Пример #1
func (um *UserMap) deleteIndex(up *UserProfile) {
	key := up.GetId()
	for _, index := range um.indexKeys {
		if index == "Tenant" {
			if up.Tenant != "" {
				indexKey := utils.ConcatenatedKey(index, up.Tenant)
				delete(um.index[indexKey], key)
				if len(um.index[indexKey]) == 0 {
					delete(um.index, indexKey)
		if index == "UserName" {
			if up.UserName != "" {
				indexKey := utils.ConcatenatedKey(index, up.UserName)
				delete(um.index[indexKey], key)
				if len(um.index[indexKey]) == 0 {
					delete(um.index, indexKey)
		for k, v := range up.Profile {
			if k == index && v != "" {
				indexKey := utils.ConcatenatedKey(k, v)
				delete(um.index[indexKey], key)
				if len(um.index[indexKey]) == 0 {
					delete(um.index, indexKey)
Пример #2
func (um *UserMap) addIndex(up *UserProfile, indexes []string) {
	key := up.GetId()
	for _, index := range indexes {
		if index == "Tenant" {
			if up.Tenant != "" {
				indexKey := utils.ConcatenatedKey(index, up.Tenant)
				if um.index[indexKey] == nil {
					um.index[indexKey] = make(map[string]bool)
				um.index[indexKey][key] = true
		if index == "UserName" {
			if up.UserName != "" {
				indexKey := utils.ConcatenatedKey(index, up.UserName)
				if um.index[indexKey] == nil {
					um.index[indexKey] = make(map[string]bool)
				um.index[indexKey][key] = true

		for k, v := range up.Profile {
			if k == index && v != "" {
				indexKey := utils.ConcatenatedKey(k, v)
				if um.index[indexKey] == nil {
					um.index[indexKey] = make(map[string]bool)
				um.index[indexKey][key] = true
Пример #3
// GetAccountKey returns the key used to retrive the user balance involved in this call
func (cd *CallDescriptor) GetAccountKey() string {
	subj := cd.Subject
	if cd.Account != "" {
		// check if subject is alias
		if aliasService != nil {
			var alias string
			err := aliasService.GetMatchingAlias(
					Destination: cd.Destination,
					Direction:   cd.Direction,
					Tenant:      cd.Tenant,
					Category:    cd.Category,
					Account:     cd.Account,
					Subject:     cd.Subject,
					Context:     utils.ALIAS_GROUP_ACC,
					Target:      "Account",
					Original:    cd.Account,
				}, &alias)
			if err == nil && alias != "" {
				cd.Account = alias
		subj = cd.Account
	return utils.ConcatenatedKey(cd.Direction, cd.Tenant, subj)
Пример #4
func (ms *MapStorage) RemoveAlias(key string, transactionID string) error {
	// get alias for values list
	al, err := ms.GetAlias(key, false, transactionID)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	defer ms.mu.Unlock()
	key = utils.ALIASES_PREFIX + key

	aliasValues := make(AliasValues, 0)
	if values, ok := ms.dict[key]; ok {
		ms.ms.Unmarshal(values, &aliasValues)
	delete(ms.dict, key)
	cCommit := cacheCommit(transactionID)
	cache.RemKey(key, cCommit, transactionID)
	for _, value := range al.Values {
		tmpKey := utils.ConcatenatedKey(al.GetId(), value.DestinationId)
		for target, pairs := range value.Pairs {
			for _, alias := range pairs {
				rKey := utils.REVERSE_ALIASES_PREFIX + alias + target + al.Context
				ms.dict.srem(rKey, tmpKey, ms.ms)
				cache.RemKey(rKey, cCommit, transactionID)
				/*_, err = ms.GetReverseAlias(rKey, true) // recache
				if err != nil {
					return err
	return nil
Пример #5
func TestRDSitSetGetDerivedCharges(t *testing.T) {
	if !*testIntegration {
	keyCharger1 := utils.ConcatenatedKey("*out", "cgrates.org", "call", "dan", "dan")
	charger1 := &utils.DerivedChargers{Chargers: []*utils.DerivedCharger{
		&utils.DerivedCharger{RunID: "extra1", RequestTypeField: "^prepaid", DirectionField: "*default", TenantField: "*default", CategoryField: "*default",
			AccountField: "rif", SubjectField: "rif", DestinationField: "*default", SetupTimeField: "*default", AnswerTimeField: "*default", UsageField: "*default"},
		&utils.DerivedCharger{RunID: "extra2", RequestTypeField: "*default", DirectionField: "*default", TenantField: "*default", CategoryField: "*default",
			AccountField: "ivo", SubjectField: "ivo", DestinationField: "*default", SetupTimeField: "*default", AnswerTimeField: "*default", UsageField: "*default"},
	if err := rds.SetDerivedChargers(keyCharger1, charger1, utils.NonTransactional); err != nil {
		t.Error("Error on setting DerivedChargers", err.Error())
	// Retrieve from db
	if rcvCharger, err := rds.GetDerivedChargers(keyCharger1, true, utils.NonTransactional); err != nil {
		t.Error("Error when retrieving DerivedCHarger", err.Error())
	} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(rcvCharger, charger1) {
		t.Errorf("Expecting %v, received: %v", charger1, rcvCharger)
	// Retrieve from cache
	if rcvCharger, err := rds.GetDerivedChargers(keyCharger1, false, utils.NonTransactional); err != nil {
		t.Error("Error when retrieving DerivedCHarger", err.Error())
	} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(rcvCharger, charger1) {
		t.Errorf("Expecting %v, received: %v", charger1, rcvCharger)
Пример #6
func testOnStorITCacheDerivedChargers(t *testing.T) {
	dcs := &utils.DerivedChargers{
		DestinationIDs: make(utils.StringMap),
		Chargers: []*utils.DerivedCharger{
			&utils.DerivedCharger{RunID: "extra1", RunFilters: "^filteredHeader1/filterValue1/", RequestTypeField: "^prepaid", DirectionField: utils.META_DEFAULT,
				TenantField: utils.META_DEFAULT, CategoryField: utils.META_DEFAULT, AccountField: "rif", SubjectField: "rif", DestinationField: utils.META_DEFAULT,
				SetupTimeField: utils.META_DEFAULT, PDDField: utils.META_DEFAULT, AnswerTimeField: utils.META_DEFAULT, UsageField: utils.META_DEFAULT,
				SupplierField: utils.META_DEFAULT, DisconnectCauseField: utils.META_DEFAULT, CostField: utils.META_DEFAULT, RatedField: utils.META_DEFAULT},
			&utils.DerivedCharger{RunID: "extra2", RequestTypeField: utils.META_DEFAULT, DirectionField: utils.META_DEFAULT, TenantField: utils.META_DEFAULT,
				CategoryField: utils.META_DEFAULT, AccountField: "ivo", SubjectField: "ivo", DestinationField: utils.META_DEFAULT,
				SetupTimeField: utils.META_DEFAULT, PDDField: utils.META_DEFAULT, AnswerTimeField: utils.META_DEFAULT, UsageField: utils.META_DEFAULT,
				SupplierField: utils.META_DEFAULT, DisconnectCauseField: utils.META_DEFAULT, CostField: utils.META_DEFAULT, RatedField: utils.META_DEFAULT},
	keyDCS := utils.ConcatenatedKey("*out", "itsyscom.com", "call", "dan", "dan")
	if err := onStor.SetDerivedChargers(keyDCS, dcs, utils.NonTransactional); err != nil {
	if _, hasIt := cache.Get(utils.DERIVEDCHARGERS_PREFIX + keyDCS); hasIt {
		t.Error("Already in cache")
	if err := onStor.CacheDataFromDB(utils.DERIVEDCHARGERS_PREFIX, []string{keyDCS}, false); err != nil {
	if itm, hasIt := cache.Get(utils.DERIVEDCHARGERS_PREFIX + keyDCS); !hasIt {
		t.Error("Did not cache")
	} else if rcv := itm.(*utils.DerivedChargers); !reflect.DeepEqual(dcs, rcv) {
		t.Errorf("Expecting: %+v, received: %+v", dcs, rcv)
Пример #7
func testOnStorITSetGetDerivedCharges(t *testing.T) {
	keyCharger1 := utils.ConcatenatedKey("*out", "cgrates.org", "call", "dan", "dan")
	if _, err := onStor.GetDerivedChargers(keyCharger1, true, utils.NonTransactional); err == nil {
		t.Error("DC exists")
	charger1 := &utils.DerivedChargers{DestinationIDs: make(utils.StringMap),
		Chargers: []*utils.DerivedCharger{
			&utils.DerivedCharger{RunID: "extra1", RequestTypeField: "^prepaid", DirectionField: "*default", TenantField: "*default", CategoryField: "*default",
				AccountField: "rif", SubjectField: "rif", DestinationField: "*default", SetupTimeField: "*default", AnswerTimeField: "*default", UsageField: "*default"},
			&utils.DerivedCharger{RunID: "extra2", RequestTypeField: "*default", DirectionField: "*default", TenantField: "*default", CategoryField: "*default",
				AccountField: "ivo", SubjectField: "ivo", DestinationField: "*default", SetupTimeField: "*default", AnswerTimeField: "*default", UsageField: "*default"},
	if err := onStor.SetDerivedChargers(keyCharger1, charger1, utils.NonTransactional); err != nil {
		t.Error("Error on setting DerivedChargers", err.Error())
	// Retrieve from db
	if rcvCharger, err := onStor.GetDerivedChargers(keyCharger1, true, utils.NonTransactional); err != nil {
		t.Error("Error when retrieving DerivedCHarger", err.Error())
	} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(rcvCharger, charger1) {
		for i, eChrg := range charger1.Chargers {
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(eChrg, rcvCharger.Chargers[i]) {
				t.Logf("Expecting: %+v, received: %+v", eChrg, rcvCharger.Chargers[i])
		t.Errorf("Expecting %v, received: %v", charger1, rcvCharger)
	// Retrieve from cache
	if rcvCharger, err := onStor.GetDerivedChargers(keyCharger1, false, utils.NonTransactional); err != nil {
		t.Error("Error when retrieving DerivedCHarger", err.Error())
	} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(rcvCharger, charger1) {
		t.Errorf("Expecting %v, received: %v", charger1, rcvCharger)
Пример #8
func testOnStorITMatchReqFilterIndex(t *testing.T) {
	eMp := utils.StringMap{
		"RL1": true,
		"RL2": true,
	if rcvMp, err := onStor.MatchReqFilterIndex(utils.ResourceLimitsIndex,
		utils.ConcatenatedKey("Account", "1002")); err != nil {
	} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(eMp, rcvMp) {
		t.Errorf("Expecting: %+v, received: %+v", eMp, rcvMp)
	if _, err := onStor.MatchReqFilterIndex(utils.ResourceLimitsIndex,
		utils.ConcatenatedKey("NonexistentField", "1002")); err == nil || err != utils.ErrNotFound {
Пример #9
func (rs *RedisStorage) RemoveAlias(id string, transactionID string) (err error) {
	key := utils.ALIASES_PREFIX + id
	// get alias for values list
	al, err := rs.GetAlias(id, false, transactionID)
	if err != nil {
	err = rs.db.Cmd("DEL", key).Err
	if err != nil {
		return err
	cCommit := cacheCommit(transactionID)
	cache2go.RemKey(key, cCommit, transactionID)

	for _, value := range al.Values {
		tmpKey := utils.ConcatenatedKey(al.GetId(), value.DestinationId)
		for target, pairs := range value.Pairs {
			for _, alias := range pairs {
				rKey := utils.REVERSE_ALIASES_PREFIX + alias + target + al.Context
				err = rs.db.Cmd("SREM", rKey, tmpKey).Err
				if err != nil {
					return err
				cache2go.RemKey(rKey, cCommit, transactionID)
				/*_, err = rs.GetReverseAlias(rKey, true) // recache
				if err != nil {
					return err
Пример #10
// IndexFilters parses reqFltrs, adding itemID in the indexes and marks the changed keys in chngdIndxKeys
func (rfi *ReqFilterIndexer) IndexFilters(itemID string, reqFltrs []*RequestFilter) {
	var hasMetaString bool
	for _, fltr := range reqFltrs {
		if fltr.Type != MetaString {
		hasMetaString = true // Mark that we found at least one metatring so we don't index globally
		if _, hastIt := rfi.indexes[fltr.FieldName]; !hastIt {
			rfi.indexes[fltr.FieldName] = make(map[string]utils.StringMap)
		for _, fldVal := range fltr.Values {
			if _, hasIt := rfi.indexes[fltr.FieldName][fldVal]; !hasIt {
				rfi.indexes[fltr.FieldName][fldVal] = make(utils.StringMap)
			rfi.indexes[fltr.FieldName][fldVal][itemID] = true
			rfi.chngdIndxKeys[utils.ConcatenatedKey(fltr.FieldName, fldVal)] = true
	if !hasMetaString {
		if _, hasIt := rfi.indexes[utils.NOT_AVAILABLE]; !hasIt {
			rfi.indexes[utils.NOT_AVAILABLE] = make(map[string]utils.StringMap)
		if _, hasIt := rfi.indexes[utils.NOT_AVAILABLE][utils.NOT_AVAILABLE]; !hasIt {
			rfi.indexes[utils.NOT_AVAILABLE][utils.NOT_AVAILABLE] = make(utils.StringMap)
		rfi.indexes[utils.NOT_AVAILABLE][utils.NOT_AVAILABLE][itemID] = true // Fields without real field index will be located in map[NOT_AVAILABLE][NOT_AVAILABLE][rl.ID]
Пример #11
// GetAccountKey returns the key used to retrive the user balance involved in this call
func (cd *CallDescriptor) GetAccountKey() string {
	subj := cd.Subject
	if cd.Account != "" {
		subj = cd.Account
	return utils.ConcatenatedKey(cd.Tenant, subj)
func TestSetGetDerivedCharges(t *testing.T) {
	if !*testLocal {
	keyCharger1 := utils.ConcatenatedKey("cgrates.org", "call", "*out", "dan", "dan")
	charger1 := utils.DerivedChargers{
		&utils.DerivedCharger{RunId: "extra1", ReqTypeField: "^prepaid", DirectionField: "*default", TenantField: "*default", CategoryField: "*default",
			AccountField: "rif", SubjectField: "rif", DestinationField: "*default", SetupTimeField: "*default", AnswerTimeField: "*default", UsageField: "*default"},
		&utils.DerivedCharger{RunId: "extra2", ReqTypeField: "*default", DirectionField: "*default", TenantField: "*default", CategoryField: "*default",
			AccountField: "ivo", SubjectField: "ivo", DestinationField: "*default", SetupTimeField: "*default", AnswerTimeField: "*default", UsageField: "*default"},
	if err := rds.SetDerivedChargers(keyCharger1, charger1); err != nil {
		t.Error("Error on setting DerivedChargers", err.Error())
	// Try retrieving from cache, should not be in yet
	if _, err := rds.GetDerivedChargers(keyCharger1, false); err == nil {
		t.Error("DerivedCharger should not be in the cache")
	// Retrieve from db
	if rcvCharger, err := rds.GetDerivedChargers(keyCharger1, true); err != nil {
		t.Error("Error when retrieving DerivedCHarger", err.Error())
	} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(rcvCharger, charger1) {
		t.Errorf("Expecting %v, received: %v", charger1, rcvCharger)
	// Retrieve from cache
	if rcvCharger, err := rds.GetDerivedChargers(keyCharger1, false); err != nil {
		t.Error("Error when retrieving DerivedCHarger", err.Error())
	} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(rcvCharger, charger1) {
		t.Errorf("Expecting %v, received: %v", charger1, rcvCharger)
Пример #13
func TestUsersAddIndex(t *testing.T) {
	var r string
	testMap.AddIndex([]string{"t"}, &r)
	if r != utils.OK ||
		len(testMap.index) != 1 ||
		len(testMap.index[utils.ConcatenatedKey("t", "v")]) != 5 {
		t.Error("error adding index: ", testMap.index)
Пример #14
func (al *Alias) SetReverseCache() {
	for _, value := range al.Values {
		for target, pairs := range value.Pairs {
			for _, alias := range pairs {
				rKey := strings.Join([]string{utils.REVERSE_ALIASES_PREFIX, alias, target, al.Context}, "")
				CachePush(rKey, utils.ConcatenatedKey(al.GetId(), value.DestinationId))
Пример #15
func TestUsersAddIndexFull(t *testing.T) {
	var r string
	testMap.index = make(map[string]map[string]bool) // reset index
	testMap.AddIndex([]string{"t", "x", "UserName", "Tenant"}, &r)
	if r != utils.OK ||
		len(testMap.index) != 7 ||
		len(testMap.index[utils.ConcatenatedKey("t", "v")]) != 5 {
		t.Error("error adding index: ", testMap.index)
Пример #16
func (self *ApierV1) AddBalance(attr *AttrAddBalance, reply *string) error {
	expTime, err := utils.ParseDate(attr.ExpiryTime)
	if err != nil {
		*reply = err.Error()
		return err
	tag := utils.ConcatenatedKey(attr.Direction, attr.Tenant, attr.Account)
	if _, err := self.AccountDb.GetAccount(tag); err != nil {
		// create user balance if not exists
		account := &engine.Account{
			Id: tag,
		if err := self.AccountDb.SetAccount(account); err != nil {
			*reply = err.Error()
			return err
	at := &engine.ActionPlan{
		AccountIds: []string{tag},
	if attr.Direction == "" {
		attr.Direction = engine.OUTBOUND
	aType := engine.DEBIT
	// reverse the sign as it is a debit
	attr.Value = -attr.Value

	if attr.Overwrite {
		aType = engine.DEBIT_RESET
			ActionType:  aType,
			BalanceType: attr.BalanceType,
			Direction:   attr.Direction,
			Balance: &engine.Balance{
				Uuid:           attr.BalanceUuid,
				Id:             attr.BalanceId,
				Value:          attr.Value,
				ExpirationDate: expTime,
				RatingSubject:  attr.RatingSubject,
				DestinationIds: attr.DestinationId,
				Weight:         attr.Weight,
				SharedGroup:    attr.SharedGroup,
				Disabled:       attr.Disabled,
	if err := at.Execute(); err != nil {
		*reply = err.Error()
		return err
	*reply = OK
	return nil
Пример #17
func (self *ApierV1) GetAccounts(attr utils.AttrGetAccounts, reply *[]*engine.Account) error {
	if len(attr.Tenant) == 0 {
		return utils.NewErrMandatoryIeMissing("Tenanat")
	if len(attr.Direction) == 0 {
		attr.Direction = utils.OUT
	var accountKeys []string
	var err error
	if len(attr.AccountIds) == 0 {
		if accountKeys, err = self.AccountDb.GetKeysForPrefix(utils.ACCOUNT_PREFIX + utils.ConcatenatedKey(attr.Direction, attr.Tenant)); err != nil {
			return err
	} else {
		for _, acntId := range attr.AccountIds {
			if len(acntId) == 0 { // Source of error returned from redis (key not found)
			accountKeys = append(accountKeys, utils.ACCOUNT_PREFIX+utils.ConcatenatedKey(attr.Direction, attr.Tenant, acntId))
	if len(accountKeys) == 0 {
		return nil
	var limitedAccounts []string
	if attr.Limit != 0 {
		max := math.Min(float64(attr.Offset+attr.Limit), float64(len(accountKeys)))
		limitedAccounts = accountKeys[attr.Offset:int(max)]
	} else {
		limitedAccounts = accountKeys[attr.Offset:]
	retAccounts := make([]*engine.Account, 0)
	for _, acntKey := range limitedAccounts {
		if acnt, err := self.AccountDb.GetAccount(acntKey[len(utils.ACCOUNT_PREFIX):]); err != nil && err != utils.ErrNotFound { // Not found is not an error here
			return err
		} else if acnt != nil {
			retAccounts = append(retAccounts, acnt)
	*reply = retAccounts
	return nil
Пример #18
func (al *Alias) RemoveReverseCache() {
	for _, value := range al.Values {
		tmpKey := utils.ConcatenatedKey(al.GetId(), value.DestinationId)
		for target, pairs := range value.Pairs {
			for _, alias := range pairs {
				rKey := utils.REVERSE_ALIASES_PREFIX + alias + target + al.Context
				CachePop(rKey, tmpKey)
Пример #19
func TestSetAccounts(t *testing.T) {
	cgrTenant := "cgrates.org"
	iscTenant := "itsyscom.com"
	b10 := &engine.Balance{Value: 10, Weight: 10}
	cgrAcnt1 := &engine.Account{Id: utils.ConcatenatedKey(cgrTenant, "account1"),
		BalanceMap: map[string]engine.BalanceChain{utils.MONETARY + utils.OUT: engine.BalanceChain{b10}}}
	cgrAcnt2 := &engine.Account{Id: utils.ConcatenatedKey(cgrTenant, "account2"),
		BalanceMap: map[string]engine.BalanceChain{utils.MONETARY + utils.OUT: engine.BalanceChain{b10}}}
	cgrAcnt3 := &engine.Account{Id: utils.ConcatenatedKey(cgrTenant, "account3"),
		BalanceMap: map[string]engine.BalanceChain{utils.MONETARY + utils.OUT: engine.BalanceChain{b10}}}
	iscAcnt1 := &engine.Account{Id: utils.ConcatenatedKey(iscTenant, "account1"),
		BalanceMap: map[string]engine.BalanceChain{utils.MONETARY + utils.OUT: engine.BalanceChain{b10}}}
	iscAcnt2 := &engine.Account{Id: utils.ConcatenatedKey(iscTenant, "account2"),
		BalanceMap: map[string]engine.BalanceChain{utils.MONETARY + utils.OUT: engine.BalanceChain{b10}}}
	for _, account := range []*engine.Account{cgrAcnt1, cgrAcnt2, cgrAcnt3, iscAcnt1, iscAcnt2} {
		if err := apierAcntsAcntStorage.SetAccount(account); err != nil {
Пример #20
func (rs *RedisStorage) SetReverseAlias(al *Alias, transactionID string) (err error) {
	for _, value := range al.Values {
		for target, pairs := range value.Pairs {
			for _, alias := range pairs {
				rKey := strings.Join([]string{utils.REVERSE_ALIASES_PREFIX, alias, target, al.Context}, "")
				id := utils.ConcatenatedKey(al.GetId(), value.DestinationId)
				if err = rs.Cmd("SADD", rKey, id).Err; err != nil {
Пример #21
func TestStorageCacheGetReverseAliases(t *testing.T) {
	ala := &Alias{
		Direction: "*out",
		Tenant:    "vdf",
		Category:  "0",
		Account:   "b1",
		Subject:   "b1",
		Context:   utils.ALIAS_CONTEXT_RATING,
	alb := &Alias{
		Direction: "*out",
		Tenant:    "vdf",
		Category:  "0",
		Account:   "b1",
		Subject:   "b1",
		Context:   "*other",
	if x, err := cache2go.Get(utils.REVERSE_ALIASES_PREFIX + "aaa" + "Subject" + utils.ALIAS_CONTEXT_RATING); err == nil {
		aliasKeys := x.(map[string]bool)
		_, found := aliasKeys[utils.ConcatenatedKey(ala.GetId(), utils.ANY)]
		if !found {
			t.Error("Error getting reverse alias: ", aliasKeys, ala.GetId()+utils.ANY)
	} else {
		t.Error("Error getting reverse alias: ", err)
	if x, err := cache2go.Get(utils.REVERSE_ALIASES_PREFIX + "aaa" + "Account" + "*other"); err == nil {
		aliasKeys := x.(map[string]bool)
		_, found := aliasKeys[utils.ConcatenatedKey(alb.GetId(), utils.ANY)]
		if !found {
			t.Error("Error getting reverse alias: ", aliasKeys)
	} else {
		t.Error("Error getting reverse alias: ", err)
Пример #22
func TestResponderGetSessionRuns(t *testing.T) {
	testTenant := "vdf"
	cdr := &CDR{CGRID: utils.Sha1("dsafdsaf", time.Date(2013, 11, 7, 8, 42, 26, 0, time.UTC).String()), OrderID: 123, ToR: utils.VOICE, OriginID: "dsafdsaf",
		OriginHost: "", Source: "test", RequestType: utils.META_PREPAID, Direction: "*out", Tenant: testTenant, Category: "call", Account: "dan2", Subject: "dan2",
		Destination: "1002", SetupTime: time.Date(2013, 11, 7, 8, 42, 26, 0, time.UTC), PDD: 3 * time.Second,
		AnswerTime: time.Date(2013, 11, 7, 8, 42, 26, 0, time.UTC), Supplier: "suppl1",
		RunID: utils.DEFAULT_RUNID, Usage: time.Duration(10) * time.Second,
		ExtraFields: map[string]string{"field_extr1": "val_extr1", "fieldextr2": "valextr2"}, Cost: 1.01}
	keyCharger1 := utils.ConcatenatedKey("*out", testTenant, "call", "dan2", "dan2")
	dfDC := &utils.DerivedCharger{RunID: utils.DEFAULT_RUNID, RequestTypeField: utils.META_DEFAULT, DirectionField: utils.META_DEFAULT, TenantField: utils.META_DEFAULT,
		CategoryField: utils.META_DEFAULT, AccountField: utils.META_DEFAULT, SubjectField: utils.META_DEFAULT, DestinationField: utils.META_DEFAULT,
		SetupTimeField: utils.META_DEFAULT, PDDField: utils.META_DEFAULT, AnswerTimeField: utils.META_DEFAULT, UsageField: utils.META_DEFAULT, SupplierField: utils.META_DEFAULT,
		DisconnectCauseField: utils.META_DEFAULT, CostField: utils.META_DEFAULT, RatedField: utils.META_DEFAULT}
	extra1DC := &utils.DerivedCharger{RunID: "extra1", RequestTypeField: "^" + utils.META_PREPAID, DirectionField: utils.META_DEFAULT, TenantField: utils.META_DEFAULT,
		CategoryField: "^0", AccountField: "^minitsboy", SubjectField: "^rif", DestinationField: "^0256",
		SetupTimeField: utils.META_DEFAULT, PDDField: utils.META_DEFAULT, AnswerTimeField: utils.META_DEFAULT, UsageField: utils.META_DEFAULT, SupplierField: utils.META_DEFAULT}
	extra2DC := &utils.DerivedCharger{RunID: "extra2", RequestTypeField: utils.META_DEFAULT, DirectionField: utils.META_DEFAULT, TenantField: utils.META_DEFAULT,
		CategoryField: utils.META_DEFAULT, AccountField: "^ivo", SubjectField: "^ivo", DestinationField: utils.META_DEFAULT,
		SetupTimeField: utils.META_DEFAULT, AnswerTimeField: utils.META_DEFAULT, UsageField: utils.META_DEFAULT, SupplierField: utils.META_DEFAULT}
	extra3DC := &utils.DerivedCharger{RunID: "extra3", RequestTypeField: "^" + utils.META_PSEUDOPREPAID, DirectionField: utils.META_DEFAULT, TenantField: utils.META_DEFAULT,
		CategoryField: "^0", AccountField: "^minu", SubjectField: "^rif", DestinationField: "^0256",
		SetupTimeField: utils.META_DEFAULT, PDDField: utils.META_DEFAULT, AnswerTimeField: utils.META_DEFAULT, UsageField: utils.META_DEFAULT, SupplierField: utils.META_DEFAULT,
		DisconnectCauseField: utils.META_DEFAULT}
	charger1 := &utils.DerivedChargers{Chargers: []*utils.DerivedCharger{extra1DC, extra2DC, extra3DC}}
	if err := ratingStorage.SetDerivedChargers(keyCharger1, charger1); err != nil {
		t.Error("Error on setting DerivedChargers", err.Error())
	sesRuns := make([]*SessionRun, 0)
	eSRuns := []*SessionRun{
		&SessionRun{DerivedCharger: extra1DC,
			CallDescriptor: &CallDescriptor{CgrID: utils.Sha1("dsafdsaf", time.Date(2013, 11, 7, 8, 42, 26, 0, time.UTC).String()), RunID: "extra1", Direction: "*out", Category: "0",
				Tenant: "vdf", Subject: "rif", Account: "minitsboy", Destination: "0256", TimeStart: time.Date(2013, 11, 7, 8, 42, 26, 0, time.UTC), TimeEnd: time.Date(2013, 11, 7, 8, 42, 36, 0, time.UTC), TOR: utils.VOICE, ExtraFields: map[string]string{"field_extr1": "val_extr1", "fieldextr2": "valextr2"}}},
		&SessionRun{DerivedCharger: extra2DC,
			CallDescriptor: &CallDescriptor{CgrID: utils.Sha1("dsafdsaf", time.Date(2013, 11, 7, 8, 42, 26, 0, time.UTC).String()), RunID: "extra2", Direction: "*out", Category: "call",
				Tenant: "vdf", Subject: "ivo", Account: "ivo", Destination: "1002", TimeStart: time.Date(2013, 11, 7, 8, 42, 26, 0, time.UTC), TimeEnd: time.Date(2013, 11, 7, 8, 42, 36, 0, time.UTC), TOR: utils.VOICE, ExtraFields: map[string]string{"field_extr1": "val_extr1", "fieldextr2": "valextr2"}}},
		&SessionRun{DerivedCharger: dfDC,
			CallDescriptor: &CallDescriptor{CgrID: utils.Sha1("dsafdsaf", time.Date(2013, 11, 7, 8, 42, 26, 0, time.UTC).String()), RunID: "*default", Direction: "*out", Category: "call",
				Tenant: "vdf", Subject: "dan2", Account: "dan2", Destination: "1002", TimeStart: time.Date(2013, 11, 7, 8, 42, 26, 0, time.UTC), TimeEnd: time.Date(2013, 11, 7, 8, 42, 36, 0, time.UTC), TOR: utils.VOICE, ExtraFields: map[string]string{"field_extr1": "val_extr1", "fieldextr2": "valextr2"}}}}
	if err := rsponder.GetSessionRuns(cdr, &sesRuns); err != nil {
	} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(eSRuns, sesRuns) {
		for _, sr := range sesRuns {
			t.Logf("sr cd: %s", utils.ToIJSON(sr.CallDescriptor))
		t.Errorf("Expecting: %+v, received: %+v", eSRuns, sesRuns)
Пример #23
func (al *Alias) GenerateIds() []string {
	var result []string
	result = append(result, utils.ConcatenatedKey(al.Direction, al.Tenant, al.Category, al.Account, al.Subject, al.Context))
	result = append(result, utils.ConcatenatedKey(al.Direction, al.Tenant, al.Category, al.Account, utils.ANY, al.Context))
	result = append(result, utils.ConcatenatedKey(al.Direction, al.Tenant, al.Category, utils.ANY, utils.ANY, al.Context))
	result = append(result, utils.ConcatenatedKey(al.Direction, al.Tenant, utils.ANY, utils.ANY, utils.ANY, al.Context))
	result = append(result, utils.ConcatenatedKey(al.Direction, utils.ANY, utils.ANY, utils.ANY, utils.ANY, al.Context))
	result = append(result, utils.ConcatenatedKey(utils.ANY, utils.ANY, utils.ANY, utils.ANY, al.Context))
	return result
Пример #24
func (rs *RedisStorage) SetReqFilterIndexes(dbKey string, indexes map[string]map[string]utils.StringMap) (err error) {
	if err = rs.Cmd("DEL", dbKey).Err; err != nil { // DELETE before set
	mp := make(map[string]string)
	for fldName, fldValMp := range indexes {
		for fldVal, strMp := range fldValMp {
			if encodedMp, err := rs.ms.Marshal(strMp); err != nil {
				return err
			} else {
				mp[utils.ConcatenatedKey(fldName, fldVal)] = string(encodedMp)
	return rs.Cmd("HMSET", dbKey, mp).Err
Пример #25
func testOnStorITCacheReverseAlias(t *testing.T) {
	als := &Alias{
		Direction: "*out",
		Tenant:    "itsyscom.com",
		Category:  "call",
		Account:   "dan",
		Subject:   "dan",
		Context:   "*rating",
		Values: AliasValues{
				DestinationId: "EU",
				Pairs: AliasPairs{
					"Account": map[string]string{
						"dan": "dan1",
						"rif": "rif1",
					"Calling": map[string]string{
						"11234": "2234",
				Weight: 10,

				DestinationId: "US",
				Pairs:         AliasPairs{"Account": map[string]string{"dan": "dan2"}},
				Weight:        20,
	if err := onStor.SetReverseAlias(als, utils.NonTransactional); err != nil {
	rvAlsID := strings.Join([]string{als.Values[1].Pairs["Account"]["dan"], "Account", als.Context}, "")
	if _, hasIt := cache.Get(utils.REVERSE_ALIASES_PREFIX + rvAlsID); hasIt {
		t.Error("Already in cache")
	if err := onStor.CacheDataFromDB(utils.REVERSE_ALIASES_PREFIX, []string{rvAlsID}, false); err != nil {
	eRvrsAls := []string{utils.ConcatenatedKey(als.GetId(), als.Values[1].DestinationId)}
	if itm, hasIt := cache.Get(utils.REVERSE_ALIASES_PREFIX + rvAlsID); !hasIt {
		t.Error("Did not cache")
	} else if rcv := itm.([]string); !reflect.DeepEqual(eRvrsAls, rcv) {
		t.Errorf("Expecting: %+v, received: %+v", eRvrsAls, rcv)
Пример #26
func (ms *MapStorage) SetReverseAlias(al *Alias, transactionID string) (err error) {
	cCommit := cacheCommit(transactionID)
	for _, value := range al.Values {
		for target, pairs := range value.Pairs {
			for _, alias := range pairs {
				rKey := strings.Join([]string{utils.REVERSE_ALIASES_PREFIX, alias, target, al.Context}, "")
				id := utils.ConcatenatedKey(al.GetId(), value.DestinationId)
				ms.dict.sadd(rKey, id, ms.ms)

				cache.RemKey(rKey, cCommit, transactionID)
Пример #27
func (self *ApierV1) EnableDisableBalance(attr *AttrAddBalance, reply *string) error {
	if missing := utils.MissingStructFields(attr, []string{"Tenant", "Account", "BalanceType"}); len(missing) != 0 {
		return utils.NewErrMandatoryIeMissing(missing...)
	expTime, err := utils.ParseTimeDetectLayout(attr.ExpiryTime, self.Config.DefaultTimezone)
	if err != nil {
		*reply = err.Error()
		return err
	accID := utils.ConcatenatedKey(attr.Tenant, attr.Account)
	if _, err := self.AccountDb.GetAccount(accID); err != nil {
		return utils.ErrNotFound
	at := &engine.ActionTiming{}
	at.SetAccountIDs(utils.StringMap{accID: true})

			ActionType:  engine.ENABLE_DISABLE_BALANCE,
			BalanceType: attr.BalanceType,
			Balance: &engine.Balance{
				Uuid:           attr.BalanceUuid,
				Id:             attr.BalanceId,
				Value:          attr.Value,
				ExpirationDate: expTime,
				RatingSubject:  attr.RatingSubject,
				Categories:     utils.ParseStringMap(attr.Categories),
				Directions:     utils.ParseStringMap(attr.Directions),
				DestinationIds: utils.ParseStringMap(attr.DestinationIds),
				Weight:         attr.Weight,
				SharedGroups:   utils.ParseStringMap(attr.SharedGroups),
				TimingIDs:      utils.ParseStringMap(attr.TimingIds),
				Blocker:        attr.Blocker,
				Disabled:       attr.Disabled,
	if err := at.Execute(); err != nil {
		*reply = err.Error()
		return err
	*reply = OK
	return nil
Пример #28
func (ms *MongoStorage) SetReverseAlias(al *Alias, transactionID string) (err error) {
	session, col := ms.conn(colRls)
	defer session.Close()
	cCommit := cacheCommit(transactionID)
	for _, value := range al.Values {
		for target, pairs := range value.Pairs {
			for _, alias := range pairs {
				rKey := strings.Join([]string{alias, target, al.Context}, "")
				id := utils.ConcatenatedKey(al.GetId(), value.DestinationId)
				_, err = col.Upsert(bson.M{"key": rKey}, bson.M{"$addToSet": bson.M{"value": id}})
				if err != nil {
				cache2go.RemKey(rKey, cCommit, transactionID)
Пример #29
func (ms *MongoStorage) GetAlias(key string, skipCache bool) (al *Alias, err error) {
	origKey := key
	key = utils.ALIASES_PREFIX + key
	if !skipCache {
		if x, err := cache2go.Get(key); err == nil {
			al = &Alias{Values: x.(AliasValues)}
			return al, nil
		} else {
			return nil, err
	var kv struct {
		Key   string
		Value AliasValues
	if err = ms.db.C(colAls).Find(bson.M{"key": origKey}).One(&kv); err == nil {
		al = &Alias{Values: kv.Value}
		if err == nil {
			cache2go.Cache(key, al.Values)
			// cache reverse alias
			for _, value := range al.Values {
				for target, pairs := range value.Pairs {
					for _, alias := range pairs {
						var existingKeys map[string]bool
						rKey := utils.REVERSE_ALIASES_PREFIX + alias + target + al.Context
						if x, err := cache2go.Get(rKey); err == nil {
							existingKeys = x.(map[string]bool)
						} else {
							existingKeys = make(map[string]bool)
						existingKeys[utils.ConcatenatedKey(origKey, value.DestinationId)] = true
						cache2go.Cache(rKey, existingKeys)
Пример #30
func (self *ApierV1) EnableDisableBalance(attr *AttrAddBalance, reply *string) error {
	expTime, err := utils.ParseDate(attr.ExpiryTime)
	if err != nil {
		*reply = err.Error()
		return err
	tag := utils.ConcatenatedKey(attr.Direction, attr.Tenant, attr.Account)
	if _, err := self.AccountDb.GetAccount(tag); err != nil {
		return utils.ErrNotFound
	at := &engine.ActionPlan{
		AccountIds: []string{tag},
	if attr.Direction == "" {
		attr.Direction = utils.OUT
			ActionType:  engine.ENABLE_DISABLE_BALANCE,
			BalanceType: attr.BalanceType,
			Direction:   attr.Direction,
			Balance: &engine.Balance{
				Uuid:           attr.BalanceUuid,
				Id:             attr.BalanceId,
				Value:          attr.Value,
				ExpirationDate: expTime,
				RatingSubject:  attr.RatingSubject,
				DestinationIds: attr.DestinationId,
				Weight:         attr.Weight,
				SharedGroup:    attr.SharedGroup,
				Disabled:       attr.Disabled,
	if err := at.Execute(); err != nil {
		*reply = err.Error()
		return err
	*reply = OK
	return nil