Пример #1
func JobsCount(userid string) int {
	c := redisPool.Get()
	defer c.Close()

	hc := hdis.Conn{c}
	count, _ := redis.Int(hc.Do("HGET", "u:"+userid+":jobs"))

	return count
Пример #2
func (p *Project) save() error {

	c := redisPool.Get()
	defer c.Close()

	hc := hdis.Conn{c}

	// Decrease number of jobs and remove it from the queue
	defer hc.Do("HINCRBY", "u:"+p.OwnerId+":jobs", -1)
	defer c.Do("SREM", "jobs-in-queue", p.Id)

	log.Printf("Saving project %q, %q", p.Id, p.URL)

	err := p.generateThumbnail()
	if err != nil {
	p.Thumb = err == nil

	var buffer bytes.Buffer
	enc := gob.NewEncoder(&buffer)
	err = enc.Encode(p)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	key := "p:" + p.Id

	_, err = hc.Set(key, buffer.Bytes())
	if err != nil {
		return err

	_, err = c.Do("RPUSH", "u:"+p.OwnerId, p.Id)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	_, err = c.Do("LPUSH", "recent-projects", p.Id)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	for _, tag := range p.Tags {
		tag = strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(tag))
		c.Do("SADD", "t:"+tag, p.Id)

	log.Printf("Saved project %q, %q", p.Id, p.URL)

	return nil
Пример #3
func ExampleGet() {

	c, _ := redis.Dial("tcp", ":6379")
	defer c.Close()

	hc := hdis.Conn{c}

	key := "object:1234567"
	hc.Set(key, "The value")
	value, _ := redis.String(hc.Get(key))

	fmt.Printf("%v\n", value)

	// Delete the hash if it exists
	if exists, _ := redis.Bool(hc.Do("HEXISTS", key)); exists {
		_, err := hc.Do("HDEL", key)
		if err != nil {

	// Execute invalid hash command
	_, err := hc.Do("GET", "sample-key")
	if err == hdis.NotAHashCommandError {
		fmt.Println("Invalid hash command")
	} else {

	// Output:
	// The value
	// Invalid hash command
Пример #4
func (p *Project) Delete() error {

	projectsPath := path.Join(appRoot, "static", "projects")
	imgPath := path.Join(projectsPath, p.OwnerId, p.Id)
	err := os.RemoveAll(imgPath)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Delete the owner directory if it's empty, so any errors should be ignored
	ownerPath := path.Join(projectsPath, p.OwnerId)

	c := redisPool.Get()
	defer c.Close()

	hc := hdis.Conn{c}

	_, err = c.Do("LREM", "u:"+p.OwnerId, 1, p.Id)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	_, err = c.Do("LREM", "recent-projects", 1, p.Id)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	for _, tag := range p.Tags {
		tag = strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(tag))
		c.Do("SREM", "t:"+tag, p.Id)

	key := "p:" + p.Id
	if deleted, _ := redis.Bool(hc.Do("HDEL", key)); deleted {
		return nil

	return ProjectDeleteError
Пример #5
func (p *Project) Save() error {

	_, err := url.ParseRequestURI(p.URL)
	if err != nil {
		return InvalidUrlError

	c := redisPool.Get()
	defer c.Close()

	hc := hdis.Conn{c}

	// Use a short project id and double checked for it's existance
	for {
		p.Id = utils.GenId(3)
		key := "p:" + p.Id

		if exists, _ := redis.Bool(hc.Do("HEXISTS", key)); !exists {

	if ok, _ := redis.Bool(c.Do("SADD", "jobs-in-queue", p.Id)); ok {

		hc.Do("HINCRBY", "u:"+p.OwnerId+":jobs", 1)

		j := job{project: p, err: make(chan error)}

		// Put the job in the queue, this will block if it's full
		saveQueue <- j

		// Read the result from err channel
		return <-j.err

	return ProjectSaveError
Пример #6
func newContext(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (*Context, error) {

	context := &Context{Response: w, Request: r}

	// Create a session and store it in cookie so that we can recognize the user when he/she gets back
	// TODO: read session/cookie name from config
	var err error
	context.Session, err = sessionStore.Get(r, "gapp")
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("error in getting session store: %q", err)

	// Changed maximum age of the session to one month
	context.Session.Options = &sessions.Options{
		Path:   "/",
		MaxAge: 86400 * 30,

	// Generate new userid if there isn't any
	userid, ok := context.Session.Values["userid"].(string)
	if !ok {
		// It's an anonymous user
		userid = utils.GenId(16)
		context.Session.Values["userid"] = userid

	} else {
		// Let's fetch user's profile

		conn := RedisPool.Get()
		defer conn.Close()

		hc := hdis.Conn{conn}

		key := "u:" + userid + ":gob"

		if ok, _ := redis.Bool(hc.Do("HEXISTS", key)); ok {
			u, err := redis.Bytes(hc.Get(key))
			if err == nil {
				var user *User

				buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(u)
				dec := gob.NewDecoder(buffer)
				err = dec.Decode(&user)

				if err == nil {
					context.User = user
				} else {
					log.Printf("error in decoding user's (%s) profile: %q", userid, err)
			} else {
				log.Printf("error in fetching user's (%s) profile from redis: %q", userid, err)

	if context.User == nil {
		context.User = &User{Id: userid, Name: "Anonymous"}

	// Saving session everytime it gets access helps to push expiry date further
	err = context.Session.Save(r, w)

	return context, err