Пример #1
func testStringVsTokens(t *testing.T, str string, toks []*tstTok) {
	tb := NewTokenBuffer(lexer.NewLexer(srcbuf.NewSourceFromBuffer(strings.Bytes(str))))
	var tok common.Token
	var i int
	for tok, i = tb.GetToken(), 0; tok.Type() != common.TOK_EOF && i < len(toks); tok, i = tb.GetToken(), i+1 {
		switch typ := tok.(type) {
		case *lexer.IntTok:
			if toks[i].typ != typ.Type() {
				t.Errorf("%d: Expected token type %v, but got: %v.\n", i, toks[i].typ, typ.Type())
			if toks[i].numVal != typ.Value() {
				t.Errorf("%d: Expected value %v, but got: %v.\n", i, toks[i].numVal, typ.Value())
		case *lexer.CharTok:
			if toks[i].typ != typ.Type() {
				t.Errorf("%d: Expected token type %v, but got: %v.\n", i, toks[i].typ, typ.Type())
			if toks[i].numVal != int64(typ.Value()) {
				t.Errorf("%d: Expected value %v, but got: %v.\n", i, toks[i].numVal, typ.Value())
		case *lexer.StringTok:
			if toks[i].typ != typ.Type() {
				t.Errorf("%d: Expected token type %v, but got: %v.\n", i, toks[i].typ, typ.Type())
			if toks[i].strVal != typ.Value() {
				t.Errorf("%d: Expected value %v, but got: %v.\n", i, toks[i].strVal, typ.Value())
		case *lexer.SpaceTok:
			if toks[i].typ != typ.Type() {
				t.Errorf("%d: Expected token type %v, but got: %v.\n", i, toks[i].typ, typ.Type())
			space := int64(typ.Space())
			if typ.AtStartOfLine() {
				space += 1000
			if toks[i].numVal != space {
				t.Errorf("%d: Expected space %v, but got: %v.\n", i, toks[i].numVal, space)
			if toks[i].typ != typ.Type() {
				t.Errorf("%d: Expected token type %v, but got: %v.\n", i, toks[i].typ, typ.Type())
			if toks[i].checkContent && toks[i].content != typ.Content() {
				t.Errorf("%d: Expected content %v, but got: %v.\n", i, toks[i].content, typ.Content())
	if i != len(toks) {
		t.Error("Got too few tokens!")
	if tok.Type() != common.TOK_EOF {
		t.Error("Got too many tokens!")
Пример #2
func main() {
	flag.Parse() // Scans the arg list and sets up flags
	var sb common.SrcBuffer
	// fill the source buffer either from the command line or from a file:
	if *useCommandLine {
		if flag.NArg() <= 0 {
			fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "FATAL ERROR: Need source line(s) as argument(s)!")

		srcStr := ""
		for i := 0; i < flag.NArg(); i++ {
			srcStr += flag.Arg(i) + "\n"
		sb = srcbuf.NewSourceFromBuffer(strings.Bytes(srcStr), "command line")
	} else {
		if flag.NArg() <= 0 {
			fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "FATAL ERROR: Need name of source file as argument!")

		// Initialize the source buffer:
		var err os.Error
		sb, err = srcbuf.NewSourceFromFile(flag.Arg(0))
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "FATAL ERROR: Unable to read source file '%s': %s\n",
				flag.Arg(0), err)

	//for ch := sb.Getch(); ch != common.EOF; ch = sb.Getch() {
	//  fmt.Println("Found char:", ch, string(ch));

	// Initialize the lexer:
	lx := lexer.NewLexer(sb)

	// Test output:
	for tok := lx.GetToken(); tok.Type() != common.TOK_EOF; tok = lx.GetToken() {
		switch t := tok.(type) {
		case *lexer.IntTok:
			fmt.Println("Got int:", t.Value(), t)
			fmt.Println("Got token:", t.Type(), t)
