Пример #1
func TestLDBDatabase(t *testing.T) {
	assert := assert.New(t)

	d1 := os.TempDir()
	dir, err := ioutil.TempDir(d1, "flags")
	ldbDir := path.Join(dir, "store")
	spec := fmt.Sprintf("ldb:%s", path.Join(dir, "store"))

	cs := chunks.NewLevelDBStoreUseFlags(ldbDir, "")
	ds := datas.NewDatabase(cs)

	s1 := types.String("A String")
	s1Ref := ds.WriteValue(s1)
	ds.Commit("testDs", datas.NewCommit().Set(datas.ValueField, s1Ref))

	sp, errRead := ParseDatabaseSpec(spec)
	store, err := sp.Database()
	assert.Equal(s1, store.ReadValue(s1.Hash()))
Пример #2
func (ds *Dataset) validateRefAsCommit(r types.Ref) types.Struct {
	v := ds.store.ReadValue(r.TargetHash())

	d.Exp.True(v != nil, "%v cannot be found", r)
	d.Exp.True(v.Type().Equals(datas.NewCommit().Type()), "Not a Commit: %+v", v)
	return v.(types.Struct)
Пример #3
func TestAbsolutePaths(t *testing.T) {
	assert := assert.New(t)

	s0, s1 := types.String("foo"), types.String("bar")
	list := types.NewList(s0, s1)
	emptySet := types.NewSet()

	db := datas.NewDatabase(chunks.NewMemoryStore())

	var err error
	db, err = db.Commit("ds", datas.NewCommit(list, types.NewSet(), types.EmptyStruct))
	head := db.Head("ds")

	resolvesTo := func(exp types.Value, str string) {
		p, err := NewAbsolutePath(str)
		act := p.Resolve(db)
		if exp == nil {
		} else {
			assert.True(exp.Equals(act), "%s Expected %s Actual %s", str, types.EncodedValue(exp), types.EncodedValue(act))

	resolvesTo(head, "ds")
	resolvesTo(emptySet, "ds.parents")
	resolvesTo(list, "ds.value")
	resolvesTo(s0, "ds.value[0]")
	resolvesTo(s1, "ds.value[1]")
	resolvesTo(head, "#"+head.Hash().String())
	resolvesTo(list, "#"+list.Hash().String())
	resolvesTo(s0, "#"+s0.Hash().String())
	resolvesTo(s1, "#"+s1.Hash().String())
	resolvesTo(s0, "#"+list.Hash().String()+"[0]")
	resolvesTo(s1, "#"+list.Hash().String()+"[1]")

	resolvesTo(nil, "foo")
	resolvesTo(nil, "foo.parents")
	resolvesTo(nil, "foo.value")
	resolvesTo(nil, "foo.value[0]")
	resolvesTo(nil, "#"+types.String("baz").Hash().String())
	resolvesTo(nil, "#"+types.String("baz").Hash().String()+"[0]")
Пример #4
// Commit updates the commit that a dataset points at. The new Commit struct is constructed using `v`, `opts.Parents`, and `opts.Meta`.
// If `opts.Parents` is the zero value (`types.Set{}`) then the current head is used.
// If `opts.Meta is the zero value (`types.Struct{}`) then a fully initialized empty Struct is passed to NewCommit.
// If the update cannot be performed, e.g., because of a conflict, CommitWith returns an 'ErrMergeNeeded' error and the current snapshot of the dataset so that the client can merge the changes and try again.
func (ds *Dataset) Commit(v types.Value, opts CommitOptions) (Dataset, error) {
	parents := opts.Parents
	if (parents == types.Set{}) {
		parents = types.NewSet()
		if headRef, ok := ds.MaybeHeadRef(); ok {
			headRef.TargetValue(ds.Database()) // TODO: This is a hack to deconfuse the validation code, which doesn't hold onto validation state between commits.
			parents = parents.Insert(headRef)

	meta := opts.Meta
	// Ideally, would like to do 'if meta == types.Struct{}' but types.Struct is not comparable in Go
	// since it contains a slice.
	if meta.Type() == nil && len(meta.ChildValues()) == 0 {
		meta = types.EmptyStruct
	newCommit := datas.NewCommit(v, parents, meta)
	store, err := ds.Database().Commit(ds.id, newCommit)
	return Dataset{store, ds.id}, err
Пример #5
func TestWriteValue(t *testing.T) {
	assert := assert.New(t)
	factory := chunks.NewMemoryStoreFactory()
	defer factory.Shutter()

	router = setupWebServer(factory)
	defer func() { router = nil }()

	testString := "Now, what?"
	authKey = "anauthkeyvalue"

	w := httptest.NewRecorder()
	r, err := newRequest("GET", dbName+constants.RootPath, nil)
	router.ServeHTTP(w, r)
	lastRoot := w.Body
	assert.Equal(http.StatusOK, w.Code)

	craftCommit := func(v types.Value) types.Struct {
		return datas.NewCommit(v, types.NewSet(), types.NewStruct("Meta", types.StructData{}))

	tval := craftCommit(types.Bool(true))
	wval := craftCommit(types.String(testString))
	chunk1 := types.EncodeValue(tval, nil)
	chunk2 := types.EncodeValue(wval, nil)
	refMap := types.NewMap(
		types.String("ds1"), types.NewRef(tval),
		types.String("ds2"), types.NewRef(wval))
	chunk3 := types.EncodeValue(refMap, nil)

	body := &bytes.Buffer{}
	// we would use this func, but it's private so use next line instead: serializeHints(body, map[ref.Ref]struct{}{hint: struct{}{}})
	err = binary.Write(body, binary.BigEndian, uint32(0))

	chunks.Serialize(chunk1, body)
	chunks.Serialize(chunk2, body)
	chunks.Serialize(chunk3, body)

	w = httptest.NewRecorder()
	r, err = newRequest("POST", dbName+constants.WriteValuePath+"?access_token="+authKey, ioutil.NopCloser(body))
	router.ServeHTTP(w, r)
	assert.Equal(http.StatusCreated, w.Code)

	w = httptest.NewRecorder()
	args := fmt.Sprintf("&last=%s&current=%s", lastRoot, types.NewRef(refMap).TargetHash())
	r, _ = newRequest("POST", dbName+constants.RootPath+"?access_token="+authKey+args, ioutil.NopCloser(body))
	router.ServeHTTP(w, r)
	assert.Equal(http.StatusOK, w.Code, string(w.Body.Bytes()))

	whash := wval.Hash()
	hints := map[hash.Hash]struct{}{whash: struct{}{}}
	rdr := buildGetRefsRequestBody(hints)
	r, _ = newRequest("POST", dbName+constants.GetRefsPath, rdr)
	r.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
	router.ServeHTTP(w, r)
	assert.Equal(http.StatusOK, w.Code, string(w.Body.Bytes()))

	ms := chunks.NewMemoryStore()
	chunks.Deserialize(w.Body, ms, nil)
	v := types.DecodeValue(ms.Get(whash), datas.NewDatabase(ms))
	assert.Equal(testString, string(v.(types.Struct).Get(datas.ValueField).(types.String)))
Пример #6
// CommitWithParents updates the commit that a dataset points at. The new Commit is constructed using v and p.
// If the update cannot be performed, e.g., because of a conflict, CommitWithParents returns an 'ErrMergeNeeded' error and the current snapshot of the dataset so that the client can merge the changes and try again.
func (ds *Dataset) CommitWithParents(v types.Value, p types.Set) (Dataset, error) {
	newCommit := datas.NewCommit().Set(datas.ParentsField, p).Set(datas.ValueField, v)
	store, err := ds.Database().Commit(ds.id, newCommit)
	return Dataset{store, ds.id}, err