Пример #1
Файл: source.go Проект: rwl/gorf
func RewriteSource(fpath string, file *ast.File) (err error) {
	fmt.Printf("Rewriting %s\n", fpath)

	err = BackupSource(fpath)
	if err != nil {

	var out io.Writer
	out, err = os.Create(fpath)
	if err != nil {

	err = printer.Fprint(out, AllSources, file)

Пример #2
Файл: source.go Проект: rwl/gorf
func NewSource(fpath string, file *ast.File) (err error) {
	fmt.Printf("Creating %s\n", fpath)

	dir, name := filepath.Split(fpath)

	err = Touch(filepath.Join(dir, "."+name+".0.gorfn"))
	if err != nil {

	var out io.Writer
	out, err = os.Create(fpath)
	if err != nil {

	err = printer.Fprint(out, AllSources, file)

Пример #3
func (p pretty) String() string {
	var b bytes.Buffer
	printer.Fprint(&b, types.FileSet, p.n)
	return b.String()
Пример #4
func pretty(n ast.Node) string {
	var b bytes.Buffer
	printer.Fprint(&b, emptyFileSet, n)
	return b.String()
Пример #5
func (this *SingleMover) UpdateOther() (err error) {
	for _, path := range ImportedBy[QuotePath(this.oldpath)] {
		opkg := LocalImporter(path)

		for fpath, file := range opkg.Files {
			rw := ReferenceWalker{
				UnexportedObjs:       make(map[*ast.Object]bool),
				MoveObjs:             this.moveObjs,
				SkipNodes:            make(map[ast.Node]*ast.Object),
				SkipNodeParents:      make(map[ast.Node]ast.Node),
				GoodReferenceParents: make(map[ast.Node]ast.Node),
				BadReferences:        &[]ast.Node{},
			ast.Walk(&rw, file)

			if len(rw.GoodReferenceParents) == 0 {

			newpkgname := GetUniqueIdent([]*ast.File{file}, this.pkg.Name)

			//construct the import
			nis := &ast.ImportSpec{
				Name: &ast.Ident{Name: newpkgname},
				Path: &ast.BasicLit{
					Kind:  token.STRING,
					Value: QuotePath(this.newpath),

			ngd := &ast.GenDecl{
				Tok:   token.IMPORT,
				Specs: []ast.Spec{nis},
			file.Decls = append([]ast.Decl{ngd}, file.Decls...)

			for node, parent := range rw.GoodReferenceParents {
				getSel := func(sel *ast.SelectorExpr) *ast.SelectorExpr {
					obj, _ := types.ExprType(sel.X, LocalImporter)
					if obj.Kind == ast.Pkg {
						return &ast.SelectorExpr{
							X: &ast.Ident{
								Name:    newpkgname,
								NamePos: sel.X.Pos(),
							Sel: sel.Sel,
					return sel

				switch p := parent.(type) {
				case *ast.CallExpr:
					if sel, ok := node.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok {

						p.Fun = getSel(sel)
					} else {

						return MakeErr("CallExpr w/ unexpected type %T\n", node)
				case *ast.AssignStmt:
					for i, x := range p.Lhs {
						if x == node {
							if sel, ok := x.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok {
								p.Lhs[i] = getSel(sel)
					for i, x := range p.Rhs {
						if x == node {
							if sel, ok := x.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok {
								p.Rhs[i] = getSel(sel)
				case *ast.ValueSpec:
					if node == p.Type {
						if sel, ok := p.Type.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok {
							p.Type = getSel(sel)
					for i, x := range p.Values {
						if x == node {
							if sel, ok := x.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok {
								p.Values[i] = getSel(sel)
				case *ast.StarExpr:
					if p.X == node {
						if sel, ok := p.X.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok {
							p.X = getSel(sel)
					printer.Fprint(os.Stdout, AllSources, parent)
					return MakeErr("Unexpected remote parent %T\n", parent)

			//now that we've renamed some references, do we still need to import oldpath?
			oc := ObjChecker{
				Objs: this.remainingObjs,
			ast.Walk(&oc, file)
			if !oc.Found {
				ast.Walk(&ImportRemover{nil, this.oldpath}, file)

			err = RewriteSource(fpath, file)
			if err != nil {

Пример #6
func (this *SingleMover) RemoveUpdatePkg() (err error) {
	for fpath, file := range this.pkg.Files {

		urw := ReferenceWalker{
			UnexportedObjs:       this.unexportedObjs,
			SkipNodes:            this.moveNodes,
			MoveObjs:             this.moveObjs,
			SkipNodeParents:      make(map[ast.Node]ast.Node),
			GoodReferenceParents: make(map[ast.Node]ast.Node),
			BadReferences:        new([]ast.Node),
		ast.Walk(&urw, file)

		if len(*urw.BadReferences) != 0 {
			fmt.Printf("Cannot move some objects:\n")
			for node := range this.moveNodes {
				printer.Fprint(os.Stdout, token.NewFileSet(), node)
			fmt.Println("Unexported objects referenced:")
			for _, node := range *urw.BadReferences {
				position := AllSources.Position(node.Pos())
				fmt.Printf("At %v ", position)
				printer.Fprint(os.Stdout, token.NewFileSet(), node)
			return MakeErr("Objects to be moved in '%s' contains unexported objects referenced elsewhere in the package", this.oldpath)

		removedStuff := false

		// remove the old definitions
		for node, parent := range urw.SkipNodeParents {
			removedStuff = true
			//fmt.Printf("%T %v\n", parent, parent)

			switch pn := parent.(type) {
			case *ast.File:
				for i, n := range pn.Decls {
					if n == node {
						if len(pn.Decls) > 1 {
							pn.Decls[i], pn.Decls[len(pn.Decls)-1] = pn.Decls[len(pn.Decls)-1], pn.Decls[i]
						pn.Decls = pn.Decls[:len(pn.Decls)-1]
			case *ast.GenDecl:
				for i, n := range pn.Specs {
					if n == node {
						if pn.Lparen == 0 {
							pn.Lparen = n.Pos()
							pn.Rparen = n.End()
						if len(pn.Specs) > 1 {
							pn.Specs[i], pn.Specs[len(pn.Specs)-1] = pn.Specs[len(pn.Specs)-1], pn.Specs[i]
						pn.Specs = pn.Specs[:len(pn.Specs)-1]
				return MakeErr("Unanticipated parent type: %T", pn)

		//strip out imports that are unnecessary because things are no longer here
		if removedStuff {
			for _, file := range this.pkg.Files {
				iuc := make(ImportUseCollector)
				ast.Walk(iuc, file)

				ast.Walk(ImportFilterWalker(iuc), file)

		//if this file refernces things that are moving, import the new package
		if len(urw.GoodReferenceParents) != 0 {
			if this.referenceBack {
				return MakeErr("Moving objects from %s would create a cycle", this.oldpath)

			newpkgname := GetUniqueIdent([]*ast.File{file}, this.pkg.Name)

			//construct the import
			is := &ast.ImportSpec{
				Name: &ast.Ident{Name: newpkgname},
				Path: &ast.BasicLit{
					Kind:  token.STRING,
					Value: QuotePath(this.newpath),

			gd := &ast.GenDecl{
				Tok:   token.IMPORT,
				Specs: []ast.Spec{is},

			//stick it in there
			file.Decls = append([]ast.Decl{gd}, file.Decls...)

			//change the old references to talk about the new package, using our unique name
			for node, parent := range urw.GoodReferenceParents {
				getSel := func(idn *ast.Ident) *ast.SelectorExpr {
					return &ast.SelectorExpr{
						X: &ast.Ident{
							Name:    newpkgname,
							NamePos: idn.NamePos,
						Sel: idn,

				switch p := parent.(type) {
				case *ast.CallExpr:
					if idn, ok := node.(*ast.Ident); ok {
						p.Fun = getSel(idn)
					} else {

						return MakeErr("CallExpr w/ unexpected type %T\n", node)
				case *ast.AssignStmt:
					for i, x := range p.Lhs {
						if x == node {
							if idn, ok := x.(*ast.Ident); ok {
								p.Lhs[i] = getSel(idn)
					for i, x := range p.Rhs {
						if x == node {
							if idn, ok := x.(*ast.Ident); ok {
								p.Rhs[i] = getSel(idn)
				case *ast.StarExpr:
					if p.X == node {
						if idn, ok := p.X.(*ast.Ident); ok {
							p.X = getSel(idn)
					return MakeErr("Unexpected local parent %T\n", parent)

		if removedStuff {
			err = RewriteSource(fpath, file)
			if err != nil {

Пример #7
func (this *SingleMover) CreateNewSource() (err error) {

	liw := make(ListImportWalker)
	for n := range this.moveNodes {
		ast.Walk(liw, n)
	finalImports := make(map[*ast.ImportSpec]bool)
	for obj, is := range liw {
		if _, ok := this.moveObjs[obj]; !ok {
			finalImports[is] = true

	newfile := &ast.File{
		Name: &ast.Ident{Name: this.pkg.Name},

	if len(finalImports) != 0 {
		for is := range finalImports {
			gdl := &ast.GenDecl{
				Tok:   token.IMPORT,
				Specs: []ast.Spec{is},
			newfile.Decls = append(newfile.Decls, gdl)

	var sortedNodes NodeSorter

	for mn := range this.moveNodes {
		sortedNodes = append(sortedNodes, mn)

	for _, mn := range sortedNodes {
		switch m := mn.(type) {
		case ast.Decl:
			newfile.Decls = append(newfile.Decls, m)
		case *ast.TypeSpec:
			gdl := &ast.GenDecl{
				Tok:   token.TYPE,
				Specs: []ast.Spec{m},
			newfile.Decls = append(newfile.Decls, gdl)

	npf := ExprParentFinder{
		ExprParents: make(map[ast.Expr]ast.Node),
	for n := range this.moveNodes {
		ast.Walk(&npf, n)

	var pkgfiles []*ast.File
	for _, pkgfile := range this.pkg.Files {
		pkgfiles = append(pkgfiles, pkgfile)
	oldPkgNewName := GetUniqueIdent(pkgfiles, this.pkg.Name)

	needOldImport := false

	this.referenceBack = false

	for expr, parent := range npf.ExprParents {
		obj, _ := types.ExprType(expr, LocalImporter)
		if _, ok := this.moveObjs[obj]; ok {

		if _, ok := this.allObjs[obj]; !ok {

		if !unicode.IsUpper([]rune(obj.Name)[0] /*utf8.NewString(obj.Name).At(0)*/) {
			position := AllSources.Position(expr.Pos())
			fmt.Printf("At %v ", position)
			printer.Fprint(os.Stdout, token.NewFileSet(), expr)
			err = MakeErr("Can't move code that references unexported objects")

		needOldImport = true
		this.referenceBack = true

		getSel := func(idn *ast.Ident) *ast.SelectorExpr {
			return &ast.SelectorExpr{
				X: &ast.Ident{
					Name:    oldPkgNewName,
					NamePos: idn.NamePos,
				Sel: idn,

		switch p := parent.(type) {
		case *ast.CallExpr:
			if idn, ok := expr.(*ast.Ident); ok {
				p.Fun = getSel(idn)
			} else {
				err = MakeErr("CallExpr w/ unexpected type %T\n", expr)
		case *ast.AssignStmt:
			for i, x := range p.Lhs {
				if x == expr {
					if idn, ok := x.(*ast.Ident); ok {
						p.Lhs[i] = getSel(idn)
			for i, x := range p.Rhs {
				if x == expr {
					if idn, ok := x.(*ast.Ident); ok {
						p.Rhs[i] = getSel(idn)
			err = MakeErr("Unexpected parent %T\n", parent)

	if needOldImport {
		is := &ast.ImportSpec{
			Name: &ast.Ident{Name: oldPkgNewName},
			Path: &ast.BasicLit{Value: QuotePath(this.oldpath)},
		gdl := &ast.GenDecl{
			Tok:   token.IMPORT,
			Specs: []ast.Spec{is},
		newfile.Decls = append([]ast.Decl{gdl}, newfile.Decls...)

	err = os.MkdirAll(this.newpath, 0755)
	if err != nil {
	newSourcePath := filepath.Join(this.newpath, this.pkg.Name+".go")

	containedComments := make(CommentCollector)
	for node := range this.moveNodes {
		ast.Walk(containedComments, node)

	for _, file := range this.pkg.Files {
		for i := len(file.Comments) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
			cg := file.Comments[i]
			add := func() {
				newfile.Comments = append([]*ast.CommentGroup{cg}, newfile.Comments...)
				file.Comments[i] = file.Comments[len(file.Comments)-1]
				file.Comments = file.Comments[:len(file.Comments)-1]
			if containedComments[cg] {
			} else {
				for node := range this.moveNodes {
					if node.Pos() <= cg.Pos() && node.End() >= cg.End() {

	err = NewSource(newSourcePath, newfile)
	if err != nil {
