Пример #1
func (p *ProtocolV2) REQ(client *ClientV2, params [][]byte) ([]byte, error) {
	state := atomic.LoadInt32(&client.State)
	if state != nsq.StateSubscribed && state != nsq.StateClosing {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_INVALID", "cannot REQ in current state")

	if len(params) < 3 {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_INVALID", "REQ insufficient number of params")

	id := *(*nsq.MessageID)(unsafe.Pointer(&params[1][0]))
	timeoutMs, err := util.ByteToBase10(params[2])
	if err != nil {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_INVALID",
			fmt.Sprintf("REQ could not parse timeout %s", params[2]))
	timeoutDuration := time.Duration(timeoutMs) * time.Millisecond

	if timeoutDuration < 0 || timeoutDuration > maxTimeout {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_INVALID",
			fmt.Sprintf("REQ timeout %d out of range 0-%d", timeoutDuration, maxTimeout))

	err = client.Channel.RequeueMessage(client.ID, id, timeoutDuration)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, util.NewClientErr(err, "E_REQ_FAILED",
			fmt.Sprintf("REQ %s failed %s", id, err.Error()))


	return nil, nil
Пример #2
func (p *ProtocolV2) RDY(client *ClientV2, params [][]byte) ([]byte, error) {
	state := atomic.LoadInt32(&client.State)

	if state == nsq.StateClosing {
		// just ignore ready changes on a closing channel
		log.Printf("PROTOCOL(V2): [%s] ignoring RDY after CLS in state ClientStateV2Closing", client)
		return nil, nil

	if state != nsq.StateSubscribed {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_INVALID", "cannot RDY in current state")

	count := int64(1)
	if len(params) > 1 {
		b10, err := util.ByteToBase10(params[1])
		if err != nil {
			return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_INVALID",
				fmt.Sprintf("RDY could not parse count %s", params[1]))
		count = int64(b10)

	if count < 0 || count > p.context.nsqd.options.maxRdyCount {
		// this needs to be a fatal error otherwise clients would have
		// inconsistent state
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_INVALID",
			fmt.Sprintf("RDY count %d out of range 0-%d", count, p.context.nsqd.options.maxRdyCount))


	return nil, nil
Пример #3
func (p *protocolV2) FIN(client *clientV2, params [][]byte) ([]byte, error) {
	state := atomic.LoadInt32(&client.State)
	if state != stateSubscribed && state != stateClosing {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_INVALID", "cannot FIN in current state")

	if len(params) < 2 {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_INVALID", "FIN insufficient number of params")

	id, err := getMessageId(params[1])
	if err != nil {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_INVALID", err.Error())

	err = client.Channel.FinishMessage(client.ID, *id)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, util.NewClientErr(err, "E_FIN_FAILED",
			fmt.Sprintf("FIN %s failed %s", *id, err.Error()))


	return nil, nil
Пример #4
func (p *protocolV2) TOUCH(client *clientV2, params [][]byte) ([]byte, error) {
	state := atomic.LoadInt32(&client.State)
	if state != stateSubscribed && state != stateClosing {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_INVALID", "cannot TOUCH in current state")

	if len(params) < 2 {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_INVALID", "TOUCH insufficient number of params")

	id, err := getMessageId(params[1])
	if err != nil {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_INVALID", err.Error())

	msgTimeout := client.MsgTimeout
	err = client.Channel.TouchMessage(client.ID, *id, msgTimeout)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, util.NewClientErr(err, "E_TOUCH_FAILED",
			fmt.Sprintf("TOUCH %s failed %s", *id, err.Error()))

	return nil, nil
Пример #5
func (p *protocolV2) Exec(client *clientV2, params [][]byte) ([]byte, error) {
	if bytes.Equal(params[0], []byte("IDENTIFY")) {
		return p.IDENTIFY(client, params)
	err := enforceTLSPolicy(client, p, params[0])
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	switch {
	case bytes.Equal(params[0], []byte("FIN")):
		return p.FIN(client, params)
	case bytes.Equal(params[0], []byte("RDY")):
		return p.RDY(client, params)
	case bytes.Equal(params[0], []byte("REQ")):
		return p.REQ(client, params)
	case bytes.Equal(params[0], []byte("PUB")):
		return p.PUB(client, params)
	case bytes.Equal(params[0], []byte("MPUB")):
		return p.MPUB(client, params)
	case bytes.Equal(params[0], []byte("NOP")):
		return p.NOP(client, params)
	case bytes.Equal(params[0], []byte("TOUCH")):
		return p.TOUCH(client, params)
	case bytes.Equal(params[0], []byte("SUB")):
		return p.SUB(client, params)
	case bytes.Equal(params[0], []byte("CLS")):
		return p.CLS(client, params)
	case bytes.Equal(params[0], []byte("AUTH")):
		return p.AUTH(client, params)
	return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_INVALID", fmt.Sprintf("invalid command %s", params[0]))
Пример #6
func (p *ProtocolV2) Exec(client *ClientV2, params [][]byte) ([]byte, error) {
	switch {
	case bytes.Equal(params[0], []byte("FIN")):
		return p.FIN(client, params)
	case bytes.Equal(params[0], []byte("RDY")):
		return p.RDY(client, params)
	case bytes.Equal(params[0], []byte("REQ")):
		return p.REQ(client, params)
	case bytes.Equal(params[0], []byte("PUB")):
		return p.PUB(client, params)
	case bytes.Equal(params[0], []byte("MPUB")):
		return p.MPUB(client, params)
	case bytes.Equal(params[0], []byte("NOP")):
		return p.NOP(client, params)
	case bytes.Equal(params[0], []byte("TOUCH")):
		return p.TOUCH(client, params)
	case bytes.Equal(params[0], []byte("IDENTIFY")):
		return p.IDENTIFY(client, params)
	case bytes.Equal(params[0], []byte("SUB")):
		return p.SUB(client, params)
	case bytes.Equal(params[0], []byte("CLS")):
		return p.CLS(client, params)
	return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_INVALID", fmt.Sprintf("invalid command %s", params[0]))
Пример #7
func enforceTLSPolicy(client *clientV2, p *protocolV2, command []byte) error {
	if p.ctx.nsqd.opts.TLSRequired && atomic.LoadInt32(&client.TLS) != 1 {
		return util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_INVALID",
			fmt.Sprintf("cannot %s in current state (TLS required)", command))
	return nil
Пример #8
func (p *LookupProtocolV1) REGISTER(client *ClientV1, reader *bufio.Reader, params []string) ([]byte, error) {
	if client.peerInfo == nil {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_INVALID", "client must IDENTIFY")

	topic, channel, err := getTopicChan("REGISTER", params)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if channel != "" {
		key := Registration{"channel", topic, channel}
		if p.context.nsqlookupd.DB.AddProducer(key, &Producer{peerInfo: client.peerInfo}) {
			log.Printf("DB: client(%s) REGISTER category:%s key:%s subkey:%s",
				client, "channel", topic, channel)
	key := Registration{"topic", topic, ""}
	if p.context.nsqlookupd.DB.AddProducer(key, &Producer{peerInfo: client.peerInfo}) {
		log.Printf("DB: client(%s) REGISTER category:%s key:%s subkey:%s",
			client, "topic", topic, "")

	return []byte("OK"), nil
Пример #9
func (p *protocolV2) CLS(client *clientV2, params [][]byte) ([]byte, error) {
	if atomic.LoadInt32(&client.State) != stateSubscribed {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_INVALID", "cannot CLS in current state")


	return []byte("CLOSE_WAIT"), nil
Пример #10
func (p *ProtocolV2) TOUCH(client *ClientV2, params [][]byte) ([]byte, error) {
	state := atomic.LoadInt32(&client.State)
	if state != nsq.StateSubscribed && state != nsq.StateClosing {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_INVALID", "cannot TOUCH in current state")

	if len(params) < 2 {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_INVALID", "TOUCH insufficient number of params")

	id := *(*nsq.MessageID)(unsafe.Pointer(&params[1][0]))
	err := client.Channel.TouchMessage(client.ID, id)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, util.NewClientErr(err, "E_TOUCH_FAILED",
			fmt.Sprintf("TOUCH %s failed %s", id, err.Error()))

	return nil, nil
Пример #11
func (p *protocolV2) CheckAuth(client *clientV2, cmd, topicName, channelName string) error {
	// if auth is enabled, the client must have authorized already
	// compare topic/channel against cached authorization data (refetching if expired)
	if client.ctx.nsqd.IsAuthEnabled() {
		if !client.HasAuthorizations() {
			return util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_AUTH_FIRST",
				fmt.Sprintf("AUTH required before %s", cmd))
		ok, err := client.IsAuthorized(topicName, channelName)
		if err != nil {
			// we don't want to leak errors contacting the auth server to untrusted clients
			p.ctx.nsqd.logf("PROTOCOL(V2): [%s] Auth Failed %s", client, err)
			return util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_AUTH_FAILED", "AUTH failed")
		if !ok {
			return util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_UNAUTHORIZED",
				fmt.Sprintf("AUTH failed for %s on %q %q", cmd, topicName, channelName))
	return nil
Пример #12
func getTopicChan(command string, params []string) (string, string, error) {
	if len(params) == 0 {
		return "", "", util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_INVALID", fmt.Sprintf("%s insufficient number of params", command))

	topicName := params[0]
	var channelName string
	if len(params) >= 2 {
		channelName = params[1]

	if !util.IsValidTopicName(topicName) {
		return "", "", util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_BAD_TOPIC", fmt.Sprintf("%s topic name '%s' is not valid", command, topicName))

	if channelName != "" && !util.IsValidChannelName(channelName) {
		return "", "", util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_BAD_CHANNEL", fmt.Sprintf("%s channel name '%s' is not valid", command, channelName))

	return topicName, channelName, nil
Пример #13
func (p *protocolV2) SUB(client *clientV2, params [][]byte) ([]byte, error) {
	if atomic.LoadInt32(&client.State) != stateInit {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_INVALID", "cannot SUB in current state")

	if client.HeartbeatInterval <= 0 {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_INVALID", "cannot SUB with heartbeats disabled")

	if len(params) < 3 {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_INVALID", "SUB insufficient number of parameters")

	topicName := string(params[1])
	if !util.IsValidTopicName(topicName) {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_BAD_TOPIC",
			fmt.Sprintf("SUB topic name %q is not valid", topicName))

	channelName := string(params[2])
	if !util.IsValidChannelName(channelName) {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_BAD_CHANNEL",
			fmt.Sprintf("SUB channel name %q is not valid", channelName))

	if err := p.CheckAuth(client, "SUB", topicName, channelName); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	topic := p.ctx.nsqd.GetTopic(topicName)
	channel := topic.GetChannel(channelName)
	channel.AddClient(client.ID, client)

	atomic.StoreInt32(&client.State, stateSubscribed)
	client.Channel = channel
	// update message pump
	client.SubEventChan <- channel

	return okBytes, nil
Пример #14
func (p *LookupProtocolV1) Exec(client *ClientV1, reader *bufio.Reader, params []string) ([]byte, error) {
	switch params[0] {
	case "PING":
		return p.PING(client, params)
	case "IDENTIFY":
		return p.IDENTIFY(client, reader, params[1:])
	case "REGISTER":
		return p.REGISTER(client, reader, params[1:])
		return p.UNREGISTER(client, reader, params[1:])
	return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_INVALID", fmt.Sprintf("invalid command %s", params[0]))
Пример #15
func (p *protocolV2) PUB(client *clientV2, params [][]byte) ([]byte, error) {
	var err error

	if len(params) < 2 {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_INVALID", "PUB insufficient number of parameters")

	topicName := string(params[1])
	if !util.IsValidTopicName(topicName) {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_BAD_TOPIC",
			fmt.Sprintf("PUB topic name %q is not valid", topicName))

	bodyLen, err := readLen(client.Reader, client.lenSlice)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_BAD_MESSAGE", "PUB failed to read message body size")

	if bodyLen <= 0 {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_BAD_MESSAGE",
			fmt.Sprintf("PUB invalid message body size %d", bodyLen))

	if int64(bodyLen) > p.ctx.nsqd.opts.MaxMsgSize {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_BAD_MESSAGE",
			fmt.Sprintf("PUB message too big %d > %d", bodyLen, p.ctx.nsqd.opts.MaxMsgSize))

	messageBody := make([]byte, bodyLen)
	_, err = io.ReadFull(client.Reader, messageBody)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_BAD_MESSAGE", "PUB failed to read message body")

	if err := p.CheckAuth(client, "PUB", topicName, ""); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	topic := p.ctx.nsqd.GetTopic(topicName)
	msg := NewMessage(<-p.ctx.nsqd.idChan, messageBody)
	err = topic.PutMessage(msg)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_PUB_FAILED", "PUB failed "+err.Error())

	return okBytes, nil
Пример #16
func (p *LookupProtocolV1) UNREGISTER(client *ClientV1, reader *bufio.Reader, params []string) ([]byte, error) {
	if client.peerInfo == nil {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_INVALID", "client must IDENTIFY")

	topic, channel, err := getTopicChan("UNREGISTER", params)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if channel != "" {
		key := Registration{"channel", topic, channel}
		removed, left := p.context.nsqlookupd.DB.RemoveProducer(key, client.peerInfo.id)
		if removed {
			log.Printf("DB: client(%s) UNREGISTER category:%s key:%s subkey:%s",
				client, "channel", topic, channel)
		// for ephemeral channels, remove the channel as well if it has no producers
		if left == 0 && strings.HasSuffix(channel, "#ephemeral") {
	} else {
		// no channel was specified so this is a topic unregistration
		// remove all of the channel registrations...
		// normally this shouldn't happen which is why we print a warning message
		// if anything is actually removed
		registrations := p.context.nsqlookupd.DB.FindRegistrations("channel", topic, "*")
		for _, r := range registrations {
			if removed, _ := p.context.nsqlookupd.DB.RemoveProducer(r, client.peerInfo.id); removed {
				log.Printf("WARNING: client(%s) unexpected UNREGISTER category:%s key:%s subkey:%s",
					client, "channel", topic, r.SubKey)

		key := Registration{"topic", topic, ""}
		if removed, _ := p.context.nsqlookupd.DB.RemoveProducer(key, client.peerInfo.id); removed {
			log.Printf("DB: client(%s) UNREGISTER category:%s key:%s subkey:%s",
				client, "topic", topic, "")

	return []byte("OK"), nil
Пример #17
func (p *protocolV2) MPUB(client *clientV2, params [][]byte) ([]byte, error) {
	var err error

	if len(params) < 2 {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_INVALID", "MPUB insufficient number of parameters")

	topicName := string(params[1])
	if !util.IsValidTopicName(topicName) {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_BAD_TOPIC",
			fmt.Sprintf("E_BAD_TOPIC MPUB topic name %q is not valid", topicName))

	bodyLen, err := readLen(client.Reader, client.lenSlice)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_BAD_BODY", "MPUB failed to read body size")

	if bodyLen <= 0 {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_BAD_BODY",
			fmt.Sprintf("MPUB invalid body size %d", bodyLen))

	if int64(bodyLen) > p.ctx.nsqd.opts.MaxBodySize {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_BAD_BODY",
			fmt.Sprintf("MPUB body too big %d > %d", bodyLen, p.ctx.nsqd.opts.MaxBodySize))

	messages, err := readMPUB(client.Reader, client.lenSlice, p.ctx.nsqd.idChan,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if err := p.CheckAuth(client, "MPUB", topicName, ""); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	topic := p.ctx.nsqd.GetTopic(topicName)

	// if we've made it this far we've validated all the input,
	// the only possible error is that the topic is exiting during
	// this next call (and no messages will be queued in that case)
	err = topic.PutMessages(messages)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_MPUB_FAILED", "MPUB failed "+err.Error())

	return okBytes, nil
Пример #18
func readMPUB(r io.Reader, tmp []byte, idChan chan MessageID, maxMessageSize int64) ([]*Message, error) {
	numMessages, err := readLen(r, tmp)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_BAD_BODY", "MPUB failed to read message count")

	if numMessages <= 0 {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_BAD_BODY",
			fmt.Sprintf("MPUB invalid message count %d", numMessages))

	messages := make([]*Message, 0, numMessages)
	for i := int32(0); i < numMessages; i++ {
		messageSize, err := readLen(r, tmp)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_BAD_MESSAGE",
				fmt.Sprintf("MPUB failed to read message(%d) body size", i))

		if messageSize <= 0 {
			return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_BAD_MESSAGE",
				fmt.Sprintf("MPUB invalid message(%d) body size %d", i, messageSize))

		if int64(messageSize) > maxMessageSize {
			return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_BAD_MESSAGE",
				fmt.Sprintf("MPUB message too big %d > %d", messageSize, maxMessageSize))

		msgBody := make([]byte, messageSize)
		_, err = io.ReadFull(r, msgBody)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_BAD_MESSAGE", "MPUB failed to read message body")

		messages = append(messages, NewMessage(<-idChan, msgBody))

	return messages, nil
Пример #19
func (p *protocolV2) AUTH(client *clientV2, params [][]byte) ([]byte, error) {
	if atomic.LoadInt32(&client.State) != stateInit {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_INVALID", "cannot AUTH in current state")

	if len(params) != 1 {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_INVALID", "AUTH invalid number of parameters")

	bodyLen, err := readLen(client.Reader, client.lenSlice)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_BAD_BODY", "AUTH failed to read body size")

	if int64(bodyLen) > p.ctx.nsqd.opts.MaxBodySize {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_BAD_BODY",
			fmt.Sprintf("AUTH body too big %d > %d", bodyLen, p.ctx.nsqd.opts.MaxBodySize))

	if bodyLen <= 0 {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_BAD_BODY",
			fmt.Sprintf("AUTH invalid body size %d", bodyLen))

	body := make([]byte, bodyLen)
	_, err = io.ReadFull(client.Reader, body)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_BAD_BODY", "AUTH failed to read body")

	if client.HasAuthorizations() {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_INVALID", "AUTH Already set")

	if !client.ctx.nsqd.IsAuthEnabled() {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_AUTH_DISABLED", "AUTH Disabled")

	if err := client.Auth(string(body)); err != nil {
		// we don't want to leak errors contacting the auth server to untrusted clients
		p.ctx.nsqd.logf("PROTOCOL(V2): [%s] Auth Failed %s", client, err)
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_AUTH_FAILED", "AUTH failed")

	if !client.HasAuthorizations() {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_UNAUTHORIZED", "AUTH No authorizations found")

	resp, err := json.Marshal(struct {
		Identity        string `json:"identity"`
		IdentityUrl     string `json:"identity_url"`
		PermissionCount int    `json:"permission_count"`
		Identity:        client.AuthState.Identity,
		IdentityUrl:     client.AuthState.IdentityUrl,
		PermissionCount: len(client.AuthState.Authorizations),
	if err != nil {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_AUTH_ERROR", "AUTH error "+err.Error())

	err = p.Send(client, frameTypeResponse, resp)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_AUTH_ERROR", "AUTH error "+err.Error())

	return nil, nil

Пример #20
func (p *LookupProtocolV1) IDENTIFY(client *ClientV1, reader *bufio.Reader, params []string) ([]byte, error) {
	var err error

	if client.peerInfo != nil {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_INVALID", "cannot IDENTIFY again")

	var bodyLen int32
	err = binary.Read(reader, binary.BigEndian, &bodyLen)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_BAD_BODY", "IDENTIFY failed to read body size")

	body := make([]byte, bodyLen)
	_, err = io.ReadFull(reader, body)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_BAD_BODY", "IDENTIFY failed to read body")

	// body is a json structure with producer information
	peerInfo := PeerInfo{id: client.RemoteAddr().String()}
	err = json.Unmarshal(body, &peerInfo)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_BAD_BODY", "IDENTIFY failed to decode JSON body")

	peerInfo.RemoteAddress = client.RemoteAddr().String()

	// require all fields
	if peerInfo.BroadcastAddress == "" || peerInfo.TcpPort == 0 || peerInfo.HttpPort == 0 || peerInfo.Version == "" {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_BAD_BODY", "IDENTIFY missing fields")

	atomic.StoreInt64(&peerInfo.lastUpdate, time.Now().UnixNano())

	log.Printf("CLIENT(%s): IDENTIFY Address:%s TCP:%d HTTP:%d Version:%s",
		client, peerInfo.BroadcastAddress, peerInfo.TcpPort, peerInfo.HttpPort, peerInfo.Version)

	client.peerInfo = &peerInfo
	if p.context.nsqlookupd.DB.AddProducer(Registration{"client", "", ""}, &Producer{peerInfo: client.peerInfo}) {
		log.Printf("DB: client(%s) REGISTER category:%s key:%s subkey:%s", client, "client", "", "")

	// build a response
	data := make(map[string]interface{})
	data["tcp_port"] = p.context.nsqlookupd.tcpAddr.Port
	data["http_port"] = p.context.nsqlookupd.httpAddr.Port
	data["version"] = util.BINARY_VERSION
	hostname, err := os.Hostname()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("ERROR: unable to get hostname %s", err.Error())
	data["broadcast_address"] = p.context.nsqlookupd.options.BroadcastAddress
	data["hostname"] = hostname

	response, err := json.Marshal(data)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("ERROR: marshaling %v", data)
		return []byte("OK"), nil
	return response, nil
Пример #21
func (p *protocolV2) IDENTIFY(client *clientV2, params [][]byte) ([]byte, error) {
	var err error

	if atomic.LoadInt32(&client.State) != stateInit {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_INVALID", "cannot IDENTIFY in current state")

	bodyLen, err := readLen(client.Reader, client.lenSlice)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_BAD_BODY", "IDENTIFY failed to read body size")

	if int64(bodyLen) > p.ctx.nsqd.opts.MaxBodySize {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_BAD_BODY",
			fmt.Sprintf("IDENTIFY body too big %d > %d", bodyLen, p.ctx.nsqd.opts.MaxBodySize))

	if bodyLen <= 0 {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_BAD_BODY",
			fmt.Sprintf("IDENTIFY invalid body size %d", bodyLen))

	body := make([]byte, bodyLen)
	_, err = io.ReadFull(client.Reader, body)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_BAD_BODY", "IDENTIFY failed to read body")

	// body is a json structure with producer information
	var identifyData identifyDataV2
	err = json.Unmarshal(body, &identifyData)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_BAD_BODY", "IDENTIFY failed to decode JSON body")

	if p.ctx.nsqd.opts.Verbose {
		p.ctx.nsqd.logf("PROTOCOL(V2): [%s] %+v", client, identifyData)

	err = client.Identify(identifyData)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_BAD_BODY", "IDENTIFY "+err.Error())

	// bail out early if we're not negotiating features
	if !identifyData.FeatureNegotiation {
		return okBytes, nil

	tlsv1 := p.ctx.nsqd.tlsConfig != nil && identifyData.TLSv1
	deflate := p.ctx.nsqd.opts.DeflateEnabled && identifyData.Deflate
	deflateLevel := 0
	if deflate {
		if identifyData.DeflateLevel <= 0 {
			deflateLevel = 6
		deflateLevel = int(math.Min(float64(deflateLevel), float64(p.ctx.nsqd.opts.MaxDeflateLevel)))
	snappy := p.ctx.nsqd.opts.SnappyEnabled && identifyData.Snappy

	if deflate && snappy {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_IDENTIFY_FAILED", "cannot enable both deflate and snappy compression")

	resp, err := json.Marshal(struct {
		MaxRdyCount     int64  `json:"max_rdy_count"`
		Version         string `json:"version"`
		MaxMsgTimeout   int64  `json:"max_msg_timeout"`
		MsgTimeout      int64  `json:"msg_timeout"`
		TLSv1           bool   `json:"tls_v1"`
		Deflate         bool   `json:"deflate"`
		DeflateLevel    int    `json:"deflate_level"`
		MaxDeflateLevel int    `json:"max_deflate_level"`
		Snappy          bool   `json:"snappy"`
		SampleRate      int32  `json:"sample_rate"`
		AuthRequired    bool   `json:"auth_required"`
		MaxRdyCount:     p.ctx.nsqd.opts.MaxRdyCount,
		Version:         util.BINARY_VERSION,
		MaxMsgTimeout:   int64(p.ctx.nsqd.opts.MaxMsgTimeout / time.Millisecond),
		MsgTimeout:      int64(client.MsgTimeout / time.Millisecond),
		TLSv1:           tlsv1,
		Deflate:         deflate,
		DeflateLevel:    deflateLevel,
		MaxDeflateLevel: p.ctx.nsqd.opts.MaxDeflateLevel,
		Snappy:          snappy,
		SampleRate:      client.SampleRate,
		AuthRequired:    p.ctx.nsqd.IsAuthEnabled(),
	if err != nil {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_IDENTIFY_FAILED", "IDENTIFY failed "+err.Error())

	err = p.Send(client, frameTypeResponse, resp)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_IDENTIFY_FAILED", "IDENTIFY failed "+err.Error())

	if tlsv1 {
		p.ctx.nsqd.logf("PROTOCOL(V2): [%s] upgrading connection to TLS", client)
		err = client.UpgradeTLS()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_IDENTIFY_FAILED", "IDENTIFY failed "+err.Error())

		err = p.Send(client, frameTypeResponse, okBytes)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_IDENTIFY_FAILED", "IDENTIFY failed "+err.Error())

	if snappy {
		p.ctx.nsqd.logf("PROTOCOL(V2): [%s] upgrading connection to snappy", client)
		err = client.UpgradeSnappy()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_IDENTIFY_FAILED", "IDENTIFY failed "+err.Error())

		err = p.Send(client, frameTypeResponse, okBytes)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_IDENTIFY_FAILED", "IDENTIFY failed "+err.Error())

	if deflate {
		p.ctx.nsqd.logf("PROTOCOL(V2): [%s] upgrading connection to deflate", client)
		err = client.UpgradeDeflate(deflateLevel)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_IDENTIFY_FAILED", "IDENTIFY failed "+err.Error())

		err = p.Send(client, frameTypeResponse, okBytes)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_IDENTIFY_FAILED", "IDENTIFY failed "+err.Error())

	return nil, nil
Пример #22
func (p *ProtocolV2) MPUB(client *ClientV2, params [][]byte) ([]byte, error) {
	var err error

	if len(params) < 2 {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_INVALID", "MPUB insufficient number of parameters")

	topicName := string(params[1])
	if !nsq.IsValidTopicName(topicName) {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_BAD_TOPIC",
			fmt.Sprintf("E_BAD_TOPIC MPUB topic name '%s' is not valid", topicName))

	bodyLen, err := p.readLen(client)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_BAD_BODY", "MPUB failed to read body size")

	if bodyLen <= 0 {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_BAD_BODY",
			fmt.Sprintf("MPUB invalid body size %d", bodyLen))

	if int64(bodyLen) > p.context.nsqd.options.maxBodySize {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_BAD_BODY",
			fmt.Sprintf("MPUB body too big %d > %d", bodyLen, p.context.nsqd.options.maxBodySize))

	numMessages, err := p.readLen(client)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_BAD_BODY", "MPUB failed to read message count")

	if numMessages <= 0 {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_BAD_BODY",
			fmt.Sprintf("MPUB invalid message count %d", numMessages))

	messages := make([]*nsq.Message, 0, numMessages)
	for i := int32(0); i < numMessages; i++ {
		messageSize, err := p.readLen(client)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_BAD_MESSAGE",
				fmt.Sprintf("MPUB failed to read message(%d) body size", i))

		if messageSize <= 0 {
			return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_BAD_MESSAGE",
				fmt.Sprintf("MPUB invalid message(%d) body size %d", i, messageSize))

		if int64(messageSize) > p.context.nsqd.options.maxMessageSize {
			return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(nil, "E_BAD_MESSAGE",
				fmt.Sprintf("MPUB message too big %d > %d", messageSize, p.context.nsqd.options.maxMessageSize))

		msgBody := make([]byte, messageSize)
		_, err = io.ReadFull(client.Reader, msgBody)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_BAD_MESSAGE", "MPUB failed to read message body")

		messages = append(messages, nsq.NewMessage(<-p.context.nsqd.idChan, msgBody))

	topic := p.context.nsqd.GetTopic(topicName)

	// if we've made it this far we've validated all the input,
	// the only possible error is that the topic is exiting during
	// this next call (and no messages will be queued in that case)
	err = topic.PutMessages(messages)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, util.NewFatalClientErr(err, "E_MPUB_FAILED", "MPUB failed "+err.Error())

	return okBytes, nil