Пример #1
func querySetup(t test.TB) (*indextest.IndexDeps, *Handler) {
	idx := index.NewMemoryIndex() // string key-value pairs in memory, as if they were on disk
	id := indextest.NewIndexDeps(idx)
	id.Fataler = t
	h := NewHandler(idx, id.SignerBlobRef)
	return id, h
Пример #2
func testQueryType(t test.TB, fn func(*queryTest), itype indexType) {
	defer index.SetVerboseCorpusLogging(true)

	idx := index.NewMemoryIndex() // string key-value pairs in memory, as if they were on disk
	var err error
	var corpus *index.Corpus
	if itype == indexCorpusBuild {
		if corpus, err = idx.KeepInMemory(); err != nil {
	qt := &queryTest{
		t:  t,
		id: indextest.NewIndexDeps(idx),
	qt.id.Fataler = t
	qt.Handler = func() *Handler {
		h := NewHandler(idx, qt.id.SignerBlobRef)
		if itype == indexCorpusScan {
			if corpus, err = idx.KeepInMemory(); err != nil {
		if corpus != nil {
		return h
Пример #3
// To make sure we don't regress into issue 881: i.e. a permanode with no attr
// should not lead us to call index.claimsIntfAttrValue with a nil claims argument.
func TestDescribePermNoAttr(t *testing.T) {
	ix := index.NewMemoryIndex()
	ctx := context.Background()
	h := search.NewHandler(ix, owner)
	corpus, err := ix.KeepInMemory()
	if err != nil {
	id := indextest.NewIndexDeps(ix)
	br := id.NewPlannedPermanode("noattr-0")

	defer ix.RUnlock()

	res, err := h.Describe(ctx, &search.DescribeRequest{
		BlobRef: br,
		Depth:   1,
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Describe for %v failed: %v", br, err)
	db := res.Meta[br.String()]
	if db == nil {
		t.Fatalf("Describe result for %v is missing", br)
Пример #4
func querySetup(t *testing.T) (*indextest.IndexDeps, *Handler) {
	idx := index.NewMemoryIndex()
	id := indextest.NewIndexDeps(idx)
	id.Fataler = t
	h := NewHandler(idx, id.SignerBlobRef)
	return id, h
Пример #5
func BenchmarkCorpusFromStorage(b *testing.B) {
	defer test.TLog(b)()
	buildKvOnce.Do(func() {
		kvForBenchmark = sorted.NewMemoryKeyValue()
		idx := index.New(kvForBenchmark)
		id := indextest.NewIndexDeps(idx)
		id.Fataler = b
		for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
			fileRef, _ := id.UploadFile("file.txt", fmt.Sprintf("some file %d", i), time.Unix(1382073153, 0))
			pn := id.NewPlannedPermanode(fmt.Sprint(i))
			id.SetAttribute(pn, "camliContent", fileRef.String())
	defer index.SetVerboseCorpusLogging(true)


	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
		_, err := index.NewCorpusFromStorage(kvForBenchmark)
		if err != nil {
Пример #6
// should be run with -race
func TestDescribeRace(t *testing.T) {
	if testing.Short() {
		t.Skip("skipping in short mode")
	idx := index.NewMemoryIndex()
	idxd := indextest.NewIndexDeps(idx)
	idxd.Fataler = t
	corpus, err := idxd.Index.KeepInMemory()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error slurping index to memory: %v", err)
	h := search.NewHandler(idx, idxd.SignerBlobRef)
	donec := make(chan struct{})
	headstart := 500
	blobrefs := make([]blob.Ref, headstart)
	headstartc := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		for i := 0; i < headstart*2; i++ {
			nth := fmt.Sprintf("%d", i)
			// No need to lock the index here. It is already done within NewPlannedPermanode,
			// because it calls idxd.Index.ReceiveBlob.
			pn := idxd.NewPlannedPermanode(nth)
			idxd.SetAttribute(pn, "tag", nth)
			if i > headstart {
			if i == headstart {
				headstartc <- struct{}{}
			blobrefs[i] = pn
	ctx := context.Background()
	go func() {
		for i := 0; i < headstart; i++ {
			br := blobrefs[i]
			res, err := h.Describe(ctx, &search.DescribeRequest{
				BlobRef: br,
				Depth:   1,
			if err != nil {
			_, ok := res.Meta[br.String()]
			if !ok {
				t.Errorf("permanode %v wasn't in Describe response", br)
		donec <- struct{}{}
Пример #7
func testEnumerateOrder(t *testing.T,
	enumFunc func(*index.Corpus, context.Context, chan<- camtypes.BlobMeta) error,
	order int) {
	idx := index.NewMemoryIndex()
	idxd := indextest.NewIndexDeps(idx)

	// permanode with no contents
	foopn := idxd.NewPlannedPermanode("foo")
	idxd.SetAttribute(foopn, "tag", "foo")
	// permanode with file contents
	// we set the time of the contents 1 second older than the modtime of foopn
	fooModTime := idxd.LastTime()
	fileTime := fooModTime.Add(-1 * time.Second)
	fileRef, _ := idxd.UploadFile("foo.html", "<html>I am an html file.</html>", fileTime)
	barpn := idxd.NewPlannedPermanode("bar")
	idxd.SetAttribute(barpn, "camliContent", fileRef.String())

	c, err := idxd.Index.KeepInMemory()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error slurping index to memory: %v", err)

	// check that we get a different order whether with enumerate according to
	// contents time, or to permanode modtime.
	var want []blob.Ref
	if order == modtimeOrder {
		// modtime.
		want = []blob.Ref{barpn, foopn}
	} else {
		// creation time.
		want = []blob.Ref{foopn, barpn}
	ch := make(chan camtypes.BlobMeta, 10)
	var got []camtypes.BlobMeta
	errc := make(chan error, 1)
	go func() { errc <- enumFunc(c, context.TODO(), ch) }()
	for blobMeta := range ch {
		got = append(got, blobMeta)
	err = <-errc
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Could not enumerate permanodes: %v", err)
	if len(got) != len(want) {
		t.Fatalf("Saw %d permanodes in corpus; want %d", len(got), len(want))
	for k, v := range got {
		if v.Ref != want[k] {
			t.Fatalf("Wrong result from enumeration. Got %v, wanted %v.", v.Ref, want[k])
Пример #8
func TestIndexingClaimMissingPubkey(t *testing.T) {
	s := sorted.NewMemoryKeyValue()
	idx, err := index.New(s)
	if err != nil {

	id := indextest.NewIndexDeps(idx)
	id.Fataler = t

	goodKeyFetcher := id.Index.KeyFetcher
	emptyFetcher := new(test.Fetcher)

	pn := id.NewPermanode()

	// Prevent the index from being able to find the public key:
	idx.KeyFetcher = emptyFetcher

	// This previous failed to upload, since the signer's public key was
	// unavailable.
	claimRef := id.SetAttribute(pn, "tag", "foo")

	t.Logf(" Claim is %v", claimRef)
	t.Logf("Signer is %v", id.SignerBlobRef)

	// Verify that populateClaim noted the missing public key blob:
		key := fmt.Sprintf("missing|%s|%s", claimRef, id.SignerBlobRef)
		if got, err := s.Get(key); got == "" || err != nil {
			t.Errorf("key %q missing (err: %v); want 1", key, err)

	// Now make it available again:
	idx.KeyFetcher = idx.Exp_BlobSource()

	if err := copyBlob(id.SignerBlobRef, idx.Exp_BlobSource().(*test.Fetcher), goodKeyFetcher); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Error copying public key to BlobSource: %v", err)
	if err := copyBlob(id.SignerBlobRef, idx, goodKeyFetcher); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Error uploading public key to indexer: %v", err)


	// Verify that populateClaim noted the missing public key blob:
		key := fmt.Sprintf("missing|%s|%s", claimRef, id.SignerBlobRef)
		if got, err := s.Get(key); got != "" || err == nil {
			t.Errorf("row %q still exists", key)
Пример #9
func testCacheSortedPermanodesRace(t *testing.T,
	enumFunc func(*index.Corpus, context.Context, chan<- camtypes.BlobMeta) error) {
	idx := index.NewMemoryIndex()
	idxd := indextest.NewIndexDeps(idx)
	idxd.Fataler = t
	c, err := idxd.Index.KeepInMemory()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error slurping index to memory: %v", err)
	donec := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
			nth := fmt.Sprintf("%d", i)
			// No need to lock the index here. It is already done within NewPlannedPermanode,
			// because it calls idxd.Index.ReceiveBlob.
			pn := idxd.NewPlannedPermanode(nth)
			idxd.SetAttribute(pn, "tag", nth)
		donec <- struct{}{}
	go func() {
		for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
			ch := make(chan camtypes.BlobMeta, 10)
			errc := make(chan error, 1)
			go func() {
				defer idx.RUnlock()
				errc <- enumFunc(c, context.TODO(), ch)
			for range ch {
			err := <-errc
			if err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("Could not enumerate permanodes: %v", err)
		donec <- struct{}{}
Пример #10
		"modtime": "` + addToClockOrigin(1*time.Second) + `"

	// Test recent permanodes
		name: "recent-1",
		setup: func(*test.FakeIndex) index.Interface {
			// Ignore the fakeindex and use the real (but in-memory) implementation,
			// using IndexDeps to populate it.
			idx := index.NewMemoryIndex()
			id := indextest.NewIndexDeps(idx)

			pn := id.NewPlannedPermanode("pn1")
			id.SetAttribute(pn, "title", "Some title")
			return indexAndOwner{idx, id.SignerBlobRef}
		query: "recent",
		want: parseJSON(`{
				"recent": [
					{"blobref": "sha1-7ca7743e38854598680d94ef85348f2c48a44513",
					 "modtime": "2011-11-28T01:32:37.000123456Z",
					 "owner": "sha1-ad87ca5c78bd0ce1195c46f7c98e6025abbaf007"}
				"meta": {
					  "sha1-7ca7743e38854598680d94ef85348f2c48a44513": {
		 "blobRef": "sha1-7ca7743e38854598680d94ef85348f2c48a44513",
Пример #11
func setupContent(rootName string) *indextest.IndexDeps {
	idx := index.NewMemoryIndex()
	idxd := indextest.NewIndexDeps(idx)

	picNode := idxd.NewPlannedPermanode("picpn-1234")                                             // sha1-f5e90fcc50a79caa8b22a4aa63ba92e436cab9ec
	galRef := idxd.NewPlannedPermanode("gal-1234")                                                // sha1-2bdf2053922c3dfa70b01a4827168fce1c1df691
	rootRef := idxd.NewPlannedPermanode("root-abcd")                                              // sha1-dbb3e5f28c7e01536d43ce194f3dd7b921b8460d
	camp0 := idxd.NewPlannedPermanode("picpn-9876543210")                                         // sha1-2d473e07ca760231dd82edeef4019d5b7d0ccb42
	camp1 := idxd.NewPlannedPermanode("picpn-9876543211")                                         // sha1-961b700536d5151fc1f3920955cc92767572a064
	camp0f, _ := idxd.UploadFile("picfile-f00ff00f00a5.jpg", "picfile-f00ff00f00a5", time.Time{}) // sha1-01dbcb193fc789033fb2d08ed22abe7105b48640
	camp1f, _ := idxd.UploadFile("picfile-f00ff00f00b6.jpg", "picfile-f00ff00f00b6", time.Time{}) // sha1-1213ec17a42cc51bdeb95ff91ac1b5fc5157740f

	idxd.SetAttribute(rootRef, "camliRoot", rootName)
	idxd.SetAttribute(rootRef, "camliPath:singlepic", picNode.String())
	idxd.SetAttribute(picNode, "title", "picnode without a pic?")
	idxd.SetAttribute(rootRef, "camliPath:camping", galRef.String())
	idxd.AddAttribute(galRef, "camliMember", camp0.String())
	idxd.AddAttribute(galRef, "camliMember", camp1.String())
	idxd.SetAttribute(camp0, "camliContent", camp0f.String())
	idxd.SetAttribute(camp1, "camliContent", camp1f.String())

	publishURLTests = []publishURLTest{
		// URL to a single picture permanode (returning its HTML wrapper page)
			path:    "/pics/singlepic",
			subject: picNode.String(),

		// URL to a gallery permanode (returning its HTML wrapper page)
			path:    "/pics/camping",
			subject: galRef.String(),

		// URL to a picture permanode within a gallery (following one hop, returning HTML)
			path:    "/pics/camping/-/h2d473e07ca",
			subject: camp0.String(),

		// URL to a gallery -> picture permanode -> its file
		// (following two hops, returning HTML)
			path:    "/pics/camping/-/h2d473e07ca/h01dbcb193f",
			subject: camp0f.String(),

		// URL to a gallery -> picture permanode -> its file
		// (following two hops, returning the file download)
			path:    "/pics/camping/-/h2d473e07ca/h01dbcb193f/=f/marshmallow.jpg",
			subject: camp0f.String(),
			subres:  "/=f/marshmallow.jpg",

		// URL to a gallery -> picture permanode -> its file
		// (following two hops, returning the file, scaled as an image)
			path:    "/pics/camping/-/h961b700536/h1213ec17a4/=i/marshmallow.jpg?mw=200&mh=200",
			subject: camp1f.String(),
			subres:  "/=i/marshmallow.jpg",

		// Path to a static file in the root.
		// TODO: ditch these and use content-addressable javascript + css, having
		// the server digest them on start, or rather part of fileembed. This is
		// a short-term hack to unblock Lindsey.
			path:    "/pics/=s/pics.js",
			subject: "",
			subres:  "/=s/pics.js",

	return idxd
Пример #12
func TestLazySortedPermanodes(t *testing.T) {
	idx := index.NewMemoryIndex()
	idxd := indextest.NewIndexDeps(idx)
	idxd.Fataler = t
	c, err := idxd.Index.KeepInMemory()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error slurping index to memory: %v", err)

	lsp := c.Exp_LSPByTime(false)
	if len(lsp) != 0 {
		t.Fatal("LazySortedPermanodes cache should be empty on startup")

	pn := idxd.NewPlannedPermanode("one")
	idxd.SetAttribute(pn, "tag", "one")

	ctx := context.Background()
	enum := func(reverse bool) {
		ch := make(chan camtypes.BlobMeta, 10)
		errc := make(chan error, 1)
		go func() { errc <- c.EnumeratePermanodesCreated(ctx, ch, reverse) }()
		for range ch {
		err := <-errc

		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Could not enumerate permanodes: %v", err)
	lsp = c.Exp_LSPByTime(false)
	if len(lsp) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("LazySortedPermanodes after 1st enum: got %v items, wanted 1", len(lsp))
	lsp = c.Exp_LSPByTime(true)
	if len(lsp) != 0 {
		t.Fatalf("LazySortedPermanodes reversed after 1st enum: got %v items, wanted 0", len(lsp))

	lsp = c.Exp_LSPByTime(false)
	if len(lsp) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("LazySortedPermanodes after 2nd enum: got %v items, wanted 1", len(lsp))
	lsp = c.Exp_LSPByTime(true)
	if len(lsp) != 1 {
		t.Fatalf("LazySortedPermanodes reversed after 2nd enum: got %v items, wanted 1", len(lsp))

	pn = idxd.NewPlannedPermanode("two")
	idxd.SetAttribute(pn, "tag", "two")

	lsp = c.Exp_LSPByTime(false)
	if len(lsp) != 0 {
		t.Fatalf("LazySortedPermanodes after 2nd permanode: got %v items, wanted 0 because of cache invalidation", len(lsp))
	lsp = c.Exp_LSPByTime(true)
	if len(lsp) != 2 {
		t.Fatalf("LazySortedPermanodes reversed after 2nd permanode: got %v items, wanted 2", len(lsp))

	pn = idxd.NewPlannedPermanode("three")
	idxd.SetAttribute(pn, "tag", "three")

	lsp = c.Exp_LSPByTime(true)
	if len(lsp) != 0 {
		t.Fatalf("LazySortedPermanodes reversed after 3rd permanode: got %v items, wanted 0 because of cache invalidation", len(lsp))
	lsp = c.Exp_LSPByTime(false)
	if len(lsp) != 3 {
		t.Fatalf("LazySortedPermanodes after 3rd permanode: got %v items, wanted 3", len(lsp))

	lsp = c.Exp_LSPByTime(false)
	if len(lsp) != 3 {
		t.Fatalf("LazySortedPermanodes after 5th enum: got %v items, wanted 3", len(lsp))
	lsp = c.Exp_LSPByTime(true)
	if len(lsp) != 3 {
		t.Fatalf("LazySortedPermanodes reversed after 5th enum: got %v items, wanted 3", len(lsp))
Пример #13
func testDeletePermanodes(t *testing.T,
	enumFunc func(*index.Corpus, context.Context, chan<- camtypes.BlobMeta) error) {
	idx := index.NewMemoryIndex()
	idxd := indextest.NewIndexDeps(idx)

	foopn := idxd.NewPlannedPermanode("foo")
	idxd.SetAttribute(foopn, "tag", "foo")
	barpn := idxd.NewPlannedPermanode("bar")
	idxd.SetAttribute(barpn, "tag", "bar")
	bazpn := idxd.NewPlannedPermanode("baz")
	idxd.SetAttribute(bazpn, "tag", "baz")
	c, err := idxd.Index.KeepInMemory()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error slurping index to memory: %v", err)

	// check that we initially only find permanodes foo and baz,
	// because bar is already marked as deleted.
	want := []blob.Ref{foopn, bazpn}
	ch := make(chan camtypes.BlobMeta, 10)
	var got []camtypes.BlobMeta
	errc := make(chan error, 1)
	ctx := context.Background()
	go func() { errc <- enumFunc(c, ctx, ch) }()
	for blobMeta := range ch {
		got = append(got, blobMeta)
	err = <-errc
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Could not enumerate permanodes: %v", err)
	if len(got) != len(want) {
		t.Fatalf("Saw %d permanodes in corpus; want %d", len(got), len(want))
	for _, bm := range got {
		found := false
		for _, perm := range want {
			if bm.Ref == perm {
				found = true
		if !found {
			t.Fatalf("permanode %v was not found in corpus", bm.Ref)

	// now add a delete claim for permanode baz, and check that we're only left with foo permanode
	delbaz := idxd.Delete(bazpn)
	want = []blob.Ref{foopn}
	got = got[:0]
	ch = make(chan camtypes.BlobMeta, 10)
	go func() { errc <- enumFunc(c, context.Background(), ch) }()
	for blobMeta := range ch {
		got = append(got, blobMeta)
	err = <-errc
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Could not enumerate permanodes: %v", err)
	if len(got) != len(want) {
		t.Fatalf("Saw %d permanodes in corpus; want %d", len(got), len(want))
	if got[0].Ref != foopn {
		t.Fatalf("Wrong permanode found in corpus. Wanted %v, got %v", foopn, got[0].Ref)

	// baz undeletion. delete delbaz.
	want = []blob.Ref{foopn, bazpn}
	got = got[:0]
	ch = make(chan camtypes.BlobMeta, 10)
	go func() { errc <- enumFunc(c, context.Background(), ch) }()
	for blobMeta := range ch {
		got = append(got, blobMeta)
	err = <-errc
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Could not enumerate permanodes: %v", err)
	if len(got) != len(want) {
		t.Fatalf("Saw %d permanodes in corpus; want %d", len(got), len(want))
	for _, bm := range got {
		found := false
		for _, perm := range want {
			if bm.Ref == perm {
				found = true
		if !found {
			t.Fatalf("permanode %v was not found in corpus", bm.Ref)
Пример #14
// TestGetPermanodeLocationAllocs helps us making sure we keep
// Handler.getPermanodeLocation (or equivalent), allocation-free.
func TestGetPermanodeLocationAllocs(t *testing.T) {
	defer index.SetVerboseCorpusLogging(true)

	idx := index.NewMemoryIndex() // string key-value pairs in memory, as if they were on disk
	idd := indextest.NewIndexDeps(idx)
	h := NewHandler(idx, idd.SignerBlobRef)
	corpus, err := idx.KeepInMemory()
	if err != nil {

	pn1 := idd.NewPermanode()
	lat := 45.18
	long := 5.72
	idd.SetAttribute(pn1, "latitude", fmt.Sprintf("%f", lat))
	idd.SetAttribute(pn1, "longitude", fmt.Sprintf("%f", long))

	pnVenue := idd.NewPermanode()
	idd.SetAttribute(pnVenue, "camliNodeType", "foursquare.com:venue")
	idd.SetAttribute(pnVenue, "latitude", fmt.Sprintf("%f", lat))
	idd.SetAttribute(pnVenue, "longitude", fmt.Sprintf("%f", long))
	pnCheckin := idd.NewPermanode()
	idd.SetAttribute(pnCheckin, "camliNodeType", "foursquare.com:checkin")
	idd.SetAttribute(pnCheckin, "foursquareVenuePermanode", pnVenue.String())

	br, _ := idd.UploadFile("photo.jpg", exifFileContentLatLong(lat, long), time.Now())
	pnPhoto := idd.NewPermanode()
	idd.SetAttribute(pnPhoto, "camliContent", br.String())

	const (
		blobParseAlloc = 1 // blob.Parse uses one alloc

		// allocs permitted in different tests
		latLongAttr         = 0 // latitude/longitude attr lookup musn't alloc
		altLocRef           = blobParseAlloc
		camliContentFileLoc = blobParseAlloc

	for _, tt := range []struct {
		title    string
		pn       blob.Ref
		maxAlloc int
		{"explicit location from attrs", pn1, latLongAttr},
		{"referenced permanode location", pnCheckin, latLongAttr + altLocRef},
		{"location from exif photo", pnPhoto, latLongAttr + camliContentFileLoc},
	} {
		n := testing.AllocsPerRun(20, func() {
			loc, err := h.ExportGetPermanodeLocation(context.TODO(), tt.pn, time.Now())
			if err != nil {
			if loc.Latitude != lat {
				t.Fatalf("wrong latitude: got %v, wanted %v", loc.Latitude, lat)
			if loc.Longitude != long {
				t.Fatalf("wrong longitude: got %v, wanted %v", loc.Longitude, long)
		t.Logf("%s: %v allocations (max %v)", tt.title, n, tt.maxAlloc)
		if int(n) != tt.maxAlloc {
			t.Errorf("LocationHandler.PermanodeLocation should not allocate more than %d", tt.maxAlloc)