Пример #1
func (s *ConjunctionQueryScorer) Score(constituents []*search.DocumentMatch) *search.DocumentMatch {
	rv := search.DocumentMatch{
		ID: constituents[0].ID,

	var sum float64
	var childrenExplanations []*search.Explanation
	if s.explain {
		childrenExplanations = make([]*search.Explanation, len(constituents))

	locations := []search.FieldTermLocationMap{}
	for i, docMatch := range constituents {
		sum += docMatch.Score
		if s.explain {
			childrenExplanations[i] = docMatch.Expl
		if docMatch.Locations != nil {
			locations = append(locations, docMatch.Locations)
	rv.Score = sum
	if s.explain {
		rv.Expl = &search.Explanation{Value: sum, Message: "sum of:", Children: childrenExplanations}

	if len(locations) == 1 {
		rv.Locations = locations[0]
	} else if len(locations) > 1 {
		rv.Locations = search.MergeLocations(locations)

	return &rv
Пример #2
func (s *DisjunctionQueryScorer) Score(constituents []*search.DocumentMatch, countMatch, countTotal int) *search.DocumentMatch {
	rv := search.DocumentMatch{
		ID: constituents[0].ID,

	var sum float64
	var childrenExplanations []*search.Explanation
	if s.explain {
		childrenExplanations = make([]*search.Explanation, len(constituents))

	locations := []search.FieldTermLocationMap{}
	for i, docMatch := range constituents {
		sum += docMatch.Score
		if s.explain {
			childrenExplanations[i] = docMatch.Expl
		if docMatch.Locations != nil {
			locations = append(locations, docMatch.Locations)

	var rawExpl *search.Explanation
	if s.explain {
		rawExpl = &search.Explanation{Value: sum, Message: "sum of:", Children: childrenExplanations}

	coord := float64(countMatch) / float64(countTotal)
	rv.Score = sum * coord
	if s.explain {
		ce := make([]*search.Explanation, 2)
		ce[0] = rawExpl
		ce[1] = &search.Explanation{Value: coord, Message: fmt.Sprintf("coord(%d/%d)", countMatch, countTotal)}
		rv.Expl = &search.Explanation{Value: rv.Score, Message: "product of:", Children: ce}

	if len(locations) == 1 {
		rv.Locations = locations[0]
	} else if len(locations) > 1 {
		rv.Locations = search.MergeLocations(locations)

	return &rv
Пример #3
func (s *PhraseSearcher) Next() (*search.DocumentMatch, error) {
	if !s.initialized {
		err := s.initSearchers()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	var rv *search.DocumentMatch
	for s.currMust != nil {
		rvftlm := make(search.FieldTermLocationMap, 0)
		freq := 0
		firstTerm := s.terms[0]
		for field, termLocMap := range s.currMust.Locations {
			rvtlm := make(search.TermLocationMap, 0)
			locations, ok := termLocMap[firstTerm]
			if ok {
				for _, location := range locations {
					crvtlm := make(search.TermLocationMap, 0)
					for i := 0; i < len(s.terms); i++ {
						nextTerm := s.terms[i]
						if nextTerm != "" {
							// look through all these term locations
							// to try and find the correct offsets
							nextLocations, ok := termLocMap[nextTerm]
							if ok {
								for _, nextLocation := range nextLocations {
									if nextLocation.Pos == location.Pos+float64(i) && nextLocation.SameArrayElement(location) {
										// found a location match for this term
										crvtlm.AddLocation(nextTerm, nextLocation)
										continue INNER
								// if we got here we didn't find a location match for this term
								continue OUTER
							} else {
								continue OUTER
					// if we got here all the terms matched
					search.MergeTermLocationMaps(rvtlm, crvtlm)
					rvftlm[field] = rvtlm

		if freq > 0 {
			// return match
			rv = s.currMust
			rv.Locations = rvftlm
			err := s.advanceNextMust()
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			return rv, nil

		err := s.advanceNextMust()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	return nil, nil
Пример #4
func (s *TermQueryScorer) Score(termMatch *index.TermFieldDoc) *search.DocumentMatch {
	var scoreExplanation *search.Explanation

	// need to compute score
	var tf float64
	if termMatch.Freq < MaxSqrtCache {
		tf = SqrtCache[int(termMatch.Freq)]
	} else {
		tf = math.Sqrt(float64(termMatch.Freq))
	score := tf * termMatch.Norm * s.idf

	if s.explain {
		childrenExplanations := make([]*search.Explanation, 3)
		childrenExplanations[0] = &search.Explanation{
			Value:   tf,
			Message: fmt.Sprintf("tf(termFreq(%s:%s)=%d", s.queryField, string(s.queryTerm), termMatch.Freq),
		childrenExplanations[1] = &search.Explanation{
			Value:   termMatch.Norm,
			Message: fmt.Sprintf("fieldNorm(field=%s, doc=%s)", s.queryField, termMatch.ID),
		childrenExplanations[2] = s.idfExplanation
		scoreExplanation = &search.Explanation{
			Value:    score,
			Message:  fmt.Sprintf("fieldWeight(%s:%s in %s), product of:", s.queryField, string(s.queryTerm), termMatch.ID),
			Children: childrenExplanations,

	// if the query weight isn't 1, multiply
	if s.queryWeight != 1.0 {
		score = score * s.queryWeight
		if s.explain {
			childExplanations := make([]*search.Explanation, 2)
			childExplanations[0] = s.queryWeightExplanation
			childExplanations[1] = scoreExplanation
			scoreExplanation = &search.Explanation{
				Value:    score,
				Message:  fmt.Sprintf("weight(%s:%s^%f in %s), product of:", s.queryField, string(s.queryTerm), s.queryBoost, termMatch.ID),
				Children: childExplanations,

	rv := search.DocumentMatch{
		ID:    termMatch.ID,
		Score: score,
	if s.explain {
		rv.Expl = scoreExplanation

	if termMatch.Vectors != nil && len(termMatch.Vectors) > 0 {

		rv.Locations = make(search.FieldTermLocationMap)
		for _, v := range termMatch.Vectors {
			tlm := rv.Locations[v.Field]
			if tlm == nil {
				tlm = make(search.TermLocationMap)

			loc := search.Location{
				Pos:   float64(v.Pos),
				Start: float64(v.Start),
				End:   float64(v.End),

			if len(v.ArrayPositions) > 0 {
				loc.ArrayPositions = make([]float64, len(v.ArrayPositions))
				for i, ap := range v.ArrayPositions {
					loc.ArrayPositions[i] = float64(ap)

			locations := tlm[s.queryTerm]
			if locations == nil {
				locations = make(search.Locations, 1)
				locations[0] = &loc
			} else {
				locations = append(locations, &loc)
			tlm[s.queryTerm] = locations

			rv.Locations[v.Field] = tlm


	return &rv