func send(c context.Context, message *PostmarkMessage) error { client := urlfetch.Client(c) requestBody, err := json.Marshal(message) if err != nil { return err } req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", strings.NewReader(string(requestBody))) if err != nil { return err } req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json") req.Header.Add("X-Postmark-Server-Token", config.Get(c, "POSTMARK_KEY")) res, err := client.Do(req) log.Infof(c, "Postmark: %v %v %v", req, res, err) if err != nil { return err } defer res.Body.Close() resBody, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body) log.Infof(c, "Postmark response: %s", string(resBody)) return nil }
func ShipHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { c := appengine.NewContext(r) sc := client.New(config.Get(c, "STRIPE_KEY"), stripe.NewBackends(urlfetch.Client(c))) r.ParseForm() orderID := r.Form.Get("orderID") trackingNumber := r.Form.Get("trackingNumber") order, err := sc.Orders.Update(orderID, &stripe.OrderUpdateParams{ Status: stripe.StatusFulfilled, Params: stripe.Params{ Meta: map[string]string{"tracking_number": trackingNumber}, }, }) if err != nil { web.SendError(c, w, err, 500, "Error marking order as fulfilled") return } customer, err := sc.Customers.Get(order.Customer.ID, nil) if err != nil { web.LogError(c, err, "Error fetching customer info for email") } else { err = email.SendShippingNotification(c, customer.Desc, customer.Email, order.Shipping, trackingNumber) if err != nil { web.LogError(c, err, "Error sending shipping notification") } } web.SendJSON(c, w, ChargeResponse{Success: true}) }
func OrdersHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { c := appengine.NewContext(r) sc := client.New(config.Get(c, "STRIPE_KEY"), stripe.NewBackends(urlfetch.Client(c))) lastKey := "or_17fQDrKpn8lOrcLslDTTOnWv" r.ParseForm() before := r.Form.Get("before") if before != "" { lastKey = before } params := &stripe.OrderListParams{ ListParams: stripe.ListParams{ Single: true, End: lastKey, }, } status := r.Form.Get("status") if status != "" && status != "all" { params = &stripe.OrderListParams{ Status: stripe.OrderStatus(status), ListParams: stripe.ListParams{ Single: true, End: lastKey, }, } } iter := sc.Orders.List(params) var response OrdersResponse response.Orders = []*ShortOrder{} for iter.Next() { if iter.Order().Status != stripe.StatusCanceled { o := iter.Order() response.Orders = append(response.Orders, &ShortOrder{ ID: o.ID, Created: o.Created, Status: o.Status, Shipping: o.Shipping, Customer: o.Customer, Meta: o.Meta, }) } } web.SendJSON(c, w, response) }
func init() { if config.Get("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID") == "" { panic("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID environmental variable not specified.") } if config.Get("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY") == "" { panic("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environmental variable not specified.") } aws.DefaultConfig.Credentials = credentials.NewStaticCredentials( config.Get("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"), config.Get("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"), "") if config.Get("AWS_REGION") == "" { panic("AWS_REGION environmental variable not specified.") } aws.DefaultConfig.Region = config.Get("AWS_REGION") }
// Replaces contents from the source for the transition from old to new // Author: Ryan Benson package replacer import ( "config" "net/url" "path/filepath" "strings" ) var oldWebsite = config.Get("Oldwebsite") var website = config.Get("Website") var oldWebsitePath = config.Get("Oldwebsitepath") var Websitepath = config.Get("Websitepath") var imageCdn = config.Get("Cdn") func init() { // Initializer } // ReplaceUrl (public) - replace url from a string to once that is given // but keeps the URL path. Example: // -> // // @params: from {string} - origin URL // @params: to {string} - new URL // @return: {string} - final URL func ReplaceUrl(from, to string) string { return to + getUrlPath(from) }
"net" "net/http" "time" "appengine" "appengine/socket" "appengine/urlfetch" "" "" "config" ) var ( dreamServerAmi = config.Get("DREAMPICS_DREAMSERVER_AMI") dreamServerInstanceType = config.Get("DREAMPICS_DREAMSERVER_INSTANCE_TYPE") awsSecurityGroup = config.Get("AWS_SECURITY_GROUP") ) func init() { if dreamServerAmi == "" { panic("DREAMPICS_DREAMSERVER_AMI environmental variable missing.") } if dreamServerInstanceType == "" { panic("DREAMPICS_DREAMSERVER_INSTANCE_TYPE environmental variable missing.") } if awsSecurityGroup == "" { panic("AWS_SECURITY_GROUP environmental variable missing.") } }
// Downloads invidual assets or bulk downloads assets, and also ensures // that there's a proper directory locally to hold them // Author: Ryan Benson package downloader import ( "config" "io" "net/http" "os" "replacer" "scraper" ) var filesDir string = config.Get("Dir") var oldWebsite string = config.Get("Oldwebsite") func init() { // check to see if directory exists, if not make it if isDir(filesDir) == false { makeDir(filesDir) } } // Download (public) - downloads a remote file to local directory // @params: output {string} - filename to save file as // @params: file {string} - URL to download the file from // @return: {nil} func Download(output, file string) { out, err := os.Create(filesDir + "/" + output) if err != nil {
package storage import ( "config" ) var ( gcsBucket = config.Get("GCS_BUCKET") ) func init() { if gcsBucket == "" { panic("Missing GCS_BUCKET environmental variable.") } }
func main() { var ex profile.TSProfile ex.Execute.Start(0) /** * Get the configuration information and set the properties * of each data set */ var configs = config.Get("conf.json") for _, config := range configs.Property { fmt.Println(config) } // Initialise each data set var sets = make([]data.TSSet, len(configs.Property)) // Iterate through each data set as defined by its properties for idxProps, v := range configs.Property { /** * Set each data set's properties from the configuration * information pulled from the JSON configuration file */ sets[idxProps].Id = int64(idxProps) sets[idxProps].Property = v if sets[idxProps].Property.Now { sets[idxProps].Property.Start = time.Now() } sets[idxProps].Property.Verbose = false sets[idxProps].Output.Verbose = false // Create a channel for each data set to indicate when it is done sets[idxProps].Done = make(chan bool) // Open Report with config settings sets[idxProps].Report = new(report.TSReport) sets[idxProps].Report.Name = "Report_" + strconv.Itoa(idxProps+1) sets[idxProps].Report.AddString("Report_" + strconv.Itoa(idxProps+1) + " of " + strconv.Itoa(len(configs.Property))) sets[idxProps].Report.AddString("***Config***") sets[idxProps].Report.AddStruct(v) /** * Start the creation of each dataset as a separate go concurrent * process(es) */ go sets[idxProps].Create() } // Wait for each of the data sets to complete before exit for idxProps := 0; idxProps < len(configs.Property); idxProps++ { <-sets[idxProps].Done fmt.Println("Samples/s:", float64(float64(sets[idxProps].Property.Samples)/float64(float64(ex.Execute.Elapsed())/1e9))) fmt.Println("Sites:", sets[idxProps].Property.Sites) fmt.Println("Samples:", sets[idxProps].Property.Samples) fmt.Println("Batch:", sets[idxProps].Property.Batch) fmt.Println("Spools:", sets[idxProps].Property.Spools) } fmt.Println("Done") fmt.Println("Total execution time:", float64(ex.Execute.Elapsed())/1e9, "s") }
// Initializer - sets up the CLI flag, includes default from config (from JSON) // @params: {nil} // @return: {nil} func init() { defaultCsvFile := config.Get("DefaultCsvFile") flag.StringVar(&file, "file", defaultCsvFile, "Path and filename to import (e.g. files/content.csv)") flag.Parse() }
func PaymentHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { c := appengine.NewContext(r) decoder := json.NewDecoder(r.Body) body := new(PaymentRequestBody) err := decoder.Decode(&body) if err != nil { web.SendError(c, w, err, 400, "Could not parse payment information") return } token := body.Token args := body.Args sc := client.New(config.Get(c, "STRIPE_KEY"), stripe.NewBackends(urlfetch.Client(c))) shipping := &stripe.ShippingParams{ Name: args.ShippingName, Address: &stripe.AddressParams{ Line1: args.ShippingAddressLine1, Line2: args.ShippingAddressLine2, City: args.ShippingAddressCity, State: args.ShippingAddressState, PostalCode: args.ShippingAddressZIP, Country: args.ShippingAddressCountry, }, } customer, err := sc.Customers.New(&stripe.CustomerParams{ Email: token.Email, Desc: args.BillingName, Source: &stripe.SourceParams{Token: token.ID}, }) if err != nil { web.SendError(c, w, err, 500, "Error saving customer to Stripe") return } order, err := sc.Orders.New(&stripe.OrderParams{ Currency: "usd", Customer: customer.ID, Shipping: shipping, Items: []*stripe.OrderItemParams{ &stripe.OrderItemParams{ Type: "sku", Parent: "book", }, }, }) if err != nil { web.SendError(c, w, err, 500, "Error saving order to Stripe") return } err = incrementSoldCounter(c) if err != nil { web.LogError(c, err, "Error incrementing sold counter") } err = email.SendReceipt(c, args.BillingName, token.Email, order.Shipping) if err != nil { web.LogError(c, err, "Error sending receipt") } web.SendJSON(c, w, PaymentResponse{Ok: true}) }
func ChargeHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { c := appengine.NewContext(r) sc := client.New(config.Get(c, "STRIPE_KEY"), stripe.NewBackends(urlfetch.Client(c))) r.ParseForm() orderID := r.Form.Get("orderID") customerID := r.Form.Get("customerID") _, err := sc.Orders.Pay(orderID, &stripe.OrderPayParams{ Customer: customerID, }) if err != nil { stripeErr := err.(*stripe.Error) web.LogError(c, err, "Error from Stripe") switch stripeErr.Code { case stripe.IncorrectNum: fallthrough case stripe.InvalidNum: fallthrough case stripe.InvalidExpM: fallthrough case stripe.InvalidExpY: fallthrough case stripe.InvalidCvc: fallthrough case stripe.ExpiredCard: fallthrough case stripe.IncorrectCvc: fallthrough case stripe.IncorrectZip: fallthrough case stripe.CardDeclined: customer, err := sc.Customers.Get(customerID, nil) if err != nil { web.SendError(c, w, err, 500, "Error getting customer") return } _, err = sc.Orders.Update(orderID, &stripe.OrderUpdateParams{ Status: stripe.StatusCanceled, }) if err != nil { web.SendError(c, w, err, 500, "Error marking order as cancelled") return } err = email.SendPaymentDeclinedNotification(c, customer.Desc, customer.Email) if err != nil { web.SendError(c, w, err, 500, "Error sending payment declined email") } web.SendJSON(c, w, ChargeResponse{Success: false}) return default: web.SendError(c, w, err, 500, "Error charging card") return } } web.SendJSON(c, w, ChargeResponse{Success: true}) }