func Informaton() { count := 10 for i := 0; i < count; i++ { stats := stat.States{} stats.MethodName = common.RandText(10) stats.NameSpace = "Lasitha" stats.ObjectSize = 10 stats.ElapsedTime = 1 stats.Status = stat.Sucess stat.Add(stats) } }
//ServeHTTP dispatches the request to the handler whose pattern most closely matches the request URL. func (_ manager) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { stats := stat.States{} stats.ClientIP = r.RemoteAddr t := time.Now() ptype := "" //stats.NameSpace = r.URL.RequestURI() //stats.MethodName = "" //. url_, err := url.QueryUnescape(r.URL.RequestURI()) w.Header().Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") //serv.rb.AddHeader() defer func() { if rec := recover(); rec != nil { log.Println("Internal Server Error: Could not serve page: ", r.Method, url_) log.Println(rec) log.Printf("%s", debug.Stack()) w.WriteHeader(http.StatusInternalServerError) } }() if err != nil { log.Println("Could not serve page: ", r.Method, r.URL.RequestURI(), "Error:", err) w.WriteHeader(400) w.Write([]byte("Client sent bad request.")) return } stats.NameSpace = url_ if ep, args, queryArgs, xsrft, found := getEndPointByUrl(r.Method, url_); found { stats.NameSpace = url_ stats.MethodName = ptype = ep.parentTypeName ctx := new(Context) ctx.writer = w ctx.request = r ctx.args = args ctx.queryArgs = queryArgs ctx.xsrftoken = xsrft data, state := prepareServe(ctx, ep) if state.httpCode == http.StatusOK { switch ep.requestMethod { case POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS: { if ctx.responseCode == 0 { w.WriteHeader(getDefaultResponseCode(ep.requestMethod)) stats.Status = stat.Sucess } else { if !ctx.dataHasBeenWritten { w.WriteHeader(ctx.responseCode) stats.Status = stat.Sucess } } } case GET: { if ctx.responseCode == 0 { if !ctx.responseMimeSet { w.Header().Set("Content-Type", _manager().getType(ep.parentTypeName).producesMime) } w.WriteHeader(getDefaultResponseCode(ep.requestMethod)) stats.Status = stat.Sucess } else { if !ctx.dataHasBeenWritten { if !ctx.responseMimeSet { w.Header().Set("Content-Type", _manager().getType(ep.parentTypeName).producesMime) } w.WriteHeader(ctx.responseCode) } stats.Status = stat.Sucess } if !ctx.overide { stats.ObjectSize += len(data) w.Write(data) stats.Status = stat.Sucess } } } } else { stats.Status = stat.Error log.Println("Problem with request. Error:", r.Method, state.httpCode, state.reason, "; Request: ", r.URL.RequestURI()) w.WriteHeader(state.httpCode) w.Write([]byte(state.reason)) } } else { stats.Status = stat.Error log.Println("Could not serve page, path not found: ", r.Method, url_) w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound) w.Write([]byte("The resource in the requested path could not be found.")) } stats.ElapsedTime = int64(time.Now().Sub(t).Nanoseconds() / 1000000) //.Sub(time.Now()).Nanoseconds() if ptype != "" { stat.Add(stats) } }