func RenderErrorSummary(s *models.Stage) { titleLine := fmt.Sprintf("Found following errors:") fmt.Printf("\n") fmt.Printf(tm.Bold(titleLine)) fmt.Printf("\n") fmt.Printf("\n") _ = "breakpoint" for _, n := range s.Nodes { if n.HasError() { fmt.Printf(tm.Color(tm.Bold(n.Fqdn), tm.RED)) fmt.Printf("\n") for _, e := range n.Errors { ErrorString := fmt.Sprintf("%v", e.Error()) fmt.Printf(" - ") fmt.Printf(tm.Color(ErrorString, tm.RED)) fmt.Printf("\n") } for k, v := range n.RepositoryError { reposiroryErrorString := fmt.Sprintf("%v: ", k) fmt.Printf(" - ") fmt.Printf(tm.Color(reposiroryErrorString, tm.RED)) fmt.Printf(v.Error()) fmt.Printf("\n") } fmt.Printf("\n") } } }
// Display introductory details func intro() { fmt.Print("\n\n") fmt.Println(goterm.Bold(goterm.Color(" Gateway API v1.0", goterm.GREEN))) fmt.Println(goterm.Bold(goterm.Color("=======================", goterm.GREEN))) fmt.Print("Copyright Jively Ltd. 2014") fmt.Print("\n\n\n") }
func GetText(message string, defaultText string) string { fmt.Printf("%s", goterm.Color(goterm.Bold(message), goterm.GREEN)) if defaultText != "" { fmt.Printf(" %s%s%s", goterm.Color(goterm.Bold("["), goterm.GREEN), goterm.Color(defaultText, goterm.YELLOW), goterm.Color(goterm.Bold("]"), goterm.GREEN)) } fmt.Printf("%s ", goterm.Color(goterm.Bold(":"), goterm.GREEN)) reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin) text, _ := reader.ReadString('\n') if text[len(text)-1] == '\n' { text = text[:len(text)-1] } if text == "" { text = defaultText } return text }
func format(text string, color int, isBold bool) string { if isBold { return goterm.Bold(goterm.Color(text, color)) } else { return normal(goterm.Color(text, color)) } }
func errRatioToString(r float64) string { failRatioS := fmt.Sprintf("%0.2f", r*100) if r != 0 { return goterm.Color(failRatioS, goterm.RED) } else { return goterm.Color(failRatioS, goterm.GREEN) } }
func printHosts(lastApiResponse *healthd.ApiResponseHosts, status *healthdStatus) { goterm.Clear() // Clear current screen goterm.MoveCursor(1, 1) defer goterm.Flush() goterm.Println("Current Time:", status.FmtNow(), " Status:", status.FmtStatus()) // if lastApiResponse == nil { goterm.Println("no data yet") return } columns := []string{ "Host:Port", "Status", "Last Checked", "Last Response Time", } for i, s := range columns { columns[i] = goterm.Bold(goterm.Color(s, goterm.BLACK)) } table := goterm.NewTable(0, goterm.Width()-1, 5, ' ', 0) fmt.Fprintf(table, "%s\n", strings.Join(columns, "\t")) for _, host := range lastApiResponse.Hosts { printHost(table, host) } goterm.Println(table) }
func (m *Menu) DrawMenuItems(redraw bool) { if redraw { // Move cursor up by number of menu items. Assumes each menu item is ONE line. fmt.Printf("\033[%dA", len(m.MenuItems)-1) } for index, menuItem := range m.MenuItems { var newline = "\n" if index == len(m.MenuItems)-1 { newline = "" } prefix := " " if m.Type == ButtonType { prefix = fmt.Sprintf("%d: ", index+1) } else if m.Type == CheckboxType { if menuItem.Selected { prefix = "\u25c9 " } else { prefix = "\u25ef " } } if index == m.CursorPos { cursor := goterm.Color("> ", goterm.CYAN) fmt.Printf("\r%s%s %s%s", cursor, prefix, menuItem.Text, newline) } else { fmt.Printf("\r%s%s %s%s", " ", prefix, menuItem.Text, newline) } } }
// simple view. No in place updates func RenderQuietView(progressChannel chan models.SyncProgress, wg *sync.WaitGroup) { depthChar := "--- " defer wg.Done() syncStates := make(map[string]map[string]string) for sp := range progressChannel { if _, exists := syncStates[sp.Node.Fqdn]; !exists { syncStates[sp.Node.Fqdn] = make(map[string]string) } switch sp.State { case "skipped": for i := 0; i < sp.Node.Depth; i++ { fmt.Printf(depthChar) } line := fmt.Sprintf("%v %v %v", sp.Node.Fqdn, sp.Repository, sp.State) tm.Printf(tm.Color(tm.Bold(line), tm.MAGENTA)) tm.Flush() case "error": for i := 0; i < sp.Node.Depth; i++ { fmt.Printf(depthChar) } line := fmt.Sprintf("%v %v %v", sp.Node.Fqdn, sp.Repository, sp.State) tm.Printf(tm.Color(tm.Bold(line), tm.RED)) tm.Flush() case "running": // only output state changes if syncStates[sp.Node.Fqdn][sp.Repository] != sp.State { for i := 0; i < sp.Node.Depth; i++ { fmt.Printf(depthChar) } line := fmt.Sprintf("%v %v %v", sp.Node.Fqdn, sp.Repository, sp.State) tm.Printf(tm.Color(line, tm.BLUE)) tm.Flush() } syncStates[sp.Node.Fqdn][sp.Repository] = sp.State case "finished": for i := 0; i < sp.Node.Depth; i++ { fmt.Printf(depthChar) } line := fmt.Sprintf("%v %v %v", sp.Node.Fqdn, sp.Repository, sp.State) tm.Printf(tm.Color(tm.Bold(line), tm.GREEN)) tm.Flush() } } }
func (m *Menu) Render() { if m.Heading != "" { fmt.Println(m.Heading) } fmt.Printf("%s\n", goterm.Color(goterm.Bold(m.Question)+":", goterm.GREEN)) m.DrawMenuItems(false) // Hide cursor. fmt.Printf("\033[?25l") }
func printJobs(lastApiResponse *healthd.ApiResponseJobs, status *healthdStatus) { goterm.Clear() // Clear current screen goterm.MoveCursor(1, 1) defer goterm.Flush() goterm.Println("Current Time:", status.FmtNow(), " Status:", status.FmtStatus()) if lastApiResponse == nil { goterm.Println("no data yet") return } columns := []string{ "Job", // "Jobs/Second", //minute? flag? "Total Count", "Success", "ValidationError", "Panic", "Error", "Junk", "Avg Response Time", "Stddev", "Min", "Max", "Total", } for i, s := range columns { columns[i] = goterm.Bold(goterm.Color(s, goterm.BLACK)) } table := goterm.NewTable(0, goterm.Width()-1, 5, ' ', 0) fmt.Fprintf(table, "%s\n", strings.Join(columns, "\t")) for _, job := range lastApiResponse.Jobs { printJob(table, job) } goterm.Println(table) }
func (cmd *Command) printOk(message string, params ...interface{}) { fmt.Fprintf(cmd.out, goterm.Color(fmt.Sprintf("OK: %s\n", fmt.Sprintf(message, params...)), goterm.GREEN)+"\n") }
func (cmd *Command) printError(err error) { fmt.Fprint(cmd.out, goterm.Color(fmt.Sprintf("ERROR: %s", err), goterm.RED)+"\n") }
if v != nil { srvrs[i] = *v //log.Infof("Added %s", v.Properties.IP) } else { //log.Info("No server in this iteration") } i++ } switch viper.GetString(SORTFLAG) { case DISTANCE: ipv.OrderedBy(ipv.Distance).Sort(servers) case LATENCY: ipv.OrderedBy(ipv.Latency).Sort(servers) case CAPACITY: ipv.OrderedBy(ipv.Distance, ipv.Capacity).Sort(servers) } numresults, _ := strconv.Atoi(cmd.Flags().Lookup("results").Value.String()) for _, server := range servers[:numresults] { fmt.Printf("Host %v has %v utilization, is %v miles away, with %vms latency\n", tm.Color(server.Properties.Hostname, tm.CYAN), tm.Color(strconv.Itoa(server.Properties.Capacity)+"%", capacityColor(server.Properties.Capacity)), tm.Color(strconv.FormatFloat(server.Distance, 'f', 0, 64), tm.RED), tm.Color(strconv.FormatInt(int64(time.Duration(server.Latency)/time.Millisecond), 10), tm.GREEN), ) } }, }
servers[i].Distance = dist * 0.621371 } switch viper.GetString(SORTFLAG) { case DISTANCE: ipv.OrderedBy(ipv.Distance).Sort(servers) case LATENCY: ipv.OrderedBy(ipv.Distance, ipv.Latency).Sort(servers) case CAPACITY: ipv.OrderedBy(ipv.Distance, ipv.Capacity).Sort(servers) } results, _ := strconv.Atoi(cmd.Flags().Lookup("results").Value.String()) for _, server := range servers[:results] { fmt.Printf("Host %v has %v utilization and is %v miles away\n", tm.Color(server.Properties.Hostname, tm.CYAN), tm.Color(strconv.Itoa(server.Properties.Capacity)+"%", capacityColor(server.Properties.Capacity)), tm.Color(strconv.FormatFloat(server.Distance, 'f', 0, 64), tm.RED), ) } }, } func capacityColor(capacity int) int { if capacity >= 75 { return tm.RED } else if capacity >= 25 && capacity < 75 { return tm.YELLOW } else if capacity < 25 { return tm.GREEN }