Пример #1
// watchForReboot watches for reboot events and request core plugins to stop when necessary
func (c *CoreManager) watchForReboot() {
	log := c.context.Log()
	for {
		// check if there is any pending reboot request
		if rebooter.RebootRequested() {
			// on reboot request, stop core plugins and request agent to initiate reboot.
			c.context.Log().Info("A plugin has requested a reboot.")

		// wait for a second before checking again

	log.Info("Processing reboot request...")
	if rebooter.RebootRequested() && !rebooter.RebootInitiated() {
Пример #2
// TestRunPlugins tests that RunPluginsWithRegistry calls all the expected plugins.
func TestRunPluginsWithRegistry(t *testing.T) {
	pluginNames := []string{"plugin1", "plugin2"}
	pluginConfigs := make(map[string]*contracts.Configuration)
	pluginResults := make(map[string]*contracts.PluginResult)
	pluginInstances := make(map[string]*plugin.Mock)
	pluginRegistry := plugin.PluginRegistry{}
	documentID := "TestDocument"

	sendResponse := func(messageID string, pluginID string, results map[string]*contracts.PluginResult) {

	var cancelFlag task.CancelFlag
	ctx := context.NewMockDefault()
	defaultTime := time.Now()
	for _, name := range pluginNames {

		// create an instance of our test object
		pluginInstances[name] = new(plugin.Mock)

		// setup expectations
		pluginConfigs[name] = &contracts.Configuration{}
		pluginResults[name] = &contracts.PluginResult{
			Output:        name,
			StartDateTime: defaultTime,
			EndDateTime:   defaultTime,

		if name == "plugin2" {
			pluginResults[name].Status = contracts.ResultStatusSuccessAndReboot

		pluginInstances[name].On("Execute", ctx, *pluginConfigs[name], cancelFlag).Return(*pluginResults[name])
		pluginRegistry[name] = pluginInstances[name]

	// call the code we are testing
	outputs := RunPlugins(ctx, documentID, pluginConfigs, pluginRegistry, sendResponse, cancelFlag)

	// fix the times expectation.
	for _, result := range outputs {
		result.EndDateTime = defaultTime
		result.StartDateTime = defaultTime

	// assert that the expectations were met
	for _, mockPlugin := range pluginInstances {
	ctx.AssertCalled(t, "Log")
	assert.Equal(t, pluginResults, outputs)
	time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
	assert.Equal(t, true, rebooter.RebootRequested())
Пример #3
// Execute runs multiple sets of commands and returns their outputs.
// res.Output will contain a slice of RunCommandPluginOutput.
func (p *Plugin) Execute(context context.T, config contracts.Configuration, cancelFlag task.CancelFlag) (res contracts.PluginResult) {
	log := context.Log()
	log.Info("RunCommand started with configuration ", config)
	util := new(updateutil.Utility)
	manager := new(updateManager)

	res.StartDateTime = time.Now()
	defer func() { res.EndDateTime = time.Now() }()

	//loading Properties as list since aws:updateSsmAgent uses properties as list
	var properties []interface{}
	if properties, res = pluginutil.LoadParametersAsList(log, config.Properties); res.Code != 0 {
		return res

	out := make([]UpdatePluginOutput, len(properties))
	for i, prop := range properties {
		// check if a reboot has been requested
		if rebooter.RebootRequested() {
			log.Info("A plugin has requested a reboot.")

		if cancelFlag.ShutDown() {
			out[i] = UpdatePluginOutput{}
			out[i].Errors = []string{"Execution canceled due to ShutDown"}
		} else if cancelFlag.Canceled() {
			out[i] = UpdatePluginOutput{}
			out[i].Errors = []string{"Execution canceled"}

		out[i] = updateAgent(p,

		res.Code = out[i].ExitCode
		res.Status = out[i].Status
		res.Output = fmt.Sprintf("%v", out[i].String())

Пример #4
// Execute runs multiple sets of commands and returns their outputs.
// res.Output will contain a slice of RunCommandPluginOutput.
func (p *Plugin) Execute(context context.T, config contracts.Configuration, cancelFlag task.CancelFlag) (res contracts.PluginResult) {
	log := context.Log()
	log.Infof("%v started with configuration %v", Name(), config)
	res.StartDateTime = time.Now()
	defer func() { res.EndDateTime = time.Now() }()

	//loading Properties as list since aws:runPowershellScript & aws:runShellScript uses properties as list
	var properties []interface{}
	if properties, res = pluginutil.LoadParametersAsList(log, config.Properties); res.Code != 0 {

		pluginutil.PersistPluginInformationToCurrent(log, Name(), config, res)
		return res

	out := make([]contracts.PluginOutput, len(properties))
	for i, prop := range properties {
		// check if a reboot has been requested
		if rebooter.RebootRequested() {
			log.Info("A plugin has requested a reboot.")

		if cancelFlag.ShutDown() {
			out[i] = contracts.PluginOutput{Errors: []string{"Execution canceled due to ShutDown"}}
			out[i].ExitCode = 1
			out[i].Status = contracts.ResultStatusFailed

		if cancelFlag.Canceled() {
			out[i] = contracts.PluginOutput{Errors: []string{"Execution canceled"}}
			out[i].ExitCode = 1
			out[i].Status = contracts.ResultStatusCancelled

		out[i] = p.runCommandsRawInput(log, prop, config.OrchestrationDirectory, cancelFlag, config.OutputS3BucketName, config.OutputS3KeyPrefix)

	// TODO: instance here we have to do more result processing, where individual sub properties results are merged smartly into plugin response.
	// Currently assuming we have only one work.
	if len(properties) > 0 {
		res.Code = out[0].ExitCode
		res.Status = out[0].Status
		res.Output = out[0].String()

	pluginutil.PersistPluginInformationToCurrent(log, Name(), config, res)

	return res
Пример #5
// Execute runs multiple sets of commands and returns their outputs.
// res.Output will contain a slice of PluginOutput.
func (p *Plugin) Execute(context context.T, config contracts.Configuration, cancelFlag task.CancelFlag) (res contracts.PluginResult) {
	log := context.Log()
	log.Infof("%v started with configuration %v", Name(), config)
	res.StartDateTime = time.Now()
	defer func() { res.EndDateTime = time.Now() }()

	//loading Properties as list since aws:applications uses properties as list
	var properties []interface{}
	if properties, res = pluginutil.LoadParametersAsList(log, config.Properties); res.Code != 0 {

		pluginutil.PersistPluginInformationToCurrent(log, Name(), config, res)
		return res

	msiFailureCount := 0
	atleastOneRequestedReboot := false
	finalStdOut := ""
	finalStdErr := ""
	out := make([]ApplicationPluginOutput, len(properties))
	for i, prop := range properties {
		// check if a reboot has been requested
		if rebooter.RebootRequested() {
			log.Infof("Stopping execution of %v plugin due to an external reboot request.", Name())

		if cancelFlag.ShutDown() {
			res.Code = 1
			res.Status = contracts.ResultStatusFailed
			pluginutil.PersistPluginInformationToCurrent(log, Name(), config, res)

		if cancelFlag.Canceled() {
			res.Code = 1
			res.Status = contracts.ResultStatusCancelled
			pluginutil.PersistPluginInformationToCurrent(log, Name(), config, res)

		out[i] = p.runCommandsRawInput(log, prop, config.OrchestrationDirectory, cancelFlag, config.OutputS3BucketName, config.OutputS3KeyPrefix)

		if out[i].Status == contracts.ResultStatusFailed {

			if out[i].Stdout != "" {
				finalStdOut = fmt.Sprintf("%v\n%v", finalStdOut, out[i].Stdout)

			if out[i].Stderr != "" {
				finalStdErr = fmt.Sprintf("%v\n%v", finalStdErr, out[i].Stderr)

		if out[i].Status == contracts.ResultStatusSuccessAndReboot {
			atleastOneRequestedReboot = true
			res.Code = out[i].ExitCode

	if atleastOneRequestedReboot {
		res.Status = contracts.ResultStatusSuccessAndReboot
	} else {
		res.Status = contracts.ResultStatusSuccess
		res.Code = 0

	if msiFailureCount > 0 {
		finalStdOut = fmt.Sprintf("Number of Failures: %v\n%v", msiFailureCount, finalStdOut)
		res.Status = contracts.ResultStatusFailed
		res.Code = 1

	finalOut := contracts.PluginOutput{
		Stdout: finalStdOut,
		Stderr: finalStdErr,

	res.Output = finalOut.String()
	pluginutil.PersistPluginInformationToCurrent(log, Name(), config, res)

	return res