Пример #1
func initResources() {
	var err error
	// Load shaders
	vs, err = createShader("triangle.v.glsl", VertexShaderType)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Shader: %s\n", err)
	fs, err = createShader("triangle.f.glsl", FragmentShaderType)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Shader: %s\n", err)

	// Create GLSL program with loaded shaders
	var compileOk gl.Int
	program = gl.CreateProgram()
	gl.AttachShader(program, vs)
	gl.AttachShader(program, fs)
	gl.GetProgramiv(program, gl.LINK_STATUS, &compileOk)
	if compileOk == 0 {
		fmt.Printf("Error in program.\n")

	// Generate a buffer for the VertexBufferObject
	gl.GenBuffers(1, &vboTriangle)
	gl.BindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vboTriangle)
	// Submit the vertices of the triangle to the graphic card
	gl.BufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, gl.Sizeiptr(len(triangleVertices)*4), gl.Pointer(&triangleVertices[0]), gl.STATIC_DRAW)
	// Unset the active buffer
	gl.BindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0)

	// Generate a buffer for the Color-VBO
	gl.GenBuffers(1, &vboTriangleColors)
	gl.BindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vboTriangleColors)
	gl.BufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, gl.Sizeiptr(len(triangleColors)*4), gl.Pointer(&triangleColors[0]), gl.STATIC_DRAW)
	gl.BindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0)

	// Get the attribute location from the GLSL program (here from the vertex shader)
	attributeName := gl.GLString("coord2d")
	defer gl.GLStringFree(attributeName)
	attributeTemp := gl.GetAttribLocation(program, attributeName)
	if attributeTemp == -1 {
		fmt.Printf("Could not bind attribute %s\n", gl.GoString(attributeName))
	attributeCoord2d = gl.Uint(attributeTemp)

	attributeName = gl.GLString("v_color")
	defer gl.GLStringFree(attributeName)
	attributeTemp = gl.GetAttribLocation(program, attributeName)
	if attributeTemp == -1 {
		fmt.Printf("Could not bind attribute %s\n", gl.GoString(attributeName))
	attributeColor = gl.Uint(attributeTemp)
Пример #2
func (p *Program) GetAttributeLocation(name string) (*AttributeLocation, error) {
	attributeName := gl.GLString(name)
	defer gl.GLStringFree(attributeName)
	attributeTemp := gl.GetAttribLocation(p.id, attributeName)
	if attributeTemp == -1 {
		return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Could not bind attribute %s\n", gl.GoString(attributeName)))

	return &AttributeLocation{id: gl.Uint(attributeTemp)}, nil
Пример #3
func initResources() {
	var compileOk gl.Int
	// Vertex Shader
	vs = gl.CreateShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER)
	vsSrc := gl.GLStringArray(vsSource)
	defer gl.GLStringArrayFree(vsSrc)
	gl.ShaderSource(vs, gl.Sizei(len(vsSrc)), &vsSrc[0], nil)
	gl.GetShaderiv(vs, gl.COMPILE_STATUS, &compileOk)
	if compileOk == 0 {
		errNum := gl.GetError()
		fmt.Printf("Error in vertex shader: %d\n", errNum)

	// Fragment Shader
	fs = gl.CreateShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER)
	fsSrc := gl.GLStringArray(fsSource)
	defer gl.GLStringArrayFree(fsSrc)
	gl.ShaderSource(fs, gl.Sizei(1), &fsSrc[0], nil)
	gl.GetShaderiv(fs, gl.COMPILE_STATUS, &compileOk)
	if compileOk == 0 {
		errNum := gl.GetError()
		fmt.Printf("Error in fragment shader: %d\n", errNum)

	// GLSL program
	program = gl.CreateProgram()
	gl.AttachShader(program, vs)
	gl.AttachShader(program, fs)
	gl.GetProgramiv(program, gl.LINK_STATUS, &compileOk)
	if compileOk == 0 {
		fmt.Printf("Error in program.\n")


	// Get the attribute location from the GLSL program (here from the vertex shader)
	attributeName := gl.GLString("coord2d")
	defer gl.GLStringFree(attributeName)
	attributeTemp := gl.GetAttribLocation(program, attributeName)
	if attributeTemp == -1 {
		fmt.Printf("Could not bind attribute %s\n", gl.GoString(attributeName))
	attributeCoord2d = gl.Uint(attributeTemp)