Пример #1
func init() {
	v, err := types.NewSemVer(version)
	if err != nil {
	AppContainerVersion = *v
Пример #2
func parseVersion(input string) (rktVersion, error) {
	nsv, err := appctypes.NewSemVer(input)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return rktVersion{int(nsv.Major), int(nsv.Minor), int(nsv.Patch)}, nil
Пример #3
func (p *Pod) writePodManifest(apps []schema.RuntimeApp) error {
	m := p.manifest.Pod
	ver, _ := types.NewSemVer("0.6.1")
	manifest := schema.PodManifest{
		ACKind:      "PodManifest",
		ACVersion:   *ver,
		Apps:        apps,
		Volumes:     m.Volumes,
		Isolators:   m.Isolators,
		Annotations: m.Annotations,
		Ports:       m.Ports}
	return WritePodManifest(&manifest, p.target+pathPodManifestJson)
Пример #4
func (p *Pod) writePodManifest(apps []schema.RuntimeApp) {
	m := p.manifest.Pod
	ver, _ := types.NewSemVer("0.6.1")
	manifest := schema.PodManifest{
		ACKind:      "PodManifest",
		ACVersion:   *ver,
		Apps:        apps,
		Volumes:     m.Volumes,
		Isolators:   m.Isolators,
		Annotations: m.Annotations,
		Ports:       m.Ports}
	utils.WritePodManifest(&manifest, p.target+POD_TARGET_MANIFEST)
Пример #5
// generatePodManifest creates the pod manifest from the command line input.
// It returns the pod manifest as []byte on success.
// This is invoked if no pod manifest is specified at the command line.
func generatePodManifest(cfg PrepareConfig, dir string) ([]byte, error) {
	pm := schema.PodManifest{
		ACKind: "PodManifest",
		Apps:   make(schema.AppList, 0),

	v, err := types.NewSemVer(version.Version)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errwrap.Wrap(errors.New("error creating version"), err)
	pm.ACVersion = *v

	if err := cfg.Apps.Walk(func(app *apps.App) error {
		img := app.ImageID

		am, err := cfg.Store.GetImageManifest(img.String())
		if err != nil {
			return errwrap.Wrap(errors.New("error getting the manifest"), err)
		appName, err := imageNameToAppName(am.Name)
		if err != nil {
			return errwrap.Wrap(errors.New("error converting image name to app name"), err)
		if err := prepareAppImage(cfg, *appName, img, dir, cfg.UseOverlay); err != nil {
			return errwrap.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("error setting up image %s", img), err)
		if pm.Apps.Get(*appName) != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error: multiple apps with name %s", am.Name)
		if am.App == nil && app.Exec == "" {
			return fmt.Errorf("error: image %s has no app section and --exec argument is not provided", img)
		ra := schema.RuntimeApp{
			// TODO(vc): leverage RuntimeApp.Name for disambiguating the apps
			Name: *appName,
			App:  am.App,
			Image: schema.RuntimeImage{
				Name:   &am.Name,
				ID:     img,
				Labels: am.Labels,
			Annotations: am.Annotations,
			Mounts:      MergeMounts(cfg.Apps.Mounts, app.Mounts),

		if execOverride := app.Exec; execOverride != "" {
			// Create a minimal App section if not present
			if am.App == nil {
				ra.App = &types.App{
					User:  strconv.Itoa(os.Getuid()),
					Group: strconv.Itoa(os.Getgid()),
			ra.App.Exec = []string{execOverride}

		if execAppends := app.Args; execAppends != nil {
			ra.App.Exec = append(ra.App.Exec, execAppends...)

		if memoryOverride := app.MemoryLimit; memoryOverride != nil {
			isolator := memoryOverride.AsIsolator()
			ra.App.Isolators = append(ra.App.Isolators, isolator)

		if cpuOverride := app.CPULimit; cpuOverride != nil {
			isolator := cpuOverride.AsIsolator()
			ra.App.Isolators = append(ra.App.Isolators, isolator)

		if cfg.InheritEnv || len(cfg.ExplicitEnv) > 0 {
			MergeEnvs(&ra.App.Environment, cfg.InheritEnv, cfg.ExplicitEnv)
		pm.Apps = append(pm.Apps, ra)
		return nil
	}); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// TODO(jonboulle): check that app mountpoint expectations are
	// satisfied here, rather than waiting for stage1
	pm.Volumes = cfg.Apps.Volumes
	pm.Ports = cfg.Ports

	pmb, err := json.Marshal(pm)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errwrap.Wrap(errors.New("error marshalling pod manifest"), err)
	return pmb, nil
Пример #6
func GenerateManifest(layerData types.DockerImageData, dockerURL *types.ParsedDockerURL) (*schema.ImageManifest, error) {
	dockerConfig := layerData.Config
	genManifest := &schema.ImageManifest{}

	appURL := ""
	// omit docker hub index URL in app name
	if dockerURL.IndexURL != defaultIndex {
		appURL = dockerURL.IndexURL + "/"
	appURL += dockerURL.ImageName + "-" + layerData.ID
	appURL, err := appctypes.SanitizeACIdentifier(appURL)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	name := appctypes.MustACIdentifier(appURL)
	genManifest.Name = *name

	acVersion, err := appctypes.NewSemVer(schemaVersion)
	if err != nil {
		panic("invalid appc spec version")
	genManifest.ACVersion = *acVersion

	genManifest.ACKind = appctypes.ACKind(schema.ImageManifestKind)

	var (
		labels       appctypes.Labels
		parentLabels appctypes.Labels
		annotations  appctypes.Annotations

	layer := appctypes.MustACIdentifier("layer")
	labels = append(labels, appctypes.Label{Name: *layer, Value: layerData.ID})

	tag := dockerURL.Tag
	version := appctypes.MustACIdentifier("version")
	labels = append(labels, appctypes.Label{Name: *version, Value: tag})

	if layerData.OS != "" {
		os := appctypes.MustACIdentifier("os")
		labels = append(labels, appctypes.Label{Name: *os, Value: layerData.OS})
		parentLabels = append(parentLabels, appctypes.Label{Name: *os, Value: layerData.OS})

		if layerData.Architecture != "" {
			arch := appctypes.MustACIdentifier("arch")
			labels = append(labels, appctypes.Label{Name: *arch, Value: layerData.Architecture})
			parentLabels = append(parentLabels, appctypes.Label{Name: *arch, Value: layerData.Architecture})

	if layerData.Author != "" {
		authorsKey := appctypes.MustACIdentifier("authors")
		annotations = append(annotations, appctypes.Annotation{Name: *authorsKey, Value: layerData.Author})
	epoch := time.Unix(0, 0)
	if !layerData.Created.Equal(epoch) {
		createdKey := appctypes.MustACIdentifier("created")
		annotations = append(annotations, appctypes.Annotation{Name: *createdKey, Value: layerData.Created.Format(time.RFC3339)})
	if layerData.Comment != "" {
		commentKey := appctypes.MustACIdentifier("docker-comment")
		annotations = append(annotations, appctypes.Annotation{Name: *commentKey, Value: layerData.Comment})

	annotations = append(annotations, appctypes.Annotation{Name: *appctypes.MustACIdentifier(appcDockerV1RegistryURL), Value: dockerURL.IndexURL})
	annotations = append(annotations, appctypes.Annotation{Name: *appctypes.MustACIdentifier(appcDockerV1Repository), Value: dockerURL.ImageName})
	annotations = append(annotations, appctypes.Annotation{Name: *appctypes.MustACIdentifier(appcDockerV1ImageID), Value: layerData.ID})
	annotations = append(annotations, appctypes.Annotation{Name: *appctypes.MustACIdentifier(appcDockerV1ParentImageID), Value: layerData.Parent})

	genManifest.Labels = labels
	genManifest.Annotations = annotations

	if dockerConfig != nil {
		exec := getExecCommand(dockerConfig.Entrypoint, dockerConfig.Cmd)
		if exec != nil {
			user, group := parseDockerUser(dockerConfig.User)
			var env appctypes.Environment
			for _, v := range dockerConfig.Env {
				parts := strings.SplitN(v, "=", 2)
				env.Set(parts[0], parts[1])
			app := &appctypes.App{
				Exec:             exec,
				User:             user,
				Group:            group,
				Environment:      env,
				WorkingDirectory: dockerConfig.WorkingDir,

			app.MountPoints, err = convertVolumesToMPs(dockerConfig.Volumes)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			app.Ports, err = convertPorts(dockerConfig.ExposedPorts, dockerConfig.PortSpecs)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			genManifest.App = app

	if layerData.Parent != "" {
		indexPrefix := ""
		// omit docker hub index URL in app name
		if dockerURL.IndexURL != defaultIndex {
			indexPrefix = dockerURL.IndexURL + "/"
		parentImageNameString := indexPrefix + dockerURL.ImageName + "-" + layerData.Parent
		parentImageNameString, err := appctypes.SanitizeACIdentifier(parentImageNameString)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		parentImageName := appctypes.MustACIdentifier(parentImageNameString)

		genManifest.Dependencies = append(genManifest.Dependencies, appctypes.Dependency{ImageName: *parentImageName, Labels: parentLabels})

		annotations = append(annotations, appctypes.Annotation{Name: *appctypes.MustACIdentifier(appcDockerV1Tag), Value: dockerURL.Tag})

	return genManifest, nil
Пример #7
// generatePodManifest creates the pod manifest from the command line input.
// It returns the pod manifest as []byte on success.
// This is invoked if no pod manifest is specified at the command line.
func generatePodManifest(cfg PrepareConfig, dir string) ([]byte, error) {
	pm := schema.PodManifest{
		ACKind: "PodManifest",
		Apps:   make(schema.AppList, 0),

	v, err := types.NewSemVer(version.Version)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errwrap.Wrap(errors.New("error creating version"), err)
	pm.ACVersion = *v

	if err := cfg.Apps.Walk(func(app *apps.App) error {
		img := app.ImageID

		am, err := cfg.Store.GetImageManifest(img.String())
		if err != nil {
			return errwrap.Wrap(errors.New("error getting the manifest"), err)
		appName, err := imageNameToAppName(am.Name)
		if err != nil {
			return errwrap.Wrap(errors.New("error converting image name to app name"), err)

		if err := prepareAppImage(cfg, *appName, img, dir, cfg.UseOverlay); err != nil {
			return errwrap.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("error setting up image %s", img), err)
		if pm.Apps.Get(*appName) != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error: multiple apps with name %s", am.Name)
		if am.App == nil && app.Exec == "" {
			return fmt.Errorf("error: image %s has no app section and --exec argument is not provided", img)
		ra := schema.RuntimeApp{
			// TODO(vc): leverage RuntimeApp.Name for disambiguating the apps
			Name: *appName,
			App:  am.App,
			Image: schema.RuntimeImage{
				Name:   &am.Name,
				ID:     img,
				Labels: am.Labels,
			Annotations: am.Annotations,
			Mounts:      MergeMounts(cfg.Apps.Mounts, app.Mounts),

		if execOverride := app.Exec; execOverride != "" {
			// Create a minimal App section if not present
			if am.App == nil {
				ra.App = &types.App{
					User:  strconv.Itoa(os.Getuid()),
					Group: strconv.Itoa(os.Getgid()),
			ra.App.Exec = []string{execOverride}

		if execAppends := app.Args; execAppends != nil {
			ra.App.Exec = append(ra.App.Exec, execAppends...)

		if memoryOverride := app.MemoryLimit; memoryOverride != nil {
			isolator := memoryOverride.AsIsolator()
			ra.App.Isolators = append(ra.App.Isolators, isolator)

		if cpuOverride := app.CPULimit; cpuOverride != nil {
			isolator := cpuOverride.AsIsolator()
			ra.App.Isolators = append(ra.App.Isolators, isolator)

		if app.CapsRetain != nil && app.CapsRemove != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error: cannot use both --cap-retain and --cap-remove on the same image")

		// Delete existing caps isolators if the user wants to override
		// them with either --cap-retain or --cap-remove
		if app.CapsRetain != nil || app.CapsRemove != nil {
			for i := len(ra.App.Isolators) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
				isolator := ra.App.Isolators[i]
				if _, ok := isolator.Value().(types.LinuxCapabilitiesSet); ok {
					ra.App.Isolators = append(ra.App.Isolators[:i],

		if capsRetain := app.CapsRetain; capsRetain != nil {
			isolator, err := capsRetain.AsIsolator()
			if err != nil {
				return err
			ra.App.Isolators = append(ra.App.Isolators, *isolator)
		} else if capsRemove := app.CapsRemove; capsRemove != nil {
			isolator, err := capsRemove.AsIsolator()
			if err != nil {
				return err
			ra.App.Isolators = append(ra.App.Isolators, *isolator)

		if user := app.User; user != "" {
			ra.App.User = user

		if group := app.Group; group != "" {
			ra.App.Group = group

		// loading the environment from the lowest priority to highest
		if cfg.InheritEnv {
			// Inherit environment does not override app image environment
			mergeEnvs(&ra.App.Environment, os.Environ(), false)

		mergeEnvs(&ra.App.Environment, cfg.EnvFromFile, true)
		mergeEnvs(&ra.App.Environment, cfg.ExplicitEnv, true)
		pm.Apps = append(pm.Apps, ra)
		return nil
	}); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// TODO(jonboulle): check that app mountpoint expectations are
	// satisfied here, rather than waiting for stage1
	pm.Volumes = cfg.Apps.Volumes
	pm.Ports = cfg.Ports

	pmb, err := json.Marshal(pm)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errwrap.Wrap(errors.New("error marshalling pod manifest"), err)
	return pmb, nil
Пример #8
// GenerateManifest converts the docker manifest format to an appc
// ImageManifest.
func GenerateManifest(layerData types.DockerImageData, dockerURL *types.ParsedDockerURL) (*schema.ImageManifest, error) {
	dockerConfig := layerData.Config
	genManifest := &schema.ImageManifest{}

	appURL := ""
	appURL = dockerURL.IndexURL + "/"
	appURL += dockerURL.ImageName + "-" + layerData.ID
	appURL, err := appctypes.SanitizeACIdentifier(appURL)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	name := appctypes.MustACIdentifier(appURL)
	genManifest.Name = *name

	acVersion, err := appctypes.NewSemVer(schema.AppContainerVersion.String())
	if err != nil {
		panic("invalid appc spec version")
	genManifest.ACVersion = *acVersion

	genManifest.ACKind = appctypes.ACKind(schema.ImageManifestKind)

	var annotations appctypes.Annotations

	labels := make(map[appctypes.ACIdentifier]string)
	parentLabels := make(map[appctypes.ACIdentifier]string)

	addLabel := func(key, val string) {
		if key != "" && val != "" {
			labels[*appctypes.MustACIdentifier(key)] = val

	addParentLabel := func(key, val string) {
		if key != "" && val != "" {
			parentLabels[*appctypes.MustACIdentifier(key)] = val

	addAnno := func(key, val string) {
		if key != "" && val != "" {
			annotations.Set(*appctypes.MustACIdentifier(key), val)

	addLabel("layer", layerData.ID)
	addLabel("version", dockerURL.Tag)
	addLabel("os", layerData.OS)
	addParentLabel("os", layerData.OS)
	addLabel("arch", layerData.Architecture)
	addParentLabel("arch", layerData.OS)

	addAnno("authors", layerData.Author)
	epoch := time.Unix(0, 0)
	if !layerData.Created.Equal(epoch) {
		addAnno("created", layerData.Created.Format(time.RFC3339))
	addAnno("docker-comment", layerData.Comment)
	addAnno(common.AppcDockerRegistryURL, dockerURL.IndexURL)
	addAnno(common.AppcDockerRepository, dockerURL.ImageName)
	addAnno(common.AppcDockerImageID, layerData.ID)
	addAnno(common.AppcDockerParentImageID, layerData.Parent)

	if dockerConfig != nil {
		exec := getExecCommand(dockerConfig.Entrypoint, dockerConfig.Cmd)
		if exec != nil {
			user, group := parseDockerUser(dockerConfig.User)
			var env appctypes.Environment
			for _, v := range dockerConfig.Env {
				parts := strings.SplitN(v, "=", 2)
				env.Set(parts[0], parts[1])
			app := &appctypes.App{
				Exec:             exec,
				User:             user,
				Group:            group,
				Environment:      env,
				WorkingDirectory: dockerConfig.WorkingDir,

			app.MountPoints, err = convertVolumesToMPs(dockerConfig.Volumes)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			app.Ports, err = convertPorts(dockerConfig.ExposedPorts, dockerConfig.PortSpecs)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			ep, cmd, err := generateEPCmdAnnotation(dockerConfig.Entrypoint, dockerConfig.Cmd)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			if len(ep) > 0 {
				addAnno(common.AppcDockerEntrypoint, ep)
			if len(cmd) > 0 {
				addAnno(common.AppcDockerCmd, cmd)

			genManifest.App = app

	if layerData.Parent != "" {
		indexPrefix := ""
		// omit docker hub index URL in app name
		indexPrefix = dockerURL.IndexURL + "/"
		parentImageNameString := indexPrefix + dockerURL.ImageName + "-" + layerData.Parent
		parentImageNameString, err := appctypes.SanitizeACIdentifier(parentImageNameString)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		parentImageName := appctypes.MustACIdentifier(parentImageNameString)

		plbl, err := appctypes.LabelsFromMap(labels)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		genManifest.Dependencies = append(genManifest.Dependencies, appctypes.Dependency{ImageName: *parentImageName, Labels: plbl})

		addAnno(common.AppcDockerTag, dockerURL.Tag)

	genManifest.Labels, err = appctypes.LabelsFromMap(labels)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	genManifest.Annotations = annotations

	return genManifest, nil
Пример #9
// generatePodManifest creates the pod manifest from the command line input.
// It returns the pod manifest as []byte on success.
// This is invoked if no pod manifest is specified at the command line.
func generatePodManifest(cfg PrepareConfig, dir string) ([]byte, error) {
	pm := schema.PodManifest{
		ACKind: "PodManifest",
		Apps:   make(schema.AppList, 0),

	v, err := types.NewSemVer(version.Version)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errwrap.Wrap(errors.New("error creating version"), err)
	pm.ACVersion = *v

	if err := cfg.Apps.Walk(func(app *apps.App) error {
		img := app.ImageID

		am, err := cfg.Store.GetImageManifest(img.String())
		if err != nil {
			return errwrap.Wrap(errors.New("error getting the manifest"), err)

		var appName *types.ACName
		if app.Name != "" {
			appName, err = types.NewACName(app.Name)
			if err != nil {
				return errwrap.Wrap(errors.New("invalid app name format"), err)
		} else {
			appName, err = imageNameToAppName(am.Name)
			if err != nil {
				return errwrap.Wrap(errors.New("error converting image name to app name"), err)

		if _, err := prepareAppImage(cfg, *appName, img, dir, cfg.UseOverlay); err != nil {
			return errwrap.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("error preparing image %s", img), err)
		if pm.Apps.Get(*appName) != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error: multiple apps with name %s", am.Name)
		if am.App == nil && app.Exec == "" {
			return fmt.Errorf("error: image %s has no app section and --exec argument is not provided", img)
		ra := schema.RuntimeApp{
			// TODO(vc): leverage RuntimeApp.Name for disambiguating the apps
			Name: *appName,
			App:  am.App,
			Image: schema.RuntimeImage{
				Name:   &am.Name,
				ID:     img,
				Labels: am.Labels,
			Mounts:         MergeMounts(cfg.Apps.Mounts, app.Mounts),
			ReadOnlyRootFS: app.ReadOnlyRootFS,

		if app.Exec != "" {
			// Create a minimal App section if not present
			if am.App == nil {
				ra.App = &types.App{
					User:  strconv.Itoa(os.Getuid()),
					Group: strconv.Itoa(os.Getgid()),
			ra.App.Exec = []string{app.Exec}

		if app.Args != nil {
			ra.App.Exec = append(ra.App.Exec, app.Args...)

		if app.WorkingDir != "" {
			ra.App.WorkingDirectory = app.WorkingDir

		if err := prepareIsolators(app, ra.App); err != nil {
			return err

		if app.User != "" {
			ra.App.User = app.User

		if app.Group != "" {
			ra.App.Group = app.Group

		if app.SupplementaryGIDs != nil {
			ra.App.SupplementaryGIDs = app.SupplementaryGIDs

		if app.UserAnnotations != nil {
			ra.App.UserAnnotations = app.UserAnnotations

		if app.UserLabels != nil {
			ra.App.UserLabels = app.UserLabels

		// loading the environment from the lowest priority to highest
		if cfg.InheritEnv {
			// Inherit environment does not override app image environment
			mergeEnvs(&ra.App.Environment, os.Environ(), false)

		mergeEnvs(&ra.App.Environment, cfg.EnvFromFile, true)
		mergeEnvs(&ra.App.Environment, cfg.ExplicitEnv, true)

		if app.Environments != nil {
			envs := make([]string, 0, len(app.Environments))
			for name, value := range app.Environments {
				envs = append(envs, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", name, value))
			mergeEnvs(&ra.App.Environment, envs, true)

		pm.Apps = append(pm.Apps, ra)
		return nil
	}); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// TODO(jonboulle): check that app mountpoint expectations are
	// satisfied here, rather than waiting for stage1
	pm.Volumes = cfg.Apps.Volumes

	// Check to see if ports have any errors
	pm.Ports = cfg.Ports
	if _, err := commonnet.ForwardedPorts(&pm); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	pm.Annotations = append(pm.Annotations, types.Annotation{
		Name:  "coreos.com/rkt/stage1/mutable",
		Value: strconv.FormatBool(cfg.Mutable),

	pm.UserAnnotations = cfg.UserAnnotations
	pm.UserLabels = cfg.UserLabels

	pmb, err := json.Marshal(pm)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errwrap.Wrap(errors.New("error marshalling pod manifest"), err)
	return pmb, nil
Пример #10
Файл: run.go Проект: nhlfr/rkt
// generatePodManifest creates the pod manifest from the command line input.
// It returns the pod manifest as []byte on success.
// This is invoked if no pod manifest is specified at the command line.
func generatePodManifest(cfg PrepareConfig, dir string) ([]byte, error) {
	pm := schema.PodManifest{
		ACKind: "PodManifest",
		Apps:   make(schema.AppList, 0),

	v, err := types.NewSemVer(version.Version)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errwrap.Wrap(errors.New("error creating version"), err)
	pm.ACVersion = *v

	if err := cfg.Apps.Walk(func(app *apps.App) error {
		img := app.ImageID

		am, err := cfg.Store.GetImageManifest(img.String())
		if err != nil {
			return errwrap.Wrap(errors.New("error getting the manifest"), err)
		appName, err := imageNameToAppName(am.Name)
		if err != nil {
			return errwrap.Wrap(errors.New("error converting image name to app name"), err)

		if err := prepareAppImage(cfg, *appName, img, dir, cfg.UseOverlay); err != nil {
			return errwrap.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("error setting up image %s", img), err)
		if pm.Apps.Get(*appName) != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error: multiple apps with name %s", am.Name)
		if am.App == nil && app.Exec == "" {
			return fmt.Errorf("error: image %s has no app section and --exec argument is not provided", img)
		ra := schema.RuntimeApp{
			// TODO(vc): leverage RuntimeApp.Name for disambiguating the apps
			Name: *appName,
			App:  am.App,
			Image: schema.RuntimeImage{
				Name:   &am.Name,
				ID:     img,
				Labels: am.Labels,
			Mounts: MergeMounts(cfg.Apps.Mounts, app.Mounts),

		if execOverride := app.Exec; execOverride != "" {
			// Create a minimal App section if not present
			if am.App == nil {
				ra.App = &types.App{
					User:  strconv.Itoa(os.Getuid()),
					Group: strconv.Itoa(os.Getgid()),
			ra.App.Exec = []string{execOverride}

		if execAppends := app.Args; execAppends != nil {
			ra.App.Exec = append(ra.App.Exec, execAppends...)

		if err := prepareIsolators(app, ra.App); err != nil {
			return err

		if user := app.User; user != "" {
			ra.App.User = user

		if group := app.Group; group != "" {
			ra.App.Group = group

		// loading the environment from the lowest priority to highest
		if cfg.InheritEnv {
			// Inherit environment does not override app image environment
			mergeEnvs(&ra.App.Environment, os.Environ(), false)

		mergeEnvs(&ra.App.Environment, cfg.EnvFromFile, true)
		mergeEnvs(&ra.App.Environment, cfg.ExplicitEnv, true)
		pm.Apps = append(pm.Apps, ra)
		return nil
	}); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// TODO(jonboulle): check that app mountpoint expectations are
	// satisfied here, rather than waiting for stage1
	pm.Volumes = cfg.Apps.Volumes
	pm.Ports = cfg.Ports

	// TODO(sur): add to stage1-implementors-guide and to the spec
	pm.Annotations = append(pm.Annotations, types.Annotation{
		Name:  "coreos.com/rkt/stage1/mutable",
		Value: strconv.FormatBool(cfg.Mutable),

	pmb, err := json.Marshal(pm)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errwrap.Wrap(errors.New("error marshalling pod manifest"), err)
	return pmb, nil