Пример #1
// newDocumentInfo initializes new DocumentInfo object
func newDocumentInfo(msg ssmmds.Message, parsedMsg messageContracts.SendCommandPayload) messageContracts.DocumentInfo {

	documentInfo := new(messageContracts.DocumentInfo)

	documentInfo.CommandID = getCommandID(*msg.MessageId)
	documentInfo.Destination = *msg.Destination
	documentInfo.MessageID = *msg.MessageId
	documentInfo.RunID = times.ToIsoDashUTC(times.DefaultClock.Now())
	documentInfo.CreatedDate = *msg.CreatedDate
	documentInfo.DocumentName = parsedMsg.DocumentName
	documentInfo.IsCommand = true
	documentInfo.DocumentStatus = contracts.ResultStatusInProgress
	documentInfo.DocumentTraceOutput = ""

	return *documentInfo
Пример #2
// runCmdsUsingCmdState takes commandState as an input and executes only those plugins which haven't yet executed. This is functionally
// very similar to processSendCommandMessage because everything to do with cmd execution is part of that function right now.
func (p *Processor) runCmdsUsingCmdState(context context.T,
	mdsService service.Service,
	runPlugins PluginRunner,
	cancelFlag task.CancelFlag,
	buildReply replyBuilder,
	sendResponse engine.SendResponse,
	command messageContracts.CommandState) {

	log := context.Log()
	var pluginConfigurations map[string]*contracts.Configuration
	pendingPlugins := false
	pluginConfigurations = make(map[string]*contracts.Configuration)

	//iterate through all plugins to find all plugins that haven't executed yet.
	for k, v := range command.PluginsInformation {
		if v.HasExecuted {
			log.Debugf("skipping execution of Plugin - %v of command - %v since it has already executed.", k, command.DocumentInformation.CommandID)
		} else {
			log.Debugf("Plugin - %v of command - %v will be executed", k, command.DocumentInformation.CommandID)
			pluginConfigurations[k] = &v.Configuration
			pendingPlugins = true

	//execute plugins that haven't been executed yet
	//individual plugins after execution will update interim cmd state file accordingly
	if pendingPlugins {

		log.Debugf("executing following plugins of command - %v", command.DocumentInformation.CommandID)
		for k := range pluginConfigurations {
			log.Debugf("Plugin: %v", k)

		//Since only some plugins of a cmd gets executed here - there is no need to get output from engine & construct the sendReply output.
		//Instead after all plugins of a command get executed, use persisted data to construct sendReply payload
		runPlugins(context, command.DocumentInformation.MessageID, pluginConfigurations, sendResponse, cancelFlag)

	//read from persisted file
	newCmdState := commandStateHelper.GetCommandInterimState(log,

	//construct sendReply payload
	outputs := make(map[string]*contracts.PluginResult)

	for k, v := range newCmdState.PluginsInformation {
		outputs[k] = &v.Result

	pluginOutputContent, _ := jsonutil.Marshal(outputs)
	log.Debugf("plugin outputs %v", jsonutil.Indent(pluginOutputContent))

	payloadDoc := buildReply("", outputs)

	//update interim cmd state file with document level information
	var documentInfo messageContracts.DocumentInfo

	// set document level information which wasn't set previously
	documentInfo.AdditionalInfo = payloadDoc.AdditionalInfo
	documentInfo.DocumentStatus = payloadDoc.DocumentStatus
	documentInfo.DocumentTraceOutput = payloadDoc.DocumentTraceOutput
	documentInfo.RuntimeStatus = payloadDoc.RuntimeStatus

	//persist final documentInfo.

	// Skip sending response when the document requires a reboot
	if documentInfo.DocumentStatus == contracts.ResultStatusSuccessAndReboot {
		log.Debug("skipping sending response of %v since the document requires a reboot", newCmdState.DocumentInformation.MessageID)

	//send document level reply
	log.Debug("sending reply on message completion ", outputs)
	sendResponse(command.DocumentInformation.MessageID, "", outputs)

	//persist : commands execution in completed folder (terminal state folder)
	log.Debugf("execution of %v is over. Moving interimState file from Current to Completed folder", newCmdState.DocumentInformation.MessageID)


	log.Debugf("deleting message")
	isUpdate := false
	for pluginName := range pluginConfigurations {
		if pluginName == appconfig.PluginNameAwsAgentUpdate {
			isUpdate = true
	if !isUpdate {
		err := mdsService.DeleteMessage(log, newCmdState.DocumentInformation.MessageID)
		if err != nil {
			sdkutil.HandleAwsError(log, err, p.processorStopPolicy)
	} else {
		log.Debug("messageDeletion skipped as it will be handled by external process")