Пример #1
func (this *webSession) SetUser(user *framework.SessionUser) error {
	if this.user == nil {
		this.user = user
		return nil

	return framework.NewError(framework.Error_Web_SessionAlreadyHasUser, "session already has user")
Пример #2
func (this *webSession) setId(sessionId string, publicId string) error {
	if this.IsNew() {

		this.id = sessionId
		this.publicId = publicId

		return nil
	} else {
		return framework.NewError(framework.Error_Web_SessionAlreadyHasId, "session already has id")

func (this *webSessionManager) tryLoadSession(ctx *webContext, publicId string) (*webSession, error) {

	securityConfig := this.config.Security

	separator := strings.Index(publicId, "#")
	if separator < 0 {
		return nil, framework.NewError(framework.Error_Web_SessionTampered, "session signature mismatch")

	signature := publicId[:separator]
	encrypted := publicId[separator+1:]

	//verify signature
	ok := framework.Security.VerifySignature(signature, encrypted, securityConfig.RawSignKey)
	if !ok {
		return nil, framework.NewError(framework.Error_Web_SessionTampered, "session signature mismatch")

	//its safe to decrypt
	sessionId := framework.Security.Decrypt(encrypted, securityConfig.RawEncryptionKey)

	info, err := this.sessionService.Get(sessionId)
	//could have been expired?
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if info == nil {
		//something bad happened
		return nil, framework.NewError(framework.Error_Web_SessionNotFound, "Session not found")

	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Loading session with publicId %s and id %s", publicId, sessionId))
	session := this.loadSession(ctx, publicId, info)
	return session, nil