Пример #1
func actionTestTemplate(t *testing.T, req *httplib.BeegoHTTPRequest, obj string, actionName string) {
	fmt.Println("**********" + obj + actionName + "Test Start**********")
	str, err := req.String()
	if err != nil {

	response, _ := req.Response()
	Convey("Subject: Test Station Endpoint\n", t, func() {
		if actionName == "PostRollback" {
			Convey("Status Code Should Be 400", func() {
				So(response.StatusCode, ShouldEqual, 400)
		} else {
			Convey("Status Code Should Be 200", func() {
				So(response.StatusCode, ShouldEqual, 200)

		if actionName == "Delete" {
			Convey("The Result Should Be Empty", func() {
				So(len(str), ShouldEqual, 0)
		} else {
			Convey("The Result Should Not Be Empty", func() {
				So(len(str), ShouldBeGreaterThan, 0)

	fmt.Println("**********" + obj + actionName + "Test End**********")
Пример #2
func TestAPIServer(t *testing.T) {

	objs := []string{"cluster", "network", "node", "service", "software", "storage/san", "storage/san/rg", "storage/nas"}
	//objs := []string{"cluster"}

	var req *httplib.BeegoHTTPRequest
	var b []byte
	for _, obj := range objs {
		if obj != "service" && obj != "software" {
			if strings.Contains(obj, "storage/san") == false {
				req = httplib.Get("http://localhost:8080/v1.0/" + obj + "/" + "1001")
				actionTestTemplate(t, req, obj, "Get")

				if obj != "storage/nas" {
					req = httplib.Get("http://localhost:8080/v1.0/" + obj)
					actionTestTemplate(t, req, obj, "GetAll")

			if obj != "storage/nas" {
				listBody := models.CommonRequestBody{
					All: true,
					ID:  []string{"1001", "9999"},
				req = httplib.Post("http://localhost:8080/v1.0/" + obj + "/list")
				b, _ = json.Marshal(listBody)
				actionTestTemplate(t, req, obj, "ListTrue")

				listBody.All = false
				req = httplib.Post("http://localhost:8080/v1.0/" + obj + "/list")
				b, _ = json.Marshal(listBody)
				actionTestTemplate(t, req, obj, "ListFalse")

		req = httplib.Post("http://localhost:8080/v1.0/" + obj)
		switch obj {
		case "cluster":
			postBody := models.PostCluster{
				Name:              "ClusterPostName",
				Type:              "PostType",
				StorageType:       "StoragePostType",
				StorageSystemID:   "storage_" + utils.Generate32UUID(),
				MaxNodeUsageLimit: 100,
				MaxNodeNum:        200,
			b, _ = json.Marshal(postBody)
			actionTestTemplate(t, req, obj, "Post")
		case "network":
			postBody := models.IPtable{
				Type:      "PostType",
				IPAddress: "",
				Netmask:   "",
				//Gateway   "" //miss property,
				Total: 10,
				Used:  2,
			b, _ = json.Marshal(postBody)
			actionTestTemplate(t, req, obj, "Post")
		case "node":
			postBodyList := make([]models.PostNode, 2)
			postBodyList[0] = models.PostNode{
				NodeID:      "node_9001",
				ClusterID:   "cluster_1001",
				SoftwareID:  "software_1001",
				MaxInstance: 11,
			postBodyList[1] = models.PostNode{
				NodeID:      "node_9002",
				ClusterID:   "cluster_1002",
				SoftwareID:  "software_1002",
				MaxInstance: 12,
			b, _ = json.Marshal(postBodyList)
			actionTestTemplate(t, req, obj, "Post")
		case "service":
			postBody := models.PostService{}
			b, _ = json.Marshal(postBody)
			actionTestTemplate(t, req, obj, "Post")
		case "software":
			postBody := models.Software{
				ID:       "software_9999",
				Name:     "software_name_9999",
				Version:  "V999",
				Type:     "999",
				StoreURL: "Z:\\",
				MD5:      "",
			b, _ = json.Marshal(postBody)
			actionTestTemplate(t, req, obj, "Post")
		case "storage/san":
			san := new(models.SAN)
			san.ID = "san_1001"
			san.Name = "san_name_1001"
			san.Vender = "san_vender_1001"
			lc := new(models.LoginConfig)
			lc.Name = "lc_name_1001"
			lc.Type = "A"
			lc.IPAddress = ""
			lc.UserName = "******"
			lc.Password = "******"
			san.Login = lc
			san.LUNRange = "a1"
			san.HLURange = "b1"
			san.TotalMB = 100
			san.FreeMB = 50
			san.Error = "NONE1"
			postBody := san
			b, _ = json.Marshal(postBody)
			actionTestTemplate(t, req, obj, "Post")
		case "storage/rg":
			postBody := models.PostRaidGroup{
				SANID:  "PostRaidGroup_9999",
				Number: 111,
			b, _ = json.Marshal(postBody)
			actionTestTemplate(t, req, obj, "Post")
		case "storage/nas":
			postBody := models.NAS{
				ID:           "NAS_9999",
				ServerIPAddr: "",
				ShareDir:     "Z:\\",
			b, _ = json.Marshal(postBody)
			actionTestTemplate(t, req, obj, "Post")

		if obj == "cluster" {
			postBody := models.PostCluster{
				Name:              "ClusterPostName",
				Type:              "PostType",
				StorageType:       "StoragePostType",
				StorageSystemID:   "",
				MaxNodeUsageLimit: 100,
				MaxNodeNum:        200,
			req = httplib.Post("http://localhost:8080/v1.0/" + obj)
			b, _ = json.Marshal(postBody)
			actionTestTemplate(t, req, obj, "PostRollback")

		if obj == "node" {
			req = httplib.Put("http://localhost:8080/v1.0/" + obj + "/" + "1001")
			putBody := models.Node{
				Status:      models.Enable,
				MaxInstance: 99,
			b, _ = json.Marshal(putBody)
			actionTestTemplate(t, req, obj, "Put")
		if obj != "software" && obj != "storage/san" && obj != "storage/nas" {
			req = httplib.Put("http://localhost:8080/v1.0/" + obj + "/" + "1001/enable")
			actionTestTemplate(t, req, obj, "Enable")
			req = httplib.Put("http://localhost:8080/v1.0/" + obj + "/" + "1001/disable")
			actionTestTemplate(t, req, obj, "Disable")

		if obj != "storage/nas" {
			req = httplib.Delete("http://localhost:8080/v1.0/" + obj + "/" + "1001")
			actionTestTemplate(t, req, obj, "Delete")
