Пример #1
func findCommand(cmdName string) (cmd cli.Command) {
	fakeUI := &testterm.FakeUI{}
	configRepo := testconfig.NewRepository()
	pluginConfig := &testPluginConfig.FakePluginConfiguration{}
	manifestRepo := manifest.NewManifestDiskRepository()
	apiRepoLocator := api.NewRepositoryLocator(configRepo, map[string]net.Gateway{
		"auth":             net.NewUAAGateway(configRepo, fakeUI),
		"cloud-controller": net.NewCloudControllerGateway(configRepo, time.Now, fakeUI),
		"uaa":              net.NewUAAGateway(configRepo, fakeUI),

	rpcService, _ := rpc.NewRpcService(nil, nil, nil, nil, api.RepositoryLocator{}, nil)
	cmdFactory := command_factory.NewFactory(fakeUI, configRepo, manifestRepo, apiRepoLocator, pluginConfig, rpcService)
	requirementsFactory := &testreq.FakeReqFactory{}
	cmdRunner := command_runner.NewRunner(cmdFactory, requirementsFactory, fakeUI)
	myApp := app.NewApp(cmdRunner, cmdFactory.CommandMetadatas()...)

	for _, cmd := range myApp.Commands {
		if cmd.Name == cmdName {
			return cmd
	panic(fmt.Sprintf("command %s does not exist", cmdName))
Пример #2
func newCliRpcServer(outputCapture terminal.OutputCapture, terminalOutputSwitch terminal.TerminalOutputSwitch) *rpc.CliRpcService {
	cliServer, err := rpc.NewRpcService(outputCapture, terminalOutputSwitch, deps.Config, deps.RepoLocator, rpc.NewNonCodegangstaRunner())
	if err != nil {
		deps.Ui.Say(T("Error initializing RPC service: ") + err.Error())

	return cliServer
Пример #3
func newCliRpcServer(outputCapture terminal.OutputCapture, terminalOutputSwitch terminal.TerminalOutputSwitch) *rpc.CliRpcService {
	cliServer, err := rpc.NewRpcService(nil, outputCapture, terminalOutputSwitch, deps.configRepo)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error initializing RPC service: ", err)

	return cliServer
Пример #4
func createCommandFactory() command_factory.Factory {
	fakeUI := &testterm.FakeUI{}
	configRepo := testconfig.NewRepository()
	pluginConfig := &testPluginConfig.FakePluginConfiguration{}

	manifestRepo := manifest.NewManifestDiskRepository()
	apiRepoLocator := api.NewRepositoryLocator(configRepo, map[string]net.Gateway{
		"auth":             net.NewUAAGateway(configRepo, fakeUI),
		"cloud-controller": net.NewCloudControllerGateway(configRepo, time.Now, fakeUI),
		"uaa":              net.NewUAAGateway(configRepo, fakeUI),

	rpcService, _ := rpc.NewRpcService(nil, nil, nil, nil)
	return command_factory.NewFactory(fakeUI, configRepo, manifestRepo, apiRepoLocator, pluginConfig, rpcService)
Пример #5
func (cmd *PluginUninstall) SetDependency(deps commandregistry.Dependency, pluginCall bool) commandregistry.Command {
	cmd.ui = deps.UI
	cmd.config = deps.PluginConfig

	//reset rpc registration in case there is other running instance,
	//each service can only be registered once
	server := rpc.NewServer()

	RPCService, err := rpcService.NewRpcService(deps.TeePrinter, deps.TeePrinter, deps.Config, deps.RepoLocator, rpcService.NewCommandRunner(), deps.Logger, cmd.ui.Writer(), server)
	if err != nil {
		cmd.ui.Failed("Error initializing RPC service: " + err.Error())

	cmd.rpcService = RPCService

	return cmd
Пример #6
func (cmd *PluginUninstall) SetDependency(deps command_registry.Dependency, pluginCall bool) command_registry.Command {
	cmd.ui = deps.Ui
	cmd.config = deps.PluginConfig

	//reset rpc registration in case there is other running instance,
	//each service can only be registered once
	rpc.DefaultServer = rpc.NewServer()

	rpcService, err := rpcService.NewRpcService(nil, deps.TeePrinter, deps.TeePrinter, deps.Config, deps.RepoLocator, rpcService.NewNonCodegangstaRunner())
	if err != nil {
		cmd.ui.Failed("Error initializing RPC service: " + err.Error())

	cmd.rpcService = rpcService

	return cmd
Пример #7
		cmdRunner *FakeRunner

	JustBeforeEach(func() {
		ui := &testterm.FakeUI{}
		config := testconfig.NewRepository()
		pluginConfig := &testPluginConfig.FakePluginConfiguration{}
		manifestRepo := &testmanifest.FakeManifestRepository{}

		repoLocator := api.NewRepositoryLocator(config, map[string]net.Gateway{
			"auth":             net.NewUAAGateway(config, ui),
			"cloud-controller": net.NewCloudControllerGateway(config, time.Now, &testterm.FakeUI{}),
			"uaa":              net.NewUAAGateway(config, ui),

		rpcService, _ := rpc.NewRpcService(nil, nil, nil, nil, api.RepositoryLocator{}, nil)
		cmdFactory := command_factory.NewFactory(ui, config, manifestRepo, repoLocator, pluginConfig, rpcService)
		cmdRunner = &FakeRunner{cmdFactory: cmdFactory}
		app = NewApp(cmdRunner, cmdFactory.CommandMetadatas()...)

	Describe("trace file integration", func() {
		var (
			output *bytes.Buffer

		BeforeEach(func() {
			output = bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 1024))
Пример #8
func Main(traceEnv string, args []string) {

	//handle `cf -v` for cf version
	if len(args) == 2 && (args[1] == "-v" || args[1] == "--version") {
		args[1] = "version"

	//handles `cf`
	if len(args) == 1 {
		args = []string{args[0], "help"}

	//handles `cf [COMMAND] -h ...`
	//rearrange args to `cf help COMMAND` and let `command help` to print out usage
	args = append([]string{args[0]}, handleHelp(args[1:])...)

	newArgs, isVerbose := handleVerbose(args)
	args = newArgs

	errFunc := func(err error) {
		if err != nil {
			ui := terminal.NewUI(
				trace.NewLogger(Writer, isVerbose, traceEnv, ""),
			ui.Failed(fmt.Sprintf("Config error: %s", err))

	// Only used to get Trace, so our errorHandler doesn't matter, since it's not used
	configPath, err := confighelpers.DefaultFilePath()
	if err != nil {
	config := coreconfig.NewRepositoryFromFilepath(configPath, errFunc)
	defer config.Close()

	traceConfigVal := config.Trace()

	// Writer is assigned in writer_unix.go/writer_windows.go
	traceLogger := trace.NewLogger(Writer, isVerbose, traceEnv, traceConfigVal)

	deps := commandregistry.NewDependency(Writer, traceLogger, os.Getenv("CF_DIAL_TIMEOUT"))
	defer handlePanics(args, deps.TeePrinter, deps.Logger)
	defer deps.Config.Close()

	//handle `cf --build`
	if len(args) == 2 && (args[1] == "--build" || args[1] == "-b") {
		deps.UI.Say(T("{{.CFName}} was built with Go version: {{.GoVersion}}",
				"CFName":    args[0],
				"GoVersion": runtime.Version(),

	warningProducers := []net.WarningProducer{}
	for _, warningProducer := range deps.Gateways {
		warningProducers = append(warningProducers, warningProducer)

	warningsCollector := net.NewWarningsCollector(deps.UI, warningProducers...)


	//run core command
	cmdName := args[1]
	cmd := cmdRegistry.FindCommand(cmdName)
	if cmd != nil {
		meta := cmd.MetaData()
		flagContext := flags.NewFlagContext(meta.Flags)

		cmdArgs := args[2:]
		err = flagContext.Parse(cmdArgs...)
		if err != nil {
			usage := cmdRegistry.CommandUsage(cmdName)
			deps.UI.Failed(T("Incorrect Usage") + "\n\n" + err.Error() + "\n\n" + usage)

		cmd = cmd.SetDependency(deps, false)

		requirementsFactory := requirements.NewFactory(deps.Config, deps.RepoLocator)
		reqs := cmd.Requirements(requirementsFactory, flagContext)

		for _, req := range reqs {
			err = req.Execute()
			if err != nil {

		err = cmd.Execute(flagContext)
		if err != nil {
			ui := terminal.NewUI(os.Stdin, Writer, terminal.NewTeePrinter(Writer), traceLogger)



	//non core command, try plugin command
	server := netrpc.NewServer()
	rpcService, err := rpc.NewRpcService(deps.TeePrinter, deps.TeePrinter, deps.Config, deps.RepoLocator, rpc.NewCommandRunner(), deps.Logger, Writer, server)
	if err != nil {
		deps.UI.Say(T("Error initializing RPC service: ") + err.Error())

	pluginPath := filepath.Join(confighelpers.PluginRepoDir(), ".cf", "plugins")
	pluginConfig := pluginconfig.NewPluginConfig(
		func(err error) {
			deps.UI.Failed(fmt.Sprintf("Error read/writing plugin config: %s, ", err.Error()))
		configuration.NewDiskPersistor(filepath.Join(pluginPath, "config.json")),
	pluginList := pluginConfig.Plugins()

	ran := rpc.RunMethodIfExists(rpcService, args[1:], pluginList)
	if !ran {
		deps.UI.Say("'" + args[1] + T("' is not a registered command. See 'cf help'"))
		suggestCommands(cmdName, deps.UI, append(cmdRegistry.ListCommands(), pluginConfig.ListCommands()...))
Пример #9
	var (
		factory Factory

	BeforeEach(func() {
		fakeUI := &testterm.FakeUI{}
		config := testconfig.NewRepository()
		manifestRepo := manifest.NewManifestDiskRepository()
		pluginConfig := &testPluginConfig.FakePluginConfiguration{}
		repoLocator := api.NewRepositoryLocator(config, map[string]net.Gateway{
			"auth":             net.NewUAAGateway(config, fakeUI),
			"cloud-controller": net.NewCloudControllerGateway(config, time.Now, fakeUI),
			"uaa":              net.NewUAAGateway(config, fakeUI),

		rpcService, _ := rpc.NewRpcService(nil, nil, nil, nil)
		factory = NewFactory(fakeUI, config, manifestRepo, repoLocator, pluginConfig, rpcService)

	It("provides the metadata for its commands", func() {
		commands := factory.CommandMetadatas()

		suffixesToIgnore := []string{
			"i18n_init.go", // ignore all i18n initializers
			"_test.go",     // ignore test files
			".test",        // ignore generated .test (temporary files)
			"#",            // emacs autosave files

		err := filepath.Walk("../commands", func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
			if info.IsDir() {
Пример #10
		if runtime.GOOS != "windows" {
			err = os.Chmod(test_1, 0700)

	AfterEach(func() {
		os.Remove(filepath.Join(curDir, pluginFile.Name()))

	runCommand := func(args ...string) bool {
		//reset rpc registration, each service can only be registered once
		rpc.DefaultServer = rpc.NewServer()
		rpcService, _ := cliRpc.NewRpcService(nil, nil, nil, nil)
		cmd := NewPluginInstall(ui, config, pluginConfig, coreCmds, fakePluginRepo, fakeChecksum, rpcService)
		return testcmd.RunCommand(cmd, args, requirementsFactory)

	Describe("requirements", func() {
		It("fails with usage when not provided a path to the plugin executable", func() {

	Describe("Locating binary file", func() {

		Describe("install from plugin repository when '-r' provided", func() {
			Context("gets metadata of the plugin from repo", func() {
				Context("when repo is not found in config", func() {