Пример #1
func (c *compiler) makeInterface(v *LLVMValue, iface types.Type) *LLVMValue {
	llv := v.LLVMValue()
	lltyp := llv.Type()
	i8ptr := llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
	if lltyp.TypeKind() == llvm.PointerTypeKind {
		llv = c.builder.CreateBitCast(llv, i8ptr, "")
	} else {
		// If the value fits exactly in a pointer, then we can just
		// bitcast it. Otherwise we need to malloc.
		if c.target.TypeStoreSize(lltyp) <= uint64(c.target.PointerSize()) {
			bits := c.target.TypeSizeInBits(lltyp)
			if bits > 0 {
				llv = coerce(c.builder, llv, llvm.IntType(int(bits)))
				llv = c.builder.CreateIntToPtr(llv, i8ptr, "")
			} else {
				llv = llvm.ConstNull(i8ptr)
		} else {
			ptr := c.createTypeMalloc(lltyp)
			c.builder.CreateStore(llv, ptr)
			llv = c.builder.CreateBitCast(ptr, i8ptr, "")
	value := llvm.Undef(c.types.ToLLVM(iface))
	rtype := c.types.ToRuntime(v.Type())
	rtype = c.builder.CreateBitCast(rtype, llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0), "")
	value = c.builder.CreateInsertValue(value, rtype, 0, "")
	value = c.builder.CreateInsertValue(value, llv, 1, "")
	if iface.Underlying().(*types.Interface).NumMethods() > 0 {
		result := c.NewValue(value, types.NewInterface(nil, nil))
		result, _ = result.convertE2I(iface)
		return result
	return c.NewValue(value, iface)
Пример #2
func (tm *llvmTypeMap) basicLLVMType(b *types.Basic) llvm.Type {
	switch b.Kind() {
	case types.Bool:
		return llvm.Int1Type()
	case types.Int8, types.Uint8:
		return llvm.Int8Type()
	case types.Int16, types.Uint16:
		return llvm.Int16Type()
	case types.Int32, types.Uint32:
		return llvm.Int32Type()
	case types.Uint, types.Int:
		return tm.inttype
	case types.Int64, types.Uint64:
		return llvm.Int64Type()
	case types.Float32:
		return llvm.FloatType()
	case types.Float64:
		return llvm.DoubleType()
	case types.UnsafePointer, types.Uintptr:
		return tm.target.IntPtrType()
	case types.Complex64:
		f32 := llvm.FloatType()
		elements := []llvm.Type{f32, f32}
		return llvm.StructType(elements, false)
	case types.Complex128:
		f64 := llvm.DoubleType()
		elements := []llvm.Type{f64, f64}
		return llvm.StructType(elements, false)
	case types.String:
		i8ptr := llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
		elements := []llvm.Type{i8ptr, tm.inttype}
		return llvm.StructType(elements, false)
	panic(fmt.Sprint("unhandled kind: ", b.Kind))
Пример #3
func (tm *TypeMap) basicLLVMType(b *types.Basic) llvm.Type {
	switch b.Kind {
	case types.BoolKind:
		return llvm.Int1Type()
	case types.Int8Kind, types.Uint8Kind:
		return llvm.Int8Type()
	case types.Int16Kind, types.Uint16Kind:
		return llvm.Int16Type()
	case types.Int32Kind, types.Uint32Kind:
		return llvm.Int32Type()
	case types.Int64Kind, types.Uint64Kind:
		return llvm.Int64Type()
	case types.Float32Kind:
		return llvm.FloatType()
	case types.Float64Kind:
		return llvm.DoubleType()
	case types.UnsafePointerKind, types.UintptrKind,
		types.UintKind, types.IntKind:
		return tm.target.IntPtrType()
	//case Complex64: TODO
	//case Complex128:
	//case UntypedInt:
	//case UntypedFloat:
	//case UntypedComplex:
	case types.StringKind:
		i8ptr := llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
		elements := []llvm.Type{i8ptr, llvm.Int32Type()}
		return llvm.StructType(elements, false)
	panic(fmt.Sprint("unhandled kind: ", b.Kind))
Пример #4
func (v ConstValue) LLVMValue() llvm.Value {
	typ := types.Underlying(v.Type())
	switch typ {
	case types.Int, types.Uint:
		return llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int32Type(), uint64(v.Int64()), true)
		// TODO 32/64bit (probably wait for gc)
		//int_val := v.Val.(*big.Int)
		//if int_val.Cmp(maxBigInt32) > 0 || int_val.Cmp(minBigInt32) < 0 {
		//	panic(fmt.Sprint("const ", int_val, " overflows int"))
		//return llvm.ConstInt(v.compiler.target.IntPtrType(), uint64(v.Int64()), true)
	case types.Uint:
		return llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int32Type(), uint64(v.Int64()), false)

	case types.Int8:
		return llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int8Type(), uint64(v.Int64()), true)
	case types.Uint8, types.Byte:
		return llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int8Type(), uint64(v.Int64()), false)

	case types.Int16:
		return llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int16Type(), uint64(v.Int64()), true)
	case types.Uint16:
		return llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int16Type(), uint64(v.Int64()), false)

	case types.Int32, types.Rune:
		return llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int32Type(), uint64(v.Int64()), true)
	case types.Uint32:
		return llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int32Type(), uint64(v.Int64()), false)

	case types.Int64:
		return llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int64Type(), uint64(v.Int64()), true)
	case types.Uint64:
		return llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int64Type(), uint64(v.Int64()), true)

	case types.Float32:
		return llvm.ConstFloat(llvm.FloatType(), float64(v.Float64()))
	case types.Float64:
		return llvm.ConstFloat(llvm.DoubleType(), float64(v.Float64()))

	case types.UnsafePointer, types.Uintptr:
		inttype := v.compiler.target.IntPtrType()
		return llvm.ConstInt(inttype, uint64(v.Int64()), false)

	case types.String:
		strval := (v.Val).(string)
		ptr := v.compiler.builder.CreateGlobalStringPtr(strval, "")
		len_ := llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int32Type(), uint64(len(strval)), false)
		return llvm.ConstStruct([]llvm.Value{ptr, len_}, false)

	case types.Bool:
		if v := v.Val.(bool); v {
			return llvm.ConstAllOnes(llvm.Int1Type())
		return llvm.ConstNull(llvm.Int1Type())
	panic(fmt.Errorf("Unhandled type: %v", typ)) //v.typ.Kind))
Пример #5
func addExterns(m *llgo.Module) {
	CharPtr := llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
	fn_type := llvm.FunctionType(
		llvm.Int32Type(), []llvm.Type{CharPtr}, false)
	fflush := llvm.AddFunction(m.Module, "fflush", fn_type)
Пример #6
func (c *compiler) defineMemcpyFunction(fn llvm.Value) {
	entry := llvm.AddBasicBlock(fn, "entry")
	dst, src, size := fn.Param(0), fn.Param(1), fn.Param(2)

	pint8 := llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
	dst = c.builder.CreateIntToPtr(dst, pint8, "")
	src = c.builder.CreateIntToPtr(src, pint8, "")

	sizeType := size.Type()
	sizeBits := sizeType.IntTypeWidth()
	memcpyName := "llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i" + strconv.Itoa(sizeBits)
	memcpy := c.module.NamedFunction(memcpyName)
	if memcpy.IsNil() {
		paramtypes := []llvm.Type{
			pint8, pint8, size.Type(), llvm.Int32Type(), llvm.Int1Type()}
		memcpyType := llvm.FunctionType(llvm.VoidType(), paramtypes, false)
		memcpy = llvm.AddFunction(c.module.Module, memcpyName, memcpyType)

	args := []llvm.Value{
		dst, src, size,
		llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int32Type(), 1, false), // single byte alignment
		llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int1Type(), 0, false),  // not volatile
	c.builder.CreateCall(memcpy, args, "")
Пример #7
func (c *compiler) defineFreeFunction(fn llvm.Value) {
	entry := llvm.AddBasicBlock(fn, "entry")
	ptr := fn.FirstParam()
	ptrtyp := llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
	c.builder.CreateFree(c.builder.CreateIntToPtr(ptr, ptrtyp, ""))
Пример #8
func (tm *LLVMTypeMap) funcLLVMType(tstr string, f *types.Signature) llvm.Type {
	typ, ok := tm.types[tstr]
	if !ok {
		// If there's a receiver change the receiver to an
		// additional (first) parameter, and take the value of
		// the resulting signature instead.
		var param_types []llvm.Type
		if recv := f.Recv(); recv != nil {
			params := f.Params()
			paramvars := make([]*types.Var, int(params.Len()+1))
			paramvars[0] = recv
			for i := 0; i < int(params.Len()); i++ {
				paramvars[i+1] = params.At(i)
			params = types.NewTuple(paramvars...)
			f := types.NewSignature(nil, params, f.Results(), f.IsVariadic())
			return tm.ToLLVM(f)

		typ = llvm.GlobalContext().StructCreateNamed("")
		tm.types[tstr] = typ

		params := f.Params()
		nparams := int(params.Len())
		for i := 0; i < nparams; i++ {
			typ := params.At(i).Type()
			if f.IsVariadic() && i == nparams-1 {
				typ = types.NewSlice(typ)
			llvmtyp := tm.ToLLVM(typ)
			param_types = append(param_types, llvmtyp)

		var return_type llvm.Type
		results := f.Results()
		switch nresults := int(results.Len()); nresults {
		case 0:
			return_type = llvm.VoidType()
		case 1:
			return_type = tm.ToLLVM(results.At(0).Type())
			elements := make([]llvm.Type, nresults)
			for i := range elements {
				result := results.At(i)
				elements[i] = tm.ToLLVM(result.Type())
			return_type = llvm.StructType(elements, false)

		fntyp := llvm.FunctionType(return_type, param_types, false)
		fnptrtyp := llvm.PointerType(fntyp, 0)
		i8ptr := llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
		elements := []llvm.Type{fnptrtyp, i8ptr} // func, closure
		typ.StructSetBody(elements, false)
	return typ
Пример #9
func NewTypeMap(llvmtm *LLVMTypeMap, module llvm.Module, pkgpath string, exprTypes map[ast.Expr]types.Type, c *FunctionCache, r Resolver) *TypeMap {
	tm := &TypeMap{
		LLVMTypeMap: llvmtm,
		module:      module,
		pkgpath:     pkgpath,
		types:       make(map[string]runtimeTypeInfo),
		expr:        exprTypes,
		functions:   c,
		resolver:    r,

	// Load runtime/reflect types, and generate LLVM types for
	// the structures we need to populate runtime type information.
	pkg, err := c.compiler.parseReflect()
	if err != nil {
		panic(err) // FIXME return err
	reflectLLVMType := func(name string) llvm.Type {
		obj := pkg.Scope.Lookup(name)
		if obj == nil {
			panic(fmt.Errorf("Failed to find type: %s", name))
		return tm.ToLLVM(obj.Type.(types.Type))
	tm.runtimeType = reflectLLVMType("runtimeType")
	tm.runtimeCommonType = reflectLLVMType("commonType")
	tm.runtimeUncommonType = reflectLLVMType("uncommonType")
	tm.runtimeArrayType = reflectLLVMType("arrayType")
	tm.runtimeChanType = reflectLLVMType("chanType")
	tm.runtimeFuncType = reflectLLVMType("funcType")
	tm.runtimeMethod = reflectLLVMType("method")
	tm.runtimeImethod = reflectLLVMType("imethod")
	tm.runtimeInterfaceType = reflectLLVMType("interfaceType")
	tm.runtimeMapType = reflectLLVMType("mapType")
	tm.runtimePtrType = reflectLLVMType("ptrType")
	tm.runtimeSliceType = reflectLLVMType("sliceType")
	tm.runtimeStructType = reflectLLVMType("structType")
	tm.commonType = pkg.Scope.Lookup("commonType").Type.(*types.Name)

	// Types for algorithms. See 'runtime/runtime.h'.
	uintptrType := tm.target.IntPtrType()
	voidPtrType := llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
	boolType := llvm.Int1Type()

	// Create runtime algorithm function types.
	params := []llvm.Type{uintptrType, voidPtrType}
	tm.hashAlgFunctionType = llvm.FunctionType(uintptrType, params, false)
	params = []llvm.Type{uintptrType, uintptrType, uintptrType}
	tm.equalAlgFunctionType = llvm.FunctionType(boolType, params, false)
	params = []llvm.Type{uintptrType, voidPtrType}
	tm.printAlgFunctionType = llvm.FunctionType(llvm.VoidType(), params, false)
	params = []llvm.Type{uintptrType, voidPtrType, voidPtrType}
	tm.copyAlgFunctionType = llvm.FunctionType(llvm.VoidType(), params, false)

	return tm
Пример #10
func getPrintf(module llvm.Module) llvm.Value {
	printf := module.NamedFunction("printf")
	if printf.IsNil() {
		charPtr := llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
		ftyp := llvm.FunctionType(llvm.Int32Type(), []llvm.Type{charPtr}, true)
		printf = llvm.AddFunction(module, "printf", ftyp)
	return printf
Пример #11
func (c *compiler) defineMallocFunction(fn llvm.Value) {
	entry := llvm.AddBasicBlock(fn, "entry")
	size := fn.FirstParam()
	ptr := c.builder.CreateArrayMalloc(llvm.Int8Type(), size, "")
	// XXX memset to zero, or leave that to Go runtime code?
	fn_type := fn.Type().ElementType()
	result := c.builder.CreatePtrToInt(ptr, fn_type.ReturnType(), "")
Пример #12
func getFflush(module llvm.Module) llvm.Value {
	fflush := module.NamedFunction("fflush")
	if fflush.IsNil() {
		voidPtr := llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
		ftyp := llvm.FunctionType(llvm.Int32Type(), []llvm.Type{voidPtr}, false)
		fflush = llvm.AddFunction(module, "fflush", ftyp)
	return fflush
Пример #13
func (c *compiler) createMainFunction() error {
	// In a PNaCl program (plugin), there should not be a "main.main";
	// instead, we expect a "main.CreateModule" function.
	// See pkg/nacl/ppapi/ppapi.go for more details.
	mainMain := c.module.NamedFunction("main.main")
		if c.pnacl {
			// PNaCl's libppapi_stub.a implements "main", which simply
			// calls through to PpapiPluginMain. We define our own "main"
			// so that we can capture argc/argv.
			if !mainMain.IsNil() {
				return fmt.Errorf("Found main.main")
			pluginMain := c.RuntimeFunction("PpapiPluginMain", "func() int32")

			// Synthesise a main which has no return value. We could cast
			// PpapiPluginMain, but this is potentially unsafe as its
			// calling convention is unspecified.
			ftyp := llvm.FunctionType(llvm.VoidType(), nil, false)
			mainMain = llvm.AddFunction(c.module.Module, "main.main", ftyp)
			entry := llvm.AddBasicBlock(mainMain, "entry")
			c.builder.CreateCall(pluginMain, nil, "")
		} else */{
		mainMain = c.module.NamedFunction("main.main")

	if mainMain.IsNil() {
		return fmt.Errorf("Could not find main.main")

	// runtime.main is called by main, with argc, argv, argp,
	// and a pointer to main.main, which must be a niladic
	// function with no result.
	runtimeMain := c.runtime.main.LLVMValue()

	ptrptr := llvm.PointerType(llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0), 0)
	ftyp := llvm.FunctionType(llvm.Int32Type(), []llvm.Type{llvm.Int32Type(), ptrptr, ptrptr}, true)
	main := llvm.AddFunction(c.module.Module, "main", ftyp)

	entry := llvm.AddBasicBlock(main, "entry")
	runtimeMainParamTypes := runtimeMain.Type().ElementType().ParamTypes()
	args := []llvm.Value{
		main.Param(0), // argc
		main.Param(1), // argv
		main.Param(2), // argp
		c.builder.CreateBitCast(mainMain, runtimeMainParamTypes[3], ""),
	result := c.builder.CreateCall(runtimeMain, args, "")
	return nil
Пример #14
// globalStringPtr returns a *string with the specified value.
func (tm *TypeMap) globalStringPtr(value string) llvm.Value {
	strval := llvm.ConstString(value, false)
	strglobal := llvm.AddGlobal(tm.module, strval.Type(), "")
	strglobal = llvm.ConstBitCast(strglobal, llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0))
	strlen := llvm.ConstInt(tm.inttype, uint64(len(value)), false)
	str := llvm.ConstStruct([]llvm.Value{strglobal, strlen}, false)
	g := llvm.AddGlobal(tm.module, str.Type(), "")
	return g
Пример #15
func (c *compiler) memsetZero(ptr llvm.Value, size llvm.Value) {
	memset := c.runtime.memset.LLVMValue()
	switch n := size.Type().IntTypeWidth() - c.target.IntPtrType().IntTypeWidth(); {
	case n < 0:
		size = c.builder.CreateZExt(size, c.target.IntPtrType(), "")
	case n > 0:
		size = c.builder.CreateTrunc(size, c.target.IntPtrType(), "")
	ptr = c.builder.CreatePtrToInt(ptr, c.target.IntPtrType(), "")
	fill := llvm.ConstNull(llvm.Int8Type())
	c.builder.CreateCall(memset, []llvm.Value{ptr, fill, size}, "")
Пример #16
func (c *compiler) memsetZero(ptr llvm.Value, size llvm.Value) {
	memset := c.NamedFunction("runtime.memset", "func f(dst unsafe.Pointer, fill byte, size uintptr)")
	switch n := size.Type().IntTypeWidth() - c.target.IntPtrType().IntTypeWidth(); {
	case n < 0:
		size = c.builder.CreateZExt(size, c.target.IntPtrType(), "")
	case n > 0:
		size = c.builder.CreateTrunc(size, c.target.IntPtrType(), "")
	ptr = c.builder.CreatePtrToInt(ptr, c.target.IntPtrType(), "")
	fill := llvm.ConstNull(llvm.Int8Type())
	c.builder.CreateCall(memset, []llvm.Value{ptr, fill, size}, "")
Пример #17
func (tm *TypeMap) makeRtype(t types.Type, k reflect.Kind) llvm.Value {
	// Not sure if there's an easier way to do this, but if you just
	// use ConstStruct, you end up getting a different llvm.Type.
	lt := tm.ToLLVM(t)
	typ := llvm.ConstNull(tm.runtimeType)
	elementTypes := tm.runtimeType.StructElementTypes()

	// Size.
	size := llvm.SizeOf(lt)
	if size.Type().IntTypeWidth() > elementTypes[0].IntTypeWidth() {
		size = llvm.ConstTrunc(size, elementTypes[0])
	typ = llvm.ConstInsertValue(typ, size, []uint32{0})

	// TODO hash
	// TODO padding

	// Alignment.
	align := llvm.ConstTrunc(llvm.AlignOf(lt), llvm.Int8Type())
	typ = llvm.ConstInsertValue(typ, align, []uint32{3}) // var
	typ = llvm.ConstInsertValue(typ, align, []uint32{4}) // field

	// Kind.
	kind := llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int8Type(), uint64(k), false)
	typ = llvm.ConstInsertValue(typ, kind, []uint32{5})

	// Algorithm table.
	alg := tm.makeAlgorithmTable(t)
	algptr := llvm.AddGlobal(tm.module, alg.Type(), "")
	algptr = llvm.ConstBitCast(algptr, elementTypes[6])
	typ = llvm.ConstInsertValue(typ, algptr, []uint32{6})

	// String representation.
	stringrep := tm.globalStringPtr(tm.TypeString(t))
	typ = llvm.ConstInsertValue(typ, stringrep, []uint32{8})

	// TODO gc
	return typ
Пример #18
func NewTypeMap(llvmtm *LLVMTypeMap, pkgpath string, exprTypes map[ast.Expr]types.Type, c *FunctionCache, p map[*ast.Object]string, r Resolver) *TypeMap {
	tm := &TypeMap{
		LLVMTypeMap: llvmtm,
		pkgpath:     pkgpath,
		types:       make(map[types.Type]llvm.Value),
		expr:        exprTypes,
		pkgmap:      p,
		functions:   c,
		resolver:    r,

	// Load "reflect.go", and generate LLVM types for the runtime type
	// structures.
	pkg, err := parseReflect()
	if err != nil {
		panic(err) // FIXME return err
	objToLLVMType := func(name string) llvm.Type {
		obj := pkg.Scope.Lookup(name)
		return tm.ToLLVM(obj.Type.(types.Type))
	tm.runtimeType = objToLLVMType("runtimeType")
	tm.runtimeCommonType = objToLLVMType("commonType")
	tm.runtimeUncommonType = objToLLVMType("uncommonType")
	tm.runtimeArrayType = objToLLVMType("arrayType")
	tm.runtimeChanType = objToLLVMType("chanType")
	tm.runtimeFuncType = objToLLVMType("funcType")
	tm.runtimeMethod = objToLLVMType("method")
	tm.runtimeImethod = objToLLVMType("imethod")
	tm.runtimeInterfaceType = objToLLVMType("interfaceType")
	tm.runtimeMapType = objToLLVMType("mapType")
	tm.runtimePtrType = objToLLVMType("ptrType")
	tm.runtimeSliceType = objToLLVMType("sliceType")
	tm.runtimeStructType = objToLLVMType("structType")

	// Types for algorithms. See 'runtime/runtime.h'.
	uintptrType := tm.target.IntPtrType()
	voidPtrType := llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
	boolType := llvm.Int1Type()

	// Create runtime algorithm function types.
	params := []llvm.Type{uintptrType, voidPtrType}
	tm.hashAlgFunctionType = llvm.FunctionType(uintptrType, params, false)
	params = []llvm.Type{uintptrType, uintptrType, uintptrType}
	tm.equalAlgFunctionType = llvm.FunctionType(boolType, params, false)
	params = []llvm.Type{uintptrType, voidPtrType}
	tm.printAlgFunctionType = llvm.FunctionType(llvm.VoidType(), params, false)
	params = []llvm.Type{uintptrType, voidPtrType, voidPtrType}
	tm.copyAlgFunctionType = llvm.FunctionType(llvm.VoidType(), params, false)

	return tm
Пример #19
func (tm *llvmTypeMap) funcLLVMType(f *types.Signature, name string) llvm.Type {
	// If there's a receiver change the receiver to an
	// additional (first) parameter, and take the value of
	// the resulting signature instead.
	if recv := f.Recv(); recv != nil {
		params := f.Params()
		paramvars := make([]*types.Var, int(params.Len()+1))
		paramvars[0] = recv
		for i := 0; i < int(params.Len()); i++ {
			paramvars[i+1] = params.At(i)
		params = types.NewTuple(paramvars...)
		f := types.NewSignature(nil, nil, params, f.Results(), f.Variadic())
		return tm.toLLVM(f, name)

	if typ, ok := tm.types.At(f).(llvm.Type); ok {
		return typ
	typ := llvm.GlobalContext().StructCreateNamed(name)
	tm.types.Set(f, typ)

	params := f.Params()
	param_types := make([]llvm.Type, params.Len())
	for i := range param_types {
		llvmtyp := tm.ToLLVM(params.At(i).Type())
		param_types[i] = llvmtyp

	var return_type llvm.Type
	results := f.Results()
	switch nresults := int(results.Len()); nresults {
	case 0:
		return_type = llvm.VoidType()
	case 1:
		return_type = tm.ToLLVM(results.At(0).Type())
		elements := make([]llvm.Type, nresults)
		for i := range elements {
			result := results.At(i)
			elements[i] = tm.ToLLVM(result.Type())
		return_type = llvm.StructType(elements, false)

	fntyp := llvm.FunctionType(return_type, param_types, false)
	fnptrtyp := llvm.PointerType(fntyp, 0)
	i8ptr := llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
	elements := []llvm.Type{fnptrtyp, i8ptr} // func, closure
	typ.StructSetBody(elements, false)
	return typ
Пример #20
func getnewgoroutine(module llvm.Module) llvm.Value {
	fn := module.NamedFunction("llgo_newgoroutine")
	if fn.IsNil() {
		i8Ptr := llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
		VoidFnPtr := llvm.PointerType(llvm.FunctionType(
			llvm.VoidType(), []llvm.Type{i8Ptr}, false), 0)
		i32 := llvm.Int32Type()
		fn_type := llvm.FunctionType(
			llvm.VoidType(), []llvm.Type{VoidFnPtr, i8Ptr, i32}, true)
		fn = llvm.AddFunction(module, "llgo_newgoroutine", fn_type)
	return fn
Пример #21
func (tm *llvmTypeMap) interfaceLLVMType(i *types.Interface, name string) llvm.Type {
	if typ, ok := tm.types.At(i).(llvm.Type); ok {
		return typ
	// interface{} is represented as {type, value},
	// and non-empty interfaces are represented as {itab, value}.
	i8ptr := llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
	rtypeType := i8ptr
	valueType := i8ptr
	if name == "" {
		name = i.String()
	typ := llvm.GlobalContext().StructCreateNamed(name)
	typ.StructSetBody([]llvm.Type{rtypeType, valueType}, false)
	return typ
Пример #22
func (tm *TypeMap) makeRuntimeTypeGlobal(v llvm.Value) (global, ptr llvm.Value) {
	// Each runtime type is preceded by an interface{}.
	initType := llvm.StructType([]llvm.Type{tm.runtimeType, v.Type()}, false)
	global = llvm.AddGlobal(tm.module, initType, "")
	ptr = llvm.ConstBitCast(global, llvm.PointerType(tm.runtimeType, 0))

	// interface{} containing v's *commonType representation.
	runtimeTypeValue := llvm.Undef(tm.runtimeType)
	zero := llvm.ConstNull(llvm.Int32Type())
	one := llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int32Type(), 1, false)
	i8ptr := llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
	if tm.commonTypePtrRuntimeType.IsNil() {
		// Create a dummy pointer value, which we'll update straight after
		// defining the runtime type info for commonType.
		tm.commonTypePtrRuntimeType = llvm.Undef(i8ptr)
		commonTypePtr := &types.Pointer{Base: tm.commonType}
		commonTypeGlobal, commonTypeRuntimeType := tm.makeRuntimeType(tm.commonType)
		tm.types[tm.commonType.String()] = runtimeTypeInfo{commonTypeGlobal, commonTypeRuntimeType}
		commonTypePtrGlobal, commonTypePtrRuntimeType := tm.makeRuntimeType(commonTypePtr)
		tm.types[commonTypePtr.String()] = runtimeTypeInfo{commonTypePtrGlobal, commonTypePtrRuntimeType}
		tm.commonTypePtrRuntimeType = llvm.ConstBitCast(commonTypePtrRuntimeType, i8ptr)
		if tm.pkgpath == tm.commonType.Package {
			// Update the interace{} header of the commonType/*commonType
			// runtime types we just created.
			for _, g := range [...]llvm.Value{commonTypeGlobal, commonTypePtrGlobal} {
				init := g.Initializer()
				typptr := tm.commonTypePtrRuntimeType
				runtimeTypeValue := llvm.ConstExtractValue(init, []uint32{0})
				runtimeTypeValue = llvm.ConstInsertValue(runtimeTypeValue, typptr, []uint32{0})
				init = llvm.ConstInsertValue(init, runtimeTypeValue, []uint32{0})
	commonTypePtr := llvm.ConstGEP(global, []llvm.Value{zero, one})
	commonTypePtr = llvm.ConstBitCast(commonTypePtr, i8ptr)
	runtimeTypeValue = llvm.ConstInsertValue(runtimeTypeValue, tm.commonTypePtrRuntimeType, []uint32{0})
	runtimeTypeValue = llvm.ConstInsertValue(runtimeTypeValue, commonTypePtr, []uint32{1})

	init := llvm.Undef(initType)
	init = llvm.ConstInsertValue(init, runtimeTypeValue, []uint32{0})
	init = llvm.ConstInsertValue(init, v, []uint32{1})

	return global, ptr
Пример #23
func (tm *TypeMap) interfaceLLVMType(i *types.Interface) llvm.Type {
	valptr_type := llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
	typptr_type := valptr_type // runtimeCommonType may not be defined yet
	elements := make([]llvm.Type, 2+len(i.Methods))
	elements[0] = valptr_type // value
	elements[1] = typptr_type // type
	for n, m := range i.Methods {
		// Add an opaque pointer parameter to the function for the
		// struct pointer.
		fntype := m.Type.(*types.Func)
		receiver_type := &types.Pointer{Base: types.Int8}
		fntype.Recv = ast.NewObj(ast.Var, "")
		fntype.Recv.Type = receiver_type
		elements[n+2] = tm.ToLLVM(fntype)
	return llvm.StructType(elements, false)
Пример #24
func NewTypeMap(module llvm.Module, target llvm.TargetData, exprTypes map[ast.Expr]types.Type) *TypeMap {
	tm := &TypeMap{module: module, target: target, expr: exprTypes}
	tm.types = make(map[types.Type]llvm.Type)
	tm.runtime = make(map[types.Type]llvm.Value)

	// Load "reflect.go", and generate LLVM types for the runtime type
	// structures.
	pkg, err := parseReflect()
	if err != nil {
		panic(err) // FIXME return err
	objToLLVMType := func(name string) llvm.Type {
		obj := pkg.Scope.Lookup(name)
		return tm.ToLLVM(obj.Type.(types.Type))
	tm.runtimeCommonType = objToLLVMType("commonType")
	tm.runtimeUncommonType = objToLLVMType("uncommonType")
	tm.runtimeArrayType = objToLLVMType("arrayType")
	tm.runtimeChanType = objToLLVMType("chanType")
	tm.runtimeFuncType = objToLLVMType("funcType")
	tm.runtimeInterfaceType = objToLLVMType("interfaceType")
	tm.runtimeMapType = objToLLVMType("mapType")
	tm.runtimePtrType = objToLLVMType("ptrType")
	tm.runtimeSliceType = objToLLVMType("sliceType")
	tm.runtimeStructType = objToLLVMType("structType")

	// Types for algorithms. See 'runtime/runtime.h'.
	uintptrType := tm.target.IntPtrType()
	voidPtrType := llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
	boolType := llvm.Int1Type()

	// Create runtime algorithm function types.
	params := []llvm.Type{
		llvm.PointerType(uintptrType, 0), uintptrType, voidPtrType}
	tm.hashAlgFunctionType = llvm.FunctionType(llvm.VoidType(), params, false)
	params = []llvm.Type{
		llvm.PointerType(boolType, 0), uintptrType, voidPtrType, voidPtrType}
	tm.equalAlgFunctionType = llvm.FunctionType(llvm.VoidType(), params, false)
	params = []llvm.Type{uintptrType, voidPtrType}
	tm.printAlgFunctionType = llvm.FunctionType(llvm.VoidType(), params, false)
	params = []llvm.Type{uintptrType, voidPtrType, voidPtrType}
	tm.copyAlgFunctionType = llvm.FunctionType(llvm.VoidType(), params, false)

	return tm
Пример #25
func (tm *LLVMTypeMap) interfaceLLVMType(tstr string, i *types.Interface) llvm.Type {
	typ, ok := tm.types[tstr]
	if !ok {
		typ = llvm.GlobalContext().StructCreateNamed("")
		tm.types[tstr] = typ
		valptr_type := llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
		typptr_type := valptr_type // runtimeType may not be defined yet
		elements := make([]llvm.Type, 2+i.NumMethods())
		elements[0] = typptr_type // type
		elements[1] = valptr_type // value
		for n, m := range sortedMethods(i) {
			fntype := m.Type()
			elements[n+2] = tm.ToLLVM(fntype).StructElementTypes()[0]
		typ.StructSetBody(elements, false)
	return typ
Пример #26
Файл: alg.go Проект: minux/llgo
func newAlgorithmMap(m llvm.Module, runtime *runtimeInterface, target llvm.TargetData) *algorithmMap {
	am := &algorithmMap{
		module:  m,
		runtime: runtime,
	uintptrType := target.IntPtrType()
	voidPtrType := llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
	boolType := llvm.Int1Type()
	params := []llvm.Type{uintptrType, voidPtrType}
	am.hashAlgFunctionType = llvm.FunctionType(uintptrType, params, false)
	params = []llvm.Type{uintptrType, uintptrType, uintptrType}
	am.equalAlgFunctionType = llvm.FunctionType(boolType, params, false)
	params = []llvm.Type{uintptrType, voidPtrType}
	am.printAlgFunctionType = llvm.FunctionType(llvm.VoidType(), params, false)
	params = []llvm.Type{uintptrType, voidPtrType, voidPtrType}
	am.copyAlgFunctionType = llvm.FunctionType(llvm.VoidType(), params, false)
	return am
Пример #27
// makeClosure creates a closure from a function pointer and
// a set of bindings. The bindings are addresses of captured
// variables.
func (c *compiler) makeClosure(fn *LLVMValue, bindings []*LLVMValue) *LLVMValue {
	types := make([]llvm.Type, len(bindings))
	for i, binding := range bindings {
		types[i] = c.types.ToLLVM(binding.Type())
	block := c.createTypeMalloc(llvm.StructType(types, false))
	for i, binding := range bindings {
		addressPtr := c.builder.CreateStructGEP(block, i, "")
		c.builder.CreateStore(binding.LLVMValue(), addressPtr)
	block = c.builder.CreateBitCast(block, llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0), "")
	// fn is a raw function pointer; ToLLVM yields {*fn, *uint8}.
	closure := llvm.Undef(c.types.ToLLVM(fn.Type()))
	fnptr := c.builder.CreateBitCast(fn.LLVMValue(), closure.Type().StructElementTypes()[0], "")
	closure = c.builder.CreateInsertValue(closure, fnptr, 0, "")
	closure = c.builder.CreateInsertValue(closure, block, 1, "")
	return c.NewValue(closure, fn.Type())
Пример #28
// convertI2V converts an interface to a value.
func (v *LLVMValue) convertI2V(typ types.Type) (result, success Value) {
	typptrType := llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
	runtimeType := v.compiler.types.ToRuntime(typ)
	runtimeType = llvm.ConstBitCast(runtimeType, typptrType)
	vval := v.LLVMValue()

	builder := v.compiler.builder
	ifaceType := builder.CreateExtractValue(vval, 0, "")
	diff := builder.CreatePtrDiff(runtimeType, ifaceType, "")
	zero := llvm.ConstNull(diff.Type())
	predicate := builder.CreateICmp(llvm.IntEQ, diff, zero, "")

	// If result is zero, then we've got a match.
	end := llvm.InsertBasicBlock(builder.GetInsertBlock(), "end")
	nonmatch := llvm.InsertBasicBlock(end, "nonmatch")
	match := llvm.InsertBasicBlock(nonmatch, "match")
	builder.CreateCondBr(predicate, match, nonmatch)

	matchResultValue := v.loadI2V(typ).LLVMValue()

	nonmatchResultValue := llvm.ConstNull(matchResultValue.Type())

	successValue := builder.CreatePHI(llvm.Int1Type(), "")
	resultValue := builder.CreatePHI(matchResultValue.Type(), "")

	successValues := []llvm.Value{llvm.ConstAllOnes(llvm.Int1Type()), llvm.ConstNull(llvm.Int1Type())}
	successBlocks := []llvm.BasicBlock{match, nonmatch}
	successValue.AddIncoming(successValues, successBlocks)
	success = v.compiler.NewLLVMValue(successValue, types.Bool)

	resultValues := []llvm.Value{matchResultValue, nonmatchResultValue}
	resultBlocks := []llvm.BasicBlock{match, nonmatch}
	resultValue.AddIncoming(resultValues, resultBlocks)
	result = v.compiler.NewLLVMValue(resultValue, typ)
	return result, success
Пример #29
func (c *compiler) getBoolString(v llvm.Value) llvm.Value {
	startBlock := c.builder.GetInsertBlock()
	resultBlock := llvm.InsertBasicBlock(startBlock, "")
	falseBlock := llvm.InsertBasicBlock(resultBlock, "")

	CharPtr := llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
	falseString := c.builder.CreateGlobalStringPtr("false", "")
	falseString = c.builder.CreateBitCast(falseString, CharPtr, "")
	trueString := c.builder.CreateGlobalStringPtr("true", "")
	trueString = c.builder.CreateBitCast(trueString, CharPtr, "")

	c.builder.CreateCondBr(v, resultBlock, falseBlock)
	result := c.builder.CreatePHI(CharPtr, "")
	result.AddIncoming([]llvm.Value{trueString, falseString},
		[]llvm.BasicBlock{startBlock, falseBlock})
	return result
Пример #30
func (tm *TypeMap) interfaceFuncWrapper(f llvm.Value) llvm.Value {
	ftyp := f.Type().ElementType()
	paramTypes := ftyp.ParamTypes()
	recvType := paramTypes[0]
	paramTypes[0] = llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
	newf := llvm.AddFunction(f.GlobalParent(), f.Name()+".ifn", llvm.FunctionType(

	b := llvm.GlobalContext().NewBuilder()
	defer b.Dispose()
	entry := llvm.AddBasicBlock(newf, "entry")
	args := make([]llvm.Value, len(paramTypes))
	for i := range paramTypes {
		args[i] = newf.Param(i)

	recvBits := int(tm.target.TypeSizeInBits(recvType))
	if recvBits > 0 {
		args[0] = b.CreatePtrToInt(args[0], tm.target.IntPtrType(), "")
		if args[0].Type().IntTypeWidth() > recvBits {
			args[0] = b.CreateTrunc(args[0], llvm.IntType(recvBits), "")
		args[0] = coerce(b, args[0], recvType)
	} else {
		args[0] = llvm.ConstNull(recvType)

	result := b.CreateCall(f, args, "")
	if result.Type().TypeKind() == llvm.VoidTypeKind {
	} else {
	return newf