func TestUnmarshalPartiallyPopulatedOptionalFieldsFails(t *testing.T) {
	// Fill in all fields, then randomly remove one.
	dataOut := &test.NinOptNative{
		Field1:  proto.Float64(0),
		Field2:  proto.Float32(0),
		Field3:  proto.Int32(0),
		Field4:  proto.Int64(0),
		Field5:  proto.Uint32(0),
		Field6:  proto.Uint64(0),
		Field7:  proto.Int32(0),
		Field8:  proto.Int64(0),
		Field9:  proto.Uint32(0),
		Field10: proto.Int32(0),
		Field11: proto.Uint64(0),
		Field12: proto.Int64(0),
		Field13: proto.Bool(false),
		Field14: proto.String("0"),
		Field15: []byte("0"),
	r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
	fieldName := "Field" + strconv.Itoa(r.Intn(15)+1)
	field := reflect.ValueOf(dataOut).Elem().FieldByName(fieldName)
	fieldType := field.Type()
	encodedMessage, err := proto.Marshal(dataOut)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unexpected error when marshalling dataOut: %v", err)
	dataIn := NidOptNative{}
	err = proto.Unmarshal(encodedMessage, &dataIn)
	if err.Error() != `proto: required field "`+fieldName+`" not set` {
		t.Fatalf(`err.Error() != "proto: required field "`+fieldName+`" not set"; was "%s" instead`, err.Error())
Пример #2
func newTestMessage() *pb.MyMessage {
	msg := &pb.MyMessage{
		Count: proto.Int32(42),
		Name:  proto.String("Dave"),
		Quote: proto.String(`"I didn't want to go."`),
		Pet:   []string{"bunny", "kitty", "horsey"},
		Inner: &pb.InnerMessage{
			Host:      proto.String("footrest.syd"),
			Port:      proto.Int32(7001),
			Connected: proto.Bool(true),
		Others: []*pb.OtherMessage{
				Key:   proto.Int64(0xdeadbeef),
				Value: []byte{1, 65, 7, 12},
				Weight: proto.Float32(6.022),
				Inner: &pb.InnerMessage{
					Host: proto.String("lesha.mtv"),
					Port: proto.Int32(8002),
		Bikeshed: pb.MyMessage_BLUE.Enum(),
		Somegroup: &pb.MyMessage_SomeGroup{
			GroupField: proto.Int32(8),
		// One normally wouldn't do this.
		// This is an undeclared tag 13, as a varint (wire type 0) with value 4.
		XXX_unrecognized: []byte{13<<3 | 0, 4},
	ext := &pb.Ext{
		Data: proto.String("Big gobs for big rats"),
	if err := proto.SetExtension(msg, pb.E_Ext_More, ext); err != nil {
	greetings := []string{"adg", "easy", "cow"}
	if err := proto.SetExtension(msg, pb.E_Greeting, greetings); err != nil {

	// Add an unknown extension. We marshal a pb.Ext, and fake the ID.
	b, err := proto.Marshal(&pb.Ext{Data: proto.String("3G skiing")})
	if err != nil {
	b = append(proto.EncodeVarint(201<<3|proto.WireBytes), b...)
	proto.SetRawExtension(msg, 201, b)

	// Extensions can be plain fields, too, so let's test that.
	b = append(proto.EncodeVarint(202<<3|proto.WireVarint), 19)
	proto.SetRawExtension(msg, 202, b)

	return msg
Пример #3
	marshalerAllOptions = Marshaler{
		EnumsAsString: true,
		Indent:        "  ",

	simpleObject = &pb.Simple{
		OInt32:  proto.Int32(-32),
		OInt64:  proto.Int64(-6400000000),
		OUint32: proto.Uint32(32),
		OUint64: proto.Uint64(6400000000),
		OSint32: proto.Int32(-13),
		OSint64: proto.Int64(-2600000000),
		OFloat:  proto.Float32(3.14),
		ODouble: proto.Float64(6.02214179e23),
		OBool:   proto.Bool(true),
		OString: proto.String("hello \"there\""),
		OBytes:  []byte("beep boop"),

	simpleObjectJSON = `{` +
		`"o_bool":true,` +
		`"o_int32":-32,` +
		`"o_int64":"-6400000000",` +
		`"o_uint32":32,` +
		`"o_uint64":"6400000000",` +
		`"o_sint32":-13,` +
		`"o_sint64":"-2600000000",` +
		`"o_float":3.14,` +
		`"o_double":6.02214179e+23,` +
		`"o_string":"hello \"there\"",` +
Пример #4


	proto3pb ""
	pb ""

var cloneTestMessage = &pb.MyMessage{
	Count: proto.Int32(42),
	Name:  proto.String("Dave"),
	Pet:   []string{"bunny", "kitty", "horsey"},
	Inner: &pb.InnerMessage{
		Host:      proto.String("niles"),
		Port:      proto.Int32(9099),
		Connected: proto.Bool(true),
	Others: []*pb.OtherMessage{
			Value: []byte("some bytes"),
	Somegroup: &pb.MyMessage_SomeGroup{
		GroupField: proto.Int32(6),
	RepBytes: [][]byte{[]byte("sham"), []byte("wow")},

func init() {
	ext := &pb.Ext{
		Data: proto.String("extension"),