Пример #1
func getNonceFromAserver(clientIpPort string, aserverIpPort string) int64 {
	clientConn := common.InitUDPConn(clientIpPort)
	aserverUDPAddr := common.ResolveUDPAddr(aserverIpPort)
	nonce := client.RetrieveNonce(clientConn, &aserverUDPAddr)
	return nonce.Nonce
Пример #2
func RunClient(clientIpPort string, aserverIpPort string, secret int64) {
	clientConn := common.InitUDPConn(clientIpPort)
	aserverUDPAddr := common.ResolveUDPAddr(aserverIpPort)

	//Set 10 second timeout for ReadFromUDP
	clientConn.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(10 * time.Second))

	//Retrieve nonce from aserver and compute MD5(nonce + secret)
	nonceMsg := RetrieveNonce(clientConn, &aserverUDPAddr)

	hashMsg := common.ComputeHashMessage(nonceMsg.Nonce, secret)

	//Retrieve GoalMessage from aserver
	goalMsg := RetrieveGoalMsg(clientConn, &aserverUDPAddr, hashMsg)
	fmt.Println("Received goal message from aserver: ", goalMsg)
Пример #3
func RunAuthServer(udpIpPort string, secret int64) {
	udpConn := common.InitUDPConn(udpIpPort)

	//Initialize hash table of (udpIpPort, nonce) key-value pairs
	var nonceMap concurrentMap
	nonceMap.m = make(map[string]int64)

	//Start listen/receive connection loop
	for {
		var buf [1024]byte
		msgLen, clientUDPAddr, err := udpConn.ReadFromUDP(buf[:])
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Println("Error on ReadFromUDP: ", err)
		} else {
			//Start go routine to handle client, continue listening for new clients
			go handleUDPConn(udpConn, clientUDPAddr, nonceMap, secret, buf[0:msgLen])