// Get weights to use for a bank account following the exception 2 or 9.
func WeightsForException2Or9(b m.BankAccount, sc m.SortCodeData) (weights []int) {
	if !(sc.IsException(2) || sc.IsException(9)) {
		panic("Expected exception 2 or exception 9 sort code")

	a := b.NumberAtPosition("a")
	g := b.NumberAtPosition("g")

	// Default weights
	weights = sc.Weights

	switch {
	case a != 0 && g != 9:
		weights = []int{
			0, 0, 1, 2, 5, 3,
			6, 4, 8, 7, 10, 9, 3, 1,
	case a != 0 && g == 9:
		weights = []int{
			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
			0, 0, 8, 7, 10, 9, 3, 1,

Пример #2
// Check if we follow the criteria of the exception 3
func FollowsException3(b m.BankAccount, scData m.SortCodeData) bool {
	c := b.NumberAtPosition("c")

	hasNextAnd3 := scData.HasNext() && scData.Next.IsException(3)

	return (scData.IsException(3) || hasNextAnd3) && (c == 6 || c == 9)
Пример #3
// Determine if the checker is able to validate the bank account
func (e Exception10Checker) Handles(account m.BankAccount, sc m.SortCodeData, attempt int) bool {
	if !sc.IsException(10) {
		return false

	// if ab = 09 or ab = 99 and g = 9
	a := account.NumberAtPosition("a")
	b := account.NumberAtPosition("b")
	g := account.NumberAtPosition("g")

	return (a == 0 || a == 9) && b == 9 && g == 9
Пример #4
// Perform the check for a bank account and a given attempt.
func (r Resolver) checkForSortCodeData(b m.BankAccount, scData m.SortCodeData, attempt int) bool {
	// If the sort code follows an exception
	if scData.HasException() {
		// Try to find a checker for this specific exception
		if checkerFound, hasKey := r.exceptionCheckers[scData.ExceptionValue]; hasKey {
			// Check that this checker can actually handle this case
			if checkerFound.Handles(b, scData, attempt) {
				// Validate the bank account number
				return checkerFound.IsValid(b, scData, attempt)

	// General case
	return checkers.GeneralChecker{}.IsValid(b, scData, attempt)
Пример #5
// Tell if the bank account is valid
func (e Exception2Checker) IsValid(b m.BankAccount, sc m.SortCodeData, attempt int) bool {
	if !e.Handles(b, sc, attempt) {
		panic("Should be exception of type 2")

	sc.Weights = WeightsForException2Or9(b, sc)

	return GeneralChecker{}.IsValid(b, sc, attempt)
Пример #6
// Tell if the bank account is valid
func (e Exception10Checker) IsValid(b m.BankAccount, sc m.SortCodeData, attempt int) bool {
	if !e.Handles(b, sc, attempt) {
		panic("Should be exception of type 10")

	// Put 8 zeros at the beginning of the weights
	// and keep the original weights after
	zeros := []int{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
	sc.Weights = append(zeros, sc.Weights[8:]...)

	return GeneralChecker{}.IsValid(b, sc, attempt)
Пример #7
// Tell if the bank account is valid
func (e Exception9Checker) IsValid(b m.BankAccount, sc m.SortCodeData, attempt int) bool {
	if !e.Handles(b, sc, attempt) {
		panic("Should be exception of type 9")

	sc.Weights = WeightsForException2Or9(b, sc)
	if (GeneralChecker{}.IsValid(b, sc, attempt)) {
		return true

	// Try to replace the sort code
	b.SortCode = "309634"

	return GeneralChecker{}.IsValid(b, e.Weights[b.SortCode], attempt)
Пример #8
// Determine if the checker is able to validate the bank account
func (e Exception6Checker) Handles(b m.BankAccount, sc m.SortCodeData, attempt int) bool {
	return sc.IsException(6)
Пример #9
// Determine if the checker is able to validate the bank account
func (e Exception7Checker) Handles(account m.BankAccount, sc m.SortCodeData, attempt int) bool {
	// If g=9
	g := account.NumberAtPosition("g")

	return sc.IsException(7) && g == 9