Пример #1
func bytesVal(yamlMap generic.Map, key string, errs *[]error) *int64 {
	yamlVal := yamlMap.Get(key)
	if yamlVal == nil {
		return nil

	stringVal := coerceToString(yamlVal)
	value, err := formatters.ToMegabytes(stringVal)
	if err != nil {
		*errs = append(*errs, fmt.Errorf(T("Invalid value for '{{.PropertyName}}': {{.StringVal}}\n{{.Error}}",
				"PropertyName": key,
				"Error":        err.Error(),
				"StringVal":    stringVal,
		return nil
	return &value
Пример #2
func (cmd *Scale) Execute(c flags.FlagContext) error {
	currentApp := cmd.appReq.GetApplication()
	if !anyFlagsSet(c) {
		cmd.ui.Say(T("Showing current scale of app {{.AppName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
				"AppName":     terminal.EntityNameColor(currentApp.Name),
				"OrgName":     terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.OrganizationFields().Name),
				"SpaceName":   terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.SpaceFields().Name),
				"CurrentUser": terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.Username()),

		cmd.ui.Say("%s %s", terminal.HeaderColor(T("memory:")), formatters.ByteSize(currentApp.Memory*bytesInAMegabyte))
		cmd.ui.Say("%s %s", terminal.HeaderColor(T("disk:")), formatters.ByteSize(currentApp.DiskQuota*bytesInAMegabyte))
		cmd.ui.Say("%s %d", terminal.HeaderColor(T("instances:")), currentApp.InstanceCount)

		return nil

	params := models.AppParams{}
	shouldRestart := false

	if c.String("m") != "" {
		memory, err := formatters.ToMegabytes(c.String("m"))
		if err != nil {
			return errors.New(T("Invalid memory limit: {{.Memory}}\n{{.ErrorDescription}}",
					"Memory":           c.String("m"),
					"ErrorDescription": err,
		params.Memory = &memory
		shouldRestart = true

	if c.String("k") != "" {
		diskQuota, err := formatters.ToMegabytes(c.String("k"))
		if err != nil {
			return errors.New(T("Invalid disk quota: {{.DiskQuota}}\n{{.ErrorDescription}}",
					"DiskQuota":        c.String("k"),
					"ErrorDescription": err,
		params.DiskQuota = &diskQuota
		shouldRestart = true

	if c.IsSet("i") {
		instances := c.Int("i")
		params.InstanceCount = &instances

	if shouldRestart && !cmd.confirmRestart(c, currentApp.Name) {
		return nil

	cmd.ui.Say(T("Scaling app {{.AppName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...",
			"AppName":     terminal.EntityNameColor(currentApp.Name),
			"OrgName":     terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.OrganizationFields().Name),
			"SpaceName":   terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.SpaceFields().Name),
			"CurrentUser": terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.Username()),

	updatedApp, err := cmd.appRepo.Update(currentApp.GUID, params)
	if err != nil {
		return err


	if shouldRestart {
		err = cmd.restarter.ApplicationRestart(updatedApp, cmd.config.OrganizationFields().Name, cmd.config.SpaceFields().Name)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	return nil
Пример #3
func (cmd *CreateSpaceQuota) Execute(context flags.FlagContext) error {
	name := context.Args()[0]
	org := cmd.config.OrganizationFields()

	cmd.ui.Say(T("Creating space quota {{.QuotaName}} for org {{.OrgName}} as {{.Username}}...", map[string]interface{}{
		"QuotaName": terminal.EntityNameColor(name),
		"OrgName":   terminal.EntityNameColor(org.Name),
		"Username":  terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.Username()),

	quota := models.SpaceQuota{
		Name:    name,
		OrgGUID: org.GUID,

	memoryLimit := context.String("m")
	if memoryLimit != "" {
		parsedMemory, errr := formatters.ToMegabytes(memoryLimit)
		if errr != nil {
			return errors.New(T("Invalid memory limit: {{.MemoryLimit}}\n{{.Err}}", map[string]interface{}{"MemoryLimit": memoryLimit, "Err": errr}))

		quota.MemoryLimit = parsedMemory

	instanceMemoryLimit := context.String("i")
	var parsedMemory int64
	var err error
	if instanceMemoryLimit == "-1" || instanceMemoryLimit == "" {
		parsedMemory = -1
	} else {
		parsedMemory, err = formatters.ToMegabytes(instanceMemoryLimit)
		if err != nil {
			return errors.New(T("Invalid instance memory limit: {{.MemoryLimit}}\n{{.Err}}", map[string]interface{}{"MemoryLimit": instanceMemoryLimit, "Err": err}))

	quota.InstanceMemoryLimit = parsedMemory

	if context.IsSet("r") {
		quota.RoutesLimit = context.Int("r")

	if context.IsSet("s") {
		quota.ServicesLimit = context.Int("s")

	if context.IsSet("allow-paid-service-plans") {
		quota.NonBasicServicesAllowed = true

	if context.IsSet("a") {
		quota.AppInstanceLimit = context.Int("a")
	} else {
		quota.AppInstanceLimit = resources.UnlimitedAppInstances

	if context.IsSet("reserved-route-ports") {
		quota.ReservedRoutePortsLimit = json.Number(strconv.Itoa(context.Int("reserved-route-ports")))

	err = cmd.quotaRepo.Create(quota)

	httpErr, ok := err.(errors.HTTPError)
	if ok && httpErr.ErrorCode() == errors.QuotaDefinitionNameTaken {
		cmd.ui.Warn(T("Space Quota Definition {{.QuotaName}} already exists", map[string]interface{}{"QuotaName": quota.Name}))
		return nil

	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
Пример #4
func (cmd *UpdateSpaceQuota) Execute(c flags.FlagContext) error {
	name := c.Args()[0]

	spaceQuota, err := cmd.spaceQuotaRepo.FindByName(name)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	allowPaidServices := c.Bool("allow-paid-service-plans")
	disallowPaidServices := c.Bool("disallow-paid-service-plans")
	if allowPaidServices && disallowPaidServices {
		return errors.New(T("Please choose either allow or disallow. Both flags are not permitted to be passed in the same command."))

	if allowPaidServices {
		spaceQuota.NonBasicServicesAllowed = true

	if disallowPaidServices {
		spaceQuota.NonBasicServicesAllowed = false

	if c.String("i") != "" {
		var memory int64
		var formatError error

		memFlag := c.String("i")

		if memFlag == "-1" {
			memory = -1
		} else {
			memory, formatError = formatters.ToMegabytes(memFlag)
			if formatError != nil {
				return errors.New(T("Incorrect Usage") + "\n\n" + commandregistry.Commands.CommandUsage("update-space-quota"))

		spaceQuota.InstanceMemoryLimit = memory

	if c.String("m") != "" {
		memory, formatError := formatters.ToMegabytes(c.String("m"))

		if formatError != nil {
			return errors.New(T("Incorrect Usage") + "\n\n" + commandregistry.Commands.CommandUsage("update-space-quota"))

		spaceQuota.MemoryLimit = memory

	if c.String("n") != "" {
		spaceQuota.Name = c.String("n")

	if c.IsSet("s") {
		spaceQuota.ServicesLimit = c.Int("s")

	if c.IsSet("r") {
		spaceQuota.RoutesLimit = c.Int("r")

	if c.IsSet("a") {
		spaceQuota.AppInstanceLimit = c.Int("a")

	if c.IsSet("reserved-route-ports") {
		spaceQuota.ReservedRoutePortsLimit = json.Number(strconv.Itoa(c.Int("reserved-route-ports")))

	cmd.ui.Say(T("Updating space quota {{.Quota}} as {{.Username}}...",
			"Quota":    terminal.EntityNameColor(name),
			"Username": terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.Username()),

	err = cmd.spaceQuotaRepo.Update(spaceQuota)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
Пример #5
func (cmd *Push) getAppParamsFromContext(c flags.FlagContext) (models.AppParams, error) {
	noHostBool := c.Bool("no-hostname")
	appParams := models.AppParams{
		NoRoute:        c.Bool("no-route"),
		UseRandomRoute: c.Bool("random-route"),
		NoHostname:     &noHostBool,

	if len(c.Args()) > 0 {
		appParams.Name = &c.Args()[0]

	if c.String("n") != "" {
		appParams.Hosts = []string{c.String("n")}

	if c.String("route-path") != "" {
		routePath := c.String("route-path")
		appParams.RoutePath = &routePath

	if c.String("app-ports") != "" {
		appPortStrings := strings.Split(c.String("app-ports"), ",")
		appPorts := make([]int, len(appPortStrings))

		for i, s := range appPortStrings {
			p, err := strconv.Atoi(s)
			if err != nil {
				return models.AppParams{}, errors.New(T("Invalid app port: {{.AppPort}}\nApp port must be a number", map[string]interface{}{
					"AppPort": s,
			appPorts[i] = p

		appParams.AppPorts = &appPorts

	if c.String("b") != "" {
		buildpack := c.String("b")
		if buildpack == "null" || buildpack == "default" {
			buildpack = ""
		appParams.BuildpackURL = &buildpack

	if c.String("c") != "" {
		command := c.String("c")
		if command == "null" || command == "default" {
			command = ""
		appParams.Command = &command

	if c.String("d") != "" {
		appParams.Domains = []string{c.String("d")}

	if c.IsSet("i") {
		instances := c.Int("i")
		if instances < 1 {
			return models.AppParams{}, errors.New(T("Invalid instance count: {{.InstancesCount}}\nInstance count must be a positive integer",
				map[string]interface{}{"InstancesCount": instances}))
		appParams.InstanceCount = &instances

	if c.String("k") != "" {
		diskQuota, err := formatters.ToMegabytes(c.String("k"))
		if err != nil {
			return models.AppParams{}, errors.New(T("Invalid disk quota: {{.DiskQuota}}\n{{.Err}}",
				map[string]interface{}{"DiskQuota": c.String("k"), "Err": err.Error()}))
		appParams.DiskQuota = &diskQuota

	if c.String("m") != "" {
		memory, err := formatters.ToMegabytes(c.String("m"))
		if err != nil {
			return models.AppParams{}, errors.New(T("Invalid memory limit: {{.MemLimit}}\n{{.Err}}",
				map[string]interface{}{"MemLimit": c.String("m"), "Err": err.Error()}))
		appParams.Memory = &memory

	if c.String("docker-image") != "" {
		dockerImage := c.String("docker-image")
		appParams.DockerImage = &dockerImage

	if c.String("p") != "" {
		path := c.String("p")
		appParams.Path = &path

	if c.String("s") != "" {
		stackName := c.String("s")
		appParams.StackName = &stackName

	if c.String("t") != "" {
		timeout, err := strconv.Atoi(c.String("t"))
		if err != nil {
			return models.AppParams{}, fmt.Errorf("Error: %s", fmt.Errorf(T("Invalid timeout param: {{.Timeout}}\n{{.Err}}",
				map[string]interface{}{"Timeout": c.String("t"), "Err": err.Error()})))

		appParams.HealthCheckTimeout = &timeout

	if healthCheckType := c.String("u"); healthCheckType != "" {
		if healthCheckType != "port" && healthCheckType != "none" {
			return models.AppParams{}, fmt.Errorf("Error: %s", fmt.Errorf(T("Invalid health-check-type param: {{.healthCheckType}}",
				map[string]interface{}{"healthCheckType": healthCheckType})))

		appParams.HealthCheckType = &healthCheckType

	return appParams, nil