types.Time3339(sortTimes[0]).String()
	case len(sortTimes) >= 2:
		oldest, newest := sortTimes[0], sortTimes[len(sortTimes)-1]
		time3339s = types.Time3339(oldest).String() + "," + types.Time3339(newest).String()

	wholeRef := blob.RefFromHash(sha1)
	bm.Set(keyWholeToFileRef.Key(wholeRef, blobRef), "1")
	bm.Set(keyFileInfo.Key(blobRef), keyFileInfo.Val(size, b.FileName(), mime))
	bm.Set(keyFileTimes.Key(blobRef), keyFileTimes.Val(time3339s))

	if strings.HasPrefix(mime, "audio/") {
		tag, err := taglib.Decode(fr, fr.Size())
		if err == nil {
			indexMusic(tag, wholeRef, bm)
		} else {
			log.Print("index: error parsing tag: ", err)

	return nil
Пример #22
func (tb *Blob) BlobRef() blob.Ref {
	h := sha1.New()
	return blob.RefFromHash(h)
Пример #23
func TestPackerBoundarySplits(t *testing.T) {
	if testing.Short() {
		t.Skip("skipping slow test")
	// Test a file of three chunk sizes, totalling near the 16 MB
	// boundary:
	//    - 1st chunk is 6 MB. ("blobA")
	//    - 2nd chunk is 6 MB. ("blobB")
	//    - 3rd chunk ("blobC") is binary-searched (up to 4MB) to find
	//      which size causes the packer to write two zip files.

	// During the test we set zip overhead boundaries to 0, to
	// force the test to into its pathological misprediction code paths,
	// where it needs to back up and rewrite the zip with one part less.
	// That's why the test starts with two zip files: so there's at
	// least one that can be removed to make room.
	defer setIntTemporarily(&zipPerEntryOverhead, 0)()

	const sizeAB = 12 << 20
	const maxBlobSize = 16 << 20
	bytesAB := randBytes(sizeAB)
	blobA := &test.Blob{string(bytesAB[:sizeAB/2])}
	blobB := &test.Blob{string(bytesAB[sizeAB/2:])}
	refA := blobA.BlobRef()
	refB := blobB.BlobRef()
	bytesCFull := randBytes(maxBlobSize - sizeAB) // will be sliced down

	// Mechanism to verify we hit the back-up code path:
	var (
		mu                    sync.Mutex
		sawTruncate           blob.Ref
		stoppedBeforeOverflow bool
	testHookSawTruncate = func(after blob.Ref) {
		if after != refB {
			t.Errorf("unexpected truncate point %v", after)
		defer mu.Unlock()
		sawTruncate = after
	testHookStopBeforeOverflowing = func() {
		defer mu.Unlock()
		stoppedBeforeOverflow = true
	defer func() {
		testHookSawTruncate = nil
		testHookStopBeforeOverflowing = nil

	generatesTwoZips := func(sizeC int) (ret bool) {
		large := new(test.Fetcher)
		s := &storage{
			small: new(test.Fetcher),
			large: large,
			meta:  sorted.NewMemoryKeyValue(),
			log: test.NewLogger(t, "blobpacked: ",
				// Ignore these phrases:
				"Packing file ",
				"Packed file ",

		// Upload first two chunks
		blobA.MustUpload(t, s)
		blobB.MustUpload(t, s)

		// Upload second chunk
		bytesC := bytesCFull[:sizeC]
		h := blob.NewHash()
		refC := blob.RefFromHash(h)
		_, err := s.ReceiveBlob(refC, bytes.NewReader(bytesC))
		if err != nil {

		// Upload the file schema blob.
		m := schema.NewFileMap("foo.dat")
		m.PopulateParts(sizeAB+int64(sizeC), []schema.BytesPart{
				Size:    sizeAB / 2,
				BlobRef: refA,
				Size:    sizeAB / 2,
				BlobRef: refB,
				Size:    uint64(sizeC),
				BlobRef: refC,
		fjson, err := m.JSON()
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("schema filemap JSON: %v", err)
		fb := &test.Blob{Contents: fjson}
		fb.MustUpload(t, s)
		num := large.NumBlobs()
		if num < 1 || num > 2 {
			t.Fatalf("for size %d, num packed zip blobs = %d; want 1 or 2", sizeC, num)
		return num == 2
	maxC := maxBlobSize - sizeAB
	smallestC := sort.Search(maxC, generatesTwoZips)
	if smallestC == maxC {
		t.Fatalf("never found a point at which we generated 2 zip files")
	t.Logf("After 12 MB of data (in 2 chunks), the smallest blob that generates two zip files is %d bytes (%.03f MB)", smallestC, float64(smallestC)/(1<<20))
	t.Logf("Zip overhead (for this two chunk file) = %d bytes", maxBlobSize-1-smallestC-sizeAB)

	if sawTruncate != refB {
		t.Errorf("truncate after = %v; want %v", sawTruncate, refB)
	if !stoppedBeforeOverflow {
		t.Error("never hit the code path where it calculates that another data chunk would push it over the 16MB boundary")
Пример #24
// b: the parsed file schema blob
// mm: keys to populate
func (ix *Index) populateFile(fetcher blob.Fetcher, b *schema.Blob, mm *mutationMap) (err error) {
	var times []time.Time // all creation or mod times seen; may be zero
	times = append(times, b.ModTime())

	blobRef := b.BlobRef()
	fr, err := b.NewFileReader(fetcher)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer fr.Close()
	mime, reader := magic.MIMETypeFromReader(fr)

	sha1 := sha1.New()
	var copyDest io.Writer = sha1
	var imageBuf *keepFirstN // or nil
	if strings.HasPrefix(mime, "image/") {
		imageBuf = &keepFirstN{N: 512 << 10}
		copyDest = io.MultiWriter(copyDest, imageBuf)
	size, err := io.Copy(copyDest, reader)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	wholeRef := blob.RefFromHash(sha1)

	if imageBuf != nil {
		conf, err := images.DecodeConfig(bytes.NewReader(imageBuf.Bytes))
		// If our optimistic 512KB in-memory prefix from above was too short to get the dimensions, pass the whole thing instead and try again.
		if err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
			var fr *schema.FileReader
			fr, err = b.NewFileReader(fetcher)
			if err == nil {
				conf, err = images.DecodeConfig(fr)
		if err == nil {
			mm.Set(keyImageSize.Key(blobRef), keyImageSize.Val(fmt.Sprint(conf.Width), fmt.Sprint(conf.Height)))
		if ft, err := schema.FileTime(bytes.NewReader(imageBuf.Bytes)); err == nil {
			log.Printf("filename %q exif = %v, %v", b.FileName(), ft, err)
			times = append(times, ft)
		} else {
			log.Printf("filename %q exif = %v, %v", b.FileName(), ft, err)

		// TODO(mpl): find (generate?) more broken EXIF images to experiment with.
		err = indexEXIF(wholeRef, bytes.NewReader(imageBuf.Bytes), mm)
		if err == io.EOF {
			var fr *schema.FileReader
			fr, err = b.NewFileReader(fetcher)
			if err == nil {
				err = indexEXIF(wholeRef, fr, mm)
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("error parsing EXIF: %v", err)

	var sortTimes []time.Time
	for _, t := range times {
		if !t.IsZero() {
			sortTimes = append(sortTimes, t)
	var time3339s string
	switch {
	case len(sortTimes) == 1:
		time3339s = types.Time3339(sortTimes[0]).String()
	case len(sortTimes) >= 2:
		oldest, newest := sortTimes[0], sortTimes[len(sortTimes)-1]
		time3339s = types.Time3339(oldest).String() + "," + types.Time3339(newest).String()

	mm.Set(keyWholeToFileRef.Key(wholeRef, blobRef), "1")
	mm.Set(keyFileInfo.Key(blobRef), keyFileInfo.Val(size, b.FileName(), mime, wholeRef))
	mm.Set(keyFileTimes.Key(blobRef), keyFileTimes.Val(time3339s))

	if strings.HasPrefix(mime, "audio/") {
		indexMusic(io.NewSectionReader(fr, 0, fr.Size()), wholeRef, mm)

	return nil
Пример #25
// indexMusic adds mutations to index the wholeRef by attached metadata and other properties.
func indexMusic(r types.SizeReaderAt, wholeRef blob.Ref, mm *mutationMap) {
	tag, err := taglib.Decode(r, r.Size())
	if err != nil {
		log.Print("index: error parsing tag: ", err)

	var footerLength int64 = 0
	if hasTag, err := media.HasID3v1Tag(r); err != nil {
		log.Print("index: unable to check for ID3v1 tag: ", err)
	} else if hasTag {
		footerLength = media.ID3v1TagLength

	// Generate a hash of the audio portion of the file (i.e. excluding ID3v1 and v2 tags).
	audioStart := int64(tag.TagSize())
	audioSize := r.Size() - audioStart - footerLength
	hash := sha1.New()
	if _, err := io.Copy(hash, io.NewSectionReader(r, audioStart, audioSize)); err != nil {
		log.Print("index: error generating SHA1 from audio data: ", err)
	mediaRef := blob.RefFromHash(hash)

	duration, err := media.GetMPEGAudioDuration(io.NewSectionReader(r, audioStart, audioSize))
	if err != nil {
		log.Print("index: unable to calculate audio duration: ", err)
		duration = 0

	var yearStr, trackStr, discStr, durationStr string
	if !tag.Year().IsZero() {
		const justYearLayout = "2006"
		yearStr = tag.Year().Format(justYearLayout)
	if tag.Track() != 0 {
		trackStr = fmt.Sprintf("%d", tag.Track())
	if tag.Disc() != 0 {
		discStr = fmt.Sprintf("%d", tag.Disc())
	if duration != 0 {
		durationStr = fmt.Sprintf("%d", duration/time.Millisecond)

	// Note: if you add to this map, please update
	// pkg/search/query.go's MediaTagConstraint Tag docs.
	tags := map[string]string{
		"title":              tag.Title(),
		"artist":             tag.Artist(),
		"album":              tag.Album(),
		"genre":              tag.Genre(),
		"musicbrainzalbumid": tag.CustomFrames()["MusicBrainz Album Id"],
		"year":               yearStr,
		"track":              trackStr,
		"disc":               discStr,
		"mediaref":           mediaRef.String(),
		"durationms":         durationStr,

	for tag, value := range tags {
		if value != "" {
			mm.Set(keyMediaTag.Key(wholeRef, tag), keyMediaTag.Val(value))
Пример #26
// trunc is a hint about which blob to truncate after. It may be zero.
// If the returned error is of type 'needsTruncatedAfterError', then
// the zip should be attempted to be written again, but truncating the
// data after the listed blob.
func (pk *packer) writeAZip(trunc blob.Ref) (err error) {
	defer func() {
		if e := recover(); e != nil {
			if v, ok := e.(error); ok && err == nil {
				err = v
			} else {
	mf := Manifest{
		WholeRef:       pk.wholeRef,
		WholeSize:      pk.wholeSize,
		WholePartIndex: len(pk.zips),
	var zbuf bytes.Buffer
	cw := &countWriter{w: &zbuf}
	zw := zip.NewWriter(cw)

	var approxSize = zipFixedOverhead // can't use zbuf.Len because zw buffers
	var dataRefsWritten []blob.Ref
	var dataBytesWritten int64
	var schemaBlobSeen = map[blob.Ref]bool{}
	var schemaBlobs []blob.Ref // to add after the main file

	baseFileName := pk.fr.FileName()
	if strings.Contains(baseFileName, "/") || strings.Contains(baseFileName, "\\") {
		return fmt.Errorf("File schema blob %v filename had a slash in it: %q", pk.fr.SchemaBlobRef(), baseFileName)
	fh := &zip.FileHeader{
		Name:   baseFileName,
		Method: zip.Store, // uncompressed
	fw, err := zw.CreateHeader(fh)
	dataStart := cw.n
	approxSize += zipPerEntryOverhead // for the first FileHeader w/ the data

	zipMax := pk.s.maxZipBlobSize()
	chunks := pk.chunksRemain
	chunkWholeHash := blob.NewHash()
	for len(chunks) > 0 {
		dr := chunks[0] // the next chunk to maybe write

		if trunc.Valid() && trunc == dr {
			if approxSize == 0 {
				return errors.New("first blob is too large to pack, once you add the zip overhead")

		schemaBlobsSave := schemaBlobs
		for _, parent := range pk.schemaParent[dr] {
			if !schemaBlobSeen[parent] {
				schemaBlobSeen[parent] = true
				schemaBlobs = append(schemaBlobs, parent)
				approxSize += int(pk.schemaBlob[parent].Size()) + zipPerEntryOverhead

		thisSize := pk.dataSize[dr]
		approxSize += int(thisSize)
		if approxSize+mf.approxSerializedSize() > zipMax {
			if fn := testHookStopBeforeOverflowing; fn != nil {
			schemaBlobs = schemaBlobsSave // restore it

		// Copy the data to the zip.
		rc, size, err := pk.s.Fetch(dr)
		if size != thisSize {
			return errors.New("unexpected size")
		if n, err := io.Copy(io.MultiWriter(fw, chunkWholeHash), rc); err != nil || n != int64(size) {
			return fmt.Errorf("copy to zip = %v, %v; want %v bytes", n, err, size)

		dataRefsWritten = append(dataRefsWritten, dr)
		dataBytesWritten += int64(size)
		chunks = chunks[1:]
	mf.DataBlobsOrigin = blob.RefFromHash(chunkWholeHash)

	// zipBlobs is where a schema or data blob is relative to the beginning
	// of the zip file.
	var zipBlobs []BlobAndPos

	var dataOffset int64
	for _, br := range dataRefsWritten {
		size := pk.dataSize[br]
		mf.DataBlobs = append(mf.DataBlobs, BlobAndPos{blob.SizedRef{Ref: br, Size: size}, dataOffset})

		zipBlobs = append(zipBlobs, BlobAndPos{blob.SizedRef{Ref: br, Size: size}, dataStart + dataOffset})
		dataOffset += int64(size)

	for _, br := range schemaBlobs {
		fw, err := zw.CreateHeader(&zip.FileHeader{
			Name:   "camlistore/" + br.String() + ".json",
			Method: zip.Store, // uncompressed
		b := pk.schemaBlob[br]
		zipBlobs = append(zipBlobs, BlobAndPos{blob.SizedRef{Ref: br, Size: b.Size()}, cw.n})
		rc := b.Open()
		n, err := io.Copy(fw, rc)
		if n != int64(b.Size()) {
			return fmt.Errorf("failed to write all of schema blob %v: %d bytes, not wanted %d", br, n, b.Size())

	// Manifest file
	fw, err = zw.Create(zipManifestPath)
	enc, err := json.MarshalIndent(mf, "", "  ")
	_, err = fw.Write(enc)
	err = zw.Close()

	if zbuf.Len() > zipMax {
		// We guessed wrong. Back up. Find out how many blobs we went over.
		overage := zbuf.Len() - zipMax
		for i := len(dataRefsWritten) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
			dr := dataRefsWritten[i]
			if overage <= 0 {
				return needsTruncatedAfterError{dr}
			overage -= int(pk.dataSize[dr])
		return errors.New("file is unpackable; first blob is too big to fit")

	zipRef := blob.SHA1FromBytes(zbuf.Bytes())
	zipSB, err := blobserver.ReceiveNoHash(pk.s.large, zipRef, bytes.NewReader(zbuf.Bytes()))
	if err != nil {
		return err

	bm := pk.s.meta.BeginBatch()
	bm.Set(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s:%d", wholeMetaPrefix, pk.wholeRef, len(pk.zips)),
		fmt.Sprintf("%s %d %d %d",

	pk.wholeBytesWritten += dataBytesWritten
	pk.zips = append(pk.zips, writtenZip{
		SizedRef: zipSB,
		dataRefs: dataRefsWritten,

	for _, zb := range zipBlobs {
		bm.Set(blobMetaPrefix+zb.Ref.String(), fmt.Sprintf("%d %v %d", zb.Size, zipRef, zb.Offset))
	if err := pk.s.meta.CommitBatch(bm); err != nil {
		return err

	// Delete from small
	if !pk.s.skipDelete {
		toDelete := make([]blob.Ref, 0, len(dataRefsWritten)+len(schemaBlobs))
		toDelete = append(toDelete, dataRefsWritten...)
		toDelete = append(toDelete, schemaBlobs...)
		if err := pk.s.small.RemoveBlobs(toDelete); err != nil {
			// Can't really do anything about it and doesn't really matter, so
			// just log for now.
			pk.s.Logf("Error removing blobs from %s: %v", pk.s.small, err)

	// On success, consume the chunks we wrote from pk.chunksRemain.
	pk.chunksRemain = pk.chunksRemain[len(dataRefsWritten):]
	return nil