Пример #1
// ConvertSpace converts between internal and external REST representation
func ConvertSpace(request *goa.RequestData, p *space.Space, additional ...SpaceConvertFunc) *app.Space {
	selfURL := rest.AbsoluteURL(request, app.SpaceHref(p.ID))
	relatedIterationList := rest.AbsoluteURL(request, fmt.Sprintf("/api/spaces/%s/iterations", p.ID.String()))
	relatedAreaList := rest.AbsoluteURL(request, fmt.Sprintf("/api/spaces/%s/areas", p.ID.String()))
	return &app.Space{
		ID:   &p.ID,
		Type: "spaces",
		Attributes: &app.SpaceAttributes{
			Name:        &p.Name,
			Description: &p.Description,
			CreatedAt:   &p.CreatedAt,
			UpdatedAt:   &p.UpdatedAt,
			Version:     &p.Version,
		Links: &app.GenericLinks{
			Self: &selfURL,
		Relationships: &app.SpaceRelationships{
			Iterations: &app.RelationGeneric{
				Links: &app.GenericLinks{
					Related: &relatedIterationList,
			Areas: &app.RelationGeneric{
				Links: &app.GenericLinks{
					Related: &relatedAreaList,
Пример #2
// CreateCommentsRelationLinks returns a RelationGeneric object representing the links for a workitem to comment relation
func CreateCommentsRelationLinks(request *goa.RequestData, wi *app.WorkItem) *app.GenericLinks {
	commentsSelf := rest.AbsoluteURL(request, app.WorkitemHref(wi.ID)) + "/relationships/comments"
	commentsRelated := rest.AbsoluteURL(request, app.WorkitemHref(wi.ID)) + "/comments"
	return &app.GenericLinks{
		Self:    &commentsSelf,
		Related: &commentsRelated,
Пример #3
// ConvertIteration converts between internal and external REST representation
func ConvertIteration(request *goa.RequestData, itr *iteration.Iteration, additional ...IterationConvertFunc) *app.Iteration {
	iterationType := iteration.APIStringTypeIteration
	spaceType := "spaces"

	spaceID := itr.SpaceID.String()

	selfURL := rest.AbsoluteURL(request, app.IterationHref(itr.ID))
	spaceSelfURL := rest.AbsoluteURL(request, app.SpaceHref(spaceID))
	workitemsRelatedURL := rest.AbsoluteURL(request, app.WorkitemHref("?filter[iteration]="+itr.ID.String()))

	i := &app.Iteration{
		Type: iterationType,
		ID:   &itr.ID,
		Attributes: &app.IterationAttributes{
			Name:        &itr.Name,
			StartAt:     itr.StartAt,
			EndAt:       itr.EndAt,
			Description: itr.Description,
			State:       &itr.State,
		Relationships: &app.IterationRelations{
			Space: &app.RelationGeneric{
				Data: &app.GenericData{
					Type: &spaceType,
					ID:   &spaceID,
				Links: &app.GenericLinks{
					Self: &spaceSelfURL,
			Workitems: &app.RelationGeneric{
				Links: &app.GenericLinks{
					Related: &workitemsRelatedURL,
		Links: &app.GenericLinks{
			Self: &selfURL,
	if itr.ParentID != uuid.Nil {
		parentSelfURL := rest.AbsoluteURL(request, app.IterationHref(itr.ParentID))
		parentID := itr.ParentID.String()
		i.Relationships.Parent = &app.RelationGeneric{
			Data: &app.GenericData{
				Type: &iterationType,
				ID:   &parentID,
			Links: &app.GenericLinks{
				Self: &parentSelfURL,
	for _, add := range additional {
		add(request, itr, i)
	return i
Пример #4
// ConvertComment converts between internal and external REST representation
func ConvertComment(request *goa.RequestData, comment *comment.Comment, additional ...CommentConvertFunc) *app.Comment {
	selfURL := rest.AbsoluteURL(request, app.CommentsHref(comment.ID))
	markup := rendering.NilSafeGetMarkup(&comment.Markup)
	bodyRendered := rendering.RenderMarkupToHTML(html.EscapeString(comment.Body), comment.Markup)
	c := &app.Comment{
		Type: "comments",
		ID:   &comment.ID,
		Attributes: &app.CommentAttributes{
			Body:         &comment.Body,
			BodyRendered: &bodyRendered,
			Markup:       &markup,
			CreatedAt:    &comment.CreatedAt,
		Relationships: &app.CommentRelations{
			CreatedBy: &app.CommentCreatedBy{
				Data: &app.IdentityRelationData{
					Type: "identities",
					ID:   &comment.CreatedBy,
		Links: &app.GenericLinks{
			Self: &selfURL,
	for _, add := range additional {
		add(request, comment, c)
	return c
Пример #5
// Create runs the create action.
func (c *SpaceController) Create(ctx *app.CreateSpaceContext) error {
	_, err := login.ContextIdentity(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrUnauthorized(err.Error()))
	err = validateCreateSpace(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, err)

	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		reqSpace := ctx.Payload.Data

		newSpace := space.Space{
			Name: *reqSpace.Attributes.Name,
		if reqSpace.Attributes.Description != nil {
			newSpace.Description = *reqSpace.Attributes.Description

		space, err := appl.Spaces().Create(ctx, &newSpace)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, err)
		res := &app.SpaceSingle{
			Data: ConvertSpace(ctx.RequestData, space),
		ctx.ResponseData.Header().Set("Location", rest.AbsoluteURL(ctx.RequestData, app.SpaceHref(res.Data.ID)))
		return ctx.Created(res)
// enrichLinkCategorySingle includes related resources in the single's "included" array
func enrichLinkCategorySingle(ctx *workItemLinkContext, single *app.WorkItemLinkCategorySingle) error {
	// Add "links" element
	selfURL := rest.AbsoluteURL(ctx.RequestData, ctx.LinkFunc(*single.Data.ID))
	single.Data.Links = &app.GenericLinks{
		Self: &selfURL,
	return nil
// enrichLinkCategoryList includes related resources in the list's "included" array
func enrichLinkCategoryList(ctx *workItemLinkContext, list *app.WorkItemLinkCategoryList) error {
	// Add "links" element
	for _, data := range list.Data {
		selfURL := rest.AbsoluteURL(ctx.RequestData, ctx.LinkFunc(*data.ID))
		data.Links = &app.GenericLinks{
			Self: &selfURL,
	return nil
Пример #8
// enrichLinkSingle includes related resources in the link's "included" array
func enrichLinkSingle(ctx *workItemLinkContext, link *app.WorkItemLinkSingle) error {

	// include link type
	linkType, err := ctx.Application.WorkItemLinkTypes().Load(ctx.Context, link.Data.Relationships.LinkType.Data.ID)
	if err != nil {
		return errs.WithStack(err)
	link.Included = append(link.Included, linkType.Data)

	// include link category
	linkCat, err := ctx.Application.WorkItemLinkCategories().Load(ctx.Context, linkType.Data.Relationships.LinkCategory.Data.ID)
	if err != nil {
		return errs.WithStack(err)
	link.Included = append(link.Included, linkCat.Data)

	// TODO(kwk): include source work item type (once #559 is merged)
	// sourceWit, err := appl.WorkItemTypes().Load(ctx, linkType.Data.Relationships.SourceType.Data.ID)
	// if err != nil {
	// 	return errs.WithStack(err)
	// }
	// link.Included = append(link.Included, sourceWit.Data)

	// TODO(kwk): include target work item type (once #559 is merged)
	// targetWit, err := appl.WorkItemTypes().Load(ctx, linkType.Data.Relationships.TargetType.Data.ID)
	// if err != nil {
	// 	return errs.WithStack(err)
	// }
	// link.Included = append(link.Included, targetWit.Data)

	// TODO(kwk): include source work item
	sourceWi, err := ctx.Application.WorkItems().Load(ctx.Context, link.Data.Relationships.Source.Data.ID)
	if err != nil {
		return errs.WithStack(err)
	link.Included = append(link.Included, ConvertWorkItem(ctx.RequestData, sourceWi))

	// TODO(kwk): include target work item
	targetWi, err := ctx.Application.WorkItems().Load(ctx.Context, link.Data.Relationships.Target.Data.ID)
	if err != nil {
		return errs.WithStack(err)
	link.Included = append(link.Included, ConvertWorkItem(ctx.RequestData, targetWi))

	// Add links to individual link data element
	selfURL := rest.AbsoluteURL(ctx.RequestData, ctx.LinkFunc(*link.Data.ID))
	link.Data.Links = &app.GenericLinks{
		Self: &selfURL,

	return nil
Пример #9
// CommentIncludeParent adds the "parent" relationship to this Comment
func CommentIncludeParent(request *goa.RequestData, comment *comment.Comment, data *app.Comment, ref HrefFunc, parentType string) {
	parentSelf := rest.AbsoluteURL(request, ref(comment.ParentID))

	data.Relationships.Parent = &app.RelationGeneric{
		Data: &app.GenericData{
			Type: &parentType,
			ID:   &comment.ParentID,
		Links: &app.GenericLinks{
			Self: &parentSelf,
Пример #10
// enrichLinkList includes related resources in the linkArr's "included" element
func enrichLinkList(ctx *workItemLinkContext, linkArr *app.WorkItemLinkList) error {

	// include link types
	typeDataArr, err := getTypesOfLinks(ctx, linkArr.Data)
	if err != nil {
		return errs.WithStack(err)
	// Convert slice of objects to slice of interface (see https://golang.org/doc/faq#convert_slice_of_interface)
	interfaceArr := make([]interface{}, len(typeDataArr))
	for i, v := range typeDataArr {
		interfaceArr[i] = v
	linkArr.Included = append(linkArr.Included, interfaceArr...)

	// include link categories
	catDataArr, err := getCategoriesOfLinkTypes(ctx, typeDataArr)
	if err != nil {
		return errs.WithStack(err)
	// Convert slice of objects to slice of interface (see https://golang.org/doc/faq#convert_slice_of_interface)
	interfaceArr = make([]interface{}, len(catDataArr))
	for i, v := range catDataArr {
		interfaceArr[i] = v
	linkArr.Included = append(linkArr.Included, interfaceArr...)

	// TODO(kwk): Include WIs from source and target
	workItemDataArr, err := getWorkItemsOfLinks(ctx, linkArr.Data)
	if err != nil {
		return errs.WithStack(err)
	// Convert slice of objects to slice of interface (see https://golang.org/doc/faq#convert_slice_of_interface)
	interfaceArr = make([]interface{}, len(workItemDataArr))
	for i, v := range workItemDataArr {
		interfaceArr[i] = v
	linkArr.Included = append(linkArr.Included, interfaceArr...)

	// TODO(kwk): Include WITs (once #559 is merged)

	// Add links to individual link data element
	for _, link := range linkArr.Data {
		selfURL := rest.AbsoluteURL(ctx.RequestData, ctx.LinkFunc(*link.ID))
		link.Links = &app.GenericLinks{
			Self: &selfURL,

	return nil
Пример #11
// Create runs the create action.
func (c *SpaceIterationsController) Create(ctx *app.CreateSpaceIterationsContext) error {
	_, err := login.ContextIdentity(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrUnauthorized(err.Error()))
	spaceID, err := uuid.FromString(ctx.ID)
	if err != nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrNotFound(err.Error()))

	// Validate Request
	if ctx.Payload.Data == nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errors.NewBadParameterError("data", nil).Expected("not nil"))
	reqIter := ctx.Payload.Data
	if reqIter.Attributes.Name == nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errors.NewBadParameterError("data.attributes.name", nil).Expected("not nil"))

	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		_, err = appl.Spaces().Load(ctx, spaceID)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrNotFound(err.Error()))

		newItr := iteration.Iteration{
			SpaceID: spaceID,
			Name:    *reqIter.Attributes.Name,
			StartAt: reqIter.Attributes.StartAt,
			EndAt:   reqIter.Attributes.EndAt,
		if reqIter.Attributes.Description != nil {
			newItr.Description = reqIter.Attributes.Description
		err = appl.Iterations().Create(ctx, &newItr)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, err)

		res := &app.IterationSingle{
			Data: ConvertIteration(ctx.RequestData, &newItr),
		ctx.ResponseData.Header().Set("Location", rest.AbsoluteURL(ctx.RequestData, app.IterationHref(res.Data.ID)))
		return ctx.Created(res)
Пример #12
// enrichLinkTypeSingle includes related resources in the single's "included" array
func enrichLinkTypeSingle(ctx *workItemLinkContext, single *app.WorkItemLinkTypeSingle) error {
	// Add "links" element
	selfURL := rest.AbsoluteURL(ctx.RequestData, ctx.LinkFunc(*single.Data.ID))
	single.Data.Links = &app.GenericLinks{
		Self: &selfURL,

	// Now include the optional link category data in the work item link type "included" array
	linkCat, err := ctx.Application.WorkItemLinkCategories().Load(ctx.Context, single.Data.Relationships.LinkCategory.Data.ID)
	if err != nil {
		jerrors, httpStatusCode := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(err)
		return ctx.ResponseData.Service.Send(ctx.Context, httpStatusCode, jerrors)

	single.Included = append(single.Included, linkCat.Data)

	return nil
Пример #13
// CreateChild runs the create-child action.
func (c *AreaController) CreateChild(ctx *app.CreateChildAreaContext) error {

	_, err := login.ContextIdentity(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrUnauthorized(err.Error()))
	parentID, err := uuid.FromString(ctx.ID)
	if err != nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrNotFound(err.Error()))

	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		parent, err := appl.Areas().Load(ctx, parentID)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrNotFound(err.Error()))

		reqArea := ctx.Payload.Data
		if reqArea.Attributes.Name == nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errors.NewBadParameterError("data.attributes.name", nil).Expected("not nil"))

		childPath := area.ConvertToLtreeFormat(parentID.String())
		if parent.Path != "" {
			childPath = parent.Path + pathSepInDatabase + childPath
		newArea := area.Area{
			SpaceID: parent.SpaceID,
			Path:    childPath,
			Name:    *reqArea.Attributes.Name,

		err = appl.Areas().Create(ctx, &newArea)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, err)

		res := &app.AreaSingle{
			Data: ConvertArea(appl, ctx.RequestData, &newArea, addResolvedPath),
		ctx.ResponseData.Header().Set("Location", rest.AbsoluteURL(ctx.RequestData, app.AreaHref(res.Data.ID)))
		return ctx.Created(res)
Пример #14
// Create runs the create action.
func (c *SpaceAreasController) Create(ctx *app.CreateSpaceAreasContext) error {

	_, err := login.ContextIdentity(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrUnauthorized(err.Error()))
	spaceID, err := uuid.FromString(ctx.ID)
	if err != nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrNotFound(err.Error()))

	// Validate Request
	if ctx.Payload.Data == nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errors.NewBadParameterError("data", nil).Expected("not nil"))
	reqIter := ctx.Payload.Data
	if reqIter.Attributes.Name == nil {
		return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, errors.NewBadParameterError("data.attributes.name", nil).Expected("not nil"))

	return application.Transactional(c.db, func(appl application.Application) error {
		_, err = appl.Spaces().Load(ctx, spaceID)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, goa.ErrNotFound(err.Error()))

		newArea := area.Area{
			SpaceID: spaceID,
			Name:    *reqIter.Attributes.Name,

		err = appl.Areas().Create(ctx, &newArea)
		if err != nil {
			return jsonapi.JSONErrorResponse(ctx, err)

		res := &app.AreaSingle{
			Data: ConvertArea(appl, ctx.RequestData, &newArea, addResolvedPath),
		ctx.ResponseData.Header().Set("Location", rest.AbsoluteURL(ctx.RequestData, app.AreaHref(res.Data.ID)))
		return ctx.Created(res)
Пример #15
// enrichLinkTypeList includes related resources in the list's "included" array
func enrichLinkTypeList(ctx *workItemLinkContext, list *app.WorkItemLinkTypeList) error {
	// Add "links" element
	for _, data := range list.Data {
		selfURL := rest.AbsoluteURL(ctx.RequestData, ctx.LinkFunc(*data.ID))
		data.Links = &app.GenericLinks{
			Self: &selfURL,
	// Build our "set" of distinct category IDs already converted as strings
	categoryIDMap := map[string]bool{}
	for _, typeData := range list.Data {
		categoryIDMap[typeData.Relationships.LinkCategory.Data.ID] = true
	// Now include the optional link category data in the work item link type "included" array
	for categoryID := range categoryIDMap {
		linkCat, err := ctx.Application.WorkItemLinkCategories().Load(ctx.Context, categoryID)
		if err != nil {
			jerrors, httpStatusCode := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(err)
			return ctx.ResponseData.Service.Send(ctx.Context, httpStatusCode, jerrors)
		list.Included = append(list.Included, linkCat.Data)
	return nil
Пример #16
func createAreaLinks(request *goa.RequestData, id interface{}) *app.GenericLinks {
	selfURL := rest.AbsoluteURL(request, app.AreaHref(id))
	return &app.GenericLinks{
		Self: &selfURL,
Пример #17
// ConvertArea converts between internal and external REST representation
func ConvertArea(appl application.Application, request *goa.RequestData, ar *area.Area, additional ...AreaConvertFunc) *app.Area {
	areaType := area.APIStringTypeAreas
	spaceType := "spaces"

	spaceID := ar.SpaceID.String()

	selfURL := rest.AbsoluteURL(request, app.AreaHref(ar.ID))
	childURL := rest.AbsoluteURL(request, app.AreaHref(ar.ID)+"/children")
	spaceSelfURL := rest.AbsoluteURL(request, app.SpaceHref(spaceID))
	pathToTopMostParent := pathSepInService + area.ConvertFromLtreeFormat(ar.Path) // /uuid1/uuid2/uuid3s

	i := &app.Area{
		Type: areaType,
		ID:   &ar.ID,
		Attributes: &app.AreaAttributes{
			Name:       &ar.Name,
			CreatedAt:  &ar.CreatedAt,
			Version:    &ar.Version,
			ParentPath: &pathToTopMostParent,
		Relationships: &app.AreaRelations{
			Space: &app.RelationGeneric{
				Data: &app.GenericData{
					Type: &spaceType,
					ID:   &spaceID,
				Links: &app.GenericLinks{
					Self: &spaceSelfURL,
			Children: &app.RelationGeneric{
				Links: &app.GenericLinks{
					Self: &childURL,
		Links: &app.GenericLinks{
			Self: &selfURL,

	// Now check the path, if the path is empty, then this is the topmost area
	// in a specific space.
	if ar.Path != "" {

		allParents := strings.Split(area.ConvertFromLtreeFormat(ar.Path), pathSepInService)
		parentID := allParents[len(allParents)-1]

		// Only the immediate parent's URL.
		parentSelfURL := rest.AbsoluteURL(request, app.AreaHref(parentID))

		i.Relationships.Parent = &app.RelationGeneric{
			Data: &app.GenericData{
				Type: &areaType,
				ID:   &parentID,
			Links: &app.GenericLinks{
				Self: &parentSelfURL,
	for _, add := range additional {
		add(appl, request, ar, i)
	return i
Пример #18
// Perform performs authenticatin
func (keycloak *KeycloakOAuthProvider) Perform(ctx *app.AuthorizeLoginContext) error {
	state := ctx.Params.Get("state")
	code := ctx.Params.Get("code")
	referer := ctx.RequestData.Header.Get("Referer")

	if code != "" {
		// After redirect from oauth provider

		// validate known state
		var knownReferer string
		defer func() {
			delete(stateReferer, state)

		knownReferer = stateReferer[state]
		if state == "" || knownReferer == "" {
			log.Error(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
				"state":   state,
				"referer": knownReferer,
			}, "state or known referer was empty")

			jerrors, _ := jsonapi.ErrorToJSONAPIErrors(goa.ErrUnauthorized("State or known referer was empty"))
			return ctx.Unauthorized(jerrors)

		keycloakToken, err := keycloak.config.Exchange(ctx, code)
		if err != nil || keycloakToken.AccessToken == "" {
			log.Error(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
				"code": code,
				"err":  err,
			}, "keycloak exchange operation failed")
			return redirectWithError(ctx, knownReferer, InvalidCodeError)

		_, _, err = keycloak.CreateKeycloakUser(keycloakToken.AccessToken, ctx)
		if err != nil {
			log.Error(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
				"token": keycloakToken.AccessToken,
				"err":   err,
			}, "failed to create a user and KeyCloak identity using the access token")
			return redirectWithError(ctx, knownReferer, err.Error())


		referelURL, err := url.Parse(knownReferer)
		if err != nil {
			return redirectWithError(ctx, knownReferer, err.Error())

		err = encodeToken(referelURL, keycloakToken)
		if err != nil {
			return redirectWithError(ctx, knownReferer, err.Error())
		ctx.ResponseData.Header().Set("Location", referelURL.String())
		return ctx.TemporaryRedirect()

	// First time access, redirect to oauth provider

	// store referer id to state for redirect later
	log.Info(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
		"pkg":     "login",
		"referer": referer,
	}, "Got Request from!")

	state = uuid.NewV4().String()

	defer mapLock.Unlock()

	stateReferer[state] = referer

	keycloak.config.RedirectURL = rest.AbsoluteURL(ctx.RequestData, "/api/login/authorize")

	redirectURL := keycloak.config.AuthCodeURL(state, oauth2.AccessTypeOnline)

	ctx.ResponseData.Header().Set("Location", redirectURL)
	return ctx.TemporaryRedirect()
Пример #19
func buildAbsoluteURL(req *goa.RequestData) string {
	return rest.AbsoluteURL(req, req.URL.Path)
Пример #20
// ConvertWorkItem is responsible for converting given WorkItem model object into a
// response resource object by jsonapi.org specifications
func ConvertWorkItem(request *goa.RequestData, wi *app.WorkItem, additional ...WorkItemConvertFunc) *app.WorkItem2 {
	// construct default values from input WI
	selfURL := rest.AbsoluteURL(request, app.WorkitemHref(wi.ID))
	sourceLinkTypesURL := rest.AbsoluteURL(request, app.WorkitemtypeHref(wi.Type)+sourceLinkTypesRouteEnd)
	targetLinkTypesURL := rest.AbsoluteURL(request, app.WorkitemtypeHref(wi.Type)+targetLinkTypesRouteEnd)
	op := &app.WorkItem2{
		ID:   &wi.ID,
		Type: APIStringTypeWorkItem,
		Attributes: map[string]interface{}{
			"version": wi.Version,
		Relationships: &app.WorkItemRelationships{
			BaseType: &app.RelationBaseType{
				Data: &app.BaseTypeData{
					ID:   wi.Type,
					Type: APIStringTypeWorkItemType,
		Links: &app.GenericLinksForWorkItem{
			Self:            &selfURL,
			SourceLinkTypes: &sourceLinkTypesURL,
			TargetLinkTypes: &targetLinkTypesURL,

	// Move fields into Relationships or Attributes as needed
	// TODO: Loop based on WorKItemType and match against Field.Type instead of directly to field value
	for name, val := range wi.Fields {
		switch name {
		case workitem.SystemAssignees:
			if val != nil {
				valArr := val.([]interface{})
				op.Relationships.Assignees = &app.RelationGenericList{
					Data: ConvertUsersSimple(request, valArr),
		case workitem.SystemCreator:
			if val != nil {
				valStr := val.(string)
				op.Relationships.Creator = &app.RelationGeneric{
					Data: ConvertUserSimple(request, valStr),
		case workitem.SystemIteration:
			if val != nil {
				valStr := val.(string)
				op.Relationships.Iteration = &app.RelationGeneric{
					Data: ConvertIterationSimple(request, valStr),
		case workitem.SystemArea:
			if val != nil {
				valStr := val.(string)
				op.Relationships.Area = &app.RelationGeneric{
					Data: ConvertAreaSimple(request, valStr),

		case workitem.SystemTitle:
			// 'HTML escape' the title to prevent script injection
			op.Attributes[name] = html.EscapeString(val.(string))
		case workitem.SystemDescription:
			description := rendering.NewMarkupContentFromValue(val)
			if description != nil {
				op.Attributes[name] = (*description).Content
				op.Attributes[workitem.SystemDescriptionMarkup] = (*description).Markup
				// let's include the rendered description while 'HTML escaping' it to prevent script injection
				op.Attributes[workitem.SystemDescriptionRendered] =
					rendering.RenderMarkupToHTML(html.EscapeString((*description).Content), (*description).Markup)

			op.Attributes[name] = val
	if op.Relationships.Assignees == nil {
		op.Relationships.Assignees = &app.RelationGenericList{Data: nil}
	if op.Relationships.Iteration == nil {
		op.Relationships.Iteration = &app.RelationGeneric{Data: nil}
	if op.Relationships.Area == nil {
		op.Relationships.Area = &app.RelationGeneric{Data: nil}
	// Always include Comments Link, but optionally use WorkItemIncludeCommentsAndTotal
	WorkItemIncludeComments(request, wi, op)
	for _, add := range additional {
		add(request, wi, op)
	return op