Пример #1
func saveRawOutputToLogFile(rawXcodebuildOutput string, isRunSuccess bool) error {
	tmpDir, err := pathutil.NormalizedOSTempDirPath("xcodebuild-output")
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Failed to create temp dir, error: %s", err)
	logFileName := "raw-xcodebuild-output.log"
	logPth := filepath.Join(tmpDir, logFileName)
	if err := fileutil.WriteStringToFile(logPth, rawXcodebuildOutput); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Failed to write xcodebuild output to file, error: %s", err)

	if !isRunSuccess {
		deployDir := os.Getenv("BITRISE_DEPLOY_DIR")
		if deployDir == "" {
			return errors.New("No BITRISE_DEPLOY_DIR found")
		deployPth := filepath.Join(deployDir, logFileName)

		if err := cmdex.CopyFile(logPth, deployPth); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Failed to copy xcodebuild output log file from (%s) to (%s), error: %s", logPth, deployPth, err)
		logPth = deployPth

	if err := cmd.ExportEnvironmentWithEnvman("BITRISE_XCODE_RAW_TEST_RESULT_TEXT_PATH", logPth); err != nil {
		log.Warn("Failed to export: BITRISE_XCODE_RAW_TEST_RESULT_TEXT_PATH, error: %s", err)
	return nil
Пример #2
// ExportOutputFile ...
func ExportOutputFile(sourcePth, destinationPth, envKey string) error {
	if sourcePth != destinationPth {
		if err := cmdex.CopyFile(sourcePth, destinationPth); err != nil {
			return err

	return exportEnvironmentWithEnvman(envKey, destinationPth)
Пример #3
func downloadPluginBin(sourceURL, destinationPth string) error {

	url, err := url.Parse(sourceURL)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse url (%s), error: %s", sourceURL, err)

	// Download local binary
	if url.Scheme == "file" {
		src := strings.Replace(sourceURL, url.Scheme+"://", "", -1)

		if err := cmdex.CopyFile(src, destinationPth); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("failed to copy (%s) to (%s)", src, destinationPth)
		return nil

	// Download remote binary
	out, err := os.Create(destinationPth)
	defer func() {
		if err := out.Close(); err != nil {
			log.Warnf("failed to close (%s)", destinationPth)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to create (%s), error: %s", destinationPth, err)

	resp, err := http.Get(sourceURL)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to download from (%s), error: %s", sourceURL, err)
	defer func() {
		if err := resp.Body.Close(); err != nil {
			log.Warnf("failed to close (%s) body", sourceURL)

	if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
		return fmt.Errorf("non success status code (%d)", resp.StatusCode)

	_, err = io.Copy(out, resp.Body)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to download from (%s), error: %s", sourceURL, err)

	return nil
Пример #4
func setup(c *cli.Context) error {

	// Input validation
	steplibURI := c.String(CollectionKey)
	if steplibURI == "" {
		log.Fatal("No step collection specified")

	copySpecJSONPath := c.String(CopySpecJSONKey)

	if c.IsSet(LocalCollectionKey) {
		log.Warn("'local' flag is deprecated")
		log.Warn("use 'file://' prefix in steplib path instead")

	if c.Bool(LocalCollectionKey) {
		if !strings.HasPrefix(steplibURI, "file://") {
			log.Warnf("Appending file path prefix (file://) to StepLib (%s)", steplibURI)
			steplibURI = "file://" + steplibURI
			log.Warnf("From now you can refer to this StepLib with URI: %s", steplibURI)
			log.Warnf("For example, to delete StepLib call: `stepman delete --collection %s`", steplibURI)

	// Setup
	if err := setupSteplib(steplibURI, false); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Setup failed, error: %s", err)

	// Copy spec.json
	if copySpecJSONPath != "" {
		log.Infof("Copying spec YML to path: %s", copySpecJSONPath)

		route, found := stepman.ReadRoute(steplibURI)
		if !found {
			log.Fatalf("No route found for steplib (%s)", steplibURI)

		sourceSpecJSONPth := stepman.GetStepSpecPath(route)
		if err := cmdex.CopyFile(sourceSpecJSONPth, copySpecJSONPath); err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Failed to copy spec.json from (%s) to (%s), error: %s", sourceSpecJSONPth, copySpecJSONPath, err)

	return nil
Пример #5
func setup(c *cli.Context) {

	// Input validation
	steplibURI := c.String(CollectionKey)
	if steplibURI == "" {
		log.Fatal("No step collection specified")

	copySpecJSONPath := c.String(CopySpecJSONKey)

	if c.IsSet(LocalCollectionKey) {
		log.Warn("'local' flag is deprecated")
		log.Warn("use 'file://' suffix in steplib path instead")

	if c.Bool(LocalCollectionKey) {
		if !strings.HasPrefix(steplibURI, "file://") {
			steplibURI = "file://" + steplibURI

	// Setup
	if err := setupSteplib(steplibURI, false); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Steup failed, error: %s", err)

	// Copy spec.json
	if copySpecJSONPath != "" {
		log.Infof("Copying spec YML to path: %s", copySpecJSONPath)

		route, found := stepman.ReadRoute(steplibURI)
		if !found {
			log.Fatalf("No route found for steplib (%s)", steplibURI)

		sourceSpecJSONPth := stepman.GetStepSpecPath(route)
		if err := cmdex.CopyFile(sourceSpecJSONPth, copySpecJSONPath); err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Failed to copy spec.json from (%s) to (%s), error: %s", sourceSpecJSONPth, copySpecJSONPath, err)
Пример #6
func activate(c *cli.Context) error {
	// Input validation
	collectionURI := c.String(CollectionKey)
	if collectionURI == "" {
		log.Fatalln("[STEPMAN] - No step collection specified")

	id := c.String(IDKey)
	if id == "" {
		log.Fatal("[STEPMAN] - Missing step id")

	path := c.String(PathKey)
	if path == "" {
		log.Fatal("[STEPMAN] - Missing destination path")

	version := c.String(VersionKey)
	copyYML := c.String(CopyYMLKey)
	update := c.Bool(UpdateKey)

	// Check if step exist in collection
	collection, err := stepman.ReadStepSpec(collectionURI)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalln("[STEPMAN] - Failed to read steps spec (spec.json)")

	_, stepFound := collection.GetStep(id, version)
	if !stepFound {
		if !update {
			if version == "" {
				log.Fatalf("[STEPMAN] - Collection doesn't contain any version of step (id:%s)", id)
			} else {
				log.Fatalf("[STEPMAN] - Collection doesn't contain step (id:%s) (version:%s)", id, version)

		if version == "" {
			log.Infof("[STEPMAN] - Collection doesn't contain any version of step (id:%s) -- Updating StepLib", id)
		} else {
			log.Infof("[STEPMAN] - Collection doesn't contain step (id:%s) (version:%s) -- Updating StepLib", id, version)

		collection, err = updateCollection(collectionURI)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Failed to update collection (%s), err: %s", collectionURI, err)

		_, stepFound := collection.GetStep(id, version)
		if !stepFound {
			if version != "" {
				log.Fatalf("[STEPMAN] - Even the updated collection doesn't contain step (id:%s) (version:%s)", id, version)
			} else {
				log.Fatalf("[STEPMAN] - Even the updated collection doesn't contain any version of step (id:%s)", id)

	// If version doesn't provided use latest
	if version == "" {
		log.Debug("[STEPMAN] - Missing step version -- Use latest version")

		latest, err := collection.GetLatestStepVersion(id)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatal("[STEPMAN] - Failed to get step latest version: ", err)
		log.Debug("[STEPMAN] - Latest version of step: ", latest)
		version = latest

	// Check step exist in local cache
	step, found := collection.GetStep(id, version)
	if !found {
		log.Fatalf("[STEPMAN] - Collection doesn't contain step (id:%s) (version:%s)", id, version)

	if step.Source == nil {
		log.Fatal("Invalid step, missing Source property")

	route, found := stepman.ReadRoute(collectionURI)
	if !found {
		log.Fatalf("No route found for lib: %s", collectionURI)

	stepCacheDir := stepman.GetStepCacheDirPath(route, id, version)
	if exist, err := pathutil.IsPathExists(stepCacheDir); err != nil {
		log.Fatal("[STEPMAN] - Failed to check path:", err)
	} else if !exist {
		log.Debug("[STEPMAN] - Step does not exist, download it")
		if err := stepman.DownloadStep(collectionURI, collection, id, version, step.Source.Commit); err != nil {
			log.Fatal("[STEPMAN] - Failed to download step:", err)

	// Copy to specified path
	srcFolder := stepCacheDir
	destFolder := path

	if exist, err := pathutil.IsPathExists(destFolder); err != nil {
		log.Fatalln("[STEPMAN] - Failed to check path:", err)
	} else if !exist {
		if err := os.MkdirAll(destFolder, 0777); err != nil {
			log.Fatalln("[STEPMAN] - Failed to create path:", err)

	if err = cmdex.CopyDir(srcFolder+"/", destFolder, true); err != nil {
		log.Fatalln("[STEPMAN] - Failed to copy step:", err)

	// Copy step.yml to specified path
	if copyYML != "" {
		if exist, err := pathutil.IsPathExists(copyYML); err != nil {
			log.Fatalln("[STEPMAN] - Failed to check path:", err)
		} else if exist {
			log.Fatalln("[STEPMAN] - Copy yml destination path exist")

		stepCollectionDir := stepman.GetStepCollectionDirPath(route, id, version)
		stepYMLSrc := stepCollectionDir + "/step.yml"
		if err = cmdex.CopyFile(stepYMLSrc, copyYML); err != nil {
			log.Fatalln("[STEPMAN] - Failed to copy step.yml:", err)

	return nil
Пример #7
func activateAndRunSteps(workflow models.WorkflowModel, defaultStepLibSource string, buildRunResults models.BuildRunResultsModel, environments *[]envmanModels.EnvironmentItemModel, isLastWorkflow bool) models.BuildRunResultsModel {
	log.Debugln("[BITRISE_CLI] - Activating and running steps")

	// ------------------------------------------
	// In function global variables - These are global for easy use in local register step run result methods.
	var stepStartTime time.Time

	// ------------------------------------------
	// In function method - Registration methods, for register step run results.
	registerStepRunResults := func(step stepmanModels.StepModel, stepInfoPtr stepmanModels.StepInfoModel,
		stepIdxPtr int, runIf string, resultCode, exitCode int, err error, isLastStep, printStepHeader bool) {

		if printStepHeader {
			bitrise.PrintRunningStepHeader(stepInfoPtr, step, stepIdxPtr)

		stepInfoCopy := stepmanModels.StepInfoModel{
			ID:            stepInfoPtr.ID,
			Title:         stepInfoPtr.Title,
			Version:       stepInfoPtr.Version,
			Latest:        stepInfoPtr.Latest,
			SupportURL:    stepInfoPtr.SupportURL,
			SourceCodeURL: stepInfoPtr.SourceCodeURL,
			GlobalInfo:    stepInfoPtr.GlobalInfo,

		stepResults := models.StepRunResultsModel{
			StepInfo: stepInfoCopy,
			Status:   resultCode,
			Idx:      buildRunResults.ResultsCount(),
			RunTime:  time.Now().Sub(stepStartTime),
			Error:    err,
			ExitCode: exitCode,

		isExitStatusError := true
		if err != nil {
			isExitStatusError = errorutil.IsExitStatusError(err)

		switch resultCode {
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeSuccess:
			buildRunResults.SuccessSteps = append(buildRunResults.SuccessSteps, stepResults)
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed:
			if !isExitStatusError {
				log.Errorf("Step (%s) failed, error: %s", stepInfoCopy.Title, err)

			buildRunResults.FailedSteps = append(buildRunResults.FailedSteps, stepResults)
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeFailedSkippable:
			if !isExitStatusError {
				log.Warnf("Step (%s) failed, but was marked as skippable, error: %s", stepInfoCopy.Title, err)
			} else {
				log.Warnf("Step (%s) failed, but was marked as skippable", stepInfoCopy.Title)

			buildRunResults.FailedSkippableSteps = append(buildRunResults.FailedSkippableSteps, stepResults)
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeSkipped:
			log.Warnf("A previous step failed, and this step (%s) was not marked as IsAlwaysRun, skipped", stepInfoCopy.Title)

			buildRunResults.SkippedSteps = append(buildRunResults.SkippedSteps, stepResults)
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeSkippedWithRunIf:
			log.Warn("The step's (" + stepInfoCopy.Title + ") Run-If expression evaluated to false - skipping")
			if runIf != "" {
				log.Info("The Run-If expression was: ", colorstring.Blue(runIf))

			buildRunResults.SkippedSteps = append(buildRunResults.SkippedSteps, stepResults)
			log.Error("Unkown result code")

		bitrise.PrintRunningStepFooter(stepResults, isLastStep)

	// ------------------------------------------
	// Main - Preparing & running the steps
	for idx, stepListItm := range workflow.Steps {
		// Per step variables
		stepStartTime = time.Now()
		isLastStep := isLastWorkflow && (idx == len(workflow.Steps)-1)
		stepInfoPtr := stepmanModels.StepInfoModel{}
		stepIdxPtr := idx

		// Per step cleanup
		if err := bitrise.SetBuildFailedEnv(buildRunResults.IsBuildFailed()); err != nil {
			log.Error("Failed to set Build Status envs")

		if err := bitrise.CleanupStepWorkDir(); err != nil {
			registerStepRunResults(stepmanModels.StepModel{}, stepInfoPtr, stepIdxPtr,
				"", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep, true)

		// Preparing the step
		if err := tools.EnvmanInitAtPath(configs.InputEnvstorePath); err != nil {
			registerStepRunResults(stepmanModels.StepModel{}, stepInfoPtr, stepIdxPtr,
				"", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep, true)

		if err := bitrise.ExportEnvironmentsList(*environments); err != nil {
			registerStepRunResults(stepmanModels.StepModel{}, stepInfoPtr, stepIdxPtr,
				"", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep, true)

		// Get step id & version data
		compositeStepIDStr, workflowStep, err := models.GetStepIDStepDataPair(stepListItm)
		if err != nil {
			registerStepRunResults(stepmanModels.StepModel{}, stepInfoPtr, stepIdxPtr,
				"", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep, true)
		stepInfoPtr.ID = compositeStepIDStr
		if workflowStep.Title != nil && *workflowStep.Title != "" {
			stepInfoPtr.Title = *workflowStep.Title
		} else {
			stepInfoPtr.Title = compositeStepIDStr

		stepIDData, err := models.CreateStepIDDataFromString(compositeStepIDStr, defaultStepLibSource)
		if err != nil {
			registerStepRunResults(stepmanModels.StepModel{}, stepInfoPtr, stepIdxPtr,
				"", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep, true)
		stepInfoPtr.ID = stepIDData.IDorURI
		if stepInfoPtr.Title == "" {
			stepInfoPtr.Title = stepIDData.IDorURI
		stepInfoPtr.Version = stepIDData.Version
		stepInfoPtr.StepLib = stepIDData.SteplibSource

		// Activating the step
		stepDir := configs.BitriseWorkStepsDirPath
		stepYMLPth := filepath.Join(configs.BitriseWorkDirPath, "current_step.yml")

		if stepIDData.SteplibSource == "path" {
			log.Debugf("[BITRISE_CLI] - Local step found: (path:%s)", stepIDData.IDorURI)
			stepAbsLocalPth, err := pathutil.AbsPath(stepIDData.IDorURI)
			if err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults(stepmanModels.StepModel{}, stepInfoPtr, stepIdxPtr,
					"", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep, true)

			log.Debugln("stepAbsLocalPth:", stepAbsLocalPth, "|stepDir:", stepDir)

			if err := cmdex.CopyDir(stepAbsLocalPth, stepDir, true); err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults(stepmanModels.StepModel{}, stepInfoPtr, stepIdxPtr,
					"", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep, true)

			if err := cmdex.CopyFile(filepath.Join(stepAbsLocalPth, "step.yml"), stepYMLPth); err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults(stepmanModels.StepModel{}, stepInfoPtr, stepIdxPtr,
					"", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep, true)
		} else if stepIDData.SteplibSource == "git" {
			log.Debugf("[BITRISE_CLI] - Remote step, with direct git uri: (uri:%s) (tag-or-branch:%s)", stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version)
			if err := cmdex.GitCloneTagOrBranch(stepIDData.IDorURI, stepDir, stepIDData.Version); err != nil {
				if strings.HasPrefix(stepIDData.IDorURI, "git@") {
					fmt.Println(colorstring.Yellow(`Note: if the step's repository is an open source one,`))
					fmt.Println(colorstring.Yellow(`you should probably use a "https://..." git clone URL,`))
					fmt.Println(colorstring.Yellow(`instead of the "git@..." git clone URL which usually requires authentication`))
					fmt.Println(colorstring.Yellow(`even if the repository is open source!`))
				registerStepRunResults(stepmanModels.StepModel{}, stepInfoPtr, stepIdxPtr,
					"", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep, true)

			if err := cmdex.CopyFile(filepath.Join(stepDir, "step.yml"), stepYMLPth); err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults(stepmanModels.StepModel{}, stepInfoPtr, stepIdxPtr,
					"", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep, true)
		} else if stepIDData.SteplibSource == "_" {
			log.Debugf("[BITRISE_CLI] - Steplib independent step, with direct git uri: (uri:%s) (tag-or-branch:%s)", stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version)

			// Steplib independent steps are completly defined in workflow
			stepYMLPth = ""
			if err := workflowStep.FillMissingDefaults(); err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults(stepmanModels.StepModel{}, stepInfoPtr, stepIdxPtr,
					"", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep, true)

			if err := cmdex.GitCloneTagOrBranch(stepIDData.IDorURI, stepDir, stepIDData.Version); err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults(stepmanModels.StepModel{}, stepInfoPtr, stepIdxPtr,
					"", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep, true)
		} else if stepIDData.SteplibSource != "" {
			log.Debugf("[BITRISE_CLI] - Steplib (%s) step (id:%s) (version:%s) found, activating step", stepIDData.SteplibSource, stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version)
			if err := tools.StepmanSetup(stepIDData.SteplibSource); err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults(stepmanModels.StepModel{}, stepInfoPtr, stepIdxPtr,
					"", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep, true)

			isLatestVersionOfStep := (stepIDData.Version == "")
			if isLatestVersionOfStep && !buildRunResults.IsStepLibUpdated(stepIDData.SteplibSource) {
				log.Infof("Step uses latest version -- Updating StepLib ...")
				if err := tools.StepmanUpdate(stepIDData.SteplibSource); err != nil {
					log.Warnf("Step uses latest version, but failed to update StepLib, err: %s", err)
				} else {

			outStr, err := tools.StepmanJSONStepLibStepInfo(stepIDData.SteplibSource, stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version)
			if err != nil {
				if buildRunResults.IsStepLibUpdated(stepIDData.SteplibSource) {
					registerStepRunResults(stepmanModels.StepModel{}, stepInfoPtr, stepIdxPtr,
						"", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, fmt.Errorf("StepmanJSONStepLibStepInfo failed, err: %s", err), isLastStep, true)
				// May StepLib should be updated
				log.Infof("Step info not found in StepLib (%s) -- Updating ...", stepIDData.SteplibSource)
				if err := tools.StepmanUpdate(stepIDData.SteplibSource); err != nil {
					registerStepRunResults(stepmanModels.StepModel{}, stepInfoPtr, stepIdxPtr,
						"", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep, true)

				outStr, err = tools.StepmanJSONStepLibStepInfo(stepIDData.SteplibSource, stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version)
				if err != nil {
					registerStepRunResults(stepmanModels.StepModel{}, stepInfoPtr, stepIdxPtr,
						"", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, fmt.Errorf("StepmanJSONStepLibStepInfo failed, err: %s", err), isLastStep, true)

			stepInfo, err := stepmanModels.StepInfoModel{}.CreateFromJSON(outStr)
			if err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults(stepmanModels.StepModel{}, stepInfoPtr, stepIdxPtr,
					"", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, fmt.Errorf("CreateFromJSON failed, err: %s", err), isLastStep, true)

			stepInfoPtr.ID = stepInfo.ID
			if stepInfoPtr.Title == "" {
				stepInfoPtr.Title = stepInfo.ID
			stepInfoPtr.Version = stepInfo.Version
			stepInfoPtr.Latest = stepInfo.Latest
			stepInfoPtr.GlobalInfo = stepInfo.GlobalInfo

			if err := tools.StepmanActivate(stepIDData.SteplibSource, stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version, stepDir, stepYMLPth); err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults(stepmanModels.StepModel{}, stepInfoPtr, stepIdxPtr,
					"", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep, true)
			} else {
				log.Debugf("[BITRISE_CLI] - Step activated: (ID:%s) (version:%s)", stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version)
		} else {
			registerStepRunResults(stepmanModels.StepModel{}, stepInfoPtr, stepIdxPtr,
				"", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, fmt.Errorf("Invalid stepIDData: No SteplibSource or LocalPath defined (%v)", stepIDData), isLastStep, true)

		// Fill step info with default step info, if exist
		mergedStep := workflowStep
		if stepYMLPth != "" {
			specStep, err := bitrise.ReadSpecStep(stepYMLPth)
			log.Debugf("Spec read from YML: %#v\n", specStep)
			if err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults(stepmanModels.StepModel{}, stepInfoPtr, stepIdxPtr,
					"", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep, true)

			mergedStep, err = models.MergeStepWith(specStep, workflowStep)
			if err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults(stepmanModels.StepModel{}, stepInfoPtr, stepIdxPtr,
					"", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep, true)

		if mergedStep.SupportURL != nil {
			stepInfoPtr.SupportURL = *mergedStep.SupportURL
		if mergedStep.SourceCodeURL != nil {
			stepInfoPtr.SourceCodeURL = *mergedStep.SourceCodeURL

		// Run step
		bitrise.PrintRunningStepHeader(stepInfoPtr, mergedStep, idx)
		if mergedStep.RunIf != nil && *mergedStep.RunIf != "" {
			outStr, err := tools.EnvmanJSONPrint(configs.InputEnvstorePath)
			if err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults(mergedStep, stepInfoPtr, stepIdxPtr,
					*mergedStep.RunIf, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, fmt.Errorf("EnvmanJSONPrint failed, err: %s", err), isLastStep, false)

			envList, err := envmanModels.NewEnvJSONList(outStr)
			if err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults(mergedStep, stepInfoPtr, stepIdxPtr,
					*mergedStep.RunIf, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, fmt.Errorf("CreateFromJSON failed, err: %s", err), isLastStep, false)

			isRun, err := bitrise.EvaluateTemplateToBool(*mergedStep.RunIf, configs.IsCIMode, configs.IsPullRequestMode, buildRunResults, envList)
			if err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults(mergedStep, stepInfoPtr, stepIdxPtr,
					*mergedStep.RunIf, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep, false)
			if !isRun {
				registerStepRunResults(mergedStep, stepInfoPtr, stepIdxPtr,
					*mergedStep.RunIf, models.StepRunStatusCodeSkippedWithRunIf, 0, err, isLastStep, false)

		isAlwaysRun := stepmanModels.DefaultIsAlwaysRun
		if mergedStep.IsAlwaysRun != nil {
			isAlwaysRun = *mergedStep.IsAlwaysRun
		} else {
			log.Warn("Step (%s) mergedStep.IsAlwaysRun is nil, should not!", stepIDData.IDorURI)

		if buildRunResults.IsBuildFailed() && !isAlwaysRun {
			registerStepRunResults(mergedStep, stepInfoPtr, stepIdxPtr,
				*mergedStep.RunIf, models.StepRunStatusCodeSkipped, 0, err, isLastStep, false)
		} else {
			exit, outEnvironments, err := runStep(mergedStep, stepIDData, stepDir, *environments, buildRunResults)
			*environments = append(*environments, outEnvironments...)
			if err != nil {
				if *mergedStep.IsSkippable {
					registerStepRunResults(mergedStep, stepInfoPtr, stepIdxPtr,
						*mergedStep.RunIf, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailedSkippable, exit, err, isLastStep, false)
				} else {
					registerStepRunResults(mergedStep, stepInfoPtr, stepIdxPtr,
						*mergedStep.RunIf, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, exit, err, isLastStep, false)
			} else {
				registerStepRunResults(mergedStep, stepInfoPtr, stepIdxPtr,
					*mergedStep.RunIf, models.StepRunStatusCodeSuccess, 0, nil, isLastStep, false)

	return buildRunResults
Пример #8
func removeStepDefaultsAndFillStepOutputs(stepListItem *models.StepListItemModel, defaultStepLibSource string) error {
	// Create stepIDData
	compositeStepIDStr, workflowStep, err := models.GetStepIDStepDataPair(*stepListItem)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	stepIDData, err := models.CreateStepIDDataFromString(compositeStepIDStr, defaultStepLibSource)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Activate step - get step.yml
	tempStepCloneDirPath, err := pathutil.NormalizedOSTempDirPath("step_clone")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	tempStepYMLDirPath, err := pathutil.NormalizedOSTempDirPath("step_yml")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	tempStepYMLFilePath := filepath.Join(tempStepYMLDirPath, "step.yml")

	if stepIDData.SteplibSource == "path" {
		stepAbsLocalPth, err := pathutil.AbsPath(stepIDData.IDorURI)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if err := cmdex.CopyFile(filepath.Join(stepAbsLocalPth, "step.yml"), tempStepYMLFilePath); err != nil {
			return err
	} else if stepIDData.SteplibSource == "git" {
		if err := cmdex.GitCloneTagOrBranch(stepIDData.IDorURI, tempStepCloneDirPath, stepIDData.Version); err != nil {
			return err
		if err := cmdex.CopyFile(filepath.Join(tempStepCloneDirPath, "step.yml"), tempStepYMLFilePath); err != nil {
			return err
	} else if stepIDData.SteplibSource == "_" {
		// Steplib independent steps are completly defined in workflow
		tempStepYMLFilePath = ""
	} else if stepIDData.SteplibSource != "" {
		if err := tools.StepmanSetup(stepIDData.SteplibSource); err != nil {
			return err
		if err := tools.StepmanActivate(stepIDData.SteplibSource, stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version, tempStepCloneDirPath, tempStepYMLFilePath); err != nil {
			return err
	} else {
		return errors.New("Failed to fill step ouputs: unkown SteplibSource")

	// Fill outputs
	if tempStepYMLFilePath != "" {
		specStep, err := ReadSpecStep(tempStepYMLFilePath)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		if workflowStep.Title != nil && specStep.Title != nil && *workflowStep.Title == *specStep.Title {
			workflowStep.Title = nil
		if workflowStep.Description != nil && specStep.Description != nil && *workflowStep.Description == *specStep.Description {
			workflowStep.Description = nil
		if workflowStep.Summary != nil && specStep.Summary != nil && *workflowStep.Summary == *specStep.Summary {
			workflowStep.Summary = nil
		if workflowStep.Website != nil && specStep.Website != nil && *workflowStep.Website == *specStep.Website {
			workflowStep.Website = nil
		if workflowStep.SourceCodeURL != nil && specStep.SourceCodeURL != nil && *workflowStep.SourceCodeURL == *specStep.SourceCodeURL {
			workflowStep.SourceCodeURL = nil
		if workflowStep.SupportURL != nil && specStep.SupportURL != nil && *workflowStep.SupportURL == *specStep.SupportURL {
			workflowStep.SupportURL = nil
		workflowStep.PublishedAt = nil
		if workflowStep.Source != nil && specStep.Source != nil {
			if workflowStep.Source.Git == specStep.Source.Git {
				workflowStep.Source.Git = ""
			if workflowStep.Source.Commit == specStep.Source.Commit {
				workflowStep.Source.Commit = ""
		if isStringSliceWithSameElements(workflowStep.HostOsTags, specStep.HostOsTags) {
			workflowStep.HostOsTags = []string{}
		if isStringSliceWithSameElements(workflowStep.ProjectTypeTags, specStep.ProjectTypeTags) {
			workflowStep.ProjectTypeTags = []string{}
		if isStringSliceWithSameElements(workflowStep.TypeTags, specStep.TypeTags) {
			workflowStep.TypeTags = []string{}
		if isDependencySliceWithSameElements(workflowStep.Dependencies, specStep.Dependencies) {
			workflowStep.Dependencies = []stepmanModels.DependencyModel{}
		if workflowStep.IsRequiresAdminUser != nil && specStep.IsRequiresAdminUser != nil && *workflowStep.IsRequiresAdminUser == *specStep.IsRequiresAdminUser {
			workflowStep.IsRequiresAdminUser = nil
		if workflowStep.IsAlwaysRun != nil && specStep.IsAlwaysRun != nil && *workflowStep.IsAlwaysRun == *specStep.IsAlwaysRun {
			workflowStep.IsAlwaysRun = nil
		if workflowStep.IsSkippable != nil && specStep.IsSkippable != nil && *workflowStep.IsSkippable == *specStep.IsSkippable {
			workflowStep.IsSkippable = nil
		if workflowStep.RunIf != nil && specStep.RunIf != nil && *workflowStep.RunIf == *specStep.RunIf {
			workflowStep.RunIf = nil

		inputs := []envmanModels.EnvironmentItemModel{}
		for _, input := range workflowStep.Inputs {
			sameValue := false

			wfKey, wfValue, err := input.GetKeyValuePair()
			if err != nil {
				return err

			wfOptions, err := input.GetOptions()
			if err != nil {
				return err

			sInput, err := getInputByKey(specStep.Inputs, wfKey)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			_, sValue, err := sInput.GetKeyValuePair()
			if err != nil {
				return err

			if wfValue == sValue {
				sameValue = true

			sOptions, err := sInput.GetOptions()
			if err != nil {
				return err

			hasOptions := false

			if wfOptions.Title != nil && sOptions.Title != nil && *wfOptions.Title == *sOptions.Title {
				wfOptions.Title = nil
			} else {
				hasOptions = true

			if wfOptions.Description != nil && sOptions.Description != nil && *wfOptions.Description == *sOptions.Description {
				wfOptions.Description = nil
			} else {
				hasOptions = true

			if wfOptions.Summary != nil && sOptions.Summary != nil && *wfOptions.Summary == *sOptions.Summary {
				wfOptions.Summary = nil
			} else {
				hasOptions = true

			if isStringSliceWithSameElements(wfOptions.ValueOptions, sOptions.ValueOptions) {
				wfOptions.ValueOptions = []string{}
			} else {
				hasOptions = true

			if wfOptions.IsRequired != nil && sOptions.IsRequired != nil && *wfOptions.IsRequired == *sOptions.IsRequired {
				wfOptions.IsRequired = nil
			} else {
				hasOptions = true

			if wfOptions.IsExpand != nil && sOptions.IsExpand != nil && *wfOptions.IsExpand == *sOptions.IsExpand {
				wfOptions.IsExpand = nil
			} else {
				hasOptions = true

			if wfOptions.IsDontChangeValue != nil && sOptions.IsDontChangeValue != nil && *wfOptions.IsDontChangeValue == *sOptions.IsDontChangeValue {
				wfOptions.IsDontChangeValue = nil
			} else {
				hasOptions = true

			if !hasOptions && sameValue {
				// default env
			} else {
				if hasOptions {
					input[envmanModels.OptionsKey] = wfOptions
				} else {
					delete(input, envmanModels.OptionsKey)

				inputs = append(inputs, input)

		workflowStep.Inputs = inputs

		// We need only key-value and title from spec outputs
		outputs := []envmanModels.EnvironmentItemModel{}
		for _, output := range specStep.Outputs {
			sKey, sValue, err := output.GetKeyValuePair()
			if err != nil {
				return err

			sOptions, err := output.GetOptions()
			if err != nil {
				return err

			newOutput := envmanModels.EnvironmentItemModel{
				sKey: sValue,
				envmanModels.OptionsKey: envmanModels.EnvironmentItemOptionsModel{
					Title: sOptions.Title,

			outputs = append(outputs, newOutput)

		workflowStep.Outputs = outputs

		(*stepListItem)[compositeStepIDStr] = workflowStep

	// Cleanup
	if err := cmdex.RemoveDir(tempStepCloneDirPath); err != nil {
		return errors.New(fmt.Sprint("Failed to remove step clone dir: ", err))
	if err := cmdex.RemoveDir(tempStepYMLDirPath); err != nil {
		return errors.New(fmt.Sprint("Failed to remove step clone dir: ", err))

	return nil
Пример #9
func activateAndRunSteps(workflow models.WorkflowModel, defaultStepLibSource string, buildRunResults models.BuildRunResultsModel, environments *[]envmanModels.EnvironmentItemModel, isLastWorkflow bool) models.BuildRunResultsModel {
	log.Debugln("[BITRISE_CLI] - Activating and running steps")

	// ------------------------------------------
	// In function global variables - These are global for easy use in local register step run result methods.
	var stepStartTime time.Time

	// Holds pointer to current step info, for easy usage in local register step run result methods.
	// The value is filled with the current running step info.
	var stepInfoPtr models.StepInfoModel

	// ------------------------------------------
	// In function method - Registration methods, for register step run results.
	registerStepRunResults := func(runIf string, resultCode, exitCode int, err error, isLastStep bool) {
		stepInfoCopy := models.StepInfoModel{
			ID:      stepInfoPtr.ID,
			Version: stepInfoPtr.Version,
			Latest:  stepInfoPtr.Latest,

		stepResults := models.StepRunResultsModel{
			StepInfo: stepInfoCopy,
			Status:   resultCode,
			Idx:      buildRunResults.ResultsCount(),
			RunTime:  time.Now().Sub(stepStartTime),
			Error:    err,
			ExitCode: exitCode,

		switch resultCode {
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeSuccess:
			buildRunResults.SuccessSteps = append(buildRunResults.SuccessSteps, stepResults)
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed:
			log.Errorf("Step (%s) failed, error: (%v)", stepInfoCopy.ID, err)
			buildRunResults.FailedSteps = append(buildRunResults.FailedSteps, stepResults)
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeFailedSkippable:
			log.Warnf("Step (%s) failed, but was marked as skippable, error: (%v)", stepInfoCopy.ID, err)
			buildRunResults.FailedSkippableSteps = append(buildRunResults.FailedSkippableSteps, stepResults)
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeSkipped:
			log.Warnf("A previous step failed, and this step (%s) was not marked as IsAlwaysRun, skipped", stepInfoCopy.ID)
			buildRunResults.SkippedSteps = append(buildRunResults.SkippedSteps, stepResults)
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeSkippedWithRunIf:
			log.Warn("The step's (" + stepInfoCopy.ID + ") Run-If expression evaluated to false - skipping")
			if runIf != "" {
				log.Info("The Run-If expression was: ", colorstring.Blue(runIf))
			buildRunResults.SkippedSteps = append(buildRunResults.SkippedSteps, stepResults)
			log.Error("Unkown result code")

		bitrise.PrintStepSummary(stepResults, isLastStep)

	// ------------------------------------------
	// Main - Preparing & running the steps
	for idx, stepListItm := range workflow.Steps {
		// Per step variables
		stepStartTime = time.Now()
		isLastStep := isLastWorkflow && (idx == len(workflow.Steps)-1)
		stepInfoPtr = models.StepInfoModel{}

		// Per step cleanup
		if err := bitrise.SetBuildFailedEnv(buildRunResults.IsBuildFailed()); err != nil {
			log.Error("Failed to set Build Status envs")

		if err := bitrise.CleanupStepWorkDir(); err != nil {
			registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

		// Preparing the step

		// Get step id & version data
		compositeStepIDStr, workflowStep, err := models.GetStepIDStepDataPair(stepListItm)
		stepInfoPtr.ID = compositeStepIDStr
		if workflowStep.Title != nil && *workflowStep.Title != "" {
			stepInfoPtr.ID = *workflowStep.Title
		if err != nil {
			registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

		stepIDData, err := models.CreateStepIDDataFromString(compositeStepIDStr, defaultStepLibSource)
		stepInfoPtr.ID = stepIDData.IDorURI
		if workflowStep.Title != nil && *workflowStep.Title != "" {
			stepInfoPtr.ID = *workflowStep.Title
		stepInfoPtr.Version = stepIDData.Version
		if err != nil {
			registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

		stepDir := bitrise.BitriseWorkStepsDirPath
		stepYMLPth := path.Join(bitrise.BitriseWorkDirPath, "current_step.yml")

		// Activating the step
		if stepIDData.SteplibSource == "path" {
			log.Debugf("[BITRISE_CLI] - Local step found: (path:%s)", stepIDData.IDorURI)
			stepAbsLocalPth, err := pathutil.AbsPath(stepIDData.IDorURI)
			if err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			log.Debugln("stepAbsLocalPth:", stepAbsLocalPth, "|stepDir:", stepDir)

			if err := cmdex.CopyDir(stepAbsLocalPth, stepDir, true); err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			if err := cmdex.CopyFile(path.Join(stepAbsLocalPth, "step.yml"), stepYMLPth); err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			if len(stepIDData.IDorURI) > 20 {
				stepInfoPtr.Version = fmt.Sprintf("path:...%s", stringutil.MaxLastChars(stepIDData.IDorURI, 17))
			} else {
				stepInfoPtr.Version = fmt.Sprintf("path:%s", stepIDData.IDorURI)
		} else if stepIDData.SteplibSource == "git" {
			log.Debugf("[BITRISE_CLI] - Remote step, with direct git uri: (uri:%s) (tag-or-branch:%s)", stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version)
			if err := cmdex.GitCloneTagOrBranch(stepIDData.IDorURI, stepDir, stepIDData.Version); err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			if err := cmdex.CopyFile(path.Join(stepDir, "step.yml"), stepYMLPth); err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			stepInfoPtr.Version = fmt.Sprintf("git:...%s", stringutil.MaxLastChars(stepIDData.IDorURI, 10))
			if stepIDData.Version != "" {
				stepInfoPtr.Version = stepInfoPtr.Version + "@" + stepIDData.Version
		} else if stepIDData.SteplibSource == "_" {
			log.Debugf("[BITRISE_CLI] - Steplib independent step, with direct git uri: (uri:%s) (tag-or-branch:%s)", stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version)

			// Steplib independent steps are completly defined in workflow
			stepYMLPth = ""
			if err := workflowStep.FillMissingDefaults(); err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			if err := cmdex.GitCloneTagOrBranch(stepIDData.IDorURI, stepDir, stepIDData.Version); err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			stepInfoPtr.Version = "_"
			if stepIDData.Version != "" {
				if len(stepIDData.Version) > 20 {
					stepInfoPtr.Version = stepInfoPtr.Version + "@..." + stringutil.MaxLastChars(stepIDData.Version, 17)
				} else {
					stepInfoPtr.Version = stepInfoPtr.Version + "@" + stepIDData.Version
		} else if stepIDData.SteplibSource != "" {
			log.Debugf("[BITRISE_CLI] - Steplib (%s) step (id:%s) (version:%s) found, activating step", stepIDData.SteplibSource, stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version)
			if err := bitrise.StepmanSetup(stepIDData.SteplibSource); err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			stepInfo, err := bitrise.StepmanStepInfo(stepIDData.SteplibSource, stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version)
			if err != nil {
				if buildRunResults.IsStepLibUpdated(stepIDData.SteplibSource) {
					registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)
				// May StepLib should be updated
				log.Info("Step info not found in StepLib (%s) -- Updating ...")
				if err := bitrise.StepmanUpdate(stepIDData.SteplibSource); err != nil {
					registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)
				stepInfo, err = bitrise.StepmanStepInfo(stepIDData.SteplibSource, stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version)
				if err != nil {
					registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			stepInfoPtr.Version = stepInfo.Version
			stepInfoPtr.Latest = stepInfo.Latest

			if err := bitrise.StepmanActivate(stepIDData.SteplibSource, stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version, stepDir, stepYMLPth); err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)
			} else {
				log.Debugf("[BITRISE_CLI] - Step activated: (ID:%s) (version:%s)", stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version)
		} else {
			registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, fmt.Errorf("Invalid stepIDData: No SteplibSource or LocalPath defined (%v)", stepIDData), isLastStep)

		// Fill step info with default step info, if exist
		mergedStep := workflowStep
		if stepYMLPth != "" {
			specStep, err := bitrise.ReadSpecStep(stepYMLPth)
			log.Debugf("Spec read from YML: %#v\n", specStep)
			if err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			mergedStep, err = models.MergeStepWith(specStep, workflowStep)
			if err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults("", models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

		// Run step
		bitrise.PrintRunningStep(stepInfoPtr, idx)
		if mergedStep.RunIf != nil && *mergedStep.RunIf != "" {
			isRun, err := bitrise.EvaluateStepTemplateToBool(*mergedStep.RunIf, buildRunResults)
			if err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults(*mergedStep.RunIf, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)
			if !isRun {
				registerStepRunResults(*mergedStep.RunIf, models.StepRunStatusCodeSkippedWithRunIf, 0, err, isLastStep)
		outEnvironments := []envmanModels.EnvironmentItemModel{}

		isAlwaysRun := stepmanModels.DefaultIsAlwaysRun
		if mergedStep.IsAlwaysRun != nil {
			isAlwaysRun = *mergedStep.IsAlwaysRun
		} else {
			log.Warn("Step (%s) mergedStep.IsAlwaysRun is nil, should not!", stepIDData.IDorURI)

		if buildRunResults.IsBuildFailed() && !isAlwaysRun {
			registerStepRunResults(*mergedStep.RunIf, models.StepRunStatusCodeSkipped, 0, err, isLastStep)
		} else {
			exit, out, err := runStep(mergedStep, stepIDData, stepDir, *environments)
			outEnvironments = out
			if err != nil {
				if *mergedStep.IsSkippable {
					registerStepRunResults(*mergedStep.RunIf, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailedSkippable, exit, err, isLastStep)
				} else {
					registerStepRunResults(*mergedStep.RunIf, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, exit, err, isLastStep)
			} else {
				registerStepRunResults(*mergedStep.RunIf, models.StepRunStatusCodeSuccess, 0, nil, isLastStep)
				*environments = append(*environments, outEnvironments...)

	return buildRunResults
Пример #10
// DownloadPluginFromURL ....
func DownloadPluginFromURL(URL, dst string) error {
	url, err := url.Parse(URL)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	scheme := url.Scheme
	tokens := strings.Split(URL, "/")
	fileName := tokens[len(tokens)-1]

	tmpDstFilePath := ""
	if scheme != "file" {
		OS, arch, err := getOsAndArch()
		if err != nil {
			return err

		urlWithSuffix := URL
		urlSuffix := fmt.Sprintf("-%s-%s", OS, arch)
		if !strings.HasSuffix(URL, urlSuffix) {
			urlWithSuffix = urlWithSuffix + urlSuffix

		urls := []string{urlWithSuffix, URL}

		tmpDir, err := pathutil.NormalizedOSTempDirPath("plugin")
		if err != nil {
			return err
		tmpDst := path.Join(tmpDir, fileName)
		output, err := os.Create(tmpDst)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		defer func() {
			if err := output.Close(); err != nil {
				log.Errorf("Failed to close file, err: %s", err)

		success := false
		var response *http.Response
		for _, aURL := range urls {

			response, err = http.Get(aURL)
			if response != nil {
				defer func() {
					if err := response.Body.Close(); err != nil {
						log.Errorf("Failed to close response body, err: %s", err)

			if err != nil {
				log.Errorf("%s", err)
			} else {
				success = true
		if !success {
			return err

		if _, err := io.Copy(output, response.Body); err != nil {
			return err

		tmpDstFilePath = output.Name()
	} else {
		tmpDstFilePath = strings.Replace(URL, scheme+"://", "", -1)

	if err := cmdex.CopyFile(tmpDstFilePath, dst); err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
Пример #11
func main() {
	configs := createConfigsModelFromEnvs()
	if explanation, err := configs.validate(); err != nil {
		log.Error("Issue with input: %s", err)

		if explanation != "" {


	if configs.ApkFileIncludeFilter == "" {
		configs.ApkFileIncludeFilter = "*.apk"

	err := os.Chmod(configs.GradlewPath, 0770)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fail("Failed to add executable permission on gradlew file (%s), error: %s", configs.GradlewPath, err)

	log.Info("Running gradle task...")
	if err := runGradleTask(configs.GradlewPath, configs.GradleFile, configs.GradleTasks, configs.GradleOptions); err != nil {
		log.Fail("Gradle task failed, error: %s", err)

	// Move apk files
	log.Info("Move apk files...")
	apkFiles, err := find(".", configs.ApkFileIncludeFilter, configs.ApkFileExcludeFilter)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fail("Failed to find apk files, error: %s", err)

	if len(apkFiles) == 0 {
		log.Warn("No apk matched the filters")

	lastCopiedApkFile := ""
	for _, apkFile := range apkFiles {
		ext := filepath.Ext(apkFile)
		baseName := filepath.Base(apkFile)
		baseName = strings.TrimSuffix(baseName, ext)

		deployPth, err := findDeployPth(configs.DeployDir, baseName, ext)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fail("Failed to create apk deploy path, error: %s", err)

		log.Detail("copy %s to %s", apkFile, deployPth)
		cmdex.CopyFile(apkFile, deployPth)

		lastCopiedApkFile = deployPth

	if lastCopiedApkFile != "" {
		if err := exportEnvironmentWithEnvman("BITRISE_APK_PATH", lastCopiedApkFile); err != nil {
			log.Fail("Failed to export enviroment (BITRISE_APK_PATH), error: %s", err)
		log.Done("The apk path is now available in the Environment Variable: $BITRISE_APK_PATH (value: %s)", lastCopiedApkFile)

	// Move mapping files
	log.Info("Move mapping files...")
	mappingFiles, err := find(".", configs.MappingFileIncludeFilter, configs.MappingFileExcludeFilter)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fail("Failed to find mapping files, error: %s", err)

	if len(mappingFiles) == 0 {
		log.Detail("No mapping file matched the filters")

	lastCopiedMappingFile := ""
	for _, mappingFile := range mappingFiles {
		ext := filepath.Ext(mappingFile)
		baseName := filepath.Base(mappingFile)
		baseName = strings.TrimSuffix(baseName, ext)

		deployPth, err := findDeployPth(configs.DeployDir, baseName, ext)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fail("Failed to create mapping deploy path, error: %s", err)

		log.Detail("copy %s to %s", mappingFile, deployPth)
		cmdex.CopyFile(mappingFile, deployPth)

		lastCopiedMappingFile = deployPth

	if lastCopiedMappingFile != "" {
		if err := exportEnvironmentWithEnvman("BITRISE_MAPPING_PATH", lastCopiedMappingFile); err != nil {
			log.Fail("Failed to export enviroment (BITRISE_MAPPING_PATH), error: %s", err)
		log.Done("The mapping path is now available in the Environment Variable: $BITRISE_MAPPING_PATH (value: %s)", lastCopiedMappingFile)
Пример #12
// InstallPlugin ...
func InstallPlugin(srcURL, binURL, versionTag string) (Plugin, string, error) {
	// Download plugin src
	pluginSrcTmpDir, err := pathutil.NormalizedOSTempDirPath("plugin-src-tmp")
	if err != nil {
		return Plugin{}, "", fmt.Errorf("failed to create plugin src temp directory, error: %s", err)
	defer func() {
		if err := os.RemoveAll(pluginSrcTmpDir); err != nil {
			log.Warnf("Failed to remove path (%s)", pluginSrcTmpDir)

	newVersionPtr, newVersinHash, err := clonePluginSrc(srcURL, versionTag, pluginSrcTmpDir)
	if err != nil {
		return Plugin{}, "", fmt.Errorf("failed to download plugin, error: %s", err)

	log.Debugf("Plugin downloaded from (%s) to (%s)", srcURL, pluginSrcTmpDir)

	// Parse and validate plugin.yml

	// Validate bitrise-plugin.yml
	tmpPluginYMLPath := filepath.Join(pluginSrcTmpDir, pluginYMLName)

	if err := validatePath(tmpPluginYMLPath); err != nil {
		return Plugin{}, "", fmt.Errorf("bitrise-plugin.yml validation failed, error: %s", err)

	newPlugin, err := NewPluginFromYML(tmpPluginYMLPath)
	if err != nil {
		return Plugin{}, "", fmt.Errorf("failed to parse bitrise-plugin.yml (%s), error: %s", tmpPluginYMLPath, err)

	// Check if executable exist
	if newPlugin.ExecutableURL() == "" && binURL == "" {
		tmpPluginExecutablePath := filepath.Join(pluginSrcTmpDir, pluginShName)
		if err := validatePath(tmpPluginExecutablePath); err != nil {
			return Plugin{}, "", fmt.Errorf("bitrise-plugin.sh validation failed, error: %s", err)

	// Check tool requirements
	currentVersionMap, err := version.ToolVersionMap()
	if err != nil {
		return Plugin{}, "", fmt.Errorf("failed to get current version map, error: %s", err)

	if err := validateRequirements(newPlugin.Requirements, currentVersionMap); err != nil {
		return Plugin{}, "", fmt.Errorf("requirements validation failed, error: %s", err)

	log.Debugf("Downloaded plugin: %#v validated", newPlugin)

	// Check if plugin already installed
	if route, found, err := ReadPluginRoute(newPlugin.Name); err != nil {
		return Plugin{}, "", fmt.Errorf("failed to check if plugin already installed, error: %s", err)
	} else if found {
		log.Debugf("Plugin already installed with name (%s)", newPlugin.Name)

		if route.Source != srcURL {
			return Plugin{}, "", fmt.Errorf("plugin already installed with name (%s) from different source (%s)", route.Name, route.Source)

		installedPluginVersionPtr, err := GetPluginVersion(route.Name)
		if err != nil {
			return Plugin{}, "", fmt.Errorf("failed to check installed plugin (%s) version, error: %s", route.Name, err)

		if newVersionPtr != nil && installedPluginVersionPtr != nil && installedPluginVersionPtr.GreaterThan(newVersionPtr) {
			return Plugin{}, "", fmt.Errorf("installed plugin version (%s) greater then new plugin version (%s)", installedPluginVersionPtr.String(), (*newVersionPtr).String())

		installedPluginVersion := "local"
		if installedPluginVersionPtr != nil {
			installedPluginVersion = (*installedPluginVersionPtr).String()

		log.Infof("Installed plugin found with version (%s), overriding it...", installedPluginVersion)

	// Intsall plugin into bitrise
	installSuccess := true

	pluginDir := GetPluginDir(newPlugin.Name)

	if err := os.RemoveAll(pluginDir); err != nil {
		return Plugin{}, "", fmt.Errorf("failed to remove plugin dir (%s), error: %s", pluginDir, err)
	defer func() {
		if installSuccess {

		if err := os.RemoveAll(pluginDir); err != nil {
			log.Warnf("Failed to remove path (%s)", pluginDir)

	// Install plugin src
	plginSrcDir := GetPluginSrcDir(newPlugin.Name)

	if err := os.MkdirAll(plginSrcDir, 0777); err != nil {
		installSuccess = false
		return Plugin{}, "", fmt.Errorf("failed to create plugin src dir (%s), error: %s", plginSrcDir, err)

	if err := cmdex.CopyDir(pluginSrcTmpDir, plginSrcDir, true); err != nil {
		installSuccess = false
		return Plugin{}, "", fmt.Errorf("failed to copy plugin from temp dir (%s) to (%s), error: %s", pluginSrcTmpDir, plginSrcDir, err)

	executableURL := newPlugin.ExecutableURL()
	if binURL != "" {
		executableURL = binURL
	if executableURL != "" {
		// Install plugin bin
		pluginBinTmpDir, err := pathutil.NormalizedOSTempDirPath("plugin-bin-tmp")
		if err != nil {
			installSuccess = false
			return Plugin{}, "", fmt.Errorf("failed to create plugin bin temp directory, error: %s", err)
		defer func() {
			if err := os.RemoveAll(pluginBinTmpDir); err != nil {
				log.Warnf("Failed to remove path (%s)", pluginBinTmpDir)

		pluginBinTmpFilePath := filepath.Join(pluginBinTmpDir, newPlugin.Name)

		if err := downloadPluginBin(executableURL, pluginBinTmpFilePath); err != nil {
			installSuccess = false
			return Plugin{}, "", fmt.Errorf("failed to download plugin executable from (%s), error: %s", executableURL, err)

		plginBinDir := GetPluginBinDir(newPlugin.Name)

		if err := os.MkdirAll(plginBinDir, 0777); err != nil {
			installSuccess = false
			return Plugin{}, "", fmt.Errorf("failed to create plugin bin dir (%s), error: %s", plginBinDir, err)

		pluginBinFilePath := filepath.Join(plginBinDir, newPlugin.Name)

		if err := cmdex.CopyFile(pluginBinTmpFilePath, pluginBinFilePath); err != nil {
			installSuccess = false
			return Plugin{}, "", fmt.Errorf("failed to copy plugin from temp dir (%s) to (%s), error: %s", pluginBinTmpFilePath, pluginBinFilePath, err)

		if err := os.Chmod(pluginBinFilePath, 0777); err != nil {
			installSuccess = false
			return Plugin{}, "", fmt.Errorf("failed to make plugin bin executable, error: %s", err)

	newVersionStr := ""
	if newVersionPtr != nil {
		newVersionStr = (*newVersionPtr).String()

	pluginDataDir := filepath.Join(pluginDir, "data")
	if err := os.MkdirAll(pluginDataDir, 0777); err != nil {
		installSuccess = false
		return Plugin{}, "", fmt.Errorf("failed to create plugin data dir (%s), error: %s", pluginDataDir, err)

	if err := CreateAndAddPluginRoute(newPlugin.Name, srcURL, executableURL, newVersionStr, newVersinHash, newPlugin.TriggerEvent); err != nil {
		installSuccess = false
		return Plugin{}, "", fmt.Errorf("failed to add plugin route, error: %s", err)

	if newVersionStr == "" {
		newVersionStr = "local"

	return newPlugin, newVersionStr, nil
Пример #13
func main() {
	configs := createConfigsModelFromEnvs()


	if err := configs.validate(); err != nil {
		fail("Issue with input: %s", err)

	log.Info("step determined configs:")

	// Detect Xcode major version
	xcodebuildVersion, err := utils.XcodeBuildVersion()
	if err != nil {
		fail("Failed to determin xcode version, error: %s", err)
	log.Detail("- xcodebuildVersion: %s (%s)", xcodebuildVersion.XcodeVersion.String(), xcodebuildVersion.BuildVersion)

	xcodeMajorVersion := xcodebuildVersion.XcodeVersion.Segments()[0]
	if xcodeMajorVersion < minSupportedXcodeMajorVersion {
		fail("Invalid xcode major version (%s), should not be less then min supported: %d", xcodeMajorVersion, minSupportedXcodeMajorVersion)

	// Detect xcpretty version
	if configs.OutputTool == "xcpretty" {
		if !utils.IsXcprettyInstalled() {
			fail(`xcpretty is not installed
For xcpretty installation see: 'https://github.com/supermarin/xcpretty',
or use 'xcodebuild' as 'output_tool'.`)

		xcprettyVersion, err := utils.XcprettyVersion()
		if err != nil {
			fail("Failed to determin xcpretty version, error: %s", err)
		log.Detail("- xcprettyVersion: %s", xcprettyVersion.String())

	// Validation CustomExportOptionsPlistContent
	if configs.CustomExportOptionsPlistContent != "" &&
		xcodeMajorVersion < 7 {
		log.Warn("CustomExportOptionsPlistContent is set, but CustomExportOptionsPlistContent only used if xcodeMajorVersion > 6")
		configs.CustomExportOptionsPlistContent = ""

	if configs.ForceProvisioningProfileSpecifier != "" &&
		xcodeMajorVersion < 8 {
		log.Warn("ForceProvisioningProfileSpecifier is set, but ForceProvisioningProfileSpecifier only used if xcodeMajorVersion > 7")
		configs.ForceProvisioningProfileSpecifier = ""

	if configs.ForceTeamID == "" &&
		xcodeMajorVersion < 8 {
		log.Warn("ForceTeamID is set, but ForceTeamID only used if xcodeMajorVersion > 7")
		configs.ForceTeamID = ""

	if configs.ForceProvisioningProfileSpecifier != "" &&
		configs.ForceProvisioningProfile != "" {
		log.Warn("both ForceProvisioningProfileSpecifier and ForceProvisioningProfile are set, using ForceProvisioningProfileSpecifier")
		configs.ForceProvisioningProfile = ""


	// abs out dir pth
	absOutputDir, err := pathutil.AbsPath(configs.OutputDir)
	if err != nil {
		fail("Failed to expand OutputDir (%s), error: %s", configs.OutputDir, err)
	configs.OutputDir = absOutputDir

	if exist, err := pathutil.IsPathExists(configs.OutputDir); err != nil {
		fail("Failed to check if OutputDir exist, error: %s", err)
	} else if !exist {
		if err := os.MkdirAll(configs.OutputDir, 0777); err != nil {
			fail("Failed to create OutputDir (%s), error: %s", configs.OutputDir, err)

	// output files
	tmpArchiveDir, err := pathutil.NormalizedOSTempDirPath("__archive__")
	if err != nil {
		fail("Failed to create temp dir for archives, error: %s", err)
	tmpArchivePath := filepath.Join(tmpArchiveDir, configs.ArtifactName+".xcarchive")

	appPath := filepath.Join(configs.OutputDir, configs.ArtifactName+".app")
	ipaPath := filepath.Join(configs.OutputDir, configs.ArtifactName+".ipa")
	exportOptionsPath := filepath.Join(configs.OutputDir, "export_options.plist")
	rawXcodebuildOutputLogPath := filepath.Join(configs.OutputDir, "raw-xcodebuild-output.log")

	dsymZipPath := filepath.Join(configs.OutputDir, configs.ArtifactName+".dSYM.zip")
	archiveZipPath := filepath.Join(configs.OutputDir, configs.ArtifactName+".xcarchive.zip")
	ideDistributionLogsZipPath := filepath.Join(configs.OutputDir, "xcodebuild.xcdistributionlogs.zip")

	// cleanup
	filesToCleanup := []string{


	for _, pth := range filesToCleanup {
		if exist, err := pathutil.IsPathExists(pth); err != nil {
			fail("Failed to check if path (%s) exist, error: %s", pth, err)
		} else if exist {
			if err := os.RemoveAll(pth); err != nil {
				fail("Failed to remove path (%s), error: %s", pth, err)

	// Create the Archive with Xcode Command Line tools
	log.Info("Create the Archive ...")

	isWorkspace := false
	ext := filepath.Ext(configs.ProjectPath)
	if ext == ".xcodeproj" {
		isWorkspace = false
	} else if ext == ".xcworkspace" {
		isWorkspace = true
	} else {
		fail("Project file extension should be .xcodeproj or .xcworkspace, but got: %s", ext)

	archiveCmd := xcodebuild.NewArchiveCommand(configs.ProjectPath, isWorkspace)

	if configs.ForceTeamID != "" {
		log.Detail("Forcing Development Team: %s", configs.ForceTeamID)
	if configs.ForceProvisioningProfileSpecifier != "" {
		log.Detail("Forcing Provisioning Profile Specifier: %s", configs.ForceProvisioningProfileSpecifier)
	if configs.ForceProvisioningProfile != "" {
		log.Detail("Forcing Provisioning Profile: %s", configs.ForceProvisioningProfile)
	if configs.ForceCodeSignIdentity != "" {
		log.Detail("Forcing Code Signing Identity: %s", configs.ForceCodeSignIdentity)

	if configs.IsCleanBuild == "yes" {


	if configs.XcodebuildOptions != "" {
		options, err := shellquote.Split(configs.XcodebuildOptions)
		if err != nil {
			fail("Failed to shell split XcodebuildOptions (%s), error: %s", configs.XcodebuildOptions)

	if configs.OutputTool == "xcpretty" {
		xcprettyCmd := xcpretty.New(archiveCmd)

		logWithTimestamp(colorstring.Green, "$ %s", xcprettyCmd.PrintableCmd())

		if rawXcodebuildOut, err := xcprettyCmd.Run(); err != nil {
			if err := utils.ExportOutputFileContent(rawXcodebuildOut, rawXcodebuildOutputLogPath, bitriseXcodeRawResultTextEnvKey); err != nil {
				log.Warn("Failed to export %s, error: %s", bitriseXcodeRawResultTextEnvKey, err)
			} else {
				log.Warn(`If you can't find the reason of the error in the log, please check the raw-xcodebuild-output.log
The log file is stored in $BITRISE_DEPLOY_DIR, and its full path
is available in the $BITRISE_XCODE_RAW_RESULT_TEXT_PATH environment variable`)

			fail("Archive failed, error: %s", err)
	} else {
		logWithTimestamp(colorstring.Green, "$ %s", archiveCmd.PrintableCmd())

		if err := archiveCmd.Run(); err != nil {
			fail("Archive failed, error: %s", err)


	// Ensure xcarchive exists
	if exist, err := pathutil.IsPathExists(tmpArchivePath); err != nil {
		fail("Failed to check if archive exist, error: %s", err)
	} else if !exist {
		fail("No archive generated at: %s", tmpArchivePath)

	// Exporting the ipa with Xcode Command Line tools

		You'll get a "Error Domain=IDEDistributionErrorDomain Code=14 "No applicable devices found."" error
		if $GEM_HOME is set and the project's directory includes a Gemfile - to fix this
		we'll unset GEM_HOME as that's not required for xcodebuild anyway.
		This probably fixes the RVM issue too, but that still should be tested.
		See also:
		- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33041109/xcodebuild-no-applicable-devices-found-when-exporting-archive
		- https://gist.github.com/claybridges/cea5d4afd24eda268164
	log.Info("Exporting ipa from the archive...")

	for _, key := range envsToUnset {
		if err := os.Unsetenv(key); err != nil {
			fail("Failed to unset (%s), error: %s", key, err)

	if xcodeMajorVersion == 6 || configs.UseDeprecatedExport == "yes" {
		log.Detail("Using legacy export")
			Get the name of the profile which was used for creating the archive
			--> Search for embedded.mobileprovision in the xcarchive.
			It should contain a .app folder in the xcarchive folder
			under the Products/Applications folder

		embeddedProfilePth, err := xcarchive.EmbeddedMobileProvisionPth(tmpArchivePath)
		if err != nil {
			fail("Failed to get embedded profile path, error: %s", err)

		provProfile, err := provisioningprofile.NewFromFile(embeddedProfilePth)
		if err != nil {
			fail("Failed to create provisioning profile model, error: %s", err)

		if provProfile.Name == nil {
			fail("Profile name empty")

		legacyExportCmd := xcodebuild.NewLegacyExportCommand()

		if configs.OutputTool == "xcpretty" {
			xcprettyCmd := xcpretty.New(legacyExportCmd)

			logWithTimestamp(colorstring.Green, xcprettyCmd.PrintableCmd())

			if rawXcodebuildOut, err := xcprettyCmd.Run(); err != nil {
				if err := utils.ExportOutputFileContent(rawXcodebuildOut, rawXcodebuildOutputLogPath, bitriseXcodeRawResultTextEnvKey); err != nil {
					log.Warn("Failed to export %s, error: %s", bitriseXcodeRawResultTextEnvKey, err)
				} else {
					log.Warn(`If you can't find the reason of the error in the log, please check the raw-xcodebuild-output.log
The log file is stored in $BITRISE_DEPLOY_DIR, and its full path
is available in the $BITRISE_XCODE_RAW_RESULT_TEXT_PATH environment variable`)

				fail("Export failed, error: %s", err)
		} else {
			logWithTimestamp(colorstring.Green, legacyExportCmd.PrintableCmd())

			if err := legacyExportCmd.Run(); err != nil {
				fail("Export failed, error: %s", err)
	} else {
		log.Detail("Using export options")

		if configs.CustomExportOptionsPlistContent != "" {
			log.Detail("Custom export options content provided:")

			if err := fileutil.WriteStringToFile(exportOptionsPath, configs.CustomExportOptionsPlistContent); err != nil {
				fail("Failed to write export options to file, error: %s", err)
		} else {
			log.Detail("Generating export options")

			var method exportoptions.Method
			if configs.ExportMethod == "auto-detect" {
				log.Detail("auto-detect export method, based on embedded profile")

				embeddedProfilePth, err := xcarchive.EmbeddedMobileProvisionPth(tmpArchivePath)
				if err != nil {
					fail("Failed to get embedded profile path, error: %s", err)

				provProfile, err := provisioningprofile.NewFromFile(embeddedProfilePth)
				if err != nil {
					fail("Failed to create provisioning profile model, error: %s", err)

				method = provProfile.GetExportMethod()
				log.Detail("detected export method: %s", method)
			} else {
				log.Detail("using export-method input: %s", configs.ExportMethod)
				parsedMethod, err := exportoptions.ParseMethod(configs.ExportMethod)
				if err != nil {
					fail("Failed to parse export options, error: %s", err)
				method = parsedMethod

			var exportOpts exportoptions.ExportOptions
			if method == exportoptions.MethodAppStore {
				options := exportoptions.NewAppStoreOptions()
				options.UploadBitcode = (configs.UploadBitcode == "yes")
				options.TeamID = configs.TeamID

				exportOpts = options
			} else {
				options := exportoptions.NewNonAppStoreOptions(method)
				options.CompileBitcode = (configs.CompileBitcode == "yes")
				options.TeamID = configs.TeamID

				exportOpts = options

			log.Detail("generated export options content:")

			if err = exportOpts.WriteToFile(exportOptionsPath); err != nil {
				fail("Failed to write export options to file, error: %s", err)


		tmpDir, err := pathutil.NormalizedOSTempDirPath("__export__")
		if err != nil {
			fail("Failed to create tmp dir, error: %s", err)

		exportCmd := xcodebuild.NewExportCommand()

		if configs.OutputTool == "xcpretty" {
			xcprettyCmd := xcpretty.New(exportCmd)

			logWithTimestamp(colorstring.Green, xcprettyCmd.PrintableCmd())

			if xcodebuildOut, err := xcprettyCmd.Run(); err != nil {
				// xcodebuild raw output
				if err := utils.ExportOutputFileContent(xcodebuildOut, rawXcodebuildOutputLogPath, bitriseXcodeRawResultTextEnvKey); err != nil {
					log.Warn("Failed to export %s, error: %s", bitriseXcodeRawResultTextEnvKey, err)
				} else {
					log.Warn(`If you can't find the reason of the error in the log, please check the raw-xcodebuild-output.log
The log file is stored in $BITRISE_DEPLOY_DIR, and its full path
is available in the $BITRISE_XCODE_RAW_RESULT_TEXT_PATH environment variable`)

				// xcdistributionlogs
				if logsDirPth, err := findIDEDistrubutionLogsPath(xcodebuildOut); err != nil {
					log.Warn("Failed to find xcdistributionlogs, error: %s", err)
				} else if err := utils.ExportOutputDirAsZip(logsDirPth, ideDistributionLogsZipPath, bitriseIDEDistributionLogsPthEnvKey); err != nil {
					log.Warn("Failed to export %s, error: %s", bitriseIDEDistributionLogsPthEnvKey, err)
				} else {
					log.Warn(`Also please check the xcdistributionlogs
The logs directory is stored in $BITRISE_DEPLOY_DIR, and its full path
is available in the $BITRISE_IDEDISTRIBUTION_LOGS_PATH environment variable`)

				fail("Export failed, error: %s", err)
		} else {
			logWithTimestamp(colorstring.Green, exportCmd.PrintableCmd())

			if xcodebuildOut, err := exportCmd.RunAndReturnOutput(); err != nil {
				// xcdistributionlogs
				if logsDirPth, err := findIDEDistrubutionLogsPath(xcodebuildOut); err != nil {
					log.Warn("Failed to find xcdistributionlogs, error: %s", err)
				} else if err := utils.ExportOutputDirAsZip(logsDirPth, ideDistributionLogsZipPath, bitriseIDEDistributionLogsPthEnvKey); err != nil {
					log.Warn("Failed to export %s, error: %s", bitriseIDEDistributionLogsPthEnvKey, err)
				} else {
					log.Warn(`If you can't find the reason of the error in the log, please check the xcdistributionlogs
The logs directory is stored in $BITRISE_DEPLOY_DIR, and its full path
is available in the $BITRISE_IDEDISTRIBUTION_LOGS_PATH environment variable`)

				fail("Export failed, error: %s", err)

		// Search for ipa
		pattern := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "*.ipa")
		ipas, err := filepath.Glob(pattern)
		if err != nil {
			fail("Failed to collect ipa files, error: %s", err)

		if len(ipas) == 0 {
			fail("No ipa found with pattern: %s", pattern)
		} else if len(ipas) == 1 {
			if err := cmdex.CopyFile(ipas[0], ipaPath); err != nil {
				fail("Failed to copy (%s) -> (%s), error: %s", ipas[0], ipaPath, err)
		} else {
			log.Warn("More than 1 .ipa file found")

			for _, ipa := range ipas {
				base := filepath.Base(ipa)
				deployPth := filepath.Join(configs.OutputDir, base)

				if err := cmdex.CopyFile(ipa, deployPth); err != nil {
					fail("Failed to copy (%s) -> (%s), error: %s", ipas[0], ipaPath, err)
				ipaPath = ipa

	log.Info("Exporting outputs...")

	// Export outputs

	// Export .xcarchive

	if err := utils.ExportOutputDir(tmpArchivePath, tmpArchivePath, bitriseXCArchivePthEnvKey); err != nil {
		fail("Failed to export %s, error: %s", bitriseXCArchivePthEnvKey, err)

	log.Done("The xcarchive path is now available in the Environment Variable: %s (value: %s)", bitriseXCArchivePthEnvKey, tmpArchivePath)

	if configs.IsExportXcarchiveZip == "yes" {
		if err := utils.ExportOutputDirAsZip(tmpArchivePath, archiveZipPath, bitriseXCArchiveZipPthEnvKey); err != nil {
			fail("Failed to export %s, error: %s", bitriseXCArchiveZipPthEnvKey, err)

		log.Done("The xcarchive zip path is now available in the Environment Variable: %s (value: %s)", bitriseXCArchiveZipPthEnvKey, archiveZipPath)

	// Export .app

	exportedApp, err := xcarchive.FindApp(tmpArchivePath)
	if err != nil {
		fail("Failed to find app, error: %s", err)

	if err := utils.ExportOutputDir(exportedApp, exportedApp, bitriseAppDirPthEnvKey); err != nil {
		fail("Failed to export %s, error: %s", bitriseAppDirPthEnvKey, err)

	log.Done("The app directory is now available in the Environment Variable: %s (value: %s)", bitriseAppDirPthEnvKey, appPath)

	// Export .ipa

	if err := utils.ExportOutputFile(ipaPath, ipaPath, bitriseIPAPthEnvKey); err != nil {
		fail("Failed to export %s, error: %s", bitriseIPAPthEnvKey, err)

	log.Done("The ipa path is now available in the Environment Variable: %s (value: %s)", bitriseIPAPthEnvKey, ipaPath)

	// Export .dSYMs

	appDSYM, frameworkDSYMs, err := xcarchive.FindDSYMs(tmpArchivePath)
	if err != nil {
		fail("Failed to export dsyms, error: %s", err)

	dsymDir, err := pathutil.NormalizedOSTempDirPath("__dsyms__")
	if err != nil {
		fail("Failed to create tmp dir, error: %s", err)

	if err := cmdex.CopyDir(appDSYM, dsymDir, false); err != nil {
		fail("Failed to copy (%s) -> (%s), error: %s", appDSYM, dsymDir, err)

	if configs.ExportAllDsyms == "yes" {
		for _, dsym := range frameworkDSYMs {
			if err := cmdex.CopyDir(dsym, dsymDir, false); err != nil {
				fail("Failed to copy (%s) -> (%s), error: %s", dsym, dsymDir, err)

	if err := utils.ExportOutputDir(dsymDir, dsymDir, bitriseDSYMDirPthEnvKey); err != nil {
		fail("Failed to export %s, error: %s", bitriseDSYMDirPthEnvKey, err)

	log.Done("The dSYM dir path is now available in the Environment Variable: %s (value: %s)", bitriseDSYMDirPthEnvKey, dsymDir)

	if err := utils.ExportOutputDirAsZip(dsymDir, dsymZipPath, bitriseDSYMPthEnvKey); err != nil {
		fail("Failed to export %s, error: %s", bitriseDSYMPthEnvKey, err)

	log.Done("The dSYM zip path is now available in the Environment Variable: %s (value: %s)", bitriseDSYMPthEnvKey, dsymZipPath)
Пример #14
func activateAndRunSteps(workflow models.WorkflowModel, defaultStepLibSource string, buildRunResults models.BuildRunResultsModel, environments *[]envmanModels.EnvironmentItemModel, isLastWorkflow bool) models.BuildRunResultsModel {
	log.Debugln("[BITRISE_CLI] - Activating and running steps")

	var stepStartTime time.Time

	registerStepRunResults := func(step stepmanModels.StepModel, resultCode, exitCode int, err error, isLastStep bool) {
		if step.Title == nil {
			log.Error("Step title is nil, should not happend!")
			step.Title = pointers.NewStringPtr("ERROR! Step title is nil!")

		stepResults := models.StepRunResultsModel{
			StepName: *step.Title,
			Status:   resultCode,
			Idx:      buildRunResults.ResultsCount(),
			RunTime:  time.Now().Sub(stepStartTime),
			Error:    err,
			ExitCode: exitCode,

		switch resultCode {
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeSuccess:
			buildRunResults.SuccessSteps = append(buildRunResults.SuccessSteps, stepResults)
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed:
			log.Errorf("Step (%s) failed, error: (%v)", *step.Title, err)
			buildRunResults.FailedSteps = append(buildRunResults.FailedSteps, stepResults)
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeFailedSkippable:
			log.Warnf("Step (%s) failed, but was marked as skippable, error: (%v)", *step.Title, err)
			buildRunResults.FailedSkippableSteps = append(buildRunResults.FailedSkippableSteps, stepResults)
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeSkipped:
			log.Warnf("A previous step failed, and this step (%s) was not marked as IsAlwaysRun, skipped", *step.Title)
			buildRunResults.SkippedSteps = append(buildRunResults.SkippedSteps, stepResults)
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeSkippedWithRunIf:
			log.Warn("The step's (" + *step.Title + ") Run-If expression evaluated to false - skipping")
			log.Info("The Run-If expression was: ", colorstring.Blue(*step.RunIf))
			buildRunResults.SkippedSteps = append(buildRunResults.SkippedSteps, stepResults)
			log.Error("Unkown result code")

		bitrise.PrintStepSummary(stepResults, isLastStep)

	registerStepListItemRunResults := func(stepListItem models.StepListItemModel, resultCode, exitCode int, err error, isLastStep bool) {
		name := ""
		for key := range stepListItem {
			name = key

		stepResults := models.StepRunResultsModel{
			StepName: name,
			Status:   resultCode,
			Idx:      buildRunResults.ResultsCount(),
			RunTime:  time.Now().Sub(stepStartTime),
			Error:    err,
			ExitCode: exitCode,

		switch resultCode {
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeSuccess:
			buildRunResults.SuccessSteps = append(buildRunResults.SuccessSteps, stepResults)
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed:
			log.Errorf("Step (%s) failed, error: (%v)", name, err)
			buildRunResults.FailedSteps = append(buildRunResults.FailedSteps, stepResults)
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeFailedSkippable:
			log.Warnf("Step (%s) failed, but was marked as skippable, error: (%v)", name, err)
			buildRunResults.FailedSkippableSteps = append(buildRunResults.FailedSkippableSteps, stepResults)
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeSkipped:
			log.Warnf("A previous step failed, and this step (%s) was not marked as IsAlwaysRun, skipped", name)
			buildRunResults.SkippedSteps = append(buildRunResults.SkippedSteps, stepResults)
		case models.StepRunStatusCodeSkippedWithRunIf:
			log.Warn("The step's (" + name + ") Run-If expression evaluated to false - skipping")
			buildRunResults.SkippedSteps = append(buildRunResults.SkippedSteps, stepResults)
			log.Error("Unkown result code")

		bitrise.PrintStepSummary(stepResults, isLastStep)

	for idx, stepListItm := range workflow.Steps {
		stepStartTime = time.Now()
		isLastStep := isLastWorkflow && (idx == len(workflow.Steps)-1)

		if err := bitrise.SetBuildFailedEnv(buildRunResults.IsBuildFailed()); err != nil {
			log.Error("Failed to set Build Status envs")

		compositeStepIDStr, workflowStep, err := models.GetStepIDStepDataPair(stepListItm)
		if err != nil {
			registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)
		stepIDData, err := models.CreateStepIDDataFromString(compositeStepIDStr, defaultStepLibSource)
		if err != nil {
			registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)
		stepVersionForInfoPrint := stepIDData.Version

		log.Debugf("[BITRISE_CLI] - Running Step: %#v", workflowStep)

		if err := bitrise.CleanupStepWorkDir(); err != nil {
			registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

		stepDir := bitrise.BitriseWorkStepsDirPath
		stepYMLPth := path.Join(bitrise.BitriseWorkDirPath, "current_step.yml")

		if stepIDData.SteplibSource == "path" {
			log.Debugf("[BITRISE_CLI] - Local step found: (path:%s)", stepIDData.IDorURI)
			stepAbsLocalPth, err := pathutil.AbsPath(stepIDData.IDorURI)
			if err != nil {
				registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			log.Debugln("stepAbsLocalPth:", stepAbsLocalPth, "|stepDir:", stepDir)

			if err := cmdex.CopyDir(stepAbsLocalPth, stepDir, true); err != nil {
				registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			if err := cmdex.CopyFile(path.Join(stepAbsLocalPth, "step.yml"), stepYMLPth); err != nil {
				registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			if len(stepIDData.IDorURI) > 20 {
				stepVersionForInfoPrint = fmt.Sprintf("path:...%s", stringutil.MaxLastChars(stepIDData.IDorURI, 17))
			} else {
				stepVersionForInfoPrint = fmt.Sprintf("path:%s", stepIDData.IDorURI)
		} else if stepIDData.SteplibSource == "git" {
			log.Debugf("[BITRISE_CLI] - Remote step, with direct git uri: (uri:%s) (tag-or-branch:%s)", stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version)
			if err := cmdex.GitCloneTagOrBranch(stepIDData.IDorURI, stepDir, stepIDData.Version); err != nil {
				registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			if err := cmdex.CopyFile(path.Join(stepDir, "step.yml"), stepYMLPth); err != nil {
				registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			stepVersionForInfoPrint = fmt.Sprintf("git:...%s", stringutil.MaxLastChars(stepIDData.IDorURI, 10))
			if stepIDData.Version != "" {
				stepVersionForInfoPrint = stepVersionForInfoPrint + "@" + stepIDData.Version
		} else if stepIDData.SteplibSource == "_" {
			log.Debugf("[BITRISE_CLI] - Steplib independent step, with direct git uri: (uri:%s) (tag-or-branch:%s)", stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version)

			// Steplib independent steps are completly defined in workflow
			stepYMLPth = ""
			if err := workflowStep.FillMissingDefaults(); err != nil {
				registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			if err := cmdex.GitCloneTagOrBranch(stepIDData.IDorURI, stepDir, stepIDData.Version); err != nil {
				registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			stepVersionForInfoPrint = "_"
			if stepIDData.Version != "" {
				if len(stepIDData.Version) > 20 {
					stepVersionForInfoPrint = stepVersionForInfoPrint + "@..." + stringutil.MaxLastChars(stepIDData.Version, 17)
				} else {
					stepVersionForInfoPrint = stepVersionForInfoPrint + "@" + stepIDData.Version
		} else if stepIDData.SteplibSource != "" {
			log.Debugf("[BITRISE_CLI] - Steplib (%s) step (id:%s) (version:%s) found, activating step", stepIDData.SteplibSource, stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version)
			if err := bitrise.StepmanSetup(stepIDData.SteplibSource); err != nil {
				registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			stepInfo, err := bitrise.StepmanStepInfo(stepIDData.SteplibSource, stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version)
			if err != nil {
				if buildRunResults.IsStepLibUpdated(stepIDData.SteplibSource) {
					registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)
				// May StepLib should be updated
				log.Info("Step info not found in StepLib (%s) -- Updating ...")
				if err := bitrise.StepmanUpdate(stepIDData.SteplibSource); err != nil {
					registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)
				stepInfo, err = bitrise.StepmanStepInfo(stepIDData.SteplibSource, stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version)
				if err != nil {
					registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			stepVersionForInfoPrint = stepInfo.StepVersion

			if err := bitrise.StepmanActivate(stepIDData.SteplibSource, stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version, stepDir, stepYMLPth); err != nil {
				registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)
			} else {
				log.Debugf("[BITRISE_CLI] - Step activated: (ID:%s) (version:%s)", stepIDData.IDorURI, stepIDData.Version)
		} else {
			registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, fmt.Errorf("Invalid stepIDData: No SteplibSource or LocalPath defined (%v)", stepIDData), isLastStep)

		mergedStep := workflowStep
		if stepYMLPth != "" {
			specStep, err := bitrise.ReadSpecStep(stepYMLPth)
			log.Debugf("Spec read from YML: %#v\n", specStep)
			if err != nil {
				registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

			mergedStep, err = models.MergeStepWith(specStep, workflowStep)
			if err != nil {
				registerStepListItemRunResults(stepListItm, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)

		// Run step
		bitrise.PrintRunningStep(*mergedStep.Title, stepVersionForInfoPrint, idx)
		if mergedStep.RunIf != nil && *mergedStep.RunIf != "" {
			isRun, err := bitrise.EvaluateStepTemplateToBool(*mergedStep.RunIf, buildRunResults)
			if err != nil {
				registerStepRunResults(mergedStep, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, 1, err, isLastStep)
			if !isRun {
				registerStepRunResults(mergedStep, models.StepRunStatusCodeSkippedWithRunIf, 0, err, isLastStep)
		outEnvironments := []envmanModels.EnvironmentItemModel{}

		isAlwaysRun := stepmanModels.DefaultIsAlwaysRun
		if mergedStep.IsAlwaysRun != nil {
			isAlwaysRun = *mergedStep.IsAlwaysRun
		} else {
			log.Warn("Step (%s) mergedStep.IsAlwaysRun is nil, should not!", stepIDData.IDorURI)

		if buildRunResults.IsBuildFailed() && !isAlwaysRun {
			registerStepRunResults(mergedStep, models.StepRunStatusCodeSkipped, 0, err, isLastStep)
		} else {
			exit, out, err := runStep(mergedStep, stepIDData, stepDir, *environments)
			outEnvironments = out
			if err != nil {
				if *mergedStep.IsSkippable {
					registerStepRunResults(mergedStep, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailedSkippable, exit, err, isLastStep)
				} else {
					registerStepRunResults(mergedStep, models.StepRunStatusCodeFailed, exit, err, isLastStep)
			} else {
				registerStepRunResults(mergedStep, models.StepRunStatusCodeSuccess, 0, nil, isLastStep)
				*environments = append(*environments, outEnvironments...)

	return buildRunResults