Пример #1
func saveAttachements(projectPath, scheme string) error {
	projectName := filepath.Base(projectPath)
	projectExt := filepath.Ext(projectName)
	projectName = strings.TrimSuffix(projectName, projectExt)

	userHome := pathutil.UserHomeDir()
	deviedDataDir := filepath.Join(userHome, "Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData")
	projectDerivedDataDirPattern := filepath.Join(deviedDataDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s-*", projectName))
	projectDerivedDataDirs, err := filepath.Glob(projectDerivedDataDirPattern)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if len(projectDerivedDataDirs) > 1 {
		return fmt.Errorf("more than 1 project derived data dir found: %v, with pattern: %s", projectDerivedDataDirs, projectDerivedDataDirPattern)
	} else if len(projectDerivedDataDirs) == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("no project derived data dir found with pattern: %s", projectDerivedDataDirPattern)
	projectDerivedDataDir := projectDerivedDataDirs[0]

	testLogDir := filepath.Join(projectDerivedDataDir, "Logs", "Test")
	if exist, err := pathutil.IsDirExists(testLogDir); err != nil {
		return err
	} else if !exist {
		return fmt.Errorf("no test logs found at: %s", projectDerivedDataDir)

	testLogAttachmentsDir := filepath.Join(testLogDir, "Attachments")
	if exist, err := pathutil.IsDirExists(testLogAttachmentsDir); err != nil {
		return err
	} else if !exist {
		return fmt.Errorf("no test attachments found at: %s", testLogAttachmentsDir)

	deployDir := os.Getenv("BITRISE_DEPLOY_DIR")
	if deployDir == "" {
		return errors.New("No BITRISE_DEPLOY_DIR found")

	zipedTestsDerivedDataPath := filepath.Join(deployDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s-xc-test-Attachments.zip", scheme))
	if err := cmd.Zip(testLogDir, "Attachments", zipedTestsDerivedDataPath); err != nil {
		return err

	if err := cmd.ExportEnvironmentWithEnvman("BITRISE_XCODE_TEST_ATTACHMENTS_PATH", zipedTestsDerivedDataPath); err != nil {
		log.Warn("Failed to export: BITRISE_XCODE_TEST_ATTACHMENTS_PATH, error: %s", err)
	return nil
Пример #2
func getEnvmanConfigsDirPath() string {
	return path.Join(pathutil.UserHomeDir(), ".envman")
Пример #3
// GetBitriseConfigsDirPath ...
func GetBitriseConfigsDirPath() string {
	return path.Join(pathutil.UserHomeDir(), ".bitrise")
Пример #4
// GetBitriseHomeDirPath ...
func GetBitriseHomeDirPath() string {
	return filepath.Join(pathutil.UserHomeDir(), ".bitrise")
Пример #5
// DefaultConfigFilePath ...
func DefaultConfigFilePath() string {
	return path.Join(pathutil.UserHomeDir(), ".bitrise-bridge", "config.json")
Пример #6
// GetStepmanDirPath ...
func GetStepmanDirPath() string {
	return path.Join(pathutil.UserHomeDir(), StepmanDirname)
func main() {
	configs := createConfigsModelFromEnvs()


	if err := configs.validate(); err != nil {
		registerFail("Issue with input: %s", err)

	// Determining calabash-android version
	log.Info("Determining calabash-android version...")

	rubyCommand, err := rubycmd.NewRubyCommandModel()
	if err != nil {
		registerFail("Failed to create ruby command, err: %s", err)

	calabashAndroidVersion := ""
	useBundler := false

	if configs.GemFilePath != "" {
		if exist, err := pathutil.IsPathExists(configs.GemFilePath); err != nil {
			registerFail("Failed to check if Gemfile exists at (%s) exist, error: %s", configs.GemFilePath, err)
		} else if exist {
			log.Detail("Gemfile exists at: %s", configs.GemFilePath)

			gemfileDir := filepath.Dir(configs.GemFilePath)
			gemfileLockPth := filepath.Join(gemfileDir, "Gemfile.lock")

			if exist, err := pathutil.IsPathExists(gemfileLockPth); err != nil {
				registerFail("Failed to check if Gemfile.lock exists at (%s), error: %s", gemfileLockPth, err)
			} else if exist {
				log.Detail("Gemfile.lock exists at: %s", gemfileLockPth)

				version, err := calabashAndroidVersionFromGemfileLock(gemfileLockPth)
				if err != nil {
					registerFail("Failed to get calabash-android version from Gemfile.lock, error: %s", err)

				log.Detail("calabash-android version in Gemfile.lock: %s", version)

				calabashAndroidVersion = version
				useBundler = true
			} else {
				log.Warn("Gemfile.lock doest no find with calabash-android gem at: %s", gemfileLockPth)
		} else {
			log.Warn("Gemfile doest no find with calabash-android gem at: %s", configs.GemFilePath)

	if configs.CalabashAndroidVersion != "" {
		log.Detail("calabash-android version in configs: %s", configs.CalabashAndroidVersion)

		calabashAndroidVersion = configs.CalabashAndroidVersion
		useBundler = false

	if calabashAndroidVersion == "" {
		log.Done("using calabash-android latest version")
	} else {
		log.Done("using calabash-android version: %s", calabashAndroidVersion)
	// ---

	// Intsalling calabash-android gem
	log.Info("Installing calabash-android gem...")

	calabashAndroidArgs := []string{}

	// If Gemfile given with calabash-android and calabash_android_version input does not override calabash-android version
	// Run `bundle install`
	// Run calabash-android with `bundle exec`
	if useBundler {
		bundleInstallArgs := []string{"bundle", "install", "--jobs", "20", "--retry", "5"}

		// bundle install
		bundleInstallCmd, err := rubyCommand.Command(false, bundleInstallArgs)
		if err != nil {
			registerFail("Failed to create command, error: %s", err)

		bundleInstallCmd.AppendEnvs([]string{"BUNDLE_GEMFILE=" + configs.GemFilePath})

		log.Detail("$ %s", cmdex.PrintableCommandArgs(false, bundleInstallArgs))

		if err := bundleInstallCmd.Run(); err != nil {
			registerFail("bundle install failed, error: %s", err)
		// ---

		calabashAndroidArgs = []string{"bundle", "exec"}

	calabashAndroidArgs = append(calabashAndroidArgs, "calabash-android")

	// If no need to use bundler
	if !useBundler {
		if calabashAndroidVersion != "" {
			// ... and calabash-android version detected
			// Install calabash-android detetcted version with `gem install`
			// Append version param to calabash-android command
			installed, err := rubyCommand.IsGemInstalled("calabash-android", calabashAndroidVersion)
			if err != nil {
				registerFail("Failed to check if calabash-android (v%s) installed, error: %s", calabashAndroidVersion, err)

			if !installed {
				installCommands, err := rubyCommand.GemInstallCommands("calabash-android", calabashAndroidVersion)
				if err != nil {
					registerFail("Failed to create gem install commands, error: %s", err)

				for _, installCommand := range installCommands {
					log.Detail("$ %s", cmdex.PrintableCommandArgs(false, installCommand.GetCmd().Args))

					if err := installCommand.Run(); err != nil {
						registerFail("command failed, error: %s", err)
			} else {
				log.Detail("calabash-android %s installed", calabashAndroidVersion)
		} else {
			// ... and using latest version of calabash-android
			// Install calabash-android latest version with `gem install`

			installCommands, err := rubyCommand.GemInstallCommands("calabash-android", "")
			if err != nil {
				registerFail("Failed to create gem install commands, error: %s", err)

			for _, installCommand := range installCommands {
				log.Detail("$ %s", cmdex.PrintableCommandArgs(false, installCommand.GetCmd().Args))

				if err := installCommand.Run(); err != nil {
					registerFail("command failed, error: %s", err)
	// ---

	// Search for debug.keystore
	log.Info("Search for debug.keystore...")

	debugKeystorePth := ""
	homeDir := pathutil.UserHomeDir()

	// $HOME/.android/debug.keystore
	androidDebugKeystorePth := filepath.Join(homeDir, ".android", "debug.keystore")
	debugKeystorePth = androidDebugKeystorePth

	if exist, err := pathutil.IsPathExists(androidDebugKeystorePth); err != nil {
		registerFail("Failed to check if debug.keystore exists at (%s), error: %s", androidDebugKeystorePth, err)
	} else if !exist {
		log.Warn("android debug keystore not exist at: %s", androidDebugKeystorePth)

		// $HOME/.local/share/Mono for Android/debug.keystore
		xamarinDebugKeystorePth := filepath.Join(homeDir, ".local", "share", "Mono for Android", "debug.keystore")

		log.Detail("checking xamarin debug keystore at: %s", xamarinDebugKeystorePth)

		if exist, err := pathutil.IsPathExists(xamarinDebugKeystorePth); err != nil {
			registerFail("Failed to check if debug.keystore exists at (%s), error: %s", xamarinDebugKeystorePth, err)
		} else if !exist {
			log.Warn("xamarin debug keystore not exist at: %s", xamarinDebugKeystorePth)
			log.Detail("generating debug keystore")

			// `keytool -genkey -v -keystore "#{debug_keystore}" -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -dname "CN=Android Debug,O=Android,C=US"`
			keytoolArgs := []string{"keytool", "-genkey", "-v", "-keystore", debugKeystorePth, "-alias", "androiddebugkey", "-storepass", "android", "-keypass", "android", "-keyalg", "RSA", "-keysize", "2048", "-validity", "10000", "-dname", "CN=Android Debug,O=Android,C=US"}

			cmd, err := cmdex.NewCommandFromSlice(keytoolArgs)
			if err != nil {
				registerFail("Failed to create command, error: %s", err)

			log.Detail("$ %s", cmdex.PrintableCommandArgs(false, keytoolArgs))

			if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
				registerFail("Failed to generate debug.keystore, error: %s", err)

			log.Detail("using debug keystore: %s", debugKeystorePth)
		} else {
			log.Detail("using xamarin debug keystore: %s", xamarinDebugKeystorePth)

			debugKeystorePth = xamarinDebugKeystorePth
	} else {
		log.Detail("using android debug keystore: %s", androidDebugKeystorePth)
	// ---

	// Resign apk with debug.keystore
	log.Info("Resign apk with debug.keystore...")

	resignArgs := []string{"calabash-android", "resign", configs.ApkPath}
	resignCmd, err := rubyCommand.Command(useBundler, resignArgs)
	if err != nil {
		registerFail("Failed to create command, error: %s", err)

	log.Detail("$ %s", cmdex.PrintableCommandArgs(false, resignArgs))


	if err := resignCmd.Run(); err != nil {
		registerFail("Failed to run command, error: %s", err)
	// ---

	// Run calabash-android
	log.Info("Running calabash-android test...")

	testArgs := []string{"calabash-android", "run", configs.ApkPath}
	testCmd, err := rubyCommand.Command(useBundler, testArgs)
	if err != nil {
		registerFail("Failed to create command, error: %s", err)

	log.Detail("$ %s", cmdex.PrintableCommandArgs(false, testArgs))


	if err := testCmd.Run(); err != nil {
		registerFail("Failed to run command, error: %s", err)
	// ---

	if err := exportEnvironmentWithEnvman("BITRISE_XAMARIN_TEST_RESULT", "succeeded"); err != nil {
		log.Warn("Failed to export environment: %s, error: %s", "BITRISE_XAMARIN_TEST_RESULT", err)