Пример #1
	for _, m := range allMethods {
		if m.ID == id {
			method = &Method{}
			*method = *m
	return method

// ManagedServices is the central list of running services
var ManagedServices = Services{
	items: make(map[string]*Service, 0),

// services id generator instance
var serviceIdGen, _ = shared.NewIDGen("service")

// methods id generator instance
var methodIdGen, _ = shared.NewIDGen("method")

// StopAll stops all services, blocks until everything is shut down.
func StopAll() {
	as := ManagedServices.AllServices()
	var waiters []func()
	for _, s := range as {
		lg.V(10).Infof("stopping service %v", s)
		if s.Running() {
			waiters = append(waiters, s.Wait)
Пример #2

// Notification represents a user notifcation event which also can have some
// interactivity configured.
type Notification struct {
	ID          string               `json:"id"`        // UUID
	EventTime   time.Time            `json:"eventTime"` // A timestamp associated with the notification
	Level       string               `json:"level"`     // info,success,danger,warning: for styling
	Priority    int                  `json:"priority"`  // Priority ranges from -2 to 2. -2 is lowest priority. 2 is highest. Zero is default.
	Title       string               `json:"title"`     // header
	Message     string               `json:"message"`   // body
	Actions     []NotificationAction `json:"actions"`
	Dismissable bool                 `json:"dismissable"` // can the user dismiss this

var notificationIDgen, _ = shared.NewIDGen("notify")

func prepareNotifications(notifications []Notification) []Notification {
	for k, v := range notifications {
		if v.ID == "" {
			v.ID = notificationIDgen.New()
			notifications[k] = v
	return notifications

func GetNotifications(w rest.ResponseWriter, r *rest.Request) {
	if UITEST {
		GetNotificationsUITest(w, r)